Hallmark to reinstate same sex marriage commercial it pulled

You are making a false equivalency here, Normalcy and alternative forms of sexuality including homosexuality aren't the same. One is natural, the others are against nature. In fact, if you read old books, that's what they are usually referred to as, "Crimes against Nature".

Okay, you do realize that there is homosexuality in the animal kingdom, right? The thing that is "unnatural" is religion. Humans are the only species that think there's a magic fairy in the sky who worries about what kind of sex people are having.

Are there any homosexual animals?

Yes, people continued to smoke after it was no longer promoted on television. But the number of people doing it started to decline rapidly. Only a fraction of the people who used to smoke cigarettes still do.

Actually, quite the contrary... people continue to smoke despite the massive societal propaganda against it.
You are making a false equivalency here, Normalcy and alternative forms of sexuality including homosexuality aren't the same. One is natural, the others are against nature. In fact, if you read old books, that's what they are usually referred to as, "Crimes against Nature".

Okay, you do realize that there is homosexuality in the animal kingdom, right? The thing that is "unnatural" is religion. Humans are the only species that think there's a magic fairy in the sky who worries about what kind of sex people are having.

Are there any homosexual animals?

Yes, people continued to smoke after it was no longer promoted on television. But the number of people doing it started to decline rapidly. Only a fraction of the people who used to smoke cigarettes still do.

Actually, quite the contrary... people continue to smoke despite the massive societal propaganda against it.

The fact that there are dogs or gerbils interested in , and performing homosexuality isn't very meaningful to me. Do you really believe that people should use animals as role models for their behavioral choices? A lot of dogs will eat dog poop. Maybe that's the key in San Fran, the city fathers should encourage the homeless to eat it off the sidewalks.

The number of smokers is a lot less than it was when I was a kid and it was advertised and promoted on TV- that's my point. There were cigarette machines everywhere back in the day, people smoked in grocery stores, department stores,doctors offices, you name it.

Its the opposite with homosexuality. Before it was promoted, people who did it were discrete. They let people know of the sexual preferences on a Need to Know Basis. Nowadays, the Homosexual Flag waves proudly more places than the American flag, advertising to the people what activities they are involved in. I contend the massive propaganda and ads on TV- like this one with Hallmark- are selling the practice to the people.
You are making a false equivalency here, Normalcy and alternative forms of sexuality including homosexuality aren't the same. One is natural, the others are against nature. In fact, if you read old books, that's what they are usually referred to as, "Crimes against Nature".

Okay, you do realize that there is homosexuality in the animal kingdom, right? The thing that is "unnatural" is religion. Humans are the only species that think there's a magic fairy in the sky who worries about what kind of sex people are having.

Are there any homosexual animals?

Yes, people continued to smoke after it was no longer promoted on television. But the number of people doing it started to decline rapidly. Only a fraction of the people who used to smoke cigarettes still do.

Actually, quite the contrary... people continue to smoke despite the massive societal propaganda against it.
There is no such thing as homosexuality as an orientation in the animal kingdom. This is a popular myth but very very wrong.
You are making a false equivalency here, Normalcy and alternative forms of sexuality including homosexuality aren't the same. One is natural, the others are against nature. In fact, if you read old books, that's what they are usually referred to as, "Crimes against Nature".

Okay, you do realize that there is homosexuality in the animal kingdom, right? The thing that is "unnatural" is religion. Humans are the only species that think there's a magic fairy in the sky who worries about what kind of sex people are having.

Are there any homosexual animals?

Yes, people continued to smoke after it was no longer promoted on television. But the number of people doing it started to decline rapidly. Only a fraction of the people who used to smoke cigarettes still do.

Actually, quite the contrary... people continue to smoke despite the massive societal propaganda against it.
There is no such thing as homosexuality as an orientation in the animal kingdom. This is a popular myth but very very wrong.

So in other words, gerbils like Lemmiwinks aren't as excited about crawling up a gay man's ass as liberals would have us believe?

What was their reasoning for pulling it in the first place? Was one of Hallmark's twelve viewers outraged?
The fact that there are dogs or gerbils interested in , and performing homosexuality isn't very meaningful to me. Do you really believe that people should use animals as role models for their behavioral choices? A lot of dogs will eat dog poop. Maybe that's the key in San Fran, the city fathers should encourage the homeless to eat it off the sidewalks.

YOu made the claim that homosexuality was an 'unnatural act". I pointed out it exists in nature.

I'm sorry you can't follow simple logic.

The number of smokers is a lot less than it was when I was a kid and it was advertised and promoted on TV- that's my point. There were cigarette machines everywhere back in the day, people smoked in grocery stores, department stores,doctors offices, you name it.

Yes, and now we treat selling cigarettes to minors as a crime, we make the poor smokers stand out in the cold, we stigmatize the practice at every turn... AND PEOPLE ARE STILL DOING IT!!!!

So your argument that homosexuality is being "encouraged" by the media is kind of silly. There are just as many gay people now as there were when society openly oppressed them.

Its the opposite with homosexuality. Before it was promoted, people who did it were discrete. They let people know of the sexual preferences on a Need to Know Basis. Nowadays, the Homosexual Flag waves proudly more places than the American flag, advertising to the people what activities they are involved in. I contend the massive propaganda and ads on TV- like this one with Hallmark- are selling the practice to the people.

Uh, dude, there's no way you can "sell" me on something I have no interest in. This is where you are a bit confused. there were gay people before they started flying rainbow flags.
So your argument that homosexuality is being "encouraged" by the media is kind of silly. There are just as many gay people now as there were when society openly oppressed them.

Here's where we disagree.

Putting homosexuality up on its current pedestal has encouraged many young people to embrace the lifestyle, young folks that would have otherwise embraced normative behavior.

They think its the cool thing to do, just like when I was a kid, smoking was considered to be the "in thing" that would impress people.

In the early 70's, kids would hang outside their schools openly puffing on their pell mells.

You don't see that in the modern day, but what you do see nowadays that you didn't back then was boys wearing dresses and saying they are in transition.

What was acceptable back then, is unacceptable today, and vice versa.

BTW, a lot of adults didn't like teens smoking back then either.
Here's where we disagree.

Putting homosexuality up on its current pedestal has encouraged many young people to embrace the lifestyle, young folks that would have otherwise embraced normative behavior.

Here's where you are confused, buddy. Making gay people conform not only makes THEM miserable, it makes whoever they married miserable.

They think its the cool thing to do, just like when I was a kid, smoking was considered to be the "in thing" that would impress people.

In the early 70's, kids would hang outside their schools openly puffing on their pell mells.

You don't see that in the modern day, but what you do see nowadays that you didn't back then was boys wearing dresses and saying they are in transition.

YOu really think there is anyone wearing a dress because it makes them "look cool"?

Also, most gay folks aren't transsexual...
Does it really in the end matter what young consenting adults do? Is it not up to them? Do we really need them getting married and having kids? O ly if they really want to right? There should be no expectation of young working aged people having kids unless they absolutely want them. This is the reason less young married couples are having kids. They want to focus on careers and having nice things. The nation should support this.
Here's where you are confused, buddy. Making gay people conform not only makes THEM miserable, it makes whoever they married miserable.

People make their own decisions in regards to Sexual Preference.

No one "makes" them conform at all, people have always been free in this regards.
As I white hetero married man i can say with certainty gay marriage is no threat to my marriage nor my country.
As I white hetero married man i can say with certainty gay marriage is no threat to my marriage nor my country.

I don't see where there is any positivity to the country as a whole at encouraging young people to choose the gay sexual preference. If America is going to remain the baddest ass country on the planet, we should be motivating young guys to fight for their manhoods.

Remember what happened to Sodom.

You might not want to believe that it was Almighty God who destroyed Sodom, but it was destroyed and it was a town that was flamingly homosexual.

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