Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

Again, natural selection. The creatures with the complex mechanism had an advantage over the simpler ones that didn't.

Evolution is trial and error. We've had five mass extinction events in history. Dinosaurs were doing great until the meteor hit. Then the mammals took over.

I'm sure science will figure it all out eventually. That's how science works. As opposed to faith, where someone puts down a dogma, and anyone who doubts it becomes an infidel. (Or gets his knuckles slapped by a frustrated lesbian in a habit... but enough about my childhood.)

On a related note, I grew up Catholic, where they tried to reconcile science with religion and just couldn't do it. In religion class, they taught us about Adam and Eve and the Talking Snake, and in Science class, they taught us about dinosaurs and cavemen. The problem is, that the "house of cards," as you say, falls apart. God created either man in his image (and we are all the results of more inbreeding than your part of the country), or we evolved from lower primates through natural selection. Both can't be true.

Do we have all the answers yet? Nope. But the evidence we have so far contradicts the bible.

Well, it did happen. The fact we are here and we have the fossils to prove it showing evolutionary progression is proof of that.

On the other hand, no one has found the Garden of Eden and its talking snakes.

There's no room in science for "Magical thinking"; that's the thing.

Well, no, to put it back on point. The reason why we have a conflict in Palestine is because the Jews think that the God who let Hitler turn half of them into lampshades and bars of soap really, really loves them and wants them to have that land. The Arabs believe their magic friend in the sky wants THEM to have the land.

If people didn't believe in magical thinking like this, we simply wouldn't have a conflict.
The fossil record?
We have video of Hamas artillery hitting the hospital.
We have recorded chatter of 2 Hamas members talking about it.

None of that is in dispute.

Yet, Left Wing lunatics on here still claim otherwise.

We can't have a successful society engaging with people like this.
They should be shunned.
People who constantly use "Zionist" in a hateful and derogatory manner should be shunned.
1) We have the Zionist word this is true. Frankly, I'm skeptical. So is most of the world.
2) Zionism is a hateful philosophy, like Apartheid or Nazism.
3) We can have a successful society if we stop putting the needs of the Zionist Entity before our own.
That's propaganda. Disconnected bantustans are not contiguous land for a state. The possibility of a two state solution died 20 years ago. Every Arab state signed on the Saudi peace initiative in 2003 including Hamas and Hezbollah. They guaranteed Israel's security.

Arabs have lived there for 2500 years... Long before Islam. They don't want to push Israel into the sea.
If you look at a map of the original UN partition plan, that’s what Israel looked like. A piece of ground here, another there a third elsewhere, often with to land connections.
There is nothing radical about progressive taxation. During the Eisenhower administration the top tax rate fluctuated from 91% to 92%.


Those were the years Trump's white blue collar constituency thinks about when it responds favorably to the slogan, "Make America great again."
And the rich spent millions to not pay those rates. One of the strategies was losing money, what were called tax shelters back in the day. There were so many exemptions that no one paid the posted rates. Even credit card interest was a deduction.
And the rich spent millions to not pay those rates. One of the strategies was losing money, what were called tax shelters back in the day. There were so many exemptions that no one paid the posted rates. Even credit card interest was a deduction.
During the 1950's the rich paid higher taxes on less money. A high tax rate gives the government considerable power over the economic behavior of rich people.
And the rich spent millions to not pay those rates. One of the strategies was losing money, what were called tax shelters back in the day. There were so many exemptions that no one paid the posted rates. Even credit card interest was a deduction.
During the 1950's the rich paid higher taxes on less money. A high tax rate gives the government considerable power over the economic behavior of rich people.

What does all this have to do with Liberals supporting terrorists?

The purpose of tax rates is to bring in revenue. REVENUE is the money that government uses to operate.

The truth is that lower tax rates bring in MORE revenue. That is a fact that democrats just cannot grasp. Democrats use taxes to punish because they are Marxists at heart.

QUOTE: "It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now." - John F. Kennedy
The truth is that lower tax rates bring in MORE revenue. That is a fact that democrats just cannot grasp. Democrats use taxes to punish because they are Marxists at heart.

QUOTE: "It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now." - John F. Kennedy
That has never been true. Kennedy was mistaken. Cutting taxes raises less tax revenue than not cutting them. Raising taxes raises the most tax money.

What is a Marxist? How much of Marx have you read? I read some of Marx in college. I have read The Communist Manifesto many times. After I graduated from college I took a fascinating seminar of Das Kapital given by the American Communist Party. I already owned most of the books on the reading list, including all three volumes of Das Kapital. They were printed in Moscow by Progress Publishers.

I have known and liked card carrying members of the American Communist Party.

I believe a political thinker should be read for insight, rather than doctrine. On the basis of my reasonably extensive study of the writings of Karl Marx I believe he had two valid insights, and that he was mistaken about everything else.

In the present political environment calling someone a Marxist is like calling someone a racist. It is an effort to stop a discussion we need to have, rather than to extend it.
Kennedy was mistaken

No he wasn't. You just don't understand the relationship between tax rates and revenues, and economic growth. How old are you.

That has never been true

Thats a lie. It has always been true. I can prove it right now:


A tax rate of Zero brings in Zero revenue (obviously)
A tax rate of 100% brings in Zero revenue obviously because nobody and no business could survive in such an insane environment and therefore nobody is paying any taxes.

Between 0 and 100 is the sweet spot that will bring in revenue and still maximize economic growth and the creation of good jobs which is necessary for revenues.

Democrats never shoot for the sweet spot. They are ignorant of this, as are you.

Look: If I have 100 people working and paying 15% taxes, and I raise taxes to 20%, hurt the economy, lose half those jobs, and now have only 50 people working and paying 20% taxes, have I gained or lost revenue?

I have raised taxes and lost revenue.

Economics 101.

Go get a clue.
The truth is that lower tax rates bring in MORE revenue. That is a fact that democrats just cannot grasp. Democrats use taxes to punish because they are Marxists at heart.

Supply Side is "Voodoo Economics". When Reagan did it, the National Debt tripled in 12 years. When Dubya Bush did it again, the National Debt doubled in 8 years.

A high tax rate on the rich is necessary to keep the wealth from accumulating in too few hands. That's what separates a first world country from a third world one.
Supply Side is "Voodoo Economics". When Reagan did it, the National Debt tripled in 12 years. When Dubya Bush did it again, the National Debt doubled in 8 years.

A high tax rate on the rich is necessary to keep the wealth from accumulating in too few hands. That's what separates a first world country from a third world one.
/----/ Yeah, the democRAT controlled Congress overspending had nothing to do with the debt. It was Bush and Reagan helping people keep more of their own money that did it. Let's throw more tax money down the bottomless pit of Washington, DC. What could possibly go wrong?
/----/ Yeah, the democRAT controlled Congress overspending had nothing to do with the debt. It was Bush and Reagan helping people keep more of their own money that did it. Let's throw more tax money down the bottomless pit of Washington, DC. What could possibly go wrong?

Actually, let's look at that.

So Reagan cut taxes for rich people (and yes, it was rich people who mostly benefited), but he also increased military spending by 100 Billion a year. So he cut revenues and increased spending.

He also had a major recession that required the government to spend billions in unemployment benefits and other social spending.
Actually, let's look at that.

So Reagan cut taxes for rich people (and yes, it was rich people who mostly benefited), but he also increased military spending by 100 Billion a year. So he cut revenues and increased spending.

He also had a major recession that required the government to spend billions in unemployment benefits and other social spending.
/------/ "he (Reagan) also increased military spending by 100 Billion a year."
In case you're confused, Reagan had to rebuild the military that Jimma "I'll never lie to ya" Carter slashed. And the democRAT Congress had to approve both the tax cuts and military spending. National defense is one of the key requirements of the government mandated in the Constitution.
In case you're confused, Reagan had to rebuild the military that Jimma "I'll never lie to ya" Carter slashed. And the democRAT Congress had to approve both the tax cuts and military spending. National defense is one of the key requirements of the government mandated in the Constitution.

Yes, he made us much safer with those $200 hammers and $600 toilet seats!

Reagan pissed away a shitload of money on weapons we didn't need, and equipment that didn't work.
Yes, he made us much safer with those $200 hammers and $600 toilet seats!

Reagan pissed away a shitload of money on weapons we didn't need, and equipment that didn't work.
/-----/ "Yes, he made us much safer with those $200 hammers and $600 toilet seats!"
All with the gleeful approval of the democRAT Congress.

Are you so opposed to allowing rich people to keep more of their own earnings that you will vote for the Party that funds Jew-hating Islamic regimes and enables, or, at the minimum, emboldens them to commit the type of atrocity the Muslims committed against innocent Jewish people on October 7? It was the largest single-day mutilation and murder of Jews since the Holocaust!

The torture those innocent souls suffered before death relieved their agony is worse than some rich dudes getting taxed up the wazoo.

Priorities. Babies had their heads sawed off with a knife. Little children were set on fire. A total of 1400 innocent Jews are dead because Islamic terrorists INTENTIONALLY tortured them to death.

And look at the antisemitism that has crawled out from under the rocks. Professors in liberal universities say that learning of the massacre of Jewish people was exhilarating…..making Jewish students stand in the corner...a member of Congress serving as the propagandist of HAMAS and lying to incite a riot….thousands of college kids at liberal schools yelling “Kill the Jews!”.
Are you so opposed to allowing rich people to keep more of their own earnings that you will vote for the Party that funds Jew-hating Islamic regimes and enables, or, at the minimum, emboldens them to commit the type of atrocity the Muslims committed against innocent Jewish people on October 7? It was the largest single-day mutilation and murder of Jews since the Holocaust!

The torture those innocent souls suffered before death relieved their agony is worse than some rich dudes getting taxed up the wazoo.

Priorities. Babies had their heads sawed off with a knife. Little children were set on fire. A total of 1400 innocent Jews are dead because Islamic terrorists INTENTIONALLY tortured them to death.

And how is that worse than the thousands of Palestinians who are being bombed and starved right now?

Boo-fucking-hoo, after 80 years of putting up with Jewish oppression, some Arabs decided to strike back.

And look at the antisemitism that has crawled out from under the rocks. Professors in liberal universities say that learning of the massacre of Jewish people was exhilarating…..making Jewish students stand in the corner...a member of Congress serving as the propagandist of HAMAS and lying to incite a riot….thousands of college kids at liberal schools yelling “Kill the Jews!”.

Yup, sounds like you are quickly expending the good will the attack brought you by acting badly. It's almost like you can't help yourselves.

Most of the people being murdered in Gaza right now had nothing to do with the attacks on October 7th.

Are you so opposed to allowing rich people to keep more of their own earnings that you will vote for the Party that funds Jew-hating Islamic regimes and enables, or, at the minimum, emboldens them to commit the type of atrocity the Muslims committed against innocent Jewish people on October 7? It was the largest single-day mutilation and murder of Jews since the Holocaust!

The torture those innocent souls suffered before death relieved their agony is worse than some rich dudes getting taxed up the wazoo.

Priorities. Babies had their heads sawed off with a knife. Little children were set on fire. A total of 1400 innocent Jews are dead because Islamic terrorists INTENTIONALLY tortured them to death.

And look at the antisemitism that has crawled out from under the rocks. Professors in liberal universities say that learning of the massacre of Jewish people was exhilarating…..making Jewish students stand in the corner...a member of Congress serving as the propagandist of HAMAS and lying to incite a riot….thousands of college kids at liberal schools yelling “Kill the Jews!”.

I like the way President Biden is responding the the Hamas attack. Stop looking for excuses to hate Democrats. Do you hate Christian too?


Quinnipiac Poll, October 17, 2023

Voters (76 - 17 percent) think supporting Israel is in the national interest of the United States.

Republicans (84 - 12 percent), Democrats (76 - 17 percent), and independents (74 - 19 percent) think supporting Israel is in the national interest of the United States.

Voters (64 - 28 percent) approve of the United States sending weapons and military equipment to Israel in response to the Hamas terrorist attack.

Republicans (79 - 19 percent), Democrats (59 - 29 percent), and independents (61 - 32 percent) approve of the United States sending weapons and military equipment to Israel.


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