Halloween Themed Game

I hope it's resolved.

May I still play with you two next game, please?
House is still an in as far as I can see and as far as myself is concerned, I will do it because I haven't played a game with you yet Wake and I want to see how that goes. If the same crap happens next game, I will really have to think about if I want to join again but probably not.
I am good at distracting, mediating, and redirecting. At least I think so. :D

If I'm Scum I'll just pit you two against each other for game. I'd have to carry both of you to end-game, though. :p
I am good at distracting, mediating, and redirecting. At least I think so. :D

If I'm Scum I'll just pit you two against each other for game. I'd have to carry both of you to end-game, though. :p

Wake, for post links, left click the # in the top right hand corner, then use that URL. Should work better. You'll notice it has a different format than the ones you're currently using. It is a post link, not a topic link with a post redirector.
That's the way I've been doing it since the start. I think the software's declared war on me. D:
That's the way I've been doing it since the start. I think the software's declared war on me. D:

Look at your VC links. They're formatted like:


If you left click the # and use the URL in the pop-up, the link is formatted like:


Notice the difference now?
Aye, I don't know if you want this game bigger or not but if you do I would @ the people who usually play or have expressed an interest in the past and see if they want in. Otherwise, if you want it at 9 players or so, looks like you have enough.
I am ready for this game.

Maybe TheOldSchool and dblack would play, too. Chances are if I'm Town I'll play a bit more recklessly and aggressively. My Scum-game is far more diabolical, but it gets tiring having to fake looking genuine all the time. Feigning gets draining quickly. I tend to have the most fun when playing as VT, because I can let loose without feeling constrained. :D
Hopefully, it'll be ready to start this weekend.

It would have been ready sooner, but the past 6 weeks have been hectic. Working for 2 engineers right now - 60+ hours a week and the company I work for is more than likely going to merge with another one up north. Will know more in 3 days on that when that person is down to talk to us. Relocation has been mentioned to us several times, with Baltimore as the place we'll be heading to. Yep, 1000 miles from NW FL!
No worries Aye, I'm in no hurry. If you want it bigger, you should @ people but you have 9 from what I can see so I'll leave that up to you.

And wow, good luck on the job situation. Yep, obviously what is going on with your job comes first. Just PM or @ me when the game starts.
aye if you want to give me the player list i can randomized the roles and send them out


Let me get the official sign-up thread going so I'll know who is in.

Forum List
