Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

Because it is the logical explanation. You will try to dismiss God
Logical ? The logical explanation is “ we don’t know.”
We have a history of assigning gods to the stars, the tides, the planets etc, only to throw them aside.
Making up gods requires a false narrative to go with it.
It requires that you live in the world of made believe we endings which stunt growth, advancement and research.
Yeah, ok. You are chasing your tail.
Really. Throwing the god myth out there is chasing your tail. You have to lie all the time. You’d be dead long ago if we left everything up to a god.
Why should be so anxious to fill these gaps with a god ? A god soon to be disbanded with every passing discovery.

Taking religion out of the equation for a minute, the evidence for intelligent design FAR outweighs the current “science”. The problem is the scientists don’t want to entertain that idea so the continue to run with the science of the day. There is plenty to keep scientists busy even if they acquiesced to the idea that life wasn’t by chance, but that would require them to admit that that something out there is far more intelligent than them and we certainly can’t have that. Scientists can’t create life(organic material) from non-life(inorganic material), which is essential to their theory. They can can create life from existing life only because the extremely complex blueprint and the organic materials are pre-existing.
Logical ? The logical explanation is “ we don’t know.”
We have a history of assigning gods to the stars, the tides, the planets etc, only to throw them aside.
Making up gods requires a false narrative to go with it.
It requires that you live in the world of made believe we endings which stunt growth, advancement and research.

What we do know is that all of it happening by chance is dishonest at best.
Really. Throwing the god myth out there is chasing your tail. You have to lie all the time. You’d be dead long ago if we left everything up to a god.

Any scientific theory regarding the origins of life requires just as much faith as me believing in God.
Scientists can’t create life(organic material) from non-life(inorganic material), which is essential to their theory.
No it is not. It’s called a theory in order to preserve the idea that new discoveries will be made.
No it is not. It’s called a theory in order to preserve the idea that new discoveries will be made.

Sure, new discoveries will be made, but you can’t escape the idea that if not intelligent design, it was all by chance. That is more unlikely than every person in the world winning the Powerball Lottery everyday for the rest of their lives. You go with that.
Sure, new discoveries will be made, but you can’t escape the idea that if not intelligent design, it was all by chance. That is more unlikely than every person in the world winning the Powerball Lottery everyday for the rest of their lives. You go with that.
Then discovery has no place in the minds of intelligent design. Then medical science which has saved countless lives is now left to a “god” who doesn’t give a shit.
Then discovery has no place in the minds of intelligent design. Then medical science which has saved countless lives is now left to a god who doesn’t give a shit.

Why is medical science and the idea of intelligent design mutually exclusive?
Logical ? The logical explanation is “ we don’t know.”
We have a history of assigning gods to the stars, the tides, the planets etc, only to throw them aside.
Making up gods requires a false narrative to go with it.
It requires that you live in the world of made believe we endings which stunt growth, advancement and research.
You offer nothing of any significance to changer my mind, and can't!
If you study history, white people ARE the worst people on the planet. Slavery, imperialism, genocide, all brought to you by white people. The problem is that while you and I didn't participate in it, we just enjoy the benefits.

Nothing to do with Marxism, buddy. Has to do with the fact that we have treated black folks terribly from the day the first slave ship showed up in 1619 to Darren Chauvin strangling George Floyd to death.

View attachment 842300

The Conservative solution- Don't talk about it in history class.
Yes, Marxist. It was the ghost in their heads that easily started a new and violent blm religion via the murder-suicide of a fentanyl eater passing counterfeit.
Initially the land was not stolen because the Palestinians did not own it. It was owned by Turkish land lords who sold it to Jewish settlers. When the Palestinians responded by attacking the new owners the Jews fought back and won. At this point the land was theirs by right of conquest.

What a crock. Most of the land was owned by the Greek Orthodox Church. Jews purchased 7% of the land by 1948.
What a crock. Most of the land was owned by the Greek Orthodox Church. Jews purchased 7% of the land by 1948.

Prepared for, and under the guidance of
the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable
Rights of the Palestinian People

New York, 1980

From the time of the Romans to the nineteenth century, the land tenure and land cultivation systems in Palestine had two main features: first, there were no laws or regulations on the management and cultivation of land in Palestine that were not completely out of date and, secondly, the big landowners owned nearly all the land...

Consideration of the systems of cultivation and land ownership in Palestine shows that most of the land was under the control either of the Ottoman government (Ottoman fiefs) or Turkish nationals

Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

Biden’s denunciation of grisly terror attacks can’t mask the left's years of coddling of Tehran and Gaza, experts say.
10 Oct 2023 ~~ By John Solomon

As evidence of civilian atrocities mounted, President Joe Biden emerged in public to unequivocally denounce the Hamas terror attacks as “pure unadulterated evil” but his repudiation cannot hide the long embrace by his party’s liberals of the two main actors behind the staggering violence that rocked the Middle East: the political and military leadership in Palestine and their backers in Iran.
Even as American hostages remained in peril, the beheaded torsos of innocent civilians were collected from Israeli streets and Hamas and Tehran celebrated the bloodletting, many liberals in America were still trying to express empathy for the attackers.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib flew a Palestinian flag outside her official congressional office, while Rep. Ilhan Omar suggested Israel’s counteroffensive might be a “war crime.” Biden’s secretary of state tweeted, then deleted a call for a “ceasefire” just as Israel ramped up its rescue missions. The U.S. Department of State’s Palestinian Affairs Office literally implored Israel to “refrain” from “retaliatory attacks” before reversing course. On the streets of liberal cities and the campuses of left-leaning universities like Harvard, many even suggested Israel deserved blame for Hamas’ attacks.
“The danger is not just to Israel,” former Obama-era Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told Just the News on Tuesday night. “The enemy we face in Hamas is the same enemy that America faces in ISIS and Al Qaeda. It is a radical, medieval, vicious, brutal, barbaric, jihadist group.
“It’s not a clash of civilizations … it's a clash between a civilization and a different universe, a very dark and evil universe. And you have to believe in evil,” Oren said during an interview conducted from a bomb shelter with the Just the News, No Noise television show. “These are people who behead babies, repeatedly rape young women and strip them and march them naked through the streets of Gaza so they can be spat upon and beaten, who take entire families out and shoot them.”
Former Trump-era Deputy National Security Adviser Victoria Coates said the blame isn’t just with Palestinian-sympathetic congresswomen and academics, it also falls on the Biden administration for sending millions in aid to Hamas-controlled Palestine and for appeasing Iran with eased oil sanctions and a recent $6 billion in unfrozen assets in the name of seeking a nuclear deal even as Tehran continues to sponsor terrorism and toss out UN nuclear inspectors.
Biden administration officials dismissed such criticisms, insisting that despite the deleted pro-Hamas tweets and prior appeasements to Iran that the president stands unequivocally with Israel and its right to defend itself. Administration officials also have refused to confirm reports from European intelligence that Iran helped plan the attack, even after Hamas made comments confirming such a connection.
Longtime intelligence expert Fred Fleitz, the former chief of staff to the National Security Council, said while it may take days or a few weeks for U.S. intelligence to pinpoint the exact nature of Iran’s role in the attacks, he has little doubt Tehran was involved.
Security experts said there is strong reason to fear Iranian-backed terrorists could have already crossed the porous southern U.S. border to be activated in the future against Americans, bringing the horror of what just happened in Israel closer to home. Biden himself raised the concern during his Tuesday press conference.
Coates added that “Maybe the biggest threat from that particular alphabet soup of terrorism is Hezbollah. Because we know Hezbollah has been active in Latin America, they've carried out attacks against Jewish targets in Argentina, for example. So they're here. And the notion that they haven't tried to cross the border in the last two and a half years is pretty disingenuous.”

On Saturday Biden briefly commented and was not to be seen for four days.
Meanwhile his toadies continue to make excuses for their lack of intelligence gathering and funding of Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah.

Democrat have always embraced evil because they ARE evil, from the slave days to today
Convenient, but hardly scientific. No matter how long you wait, there is absolutely no evidence that anything will form from absolutely nothing.

Except no one claimed that happened. We know that there was something, namely energy. Matter and energy are interchangeable.

I know, if we waited 13 billion years, maybe something would happen, never mind that it really makes zero sense. Scientists attempting to explain the origins of life make a lot of non-scientific, and frankly ludicrous, assumptions. Seating aside the idea that specific sequences of enzymes must already exist, assuming a cell(VERY complex) just randomly formed, you know, given enough time, what would prevent that miraculous thing from mutating and destroying itself, losing the absolutely unfathomably, miraculous progress it had made to that point?

I don't think you know what an enzyme is.. It's merely a series of molecules. Molecules are series of atoms. With enough time, you can have a combination of molecules that will make an enzyme, which will eventually form life.

Since I know the idea of God really strikes a cord with you, would it really be all that surprising to scientists if aliens revealed themselves to us and showed us how they created life? That would explain many of the major conundrums they are facing now regarding the origins of life.

It might, but then you'd have the problem of where the Aliens came from. The thing is, the same argument can be made about God. Where did God come from? Did a bigger God create him?

The problem is we know the universe is 14 Billion years old. The notion that God created this whole universe just so he could spend 3,000 years messing with one tribe in the Levant is kind of... silly.

Where did the soup from from?

Chemicals that existed already.
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More Talking Snake University thinking...

Taking religion out of the equation for a minute, the evidence for intelligent design FAR outweighs the current “science”. The problem is the scientists don’t want to entertain that idea so the continue to run with the science of the day. There is plenty to keep scientists busy even if they acquiesced to the idea that life wasn’t by chance, but that would require them to admit that that something out there is far more intelligent than them and we certainly can’t have that. Scientists can’t create life(organic material) from non-life(inorganic material), which is essential to their theory. They can can create life from existing life only because the extremely complex blueprint and the organic materials are pre-existing.

We can't do that NOW. 150 years ago, powered flight was impossible for humans (even though insects and birds did it.) Now we know how to do it. 70 years ago, sending people into space was impossible.

Any scientific theory regarding the origins of life requires just as much faith as me believing in God.

Well, no, not really. To believe in God - and by that you mean the Christian God who is only worshipped by 1/4 of the world's population - you have to accept a lot of absurdities that are demonstrably not true, or at least come up with excuses for them. The writers of the Bible thought the world was flat and the sun moved across the sky; both things we know now aren't true.

Science builds theories around evidence.
Faith builds evidence around a dogma.

Sure, new discoveries will be made, but you can’t escape the idea that if not intelligent design, it was all by chance. That is more unlikely than every person in the world winning the Powerball Lottery everyday for the rest of their lives. You go with that.

Well, no, not really. Again, we are talking about the nature of time. 14 billion years is a very long time. Yes, something might be as improbable as enzymes combining to form life, but over enough time, it could (and did) happen.
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Then by all means tell us where it all started with proof! At least I have a historical document in the Bible to tell me

Which is full of scientific absurdities.

  1. God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from night, on the first day. Yet he didn't make the light producing objects (the sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). And how could there be "the evening and the morning" on the first day if there was no sun to mark them? 1:3-5
  2. God spends one-sixth of his entire creative effort (the second day) working on a solid firmament. This strange structure, which God calls heaven, is intended to separate the higher waters from the lower waters. 1:6-8
  3. Plants are made on the third day before there was a sun to drive their photosynthetic processes (1:14-19). 1:11
  4. In an apparent endorsement of astrology, God places the sun, moon, and stars in the firmament so that they can be used "for signs". This, of course, is exactly what astrologers do: read "the signs" in the Zodiac in an effort to predict what will happen on Earth. 1:14
  5. "He made the stars also." God spends a day making light (before making the stars) and separating light from darkness; then, at the end of a hard day's work, and almost as an afterthought, he makes the trillions of stars. 1:16
  6. "And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth." 1:17
  7. God commands us to "be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over ... every living thing that moveth upon the earth." 1:28
  8. "I have given you every herb ... and every tree ... for meat."
    Since many plants have evolved poisons to protect against animals that would like to eat them, God's advice is more than a little reckless. Would you tell your children to go out in the garden and eat whatever plants they encounter? Of course not. But then, you are much nicer and smarter than God. 1:29
  9. "The tree of life ... and the tree of knowledge of good and evil."
    God created two magic trees: the tree of life and the tree of knowledge. Eat from the first, and you live forever (3:22); eat from the second and you'll die the same day (2:17). (Or that's what God said, anyway. Adam ate from the tree of knowledge and lived for another 930 years or so (5:5). But he never got a chance to eat from the tree of life. God prevented him from eating from the tree of life before Adam could eat from the tree, become a god, and live forever.) 2:9
  10. God makes the animals and parades them before Adam to see if any would strike his fancy. But none seem to have what it takes to please him. (Although he was tempted to go for the sheep.) After making the animals, God has Adam name them all. The naming of several million species must have kept Adam busy for a while. 2:18-20
  11. God's clever, talking serpent. 3:1
  12. God walks and talks (to himself?) in the garden, and plays a little hide and seek with Adam and Eve. 3:8-11
  13. God curses the serpent. From now on the serpent will crawl on his belly and eat dust. One wonders how he got around before -- by hopping on his tail, perhaps? But snakes don't eat dust, do they? 3:14
  14. God curses the ground and causes thorns and thistles to grow. 3:17-18
  15. God kills some animals and makes some skin coats for Adam and Eve. 3:21
  16. "Behold, the man is become as one of us."
    God expels Adam and Eve from the garden before they get a chance to eat from that other tree -- the tree of life. God knows that if they do that, they well become "like one of us" and live forever. 3:22-24
Shit, we ain't even out of the third chapter of Genesis yet.

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