Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

Then why do so many Democrats get elected? Why did Trump lose the popular vote to Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden?
Because the media is biased to the left, and suppresses information that would hurt Democrats.

If the lying Democrats didn’t collude with the media to suppress the laptop story, we would have Trump as president right now….and HAMAS would not have massacred innocent Jews.

They have good reasons to hate Jews. The Jews stole their land.
Not only that but the Israelis have killed massive numbers of Palestinian women and children. Of course Hamas has too, but many Americans only know atrocities committed by Palestinians.
Because the media is biased to the left, and suppresses information that would hurt Democrats.

If the lying Democrats didn’t collude with the media to suppress the laptop story, we would have Trump as president right now….and HAMAS would not have massacred innocent Jews.
The American people have access to Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, other conservative news media, and right wing talk radio.
The American people have access to Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, other conservative news media, and right wing talk radio.
But 95% of journalists are leftists, and the way they cover mainstream news reflects that.

Normal Democrats are not going to tune into conservative radio or buy The Washington Times.
All the Zionist "solutions" mean validating the theft of Palestinian land.

Again, what is this genetic compulsion to cheat people and then act like you are doing them a favor?

Are we to overturn all exchanges of land throughout history? Yes, colonization was a thing, but we can't very well go back. The idea of a Jewish state started with the Balfour Declaration in WWI and the UN voted to split the land in 1947 to allow the Jewish to leave Europe, where they were clearly being persecuted. To the victors go the spoils. You can't unwind all of history to suit your needs.
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Are we to overturn all exchanges of land throughout history? Yes, colonization was a thing, but we can't very well go back. The idea of a Jewish state started with the Balfour Declaration in WWI and the UN voted to split the land in 1947 to allow the Jewish to leave Europe, where they were clearly being persecuted. With the victors come the spoils. You can't unwind all of history to suit your needs.
You’ll note that he’s only talking about the Joooos.
Not only that but the Israelis have killed massive numbers of Palestinian women and children. Of course Hamas has too, but many Americans only know atrocities committed by Palestinians.

The Palestinians supported our enemies during World War II, the Cold War, and the Gulf War. When the World Trade Center was destroyed Palestinians celebrated.

We think the Children of Israel have the right to defend their presence in the Land of Israel.

I would welcome a restoration of David's Empire.


Nevertheless, I believe that should only be achieved in response to future acts of Arab aggression.
Another thought: The Jewish religion doesn’t teach its adherents to hate and murder Muslims. The opposite cannot be said.

That‘s the problem with you libs. In the quest for “everyone is equal,” you are unable to note that some groups of people are worse than other groups of people. The Palestinians initiated a massacre of innocent Jews so horrific it hasn‘t been seen since the Holocaust while Jews, in an effort to minimize civilian casualties, are giving warning to the Palestinians to get out.
You’re ridiculous, Muslims don’t teach to murder, rape and abuse peoples either. The reason Israel doesn't promote is that it’s not an autocracy but a democracy and more secular in government.
You’d be hard pressed to find many democracies that war against each other. That’s not the same for autocracies.
After ww2, some surviving Jews went on an assassination run for Nazi and Nazi sympathizers…..That had nothing to do with the teachings of the Jewish religions.

All religion has one thing in common. Contradictions which allow their followers to rationalize most any action as God inspired.
The whole party is extremists, a bunch of loons and no the majority of Americans does not support it!
Bullshit. ALL of their national proposals are supported by a majority of Americans. It’s conservative a-holes who are autocratic and dictatorial…you’re Putinites.,
I would not vote for a Democrat who makes a point of supporting the enemies of Israel.

I do not hate rich people as a class. I simply recognize, as do most Americans, that I would benefit from a more progressive tax system.

During President Carter's last year in office the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) was 32%.

As a result of Republican tax cuts for the rich this grew to 129% during Trump's last year in office.

US National Debt by Year

Republicans no longer value balanced budgets. They like to raise the national debt because those increases make it difficult for the Democrat Party to fund programs designed to help its natural constituencies.

The GOP benefits when white blue collar workers think, "The Democrats never did me any good. At least the Republicans won't take my guns."
Exactly….but we support Israel, not because they are Jews, but because they are a valued allied DEMOCRACY
If there is not a right to conquer land from those who initiate the use of violence, there should be. Germany lost land after each of the World Wars.
Germany lost territory that was predominately populated by non-Germans.

And Germany started the war.

Palestine didn't deserve what was done to it.

I hear a lot about these so called "illegal settlements." Did Israeli leaders sign international agreements prohibiting the settlement of land conquered in response to foreign aggression? I doubt it very much. If they were foolish enough to sign agreements like that, they should withdraw from the agreements, and encourage Jews to settle and develop the land.

Yes, because giving Palestinians more things to be upset about is working so well for them.

What Israel needs to do is withdraw back to the 1967 borders (including East Jerusalem) and work with Fatah on a two-state solution.

INstead, Bibi empowered Hamas because that allowed him to not do that in good faith. Now, it's bitten him in the ass, and he's whining to the world for sympathy.

Another thought: The Jewish religion doesn’t teach its adherents to hate and murder Muslims. The opposite cannot be said.
No, you teach people to cheat the Goyim at every opportunity, then whine like stuck pigs when the Goyim slap back.

That‘s the problem with you libs. In the quest for “everyone is equal,” you are unable to note that some groups of people are worse than other groups of people. The Palestinians initiated a massacre of innocent Jews so horrific it hasn‘t been seen since the Holocaust while Jews, in an effort to minimize civilian casualties, are giving warning to the Palestinians to get out.
Here's a reality. Any human being is capable of evil if pushed far enough. "Good" people usually have a full belly and a warm place to sleep.

The Palestinians have been forced to live in abject poverty. The whole of the Gaza strip has 2.3 million people crowded into 170 Square miles.
Are we to overturn all exchanges of land throughout history? Yes, colonization was a thing, but we can't very well go back.
Actually, borders are being redrawn all the time to reflect national needs.

It's why you can't find Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia or the Soviet Union on a map anymore.

The idea of a Jewish state started with the Balfour Declaration in WWI and the UN voted to split the land in 1947 to allow the Jewish to leave Europe, where they were clearly being persecuted.

Neither of which should have been done. The problem with Israel is that it is ultimately unsustainable. There are simply more Palestinians than there are Israelis. Period. Full stop.

It's why the Israelis spun off Gaza and enabled Hamas to start with, so they wouldn't have to negotiate with Palestinians in good faith.

If every adult in Palestine and Israel had a vote on the matter, Israel would cease to be.

To the victors go the spoils. You can't unwind all of history to suit your needs.

Actually, most of the world already has... wars of liberation ended European and Japanese colonialism and the world is better off for it.

The Palestinians supported our enemies during World War II, the Cold War, and the Gulf War. When the World Trade Center was destroyed Palestinians celebrated.

In WWII, despite being SCREWED by the British, Palestinians fought for the Commonwealth in the Palestine Brigade.

The Palestinians did everything they could to separate themselves from Al Qaeda after 9/11.
You’ll note that he’s only talking about the Joooos.

Only the Joos are still trying to maintain an apartheid state.

No other country is one ethnic minority lording over the majority.

Simple enough solution. Let Israel annex the West Bank and Gaza, but every Palestinian gets full voting rights, and if they put Hamas and Fatah in the Knessett, you'll have to deal.

We think the Children of Israel have the right to defend their presence in the Land of Israel.

I would welcome a restoration of David's Empire.

You realize the Bible is all a bunch of religious mythology, right? Or do you actually think Talking Snakes and Giants were a thing?

What you fail to realize is that even if you take the Bible Stories at Face Value, David's empire didn't last. Solomon was happy to worship the Gods of his 300 wives. After his death, the Kingdom split, didn't exclusively follow Yahweh and was eventually bitchslapped by any neighboring country that came along.
There is nothing radical about progressive taxation. During the Eisenhower administration the top tax rate fluctuated from 91% to 92%.


Those were the years Trump's white blue collar constituency thinks about when it responds favorably to the slogan, "Make America great again."
I get it, you believe in from each according to their ability, to each according to their need. You believe in punishing success!

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