Hallmark to reinstate same sex marriage commercial it pulled

Better to say that that a Liza Minelli movie was inspired by history.
Weimar cabaret

You didn't know this? Why not? Are liberals ashamed of what they did?

Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
Hitler wasn't gay....if you really knew your history, Patton called him that as an insult.....and Patton himself was a bit shady on the "I'm straight" front.
Better to say that that a Liza Minelli movie was inspired by history.
Weimar cabaret

You didn't know this? Why not? Are liberals ashamed of what they did?

Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
I missed the part where the open and proud Adolph Hitler legalized same sex marriages.

Back in Hitler's day, the idea of gay marriage wasn't even thought of. I'm sure he would have been a supporter in the current era, but since the idea wasn't conceived of until 50 years after he passed on, that was not to be.
You're "sure"? You can get in Hitler's mind and know what he would and would not support? What kind of "person" are you? :eusa_hand:
My wife was a Hallmark viewer. She loved to watch those silly chick flick shows. She also has the money to buy the products that are advertised. She is probably the target market for most of the commercials.

She was pissed when she saw the queer commercial.

She was glad when Hallmark said they would pull the commercial.

Now she is back to being pissed because the idiots at Hallmark decided to go full SJW.

Hallmark is being dumbass succumbing to this SJW horseshit and it is going to cost them a lot of viwers.
So sad to hear about another fragile CRC soul.

Just because someone doesn't want to see homosexuality flaunted on TV and are refusing to tune in doesn't mean they are "fragile" , or even conservative or Christian for that matter. A lot of people - even libs- think that this kind of behavior should be occurring behind closed doors as the tremendous Charlie Rich observed back in the day. For those folks, the Hallmark Channel is a poor choice as they pursue the efforts to be not offended by TV.
Better to say that that a Liza Minelli movie was inspired by history.
Weimar cabaret

You didn't know this? Why not? Are liberals ashamed of what they did?

Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
I missed the part where the open and proud Adolph Hitler legalized same sex marriages.

Let me quote General Patton here, he was discussing the Germans.

" We're going to murder those lousy Hun cocksuckers by the bushel-fucking-basket."

A man of normative sexuality doesn't perform lewinskies. Patton was clearly inferring and teaching the men that the Germans including their leader were queer as $3 bills.
Patton wasn't of normative sexuality, you know.
Better to say that that a Liza Minelli movie was inspired by history.
Weimar cabaret

You didn't know this? Why not? Are liberals ashamed of what they did?

Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
I missed the part where the open and proud Adolph Hitler legalized same sex marriages.

Back in Hitler's day, the idea of gay marriage wasn't even thought of. I'm sure he would have been a supporter in the current era, but since the idea wasn't conceived of until 50 years after he passed on, that was not to be.
What was to be is closing the Cabarets, smashing them up, hanging gays, putting pink triangles on survivors and sending them to concentration camps. Once a fed up furious public got the chance to fight back against the depravity they took full advantage of the license. There was no such thing as calling decent Germans homophobes or bigots. There was no such thing as the Nazi government prosecuting anyone who wasn't gay accommodating.
Nice poe post.
Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
I missed the part where the open and proud Adolph Hitler legalized same sex marriages.

Back in Hitler's day, the idea of gay marriage wasn't even thought of. I'm sure he would have been a supporter in the current era, but since the idea wasn't conceived of until 50 years after he passed on, that was not to be.

Richard Baker and James McConnell applied for a marriage license in 1970. That led to Baker v Nelson which over time led to where we are now.
Which means...... Nothing. We will always have perverts and degenerates among us. We always have. It's how much control the perverts and degenerates have over the whole of the people. Many civilizations have accepted and normalized homosexuality until they became disgusted with themselves. The end result is always the same. Slaughter.

If homosexuality was normal and acceptable it would have been normal and acceptable from the days of the Babylonians. It's an issue we would not be discussing today. That it has been forced and failed over and over is an indication that it's an anomaly and perversion.
Perverts and degenerates, like those who brag of grabbing unsuspecting women by the pussy.....and those who support them.
My eight year old daughter asked me questions when we happened by a gay town in our travels. She was seven at the time, she fully understands and since I was able to be the one to present her with the concept... she wont grow up spiteful and hateful about homosexual couples but instead understand that its just another normal part of life that's existed since humans have existed. It really wasnt that difficult for her to understand since she already had a baseline understanding of what "couples" are, in general, because they're promoted almost everywhere.
A whole gay town! Wow.

Nothing new there. In antiquity, the cities of Sodom as well as Gomorrah were gay towns.

Sodom was so queer that they actually name the town after a gay sex act (sodomy)
You know they were myths, right? And even the bible story of them states they were condemned because the people were inhospitable.
Whoever taught you that you could be recruited to be gay was seriously weird.

If I close my eyes super tight and try to be aroused by a male, sorry - it doesn't work. My biological make-up doesn't have within it the ability to be gay.

Phewww, glad I'm safe from recruitment!

I highly recommend the educational film "boys beware" viewable on youtube to explain it to you.

When I was a kid, homosexuality wasn't nearly as common as it is today. Especially among children.

The only homos I ever saw were adults in the 1970's. Sure, there is recruitment, how do you think that gays get people interested? Aids would have wiped out the homo community, if they weren't successful in bringing new, fresh blood into the homosexual ranks.
I bet you believe "Reefer Madness" too.
Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
I missed the part where the open and proud Adolph Hitler legalized same sex marriages.

Let me quote General Patton here, he was discussing the Germans.

" We're going to murder those lousy Hun cocksuckers by the bushel-fucking-basket."

A man of normative sexuality doesn't perform lewinskies. Patton was clearly inferring and teaching the men that the Germans including their leader were queer as $3 bills.
I doubt Patton was discussing his eyewitness account. He was using the profanity the same way someone today might call someone else a cocksucker. I had a male roommate that I called a cocksucker all the time. It wasn't a literal description.

A little known fact is that Hitler hired his favorite fashion designer, Hugo Boss, to do his army uniforms. The nazis were very much, at least , Metrosexual.
And Patton dressed very much the same way.
There are no gay towns. There are towns purporting to be gay friendly but no all gay towns. There should be. It's a good idea to segregate the pervs into their own little spaces where they can't impose on anyone else.

Really got the old Christmas spirit going, huh?
She's a Poe...take her posts with a big grain of salt.
The world insists on pushing the vile crap on you and your children.

It's why I no longer watch television
Hollywood is going to go broke with this crapola. American’s already don’t go to the movies so they rely on China. China isn’t going to support it with their $$ either.
My eight year old daughter asked me questions when we happened by a gay town in our travels. She was seven at the time, she fully understands and since I was able to be the one to present her with the concept... she wont grow up spiteful and hateful about homosexual couples but instead understand that its just another normal part of life that's existed since humans have existed. It really wasnt that difficult for her to understand since she already had a baseline understanding of what "couples" are, in general, because they're promoted almost everywhere.
A whole gay town! Wow.

Nothing new there. In antiquity, the cities of Sodom as well as Gomorrah were gay towns.

Sodom was so queer that they actually name the town after a gay sex act (sodomy)
You know they were myths, right? And even the bible story of them states they were condemned because the people were inhospitable.

There are few things less hospitable than trying to recruit holy angels into the Gay Lifestyle, which is what the people of Sodom tried to do.

You do know that the history of the cities of Sodom as well as Gomorrah are in other books as well as the Bible.
The definition of pervert also includes men who have trouble not putting their hands on women, slapping their butts, and making lewd comments about them. That's not normal either.

These kinds of behaviors aren't, however, glorified by the Liberal Ruling Class as laudatory.

Taking it in the caboose is.
These kinds of behaviors are glorified by the Con-servative Republican Christians.
My wife was a Hallmark viewer. She loved to watch those silly chick flick shows. She also has the money to buy the products that are advertised. She is probably the target market for most of the commercials.

She was pissed when she saw the queer commercial.

She was glad when Hallmark said they would pull the commercial.

Now she is back to being pissed because the idiots at Hallmark decided to go full SJW.

Hallmark is being dumbass succumbing to this SJW horseshit and it is going to cost them a lot of viwers.
They have been pro SJW for awhile. Notice their bitchy,unlikeable female leads brow beating the men on how they are allowed to feel or not feel in the Christmas programming. It’s just a matter of time before we are watching jack and bill falling in lurve in happy Christmasvile. :)
The definition of pervert also includes men who have trouble not putting their hands on women, slapping their butts, and making lewd comments about them. That's not normal either.
Which one has a Hallmark movie ? Which one of these acts is the subject of a commercial?

Being attracted to the same sex might not be a choice. No compulsive behavior is a choice. Bestiality, child molestation, necrophilia are not choices either but we don't pass them off as another form of normalcy.

I would not be surprised to find out that Sodomy is sort of an addiction. People always have the freedom on whether or not they want to smoke a cigarette too, but many are willing to go to extremes like walking a mile for one. A lot may well feel the same about homosexuality. No one has to take it in the caboose, but some may see it as an obsession.
Ask guys and gals who like oral sex.....is that an addiction?
The group that complained onemillionmoms is a bunch of bigots. The idea that Hallmark allowed them to censor that ad is disgusting.

Hallmark didn't allow them to take anything off the air, Dave.

The Network told Christians, "tough shit, if you don't want to see homosexuality glorified, watch something else on TV, because we are a pro-sodomy station".

That's fair actually.

Hallmark is certainly entitled to become a homo network.
One small part of one commercial and suddenly Hallmark is a homo network......:auiqs.jpg: You sound really frightened by the thought of homosexuals being anywhere........are you so far in the closet that you are in danger of becoming a garment bag?
Leave it to an asshole to think every woman wants and is getting anal sex.

If the kind of "broads" that Dave goes for are Trans "women", he's speaking from his own experience.

Nope. I find that those protest the most are just trying to cover up for themselves. You protest a lot.

Let me ask you this, Dave.

Are you a Transphobe?

Would you date a "broad" who had to have her testicles waxed?
And we are again learning a lot more about what dwells in your mind.

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