Hallmark to reinstate same sex marriage commercial it pulled

Better to say that that a Liza Minelli movie was inspired by history.
Weimar cabaret

You didn't know this? Why not? Are liberals ashamed of what they did?

Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
Better to say that that a Liza Minelli movie was inspired by history.
Weimar cabaret

You didn't know this? Why not? Are liberals ashamed of what they did?

Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
It has nothing whatever to do with the public relief that the Nazis were ending the depraved culture promoted by degenerates. .The people were given a chance to fight back and fight back they did.
Better to say that that a Liza Minelli movie was inspired by history.
Weimar cabaret

You didn't know this? Why not? Are liberals ashamed of what they did?

Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
I missed the part where the open and proud Adolph Hitler legalized same sex marriages.
My wife was a Hallmark viewer. She loved to watch those silly chick flick shows. She also has the money to buy the products that are advertised. She is probably the target market for most of the commercials.

She was pissed when she saw the queer commercial.

She was glad when Hallmark said they would pull the commercial.

Now she is back to being pissed because the idiots at Hallmark decided to go full SJW.

Hallmark is being dumbass succumbing to this SJW horseshit and it is going to cost them a lot of viwers.

I recall this is the way people acted when "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"' came out.
Better to say that that a Liza Minelli movie was inspired by history.
Weimar cabaret

You didn't know this? Why not? Are liberals ashamed of what they did?

Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
I missed the part where the open and proud Adolph Hitler legalized same sex marriages.

Back in Hitler's day, the idea of gay marriage wasn't even thought of. I'm sure he would have been a supporter in the current era, but since the idea wasn't conceived of until 50 years after he passed on, that was not to be.
Better to say that that a Liza Minelli movie was inspired by history.
Weimar cabaret

You didn't know this? Why not? Are liberals ashamed of what they did?

Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
I missed the part where the open and proud Adolph Hitler legalized same sex marriages.

Let me quote General Patton here, he was discussing the Germans.

" We're going to murder those lousy Hun cocksuckers by the bushel-fucking-basket."

A man of normative sexuality doesn't perform lewinskies. Patton was clearly inferring and teaching the men that the Germans including their leader were queer as $3 bills.
Better to say that that a Liza Minelli movie was inspired by history.
Weimar cabaret

You didn't know this? Why not? Are liberals ashamed of what they did?

Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
I missed the part where the open and proud Adolph Hitler legalized same sex marriages.

Back in Hitler's day, the idea of gay marriage wasn't even thought of. I'm sure he would have been a supporter in the current era, but since the idea wasn't conceived of until 50 years after he passed on, that was not to be.
What was to be is closing the Cabarets, smashing them up, hanging gays, putting pink triangles on survivors and sending them to concentration camps. Once a fed up furious public got the chance to fight back against the depravity they took full advantage of the license. There was no such thing as calling decent Germans homophobes or bigots. There was no such thing as the Nazi government prosecuting anyone who wasn't gay accommodating.
Better to say that that a Liza Minelli movie was inspired by history.
Weimar cabaret

You didn't know this? Why not? Are liberals ashamed of what they did?

Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
I missed the part where the open and proud Adolph Hitler legalized same sex marriages.

Let me quote General Patton here, he was discussing the Germans.

" We're going to murder those lousy Hun cocksuckers by the bushel-fucking-basket."

A man of normative sexuality doesn't perform lewinskies. Patton was clearly inferring and teaching the men that the Germans including their leader were queer as $3 bills.
I doubt Patton was discussing his eyewitness account. He was using the profanity the same way someone today might call someone else a cocksucker. I had a male roommate that I called a cocksucker all the time. It wasn't a literal description.
Better to say that that a Liza Minelli movie was inspired by history.
Weimar cabaret

You didn't know this? Why not? Are liberals ashamed of what they did?

Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
I missed the part where the open and proud Adolph Hitler legalized same sex marriages.

Back in Hitler's day, the idea of gay marriage wasn't even thought of. I'm sure he would have been a supporter in the current era, but since the idea wasn't conceived of until 50 years after he passed on, that was not to be.

Richard Baker and James McConnell applied for a marriage license in 1970. That led to Baker v Nelson which over time led to where we are now.
My eight year old daughter asked me questions when we happened by a gay town in our travels. She was seven at the time, she fully understands and since I was able to be the one to present her with the concept... she wont grow up spiteful and hateful about homosexual couples but instead understand that its just another normal part of life that's existed since humans have existed. It really wasnt that difficult for her to understand since she already had a baseline understanding of what "couples" are, in general, because they're promoted almost everywhere.
Better to say that that a Liza Minelli movie was inspired by history.
Weimar cabaret

You didn't know this? Why not? Are liberals ashamed of what they did?

Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
I missed the part where the open and proud Adolph Hitler legalized same sex marriages.

Back in Hitler's day, the idea of gay marriage wasn't even thought of. I'm sure he would have been a supporter in the current era, but since the idea wasn't conceived of until 50 years after he passed on, that was not to be.

Richard Baker and James McConnell applied for a marriage license in 1970. That led to Baker v Nelson which over time led to where we are now.
Which means...... Nothing. We will always have perverts and degenerates among us. We always have. It's how much control the perverts and degenerates have over the whole of the people. Many civilizations have accepted and normalized homosexuality until they became disgusted with themselves. The end result is always the same. Slaughter.

If homosexuality was normal and acceptable it would have been normal and acceptable from the days of the Babylonians. It's an issue we would not be discussing today. That it has been forced and failed over and over is an indication that it's an anomaly and perversion.
My eight year old daughter asked me questions when we happened by a gay town in our travels. She was seven at the time, she fully understands and since I was able to be the one to present her with the concept... she wont grow up spiteful and hateful about homosexual couples but instead understand that its just another normal part of life that's existed since humans have existed. It really wasnt that difficult for her to understand since she already had a baseline understanding of what "couples" are, in general, because they're promoted almost everywhere.

I never grew up "spiteful and hateful" at all in regards to homos.

Just wary of them As the classic educational film advised young men back in the day "Boys Beware". Young people should know about Gay Recruiting techniques, especially if they value and are willing to defend their manhoods.
Um, no... Hitler didn't come to power because there were a few gay people. Some of the founders of the Nazi Party were as queer as square donuts. (Ever heard of Ernst Roehm?)

Hitler came to power because Germany was defeated in World War I, forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty, lost 1/8th of their territory,and had their economy punished for 20 years.

Hitler himself was an open and proud homosexual, not just Roehm. Did you ever hear General Patton's discussions about the noteworthy German corporal? Hitler's queer nature was well known to his peers. WWII veterans in European theatre were all very well aware that Adolph was light in the jackboots.
I missed the part where the open and proud Adolph Hitler legalized same sex marriages.

Back in Hitler's day, the idea of gay marriage wasn't even thought of. I'm sure he would have been a supporter in the current era, but since the idea wasn't conceived of until 50 years after he passed on, that was not to be.

Richard Baker and James McConnell applied for a marriage license in 1970. That led to Baker v Nelson which over time led to where we are now.
Which means...... Nothing. We will always have perverts and degenerates among us. We always have. It's how much control the perverts and degenerates have over the whole of the people. Many civilizations have accepted and normalized homosexuality until they became disgusted with themselves. The end result is always the same. Slaughter.

If homosexuality was normal and acceptable it would have been normal and acceptable from the days of the Babylonians. It's an issue we would not be discussing today. That it has been forced and failed over and over is an indication that it's an anomaly and perversion.

I guess that is why people like Trump have no issue with lying........we accept it.
My eight year old daughter asked me questions when we happened by a gay town in our travels. She was seven at the time, she fully understands and since I was able to be the one to present her with the concept... she wont grow up spiteful and hateful about homosexual couples but instead understand that its just another normal part of life that's existed since humans have existed. It really wasnt that difficult for her to understand since she already had a baseline understanding of what "couples" are, in general, because they're promoted almost everywhere.

I never grew up "spiteful and hateful" at all in regards to homos.

Just wary of them As the classic educational film advised young men back in the day "Boys Beware". Young people should know about Gay Recruiting techniques, especially if they value and are willing to defend their manhoods.

Were you concerned you could be easily recruited?
My eight year old daughter asked me questions when we happened by a gay town in our travels. She was seven at the time, she fully understands and since I was able to be the one to present her with the concept... she wont grow up spiteful and hateful about homosexual couples but instead understand that its just another normal part of life that's existed since humans have existed. It really wasnt that difficult for her to understand since she already had a baseline understanding of what "couples" are, in general, because they're promoted almost everywhere.
A whole gay town! Wow.
My eight year old daughter asked me questions when we happened by a gay town in our travels. She was seven at the time, she fully understands and since I was able to be the one to present her with the concept... she wont grow up spiteful and hateful about homosexual couples but instead understand that its just another normal part of life that's existed since humans have existed. It really wasnt that difficult for her to understand since she already had a baseline understanding of what "couples" are, in general, because they're promoted almost everywhere.

I never grew up "spiteful and hateful" at all in regards to homos.

Just wary of them As the classic educational film advised young men back in the day "Boys Beware". Young people should know about Gay Recruiting techniques, especially if they value and are willing to defend their manhoods.

Were you concerned you could be easily recruited?
At some point people will be concerned that their children are being recruited and fight back.
My eight year old daughter asked me questions when we happened by a gay town in our travels. She was seven at the time, she fully understands and since I was able to be the one to present her with the concept... she wont grow up spiteful and hateful about homosexual couples but instead understand that its just another normal part of life that's existed since humans have existed. It really wasnt that difficult for her to understand since she already had a baseline understanding of what "couples" are, in general, because they're promoted almost everywhere.

I never grew up "spiteful and hateful" at all in regards to homos.

Just wary of them As the classic educational film advised young men back in the day "Boys Beware". Young people should know about Gay Recruiting techniques, especially if they value and are willing to defend their manhoods.

Were you concerned you could be easily recruited?

I wasn't concerned, because I received and took to heart the warning signs that someone might be gay.

But my concern as usual is with other, those who might not realize that there are homosexuals out there looking to recruit.

If someone wants to pursue the Gay Lifestyle, that's fine with me, that's their own affair.

But all I've ever suggested is that folks do it with open eyes.
My eight year old daughter asked me questions when we happened by a gay town in our travels. She was seven at the time, she fully understands and since I was able to be the one to present her with the concept... she wont grow up spiteful and hateful about homosexual couples but instead understand that its just another normal part of life that's existed since humans have existed. It really wasnt that difficult for her to understand since she already had a baseline understanding of what "couples" are, in general, because they're promoted almost everywhere.
A whole gay town! Wow.

Nothing new there. In antiquity, the cities of Sodom as well as Gomorrah were gay towns.

Sodom was so queer that they actually name the town after a gay sex act (sodomy)
My eight year old daughter asked me questions when we happened by a gay town in our travels. She was seven at the time, she fully understands and since I was able to be the one to present her with the concept... she wont grow up spiteful and hateful about homosexual couples but instead understand that its just another normal part of life that's existed since humans have existed. It really wasnt that difficult for her to understand since she already had a baseline understanding of what "couples" are, in general, because they're promoted almost everywhere.

I never grew up "spiteful and hateful" at all in regards to homos.

Just wary of them As the classic educational film advised young men back in the day "Boys Beware". Young people should know about Gay Recruiting techniques, especially if they value and are willing to defend their manhoods.

Were you concerned you could be easily recruited?

I wasn't concerned, because I received and took to heart the warning signs that someone might be gay.

But my concern as usual is with other, those who might not realize that there are homosexuals out there looking to recruit.

If someone wants to pursue the Gay Lifestyle, that's fine with me, that's their own affair.

But all I've ever suggested is that folks do it with open eyes.
Whoever taught you that you could be recruited to be gay was seriously weird.

If I close my eyes super tight and try to be aroused by a male, sorry - it doesn't work. My biological make-up doesn't have within it the ability to be gay.

Phewww, glad I'm safe from recruitment!
My eight year old daughter asked me questions when we happened by a gay town in our travels. She was seven at the time, she fully understands and since I was able to be the one to present her with the concept... she wont grow up spiteful and hateful about homosexual couples but instead understand that its just another normal part of life that's existed since humans have existed. It really wasnt that difficult for her to understand since she already had a baseline understanding of what "couples" are, in general, because they're promoted almost everywhere.
A whole gay town! Wow.

Nothing new there. In antiquity, the cities of Sodom as well as Gomorrah were gay towns.

Sodom was so queer that they actually name the town after a gay sex act (sodomy)
Where is the gay town here. The closest we come is West Hollywood but it's not all that noticeable just driving through.

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