Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

The Democrat party has become emboldened since Obama. They are embracing more off the wall bullshit every week. They're not much different from their Hamas counterparts.
Hamas is already part of the US Congress. They are females.
um, it wasn't our job to keep an eye on Hamas for the Zionist Entity. That was the Mossad's job.

Of course, it seems a little suspicious to me that the Mossad would "miss" this event. You know, almost like a false flag operation to deflect international and domestic criticism of Bibi's attack on democratic institutions in Israel. (not that the Zionist Entity is in any way, shape or form a "Democracy".)

No one is.

War is terrible. It's terrible when Hamas launches terror attacks and it's horrible when the Zionists bomb civilians.

That said, most of our problems with Iran are our own making.

We propped up the Shah for decades as he oppressed his own people.
We armed Saddam to the teeth to make war on Iran for a decade (until he turned on us, anyway!)

But we won't have an honest conversation about continuing to stick our hands in the hornet's nest, we'll just whine about getting stung.
Except when you there is a weak president as in Joey Xi Bai Dung dictating to how Israel should persecute their war and is shunned by other Arab countries like Jordan, Amman and Egypt.

It's funny how Democrats and others were so worried about Trump in National Policy and his finger on the nuke button.
They fraudulently gave us Biden by rigging an election and gave us a weak president in Joe Biden leading to the mess we're now in economically, nationally and internationally. Joey gave us the retreat from Afghanistan, the Ukraine war, out of control inflation, Supply side shortages, now War in the Middle East and last but not least problems in Asia with China. .
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What does it take before enough people realize that the Democrat Party is pure evil?

They support this Jew hating Hamas
They support sodomy
they support groomers
they mutilate children in the name of trannyism
They are Marxists

Wake the fuck up
We know that there was something, namely energy.

Which came from? Yeah, completely non-scientific magic.

I don't think you know what an enzyme is.. It's merely a series of molecules. Molecules are series of atoms. With enough time, you can have a combination of molecules that will make an enzyme, which will eventually form life.

I know what it is. Without the catalyst(enzymes) chemical reactions don’t occur. This leads to another point, how did the extremely complex mechanisms, in living things, all working in concert with one another, come about? Seriously, it is dishonest at best to ignore the improbability of the millions upon millions of complex, precise mechanisms, all working together, that must have been created to create life as we know it.

Chemicals that existed already.
Yeah ok, very scientific of you. I suppose you have faith that ”science” will figure this out too. Oh wait, if something something comes from nothing then that throws a monkey wrench into all of science. It is a huge house of cards.

Yes, something might be as improbable as enzymes combining to form life, but over enough time, it could (and did) happen.

It did huh? Proof, yeah, none, but you have faith. Good for you.

Science builds theories around evidence.
Faith builds evidence around a dogma.

Science doesn’t even entertain the idea that anything could have been intelligently created. That is intellectually dishonest. It wouldn’t negate current scientific discoveries or even future ones, but it could explain the rather ridiculous and, ironically, completely nonscientific premise to which it currently ascribes.

We are high jacking this thread. You will continue to believe that everything was just happenstance and that someting just, poof, magically combusted which caused this highly unlikely series of events and I will believe that it was by intelligent design.
They need to be expelled from Congress for supporting Jew-hating Islamic terrorists.

Why? Their constituents know they hate the Zionists and don't care because they hate the Zionists, too.

Except when you there is a weak president as in Joey Xi Bai Dung dictating to how Israel should persecute their war and is shunned by other Arab countries like Jordan, Amman and Egypt.
Those countries cancelled the meeting because the Zionists SCUM bombed a hospital and killed 500 innocent civilians.
I know what it is. Without the catalyst(enzymes) chemical reactions don’t occur. This leads to another point, how did the extremely complex mechanisms, in living things, all working in concert with one another, come about? Seriously, it is dishonest at best to ignore the improbability of the millions upon millions of complex, precise mechanisms, all working together, that must have been created to create life as we know it.

Again, natural selection. The creatures with the complex mechanism had an advantage over the simpler ones that didn't.

Evolution is trial and error. We've had five mass extinction events in history. Dinosaurs were doing great until the meteor hit. Then the mammals took over.

Yeah ok, very scientific of you. I suppose you have faith that ”science” will figure this out too. Oh wait, if something something comes from nothing then that throws a monkey wrench into all of science. It is a huge house of cards.

I'm sure science will figure it all out eventually. That's how science works. As opposed to faith, where someone puts down a dogma, and anyone who doubts it becomes an infidel. (Or gets his knuckles slapped by a frustrated lesbian in a habit... but enough about my childhood.)

On a related note, I grew up Catholic, where they tried to reconcile science with religion and just couldn't do it. In religion class, they taught us about Adam and Eve and the Talking Snake, and in Science class, they taught us about dinosaurs and cavemen. The problem is, that the "house of cards," as you say, falls apart. God created either man in his image (and we are all the results of more inbreeding than your part of the country), or we evolved from lower primates through natural selection. Both can't be true.

Do we have all the answers yet? Nope. But the evidence we have so far contradicts the bible.

It did huh? Proof, yeah, none, but you have faith. Good for you.

Well, it did happen. The fact we are here and we have the fossils to prove it showing evolutionary progression is proof of that.

On the other hand, no one has found the Garden of Eden and its talking snakes.

Science doesn’t even entertain the idea that anything could have been intelligently created. That is intellectually dishonest. It wouldn’t negate current scientific discoveries or even future ones, but it could explain the rather ridiculous and, ironically, completely nonscientific premise to which it currently ascribes.

There's no room in science for "Magical thinking"; that's the thing.

We are high jacking this thread. You will continue to believe that everything was just happenstance and that someting just, poof, magically combusted which caused this highly unlikely series of events and I will believe that it was by intelligent design.

Well, no, to put it back on point. The reason why we have a conflict in Palestine is because the Jews think that the God who let Hitler turn half of them into lampshades and bars of soap really, really loves them and wants them to have that land. The Arabs believe their magic friend in the sky wants THEM to have the land.

If people didn't believe in magical thinking like this, we simply wouldn't have a conflict.
Again, natural selection. The creatures with the complex mechanism had an advantage over the simpler ones that didn't.

Evolution is trial and error. We've had five mass extinction events in history. Dinosaurs were doing great until the meteor hit. Then the mammals took over.

I'm sure science will figure it all out eventually. That's how science works. As opposed to faith, where someone puts down a dogma, and anyone who doubts it becomes an infidel. (Or gets his knuckles slapped by a frustrated lesbian in a habit... but enough about my childhood.)

On a related note, I grew up Catholic, where they tried to reconcile science with religion and just couldn't do it. In religion class, they taught us about Adam and Eve and the Talking Snake, and in Science class, they taught us about dinosaurs and cavemen. The problem is, that the "house of cards," as you say, falls apart. God created either man in his image (and we are all the results of more inbreeding than your part of the country), or we evolved from lower primates through natural selection. Both can't be true.

Do we have all the answers yet? Nope. But the evidence we have so far contradicts the bible.

Well, it did happen. The fact we are here and we have the fossils to prove it showing evolutionary progression is proof of that.

On the other hand, no one has found the Garden of Eden and its talking snakes.

There's no room in science for "Magical thinking"; that's the thing.

Well, no, to put it back on point. The reason why we have a conflict in Palestine is because the Jews think that the God who let Hitler turn half of them into lampshades and bars of soap really, really loves them and wants them to have that land. The Arabs believe their magic friend in the sky wants THEM to have the land.

If people didn't believe in magical thinking like this, we simply wouldn't have a conflict.

What does your Godless atheist stupidity have to do with the topic?
What does it take before enough people realize that the Democrat Party is pure evil?

They support this Jew hating Hamas
They support sodomy
they support groomers
they mutilate children in the name of trannyism
They are Marxists

Wake the fuck up

1) NObody supports Hamas, but we realize that Apartheid in Palestine is wrong.
2) Most straight people engage in anal, fellatio, or cunnilingus, which would have been considered "Sodomy" before all those laws were struck down.
3) Nobody supports "Grooming". We support people in understanding their own identities.
4) Marxists? The 1950's called, they want their paranoia back.
What does your Godless atheist stupidity have to do with the topic?

Did you need someone to explain the big words to you?

Read the last paragraph.

If the Jews didn't believe in a magic Sky fairy, they wouldn't be fighting so hard to live next to people who want to murder them.
Why? Their constituents know they hate the Zionists and don't care because they hate the Zionists, too.

Those countries cancelled the meeting because the Zionists SCUM bombed a hospital and killed 500 innocent civilians.

You are a couple days late.
Even your idol president said it was Hamas.
This issue falls under the heading of "Identity Politics" for me. The American Left has made a huge mistake in the way it has handled this issue over the years, and the atrocities we have seen in the last few days can't be denied.

There is no defending this.
/---/ Thank you, Mac.
Did you need someone to explain the big words to you?

Read the last paragraph.

If the Jews didn't believe in a magic Sky fairy, they wouldn't be fighting so hard to live next to people who want to murder them.
/----/ If the Muslims didn't believe in a magic Sky fairy...
You are a couple days late.
Even your idol president said it was Hamas.

I have no doubt, the Zionist Lobby controls both parties.

Must suck for you that Biden is looking presidential, while Trump is grinding an ax with Bibi.

But, yeah, the Zionists blew up that hospital and the world knows it.
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Which is full of scientific absurdities.

  1. God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from night, on the first day. Yet he didn't make the light producing objects (the sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). And how could there be "the evening and the morning" on the first day if there was no sun to mark them? 1:3-5
  2. God spends one-sixth of his entire creative effort (the second day) working on a solid firmament. This strange structure, which God calls heaven, is intended to separate the higher waters from the lower waters. 1:6-8
  3. Plants are made on the third day before there was a sun to drive their photosynthetic processes (1:14-19). 1:11
  4. In an apparent endorsement of astrology, God places the sun, moon, and stars in the firmament so that they can be used "for signs". This, of course, is exactly what astrologers do: read "the signs" in the Zodiac in an effort to predict what will happen on Earth. 1:14
  5. "He made the stars also." God spends a day making light (before making the stars) and separating light from darkness; then, at the end of a hard day's work, and almost as an afterthought, he makes the trillions of stars. 1:16
  6. "And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth." 1:17
  7. God commands us to "be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over ... every living thing that moveth upon the earth." 1:28
  8. "I have given you every herb ... and every tree ... for meat."
    Since many plants have evolved poisons to protect against animals that would like to eat them, God's advice is more than a little reckless. Would you tell your children to go out in the garden and eat whatever plants they encounter? Of course not. But then, you are much nicer and smarter than God. 1:29
  9. "The tree of life ... and the tree of knowledge of good and evil."
    God created two magic trees: the tree of life and the tree of knowledge. Eat from the first, and you live forever (3:22); eat from the second and you'll die the same day (2:17). (Or that's what God said, anyway. Adam ate from the tree of knowledge and lived for another 930 years or so (5:5). But he never got a chance to eat from the tree of life. God prevented him from eating from the tree of life before Adam could eat from the tree, become a god, and live forever.) 2:9
  10. God makes the animals and parades them before Adam to see if any would strike his fancy. But none seem to have what it takes to please him. (Although he was tempted to go for the sheep.) After making the animals, God has Adam name them all. The naming of several million species must have kept Adam busy for a while. 2:18-20
  11. God's clever, talking serpent. 3:1
  12. God walks and talks (to himself?) in the garden, and plays a little hide and seek with Adam and Eve. 3:8-11
  13. God curses the serpent. From now on the serpent will crawl on his belly and eat dust. One wonders how he got around before -- by hopping on his tail, perhaps? But snakes don't eat dust, do they? 3:14
  14. God curses the ground and causes thorns and thistles to grow. 3:17-18
  15. God kills some animals and makes some skin coats for Adam and Eve. 3:21
  16. "Behold, the man is become as one of us."
    God expels Adam and Eve from the garden before they get a chance to eat from that other tree -- the tree of life. God knows that if they do that, they well become "like one of us" and live forever. 3:22-24
Shit, we ain't even out of the third chapter of Genesis yet.
The PROOF is in the actions coming from the White House, and the contrast of the actions of 2 administrations > TRUMP & BIDEN.
Click the link >>

Biden just handed HAMAS a $100 million check, channeled through the Palestinians.

Obama is for sure behind the scenes, directing all this.

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