Hallmark to reinstate same sex marriage commercial it pulled

So, you think anal sex is just a homosexual thing?
For the most part it is.

A lot of women enjoy anal sex. If you are not having anal sex with your wife or girlfriend perhaps you should wonder where they are getting it?
Leave it to an asshole to think every woman wants and is getting anal sex.
Leave it to the fucking moron who thinks "A lot of" means all.
Leave it to the fucking moron who lied about the post to which I replied.

Fuck off.
I don't even know which post you replied to and made no reference to it. I was responding to your idiocy 100%
You get more stupid and loathsome by the minute.
Leave it to an asshole to think every woman wants and is getting anal sex.

If the kind of "broads" that Dave goes for are Trans "women", he's speaking from his own experience.

Nope. I find that those protest the most are just trying to cover up for themselves. You protest a lot.

Let me ask you this, Dave.

Are you a Transphobe?

Would you date a "broad" who had to have her testicles waxed?
Leave it to an asshole to think every woman wants and is getting anal sex.

If the kind of "broads" that Dave goes for are Trans "women", he's speaking from his own experience.

Nope. I find that those protest the most are just trying to cover up for themselves. You protest a lot.

Let me ask you this, Dave.

Are you a Transphobe?

Would you date a "broad" who had to have her testicles waxed?
I am a heterosexual. I am not a bigoted fuck like you.

If someone wants to date a transsexual, more power to them.
It's a GAY Christmas, Charlie Brown...............
They used to call something like that age-inappropriate. Now they call it Public School sex education.

What kind of world is this generation of teachers going to hand down?

One at conflict.

This isn't new. Matter of fact, the last time it happened was barely even 100 years ago in the Weimar Republic of Germany. The gay and trans agenda was very prevalent in Germany in those times, just as it is today. They even had their own version of our modern day "Gaystapo" if you dared speak out against it. Current mainstream history tells us that the main reason the Nazis rose to power was because Germany was being crushed economically by the reparations imposed over WW1 - and while that is true, it wasn't the only reason. People were also fed up with the rampant degeneracy that was permeating German culture. Remember the Nazi book burnings? A lot of what they burned was material that promoted the gay & trans ideologies. Modern day historians like to ignore these little factoids.

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
Hitler was killing off people who had physical deformities and handicaps as well. That was in the decades before the Polio/Salk vaccines https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/salk-announces-polio-vaccine

The liberals are pushing for chaos. They want to control freak the Constitutional amendments to a watery grave. Can you imagine being put to sleep with a lethal injection for stating your disregard for someone whose bullies destroyed the World Trade Center by killing three thousand people in America. The Democrats view everything as an opportunity to decimate their political opponents. This impeachment hearing if perpetrated on into the future is not going to have a pretty end.
Very true. Most people don't know this. They called it the Cabaret Culture. The German people were sick and disgusted with the degeneracy. It's one of the reasons why Hitler rose to power. In fact, had there not been the sick culture the German people might never have accepted the third reich.

Someone who thinks that a Liza Minelli movie is history.
You know Tipsy's a Poe, right?
Leave it to an asshole to think every woman wants and is getting anal sex.

If the kind of "broads" that Dave goes for are Trans "women", he's speaking from his own experience.

Nope. I find that those protest the most are just trying to cover up for themselves. You protest a lot.

Let me ask you this, Dave.

Are you a Transphobe?

Would you date a "broad" who had to have her testicles waxed?
I am a heterosexual. I am not a bigoted fuck like you.

If someone wants to date a transsexual, more power to them.

I'm not asking about "someone" , just you.

As a "heterosexual" , do you recognize men who are transitioning as broads? Or do you see them as men, just because they have male genitalia?
My wife was a Hallmark viewer. She loved to watch those silly chick flick shows. She also has the money to buy the products that are advertised. She is probably the target market for most of the commercials.

She was pissed when she saw the queer commercial.

She was glad when Hallmark said they would pull the commercial.

Now she is back to being pissed because the idiots at Hallmark decided to go full SJW.

Hallmark is being dumbass succumbing to this SJW horseshit and it is going to cost them a lot of viwers.
So sad to hear about another fragile CRC soul. Just like all the fragile CRC souls when Cheerios had their interracial couple commercial.

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