Hallmark to reinstate same sex marriage commercial it pulled

Which means...... Nothing. We will always have perverts and degenerates among us. We always have. It's how much control the perverts and degenerates have over the whole of the people. Many civilizations have accepted and normalized homosexuality until they became disgusted with themselves. The end result is always the same. Slaughter.

Which civilizations were those? I mean, other than you being completely wrong about Nazi Germany, where are the societies that "Normalized" gay culture?

I never grew up "spiteful and hateful" at all in regards to homos.

Just wary of them As the classic educational film advised young men back in the day "Boys Beware". Young people should know about Gay Recruiting techniques, especially if they value and are willing to defend their manhoods.

Wow, you mean you saw a homophobic propaganda film, and it scarred you for life?
I highly recommend the educational film "boys beware" viewable on youtube to explain it to you.

When I was a kid, homosexuality wasn't nearly as common as it is today. Especially among children.

The only homos I ever saw were adults in the 1970's. Sure, there is recruitment, how do you think that gays get people interested? Aids would have wiped out the homo community, if they weren't successful in bringing new, fresh blood into the homosexual ranks.

We had just as many homosexuals back then as we did now.

My Aunt was gay. But because she was brought up in a strict Catholic family, she got into a straight marriage that didn't last a year (They were married on paper until he died in the 1980's) and discreetly saw her girlfriend.
I highly recommend the educational film "boys beware" viewable on youtube to explain it to you.

When I was a kid, homosexuality wasn't nearly as common as it is today. Especially among children.

The only homos I ever saw were adults in the 1970's. Sure, there is recruitment, how do you think that gays get people interested? Aids would have wiped out the homo community, if they weren't successful in bringing new, fresh blood into the homosexual ranks.

We had just as many homosexuals back then as we did now.

My Aunt was gay. But because she was brought up in a strict Catholic family, she got into a straight marriage that didn't last a year (They were married on paper until he died in the 1980's) and discreetly saw her girlfriend.

So you don't believe that advertising works? The fact that in the modern day, young people deciding on what sexual orientation to choose see thousands of hours of pro-homo ads pushing the idea of taking it in the caboose before they are 21 is meaningless?

You can certainly believe that if you want, But outfits like Philip Morris think it works and its why they spent so much money promoting the Marlboro brand over the past 60 years or so. And ACTUP and the rest of Big Homo have promoted their lifestyle in much the same way.

We can see the charts and the money on how Marlboros soared in popularity after advertising. I think you'd see the same with the popularity of gaiety.
I highly recommend the educational film "boys beware" viewable on youtube to explain it to you.

When I was a kid, homosexuality wasn't nearly as common as it is today. Especially among children.

The only homos I ever saw were adults in the 1970's. Sure, there is recruitment, how do you think that gays get people interested? Aids would have wiped out the homo community, if they weren't successful in bringing new, fresh blood into the homosexual ranks.

We had just as many homosexuals back then as we did now.

My Aunt was gay. But because she was brought up in a strict Catholic family, she got into a straight marriage that didn't last a year (They were married on paper until he died in the 1980's) and discreetly saw her girlfriend.

So you don't believe that advertising works? The fact that in the modern day, young people deciding on what sexual orientation to choose see thousands of hours of pro-homo ads pushing the idea of taking it in the caboose before they are 21 is meaningless?

You can certainly believe that if you want, But outfits like Philip Morris think it works and its why they spent so much money promoting the Marlboro brand over the past 60 years or so. And ACTUP and the rest of Big Homo have promoted their lifestyle in much the same way.

We can see the charts and the money on how Marlboros soared in popularity after advertising. I think you'd see the same with the popularity of gaiety.
Dude, do you have an active imagination?

You are comparing cigg. smoking to sexual preference.

You honestly think that your attraction to the, presumably opposite sex, was a choice?

You're literally implying that you merely decided to be attracted to women. You just chose one day, nothing natural about it. That's fucked up.
I highly recommend the educational film "boys beware" viewable on youtube to explain it to you.

When I was a kid, homosexuality wasn't nearly as common as it is today. Especially among children.

The only homos I ever saw were adults in the 1970's. Sure, there is recruitment, how do you think that gays get people interested? Aids would have wiped out the homo community, if they weren't successful in bringing new, fresh blood into the homosexual ranks.

We had just as many homosexuals back then as we did now.

My Aunt was gay. But because she was brought up in a strict Catholic family, she got into a straight marriage that didn't last a year (They were married on paper until he died in the 1980's) and discreetly saw her girlfriend.

So you don't believe that advertising works? The fact that in the modern day, young people deciding on what sexual orientation to choose see thousands of hours of pro-homo ads pushing the idea of taking it in the caboose before they are 21 is meaningless?

You can certainly believe that if you want, But outfits like Philip Morris think it works and its why they spent so much money promoting the Marlboro brand over the past 60 years or so. And ACTUP and the rest of Big Homo have promoted their lifestyle in much the same way.

We can see the charts and the money on how Marlboros soared in popularity after advertising. I think you'd see the same with the popularity of gaiety.
Dude, do you have an active imagination?

You are comparing cigg. smoking to sexual preference.

You honestly think that your attraction to the, presumably opposite sex, was a choice?

You're literally implying that you merely decided to be attracted to women. You just chose one day, nothing natural about it. That's fucked up.

In my remarks, I said nothing about Normative Sexuality at all. You are the one who set up the false equivalency here. Normalcy and homosexuality aren't equal.

What I'm saying it is that Alternative Sexuality- sometimes called Deviant Sexuality- is something that is being pushed on young people as well as adults. Much like smoking marlboros. And the result of this push is a massive increase in the amount of homosexuality going on- very similar to the increase in Marlboro sales. ACTUP and GLAAD and the rest of Big Homosexuality are just going down the same path as their friends at Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds did in the past and getting similar results.

Learn history, you'll see the same patterns repeating.
I highly recommend the educational film "boys beware" viewable on youtube to explain it to you.

When I was a kid, homosexuality wasn't nearly as common as it is today. Especially among children.

The only homos I ever saw were adults in the 1970's. Sure, there is recruitment, how do you think that gays get people interested? Aids would have wiped out the homo community, if they weren't successful in bringing new, fresh blood into the homosexual ranks.

We had just as many homosexuals back then as we did now.

My Aunt was gay. But because she was brought up in a strict Catholic family, she got into a straight marriage that didn't last a year (They were married on paper until he died in the 1980's) and discreetly saw her girlfriend.

So you don't believe that advertising works? The fact that in the modern day, young people deciding on what sexual orientation to choose see thousands of hours of pro-homo ads pushing the idea of taking it in the caboose before they are 21 is meaningless?

You can certainly believe that if you want, But outfits like Philip Morris think it works and its why they spent so much money promoting the Marlboro brand over the past 60 years or so. And ACTUP and the rest of Big Homo have promoted their lifestyle in much the same way.

We can see the charts and the money on how Marlboros soared in popularity after advertising. I think you'd see the same with the popularity of gaiety.
Dude, do you have an active imagination?

You are comparing cigg. smoking to sexual preference.

You honestly think that your attraction to the, presumably opposite sex, was a choice?

You're literally implying that you merely decided to be attracted to women. You just chose one day, nothing natural about it. That's fucked up.

In my remarks, I said nothing about Normative Sexuality at all. You are the one who set up the false equivalency here. Normalcy and homosexuality aren't equal.

What I'm saying it is that Alternative Sexuality- sometimes called Deviant Sexuality- is something that is being pushed on young people as well as adults. Much like smoking marlboros. And the result of this push is a massive increase in the amount of homosexuality going on- very similar to the increase in Marlboro sales. ACTUP and GLAAD and the rest of Big Homosexuality are just going down the same path as their friends at Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds did in the past and getting similar results.

Learn history, you'll see the same patterns repeating.
There's no massive increase in homosexuality going on - it was under-reported in the past because of phobes and you clearly think that your sexuality was chosen by implying that "advertising" can make you choose who you're attracted to, to fuck. That's asinine.
I highly recommend the educational film "boys beware" viewable on youtube to explain it to you.

When I was a kid, homosexuality wasn't nearly as common as it is today. Especially among children.

The only homos I ever saw were adults in the 1970's. Sure, there is recruitment, how do you think that gays get people interested? Aids would have wiped out the homo community, if they weren't successful in bringing new, fresh blood into the homosexual ranks.

We had just as many homosexuals back then as we did now.

My Aunt was gay. But because she was brought up in a strict Catholic family, she got into a straight marriage that didn't last a year (They were married on paper until he died in the 1980's) and discreetly saw her girlfriend.

So you don't believe that advertising works? The fact that in the modern day, young people deciding on what sexual orientation to choose see thousands of hours of pro-homo ads pushing the idea of taking it in the caboose before they are 21 is meaningless?

You can certainly believe that if you want, But outfits like Philip Morris think it works and its why they spent so much money promoting the Marlboro brand over the past 60 years or so. And ACTUP and the rest of Big Homo have promoted their lifestyle in much the same way.

We can see the charts and the money on how Marlboros soared in popularity after advertising. I think you'd see the same with the popularity of gaiety.
Dude, do you have an active imagination?

You are comparing cigg. smoking to sexual preference.

You honestly think that your attraction to the, presumably opposite sex, was a choice?

You're literally implying that you merely decided to be attracted to women. You just chose one day, nothing natural about it. That's fucked up.

In my remarks, I said nothing about Normative Sexuality at all. You are the one who set up the false equivalency here. Normalcy and homosexuality aren't equal.

What I'm saying it is that Alternative Sexuality- sometimes called Deviant Sexuality- is something that is being pushed on young people as well as adults. Much like smoking marlboros. And the result of this push is a massive increase in the amount of homosexuality going on- very similar to the increase in Marlboro sales. ACTUP and GLAAD and the rest of Big Homosexuality are just going down the same path as their friends at Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds did in the past and getting similar results.

Learn history, you'll see the same patterns repeating.
Big Homosexuality is another word for big disease.
So you don't believe that advertising works? The fact that in the modern day, young people deciding on what sexual orientation to choose see thousands of hours of pro-homo ads pushing the idea of taking it in the caboose before they are 21 is meaningless?

No, I don't think anyone 'decides" to be gay or straight based on commercials.

When did you "decide" to be straight.

You can certainly believe that if you want, But outfits like Philip Morris think it works and its why they spent so much money promoting the Marlboro brand over the past 60 years or so. And ACTUP and the rest of Big Homo have promoted their lifestyle in much the same way.

Big difference between smoking and sexual orientation. Again, when did you decide you were straight? Did you spend a lot of time thinking about it?

What I'm saying it is that Alternative Sexuality- sometimes called Deviant Sexuality- is something that is being pushed on young people as well as adults. Much like smoking marlboros. And the result of this push is a massive increase in the amount of homosexuality going on- very similar to the increase in Marlboro sales. ACTUP and GLAAD and the rest of Big Homosexuality are just going down the same path as their friends at Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds did in the past and getting similar results.

Here was the thing. Cigarette advertising was banned from TV and radio in 1971. People kept right on smoking.
No, I don't think anyone 'decides" to be gay or straight based on commercials.

When did you "decide" to be straight.

Here was the thing. Cigarette advertising was banned from TV and radio in 1971. People kept right on smoking.

You are making a false equivalency here, Normalcy and alternative forms of sexuality including homosexuality aren't the same. One is natural, the others are against nature. In fact, if you read old books, that's what they are usually referred to as, "Crimes against Nature".

Yes, people continued to smoke after it was no longer promoted on television. But the number of people doing it started to decline rapidly. Only a fraction of the people who used to smoke cigarettes still do.
The definition of pervert also includes men who have trouble not putting their hands on women, slapping their butts, and making lewd comments about them. That's not normal either.
The definition of pervert also includes men who have trouble not putting their hands on women, slapping their butts, and making lewd comments about them. That's not normal either.

These kinds of behaviors aren't, however, glorified by the Liberal Ruling Class as laudatory.

Taking it in the caboose is.
The definition of pervert also includes men who have trouble not putting their hands on women, slapping their butts, and making lewd comments about them. That's not normal either.
Which one has a Hallmark movie ? Which one of these acts is the subject of a commercial?

Being attracted to the same sex might not be a choice. No compulsive behavior is a choice. Bestiality, child molestation, necrophilia are not choices either but we don't pass them off as another form of normalcy.
I highly recommend the educational film "boys beware" viewable on youtube to explain it to you.

When I was a kid, homosexuality wasn't nearly as common as it is today. Especially among children.

The only homos I ever saw were adults in the 1970's. Sure, there is recruitment, how do you think that gays get people interested? Aids would have wiped out the homo community, if they weren't successful in bringing new, fresh blood into the homosexual ranks.

We had just as many homosexuals back then as we did now.

My Aunt was gay. But because she was brought up in a strict Catholic family, she got into a straight marriage that didn't last a year (They were married on paper until he died in the 1980's) and discreetly saw her girlfriend.

So you don't believe that advertising works? The fact that in the modern day, young people deciding on what sexual orientation to choose see thousands of hours of pro-homo ads pushing the idea of taking it in the caboose before they are 21 is meaningless?

You can certainly believe that if you want, But outfits like Philip Morris think it works and its why they spent so much money promoting the Marlboro brand over the past 60 years or so. And ACTUP and the rest of Big Homo have promoted their lifestyle in much the same way.

We can see the charts and the money on how Marlboros soared in popularity after advertising. I think you'd see the same with the popularity of gaiety.
Of course advertising works. Homosexuality got a huge boost from "if it feels good do it".
Current TV writing sucks.

I wholeheartedly disagree. I believe we are experiencing a golden age of television. Series today have production values equivalent to the best movies and are given the time required to develop a story and it's characters. Try to imaged 'Game of Thrones' as a three-hour movie.

Even smaller budget shows like 'The Good Place', which is a comedy designed to educated us on moral philosophy, is ground-breaking in its own way.

There is a lot of crap on TV today, no doubt. But, the best of TV today is much better than the laugh-tracked, formulaic, simplistic shows of the past decades.
Better when you can get it free of commercials.
The group that complained onemillionmoms is a bunch of bigots. The idea that Hallmark allowed them to censor that ad is disgusting.
The definition of pervert also includes men who have trouble not putting their hands on women, slapping their butts, and making lewd comments about them. That's not normal either.
Which one has a Hallmark movie ? Which one of these acts is the subject of a commercial?

Being attracted to the same sex might not be a choice. No compulsive behavior is a choice. Bestiality, child molestation, necrophilia are not choices either but we don't pass them off as another form of normalcy.

I would not be surprised to find out that Sodomy is sort of an addiction. People always have the freedom on whether or not they want to smoke a cigarette too, but many are willing to go to extremes like walking a mile for one. A lot may well feel the same about homosexuality. No one has to take it in the caboose, but some may see it as an obsession.
The definition of pervert also includes men who have trouble not putting their hands on women, slapping their butts, and making lewd comments about them. That's not normal either.
Which one has a Hallmark movie ? Which one of these acts is the subject of a commercial?

Being attracted to the same sex might not be a choice. No compulsive behavior is a choice. Bestiality, child molestation, necrophilia are not choices either but we don't pass them off as another form of normalcy.

I would not be surprised to find out that Sodomy is sort of an addiction. People always have the freedom on whether or not they want to smoke a cigarette too, but many are willing to go to extremes like walking a mile for one. A lot may well feel the same about homosexuality. No one has to take it in the caboose, but some may see it as an obsession.

So, you think anal sex is just a homosexual thing?

A lot of women enjoy anal sex. If you are not having anal sex with your wife or girlfriend perhaps you should wonder where they are getting it?
The group that complained onemillionmoms is a bunch of bigots. The idea that Hallmark allowed them to censor that ad is disgusting.

Hallmark didn't allow them to take anything off the air, Dave.

The Network told Christians, "tough shit, if you don't want to see homosexuality glorified, watch something else on TV, because we are a pro-sodomy station".

That's fair actually.

Hallmark is certainly entitled to become a homo network.
The group that complained onemillionmoms is a bunch of bigots. The idea that Hallmark allowed them to censor that ad is disgusting.

Hallmark didn't allow them to take anything off the air, Dave.

The Network told Christians, "tough shit, if you don't want to see homosexuality glorified, watch something else on TV, because we are a pro-sodomy station".

That's fair actually.

Hallmark is certainly entitled to become a homo network.
Did Hallmark suddenly stop showing heterosexual couples on it's channel or something? Or perhaps you're overreacting to a relatively small thing, a single commercial that doesn't somehow erase the overwhelmingly heterosexual content of the channel. People like you are the worst, probably complain about the attack on Christianity and Christmas but get all in your asshole about something that doesn't attack anyone but just exists next to you, sharing in your purported joy without trying to make yours seem less, or wrong.
The group that complained onemillionmoms is a bunch of bigots. The idea that Hallmark allowed them to censor that ad is disgusting.

Hallmark didn't allow them to take anything off the air, Dave.

The Network told Christians, "tough shit, if you don't want to see homosexuality glorified, watch something else on TV, because we are a pro-sodomy station".

That's fair actually.

Hallmark is certainly entitled to become a homo network.

It's not accurate at all.

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