Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

I like the way President Biden is responding the the Hamas attack. Stop looking for excuses to hate Democrats. Do you hate Christian too?


Quinnipiac Poll, October 17, 2023

Voters (76 - 17 percent) think supporting Israel is in the national interest of the United States.

Republicans (84 - 12 percent), Democrats (76 - 17 percent), and independents (74 - 19 percent) think supporting Israel is in the national interest of the United States.

Voters (64 - 28 percent) approve of the United States sending weapons and military equipment to Israel in response to the Hamas terrorist attack.

Republicans (79 - 19 percent), Democrats (59 - 29 percent), and independents (61 - 32 percent) approve of the United States sending weapons and military equipment to Israel.

Why would I hate Christians? What a nasty remark. That’s so typical of leftists - make a ridiculous accusation to put their opponent on the defensive.

Biden‘s support for Israel is undermined by his funding of Iran - a terrorist regime known to fund HAMAS attacks against innocent Israeli Jews. He just handed HAMAS $100 million by pretending it would go to Palestinians.

To practicing Jews, the protection of life supercedes everything. To you, soaking the rich is more important than the lives of 1400 innocent Jews intentionally tortured to death.

This did not happen under Trump.
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Why would I hate Christians? What a nasty remark. That’s so typical of leftists - make a ridiculous accusation to put their opponent on the defensive.

Biden‘s support for Israel is undermined by his funding of Iran - a terrorist regime known to fund HAMAS attacks against innocent Israeli Jews. He just handed HAMAS $100 million by pretending it would go to Palestinians.

To practicing Jews, the protection of life supercedes everything. To you, soaking the rich is more important than the lives of 1400 innocent Jews I intentionally tortured to death.

This did not happen under Trump.
Iran has not even received the six billion dollars. We have received the hostages Iran captured.
To practicing Jews, the protection of life supercedes everything. To you, soaking the rich is more important than the lives of 1400 innocent Jews intentionally tortured to death.
Joe Biden and Democrats in general are not responsible for the deaths of those Jews.
Iran has not even received the six billion dollars. We have received the hostages Iran captured.
1) Money is fungible.

2) Biden’s soft-on-sanctions approach to Iran enabled the Jew-hating terrorists to export oil and make $60 billion.

Trump kept Iran a poor country. Biden helped make them rich.
Joe Biden and Democrats in general are not responsible for the deaths of those Jews.
Their leftist media is Fueling Hate and Anti-Semitism. Same as some leftist politicians.

New York Slimes was already running Israel Bombs Hospital before the bodies got cold. Believe same as the Washington Compost.

Fueling hate and protests against Israel.
Hitler Youth. Nazi Germany. Did the same thing to children. Turns them into future SS troops
I had a scary thought. In 20 years, when I am ready for assisted living, the staff will be composed of people indoctrinated to despise Jews.
Their leftist media is Fueling Hate and Anti-Semitism. Same as some leftist politicians.

New York Slimes was already running Israel Bombs Hospital before the bodies got cold. Believe same as the Washington Compost.

Fueling hate and protests against Israel.
In a thread on affirmative action that ran in The Washington Post I pointed out that the average black IQ is 85 and the average white IQ is 100. Since then I have not been allowed to post any comments at all on The Washington Post website., even though I pay for access.

I have not been silenced on The New York Times website. Nevertheless, whenever I submit a comment that is even mildly critical of blacks - although of course 100% true - my comment is not posted.

When Claudine Gay was appointed to be the new President of Harvard every news story, every editorial, and every column in The Harvard Crimson praised the appointment of Gay as a great victory for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Virtually all of the comments were critical of the decision. I pointed out that Gay is the first president of Harvard who has never written a book, and who will not be required to attend faculty meetings.

Several days later all the negative comments were removed. I am no longer allowed to post comments on The Harvard Crimson.

The Harvard Crimson claims to value diversity. Like others who make that claim, The Harvard Crimson does not value diversity of opinion.

The Harvard Crimson does not live up to the motto of Harvard which is "Veritas" which means "truth."

In the past is was dangerous say anything nice about Negroes. Now it is dangerous to say anything critical about Negroes, no matter how true it is.
I am a Democrat and a Christian who is liberal on economic and environmental issues. I want the rich to be very heavily taxed, like the way they were during the Eisenhower administration.

I admire Jews, respect Judaism, and love Israel. The only Palestinians I care about are the Christian Palestinians.

I am aware that many Americans and a large minority of Democrats do not agree with me about the Palestinians. Therefore I do not mind when President Biden, who I voted for in 2020 and will vote for again in 2024, occasionally shows concern for the Palestinians.

If I only voted for politicians who agree with me about everything I would never vote.

The Democrat Party I really like is the one that existed from 1933 to 1963. I think the civil rights laws passed since 1963 were well intended mistakes, but that it would be unwise to try to repeal them. I do want them to be very narrowly interpreted to forbid affirmative action and racial reparations.
Working through your ignorance would be a full time job.

You must buy into the abiogenesis nonsense. They have fools like you on a very short leash. The odds are extraordinarily low.

The Improbability of Abiogenesis

Actually, WWI- The Tsar was the head of Orthodoxy, the Sultan was the Caliph of Islam, the King of GB was the head of the Anglican church.

And this was the cause of WWI? Who knew.

Naw, I don't watch bullshit videos

Satellite videos don't lie but you already have a preconceived idea that can't be changed. That is the typical modus operandi of dullards.
What percentage of Jewish land and property did the Arabs pay for after they Muslims drove them off?

The Arab Jews left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973 because of the Israelis.

I'm real sorry this happened but Bibi is to blame. Now he's trying to drag the US into his mess.
Why would I hate Christians? What a nasty remark. That’s so typical of leftists - make a ridiculous accusation to put their opponent on the defensive.

Biden‘s support for Israel is undermined by his funding of Iran - a terrorist regime known to fund HAMAS attacks against innocent Israeli Jews. He just handed HAMAS $100 million by pretending it would go to Palestinians.

To practicing Jews, the protection of life supercedes everything. To you, soaking the rich is more important than the lives of 1400 innocent Jews intentionally tortured to death.

This did not happen under Trump.
Bibi wants the US to attack Iran as well.

Remember when he showed up with his bomb cartoon in 2012.
The Arab Jews left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973 because of the Israelis.

I'm real sorry this happened but Bibi is to blame. Now he's trying to drag the US into his mess.
Stop putting the blame on Israel for what Muslim savages did.

If Biden wasn’t so focused on appeasing Islamic terrorists, this wouldn’t have happened. I rue the day Biden “won.”
Jewish students on afraid. The antisemitic atmosphere in liberal universities is Germany circa 1930.
This just doesn't make sense. What did Hamas think Israel, especially under Bebe, was going to do? Roll over?

Unless they think or know that reinforcements, in the form of other groups and Iran are on the way to help. No way to know, yet.
Something I don't understand is that a country who is led by people who go on a murdering rampage, are somehow supposed to be immune to any consequences after committing an act of war. All the news about countries getting in a twist because Israel is going after the people who attacked them is mind boggling.
Something I don't understand is that a country who is led by people who go on a murdering rampage, are somehow supposed to be immune to any consequences after committing an act of war. All the news about countries getting in a twist because Israel is going after the people who attacked them is mind boggling.
The explanation is simple:

Raging antisemitism.
Well, it didn't happen at the time.

The Two-state solution doesn't work because Bibi has refused to negotiate with Fatah and the PA. He prefers Hamas as an enemy. Well, he got what he wanted.
He literally just agreed to keep the two state solution alive during negotiations at the end of September

You just lie, and lie, to defend your support of baby beheaders in hamas

You sick dembot
He literally just agreed to keep the two state solution alive during negotiations at the end of September

You just lie, and lie, to defend your support of baby beheaders in hamas

You sick dembot
The Palestinians and HAMAS had their chance of a two-state solution, but the Jew-haters turned it down.

No WAY can there be a two-state solution after the Islamic barbarians massacred all those Jews, and in the most brutal, torturous ways.
The Palestinians and HAMAS had their chance of a two-state solution, but the Jew-haters turned it down.

No WAY can there be a two-state solution after the Islamic barbarians massacred all those Jews, and in the most brutal, torturous ways.
The Palestinians should have been deported right after Israel's victory in the Six Day War of 1967. Few Americans would have complained. We were too busy celebrating Israel's victory.

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