Hamas announces a ceasefire!

No. Jesus was a Jew, but then he was babtized by John and became a Christian and he proved he was the son of God by dying on the cross to be resurrected, which he did and ascended into heaven. Jesus spoke out against the Jews and it was the Pharases who judged him to be crucified. There's a parable in the bible of Jesus teaching the high Jewish priest in his home by having a sinner whip his feet with purfum and the Jewish leaders were saying how can he let a sinful women do that? The Jewish temple was split in have and crumbled after Jesus died on the cross, and there is a reason for that. See my point?

Jesus could not be a christian, he was supposedly christ, the annotated one. How does he follow himself?
Jesus was a jew even in death.
Jesus isn't dead. He rose again. Does that dissapoint you?
Is that why the jews are attacking black Jews?

Some believe Jesus was never alive, but always spirit not human.
If there was not crucifixion there would be no christianity today.
Jesus rose from the 'dead'. He became spirit. He is not longer human, so the idea of being alive is wrong. He is not flesh and blood walking the earth growing old and dying a natural death after a reasonable time.

None of this has anything to do with a black soldier being arrested. It is not a black vs jew issue.
I know...it is a Jew vs Black issue...Jews are the ones discriminating against and beating the shit out of blacks. Ans lets not even get into American Jews and their hate. Just look at Ghook and Jroc's posts. Devout Jews that hate negroes with a passion. T

How many incident of Black Israelis getting beaten can you document ?
598 since 1999
Only the jews believe this. Not Christians. How about you explain for the class why that is and why every Christian bible has what is called the NEW testament.

A name given after the bishops decided in a narrow vote that Jesus was divine not human. Out of some 250 books, gospels and acts, only four were selected for inclusion in the NT.
For the first hundred years or so, jews and christian prayed together and christians were just a sect of judaism.

Jew haters are often ignorant about their own religion. Just gives you an idea the Shitty environment they were brought up in, from childhood.
There are no Jew haters here...only Jews that hate.

Can you show us exactly where in this thread Jews showed hatred for blacks? Go ahead, dirtbag.

Did they drink too much home made hooch?
Is this because of the flower moon the other day?
:lol: tell your buddy all he has to do is search Jroc or Ghook to see Jewish hate.
What are you talking about? Jesus was a devout practicing Jew until the day he died. His followers called him rabbi and were Jews as well. They made Jesus into the Messiah of the Old Testament. Whether you believe that or not makes you a Christian.

Christianty did not come until hundreds of years after this death.

Only the jews believe this. Not Christians. How about you explain for the class why that is and why every Christian bible has what is called the NEW testament.

Christians believe this too. To be'ieve in the New Testament you have to believe in the Old Testament. According to Christanity, which came after Jesus died, Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

We do believe in the old but the new testament is what we go off of not the old. Remember Jesus was crucified, resurrected in the new testament not the old. Jesus showed the Jewish people the new way to live by God and at the end they didn't like it due to their ego's and pride and murdered Jesus by condemning him. Who paid Judus to deceive Jesus? The high jewish priests.

How can you be that thick? The OT was closed, there was a belief the age of prophecy had ended. The birth and beyond of Jesus were written almost a hundred years after his death.
Jesus taught the torah, he taught in parables but it was not a new religion, just a new way for all to understand it.
Jesus was first and foremost a jew. He was not divine till almost 400 years later and that was by small margin after contentious debate.

As for Judas......Jesus sent him to carry out the deed. Jesus accepted his fate and did everything to make sure it was carried out. It was Jesus that made sure he would be crucified. He could have avoided it many times. He could have behaved differently to avoid the roman charges. If Jesus has not died, there would have been no Christianity. Jesus put himself on the cross, him and god. Judas was doing what Jesus wanted him to do.
Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman
36 When one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, he went to the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table. 37 A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. 38 As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.

39 When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner.”

40 Jesus answered him, “Simon, I have something to tell you.”

“Tell me, teacher,” he said.

41 “Two people owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii,a]">[a] and the other fifty. 42 Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?”

43 Simon replied, “I suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven.”

“You have judged correctly,” Jesus said.

44 Then he turned toward the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. 45 You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. 46 You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. 47 Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.”

48 Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”

49 The other guests began to say among themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?”

50 Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”

This is a DIRECT PERFECT example of the new testament vs the Old.

You are aware that Luke never know Jesus but was a companion of Paul, who also did not know Jesus in life.
Jesus could not be a christian, he was supposedly christ, the annotated one. How does he follow himself?
Jesus was a jew even in death.
Jesus isn't dead. He rose again. Does that dissapoint you?
Is that why the jews are attacking black Jews?

Some believe Jesus was never alive, but always spirit not human.
If there was not crucifixion there would be no christianity today.
Jesus rose from the 'dead'. He became spirit. He is not longer human, so the idea of being alive is wrong. He is not flesh and blood walking the earth growing old and dying a natural death after a reasonable time.

None of this has anything to do with a black soldier being arrested. It is not a black vs jew issue.
I know...it is a Jew vs Black issue...Jews are the ones discriminating against and beating the shit out of blacks. Ans lets not even get into American Jews and their hate. Just look at Ghook and Jroc's posts. Devout Jews that hate negroes with a passion. T

How many incident of Black Israelis getting beaten can you document ?
598 since 1999
Link ?
Jesus could not be a christian, he was supposedly christ, the annotated one. How does he follow himself?
Jesus was a jew even in death.
Jesus isn't dead. He rose again. Does that dissapoint you?
Is that why the jews are attacking black Jews?

Some believe Jesus was never alive, but always spirit not human.
If there was not crucifixion there would be no christianity today.
Jesus rose from the 'dead'. He became spirit. He is not longer human, so the idea of being alive is wrong. He is not flesh and blood walking the earth growing old and dying a natural death after a reasonable time.

None of this has anything to do with a black soldier being arrested. It is not a black vs jew issue.
I know...it is a Jew vs Black issue...Jews are the ones discriminating against and beating the shit out of blacks. Ans lets not even get into American Jews and their hate. Just look at Ghook and Jroc's posts. Devout Jews that hate negroes with a passion. T

How many incident of Black Israelis getting beaten can you document ?
598 since 1999

and how many thousands of blacks have been killed by muslims in just the last year? How many kidnapped, raped, beaten, beheaded, stoned, tortured, etc.?

How many blacks are killed or beaten by other blacks?

There are reason for hate and violence that is not about color.
Jesus isn't dead. He rose again. Does that dissapoint you?
Is that why the jews are attacking black Jews?

Some believe Jesus was never alive, but always spirit not human.
If there was not crucifixion there would be no christianity today.
Jesus rose from the 'dead'. He became spirit. He is not longer human, so the idea of being alive is wrong. He is not flesh and blood walking the earth growing old and dying a natural death after a reasonable time.

None of this has anything to do with a black soldier being arrested. It is not a black vs jew issue.
I know...it is a Jew vs Black issue...Jews are the ones discriminating against and beating the shit out of blacks. Ans lets not even get into American Jews and their hate. Just look at Ghook and Jroc's posts. Devout Jews that hate negroes with a passion. T

How many incident of Black Israelis getting beaten can you document ?
598 since 1999

and how many thousands of blacks have been killed by muslims in just the last year? How many kidnapped, raped, beaten, beheaded, stoned, tortured, etc.?

How many blacks are killed or beaten by other blacks?

There are reason for hate and violence that is not about color.
I see...since there are other examples of violence against blacks...it justfies the Jewrydoing it too.
Jesus isn't dead. He rose again. Does that dissapoint you?
Is that why the jews are attacking black Jews?

Some believe Jesus was never alive, but always spirit not human.
If there was not crucifixion there would be no christianity today.
Jesus rose from the 'dead'. He became spirit. He is not longer human, so the idea of being alive is wrong. He is not flesh and blood walking the earth growing old and dying a natural death after a reasonable time.

None of this has anything to do with a black soldier being arrested. It is not a black vs jew issue.
I know...it is a Jew vs Black issue...Jews are the ones discriminating against and beating the shit out of blacks. Ans lets not even get into American Jews and their hate. Just look at Ghook and Jroc's posts. Devout Jews that hate negroes with a passion. T

How many incident of Black Israelis getting beaten can you document ?
598 since 1999
Link ?
Google is your firend.
Jesus isn't dead. He rose again. Does that dissapoint you?
Is that why the jews are attacking black Jews?

Some believe Jesus was never alive, but always spirit not human.
If there was not crucifixion there would be no christianity today.
Jesus rose from the 'dead'. He became spirit. He is not longer human, so the idea of being alive is wrong. He is not flesh and blood walking the earth growing old and dying a natural death after a reasonable time.

None of this has anything to do with a black soldier being arrested. It is not a black vs jew issue.
I know...it is a Jew vs Black issue...Jews are the ones discriminating against and beating the shit out of blacks. Ans lets not even get into American Jews and their hate. Just look at Ghook and Jroc's posts. Devout Jews that hate negroes with a passion. T

How many incident of Black Israelis getting beaten can you document ?
598 since 1999
Link ?

I think he is confusing the protests over the Sudanese illegals and not referring to Ethiopian jews.
Sudanese are not Israelis.
Maybe he should look up how many sudanese illegals Egypt have shot dead?
How many are killed or die on boats trying to leave africa?
Some believe Jesus was never alive, but always spirit not human.
If there was not crucifixion there would be no christianity today.
Jesus rose from the 'dead'. He became spirit. He is not longer human, so the idea of being alive is wrong. He is not flesh and blood walking the earth growing old and dying a natural death after a reasonable time.

None of this has anything to do with a black soldier being arrested. It is not a black vs jew issue.
I know...it is a Jew vs Black issue...Jews are the ones discriminating against and beating the shit out of blacks. Ans lets not even get into American Jews and their hate. Just look at Ghook and Jroc's posts. Devout Jews that hate negroes with a passion. T

How many incident of Black Israelis getting beaten can you document ?
598 since 1999
Link ?

I think he is confusing the protests over the Sudanese illegals and not referring to Ethiopian jews.
Sudanese are not Israelis.
Maybe he should look up how many sudanese illegals Egypt have shot dead?
How many are killed or die on boats trying to leave africa?
No, not confusing a damned thing.
Some believe Jesus was never alive, but always spirit not human.
If there was not crucifixion there would be no christianity today.
Jesus rose from the 'dead'. He became spirit. He is not longer human, so the idea of being alive is wrong. He is not flesh and blood walking the earth growing old and dying a natural death after a reasonable time.

None of this has anything to do with a black soldier being arrested. It is not a black vs jew issue.
I know...it is a Jew vs Black issue...Jews are the ones discriminating against and beating the shit out of blacks. Ans lets not even get into American Jews and their hate. Just look at Ghook and Jroc's posts. Devout Jews that hate negroes with a passion. T

How many incident of Black Israelis getting beaten can you document ?
598 since 1999
Link ?
Google is your firend.

YOU made the claim. Back it up or admit you're a liar.
I know...it is a Jew vs Black issue...Jews are the ones discriminating against and beating the shit out of blacks. Ans lets not even get into American Jews and their hate. Just look at Ghook and Jroc's posts. Devout Jews that hate negroes with a passion. T

How many incident of Black Israelis getting beaten can you document ?
598 since 1999
Link ?
Google is your firend.

YOU made the claim. Back it up or admit you're a liar.
Dude...Google s your friend.
And the oven comment was open ended...I didn't say what they are claiming...they are just twisating words to feel better about their hate for the negro.

I know/. I know you didn't mean it. I know you way too well. These guys are desperate. Lol..
We don't hate blacks, in fact I have many black friends, even here on the USMB, but Nutz sure showed us his anti semitism.
Name one...racist Jew.

Name one what, retard? Fucking pussy couldn't stand the heat so he calls Judicial moron for backup.

Who your black friend? Answer the question.

Ha ha ha. Fuck off asshole. I unlike your buttboy pussy friend Nutz don't need to call my boyfriend to help me out of the hole.

A name given after the bishops decided in a narrow vote that Jesus was divine not human. Out of some 250 books, gospels and acts, only four were selected for inclusion in the NT.
For the first hundred years or so, jews and christian prayed together and christians were just a sect of judaism.

I'm sorry, but you can't be christian if you deny Christ was the messiah and already died and rose again.

She's more of a Christian than you ever will be, dipstick.

You need to learn how to stop putting your foot in your mouth.

THAT right there is called hate and judging. Who are you to judge another when that right belongs solely to God and God alone?

Because Christianity to me is more about love and forgiveness, and you guys are all about hate and arrogance.
And Judaism is about hate and racism?

It's what Jesus taught, so you tell me, dipweed?
I know/. I know you didn't mean it. I know you way too well. These guys are desperate. Lol..
We don't hate blacks, in fact I have many black friends, even here on the USMB, but Nutz sure showed us his anti semitism.
Name one...racist Jew.

Name one what, retard? Fucking pussy couldn't stand the heat so he calls Judicial moron for backup.

Who your black friend? Answer the question.

Ha ha ha. Fuck off asshole. I unlike your buttboy don't need to call my boyfr
I'm sorry, but you can't be christian if you deny Christ was the messiah and already died and rose again.

She's more of a Christian than you ever will be, dipstick.

You need to learn how to stop putting your foot in your mouth.

THAT right there is called hate and judging. Who are you to judge another when that right belongs solely to God and God alone?

Because Christianity to me is more about love and forgiveness, and you guys are all about hate and arrogance.
And Judaism is about hate and racism?

It's what Jesus taught, so you tell me, dipweed?
what am I supposed to be telling you?
I know/. I know you didn't mean it. I know you way too well. These guys are desperate. Lol..
We don't hate blacks, in fact I have many black friends, even here on the USMB, but Nutz sure showed us his anti semitism.
Name one...racist Jew.

Name one what, retard? Fucking pussy couldn't stand the heat so he calls Judicial moron for backup.

Who your black friend? Answer the question.

Ha ha ha. Fuck off asshole. I unlike your buttboy don't need to call my boyfr
I'm sorry, but you can't be christian if you deny Christ was the messiah and already died and rose again.

She's more of a Christian than you ever will be, dipstick.

You need to learn how to stop putting your foot in your mouth.

THAT right there is called hate and judging. Who are you to judge another when that right belongs solely to God and God alone?

Because Christianity to me is more about love and forgiveness, and you guys are all about hate and arrogance.
And Judaism is about hate and racism?

It's what Jesus taught, so you tell me, dipweed?

You could have used more support today. That's for sure. ;) Also, Jesus taught Jewish and newer things.
You didn't. LOL. These idiots are trying desperately so desperately to nail you. However, the only thing they have is the oven comment.

He nailed himself when he came into this thread and injected his Jew hate at every turn.

he has every right to hate Jews. However, no right to encourage throwing them in ovens. Regardless of what you think,

People who hate Jews have no credibility on the subject of Israel/Judaism

Hating an entire religion, and then claiming to be religious and quoting the Bible is an oxy moron.

Just because I don't believe in it doesn't mean I hate it. You need to grow up. So sensitive..............
What the fuck are you talking about ? You're not making sense..
They get drunk and then hit the internet to release their stupidity and hatred. They say you get to know a person's true colors when they're drunk.
We don't hate blacks, in fact I have many black friends, even here on the USMB, but Nutz sure showed us his anti semitism.
Name one...racist Jew.

Name one what, retard? Fucking pussy couldn't stand the heat so he calls Judicial moron for backup.

Who your black friend? Answer the question.

Ha ha ha. Fuck off asshole. I unlike your buttboy don't need to call my boyfr
She's more of a Christian than you ever will be, dipstick.

You need to learn how to stop putting your foot in your mouth.

THAT right there is called hate and judging. Who are you to judge another when that right belongs solely to God and God alone?

Because Christianity to me is more about love and forgiveness, and you guys are all about hate and arrogance.
And Judaism is about hate and racism?

It's what Jesus taught, so you tell me, dipweed?
what am I supposed to be telling you?
Tell me what Judaism is about, the religion that Jesus taught.
He nailed himself when he came into this thread and injected his Jew hate at every turn.

he has every right to hate Jews. However, no right to encourage throwing them in ovens. Regardless of what you think,

People who hate Jews have no credibility on the subject of Israel/Judaism

Hating an entire religion, and then claiming to be religious and quoting the Bible is an oxy moron.

Just because I don't believe in it doesn't mean I hate it. You need to grow up. So sensitive..............
What the fuck are you talking about ? You're not making sense..
They get drunk and then hit the internet to let out their stupidity and hatred. They say you get to know a person's true colors when they're drunk.

Then what's my true colors?

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