Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

All the Zionist "solutions" mean validating the theft of Palestinian land.
Initially the land was not stolen because the Palestinians did not own it. It was owned by Turkish land lords who sold it to Jewish settlers. When the Palestinians responded by attacking the new owners the Jews fought back and won. At this point the land was theirs by right of conquest.
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For a Christian you sure promote a lot of lying crap.

Between 2012 and 2018, Netanyahu gave Qatar approval to transfer a cumulative sum of about a billion dollars to Gaza, at least half of which reached Hamas, including its military wing. According to the Jerusalem Post, in a private meeting with members of his Likud party on March 11, 2019, Netanyahu explained the reckless step as follows: The money transfer is part of the strategy to divide the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Anyone who opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state needs to support the transfer of the money from Qatar to Hamas. In that way, we will foil the establishment of a Palestinian state (as reported in former cabinet member Haim Ramon’s Hebrew-language book “Neged Haruach”, p. 417).
1) You know I’m Jewish. We’ve had multiple debates over the past year.

2) How is any of what you posted relevant to Muslim children being taught to kill Jews - and making games of it?
Initially the land was not stolen because the Palestinians did not own it. It was owned by Turkish land lords who sold it to Jewish settlers. When the Palestinians responded by attacking the new owners the Jews fought back and won. At this point the land was theirs by right of conquest.
There is no "right of conquest".

That shit ended with World War II.
Bibi's plan to stop any 2 state solution. This is another land grab.
The Palestinian Jew-haters rejected offers of a two-state solution. Stop spreading lies after YOUR people just massacred, by INTENT, 1300 innocent Jews, including helpless babies, in the most barbaric ways possible.
There is no "right of conquest".

That shit ended with World War II.
If there is not a right to conquer land from those who initiate the use of violence, there should be. Germany lost land after each of the World Wars.

I hear a lot about these so called "illegal settlements." Did Israeli leaders sign international agreements prohibiting the settlement of land conquered in response to foreign aggression? I doubt it very much. If they were foolish enough to sign agreements like that, they should withdraw from the agreements, and encourage Jews to settle and develop the land.
I blame the Democrats for going along with GW Bush and Republican plans to attack the wrong country.
Yup….they voted to give Bush the authority to go to war if the evidence warrants it. Bush lied about the evidence. The continual problem with democrats is, they compromise with another party that literally, lies and makes up shit. At times, it was the other way around, especially during the Viet Nam war. Hence, the independents out number either parties. This has been going on for decades with both parties admistration. The admin controls the “ story” narrative with their primary access to intel.
The Palestinian Jew-haters rejected offers of a two-state solution. Stop spreading lies after YOUR people just massacred, by INTENT, 1300 innocent Jews, including helpless babies, in the most barbaric ways possible.
Just one thought. In this non democracy area of world groups literally hate any other group, even other religious sects of the same religion that doesn’t conform to their narrow minded view of the world. 911 was an example.
If Hamas isn’t brutalizing Jews, they, or other Sunni groups are brutalizing someone else for occupying their holy lands.
I am a Democrat. My support for Israel has always been unconditional. The only Palestinians I care about are the Christian Palestinians. There are few of them.
Your Party has no problem appeasing the extremists in its own party that have unconditional support for no Jews in Israel and to use any means possible to accomplish that.
Your Party has no problem appeasing the extremists in its own party that have unconditional support for no Jews in Israel and to use any means possible to accomplish that.
There are no extremist in the Left of center democrats. EVERYTHING they propose is supported by a MAJORITY OF AMERICANS. You have to make up shit to deny it.
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Just one thought. In this non democracy area of world groups literally hate any other group, even other religious sects of the same religion that doesn’t conform to their narrow minded view of the world. 911 was an example.
If Hamas isn’t brutalizing Jews, they, or other Sunni groups are brutalizing someone else for occupying their holy lands.
Another thought: The Jewish religion doesn’t teach its adherents to hate and murder Muslims. The opposite cannot be said.

That‘s the problem with you libs. In the quest for “everyone is equal,” you are unable to note that some groups of people are worse than other groups of people. The Palestinians initiated a massacre of innocent Jews so horrific it hasn‘t been seen since the Holocaust while Jews, in an effort to minimize civilian casualties, are giving warning to the Palestinians to get out.
Your Party has no problem appeasing the extremists in its own party that have unconditional support for no Jews in Israel and to use any means possible to accomplish that.
What you say is true. If I only voted for candidates with whom I agree on everything, I would not vote.
I would imagine there are many arabs who do not like any of this!
Arabs, or PalestinIans? There are many good Arabs in modern Arab countries who have diplomatic relations with Israel.

In fact, there is conjecture that this attack occurred when it did because Saudi Arabia was close to making a deal with Israel, and HAMAS wants to keep Israel looking like the bad guys.
What you say is true. If I only voted for candidates with whom I agree on everything, I would not vote.
To me, it’s a matter of priorities:

Do I vote for a party that refuses to give tax cuts, which benefit both rich and the middle class, and that ALSO has enabled Iran and HAMAS to massacre 1,300 innocent Jews, including babies, in the most barbarism torturous ways possible? And in doing so, unleash the most horrific antisemitism I’ve seen in my life?

The answer is NO.
What you say is true. If I only voted for candidates with whom I agree on everything, I would not vote.
P.S. Is your hatred for “the rich” so extreme that you will vote for the party that emboldens the enemies of Israel? You saw the result last Saturday.
P.S. Is your hatred for “the rich” so extreme that you will vote for the party that emboldens the enemies of Israel? You saw the result last Saturday.
I would not vote for a Democrat who makes a point of supporting the enemies of Israel.

I do not hate rich people as a class. I simply recognize, as do most Americans, that I would benefit from a more progressive tax system.

During President Carter's last year in office the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) was 32%.

As a result of Republican tax cuts for the rich this grew to 129% during Trump's last year in office.

US National Debt by Year

Republicans no longer value balanced budgets. They like to raise the national debt because those increases make it difficult for the Democrat Party to fund programs designed to help its natural constituencies.

The GOP benefits when white blue collar workers think, "The Democrats never did me any good. At least the Republicans won't take my guns."
Arabs, or PalestinIans? There are many good Arabs in modern Arab countries who have diplomatic relations with Israel.

In fact, there is conjecture that this attack occurred when it did because Saudi Arabia was close to making a deal with Israel, and HAMAS wants to keep Israel looking like the bad guys.
arabs and palestinians are the same, their is no such ethnic race as palestinians, they are arab nomads kicked out of other countries!
I would not vote for a Democrat who makes a point of supporting the enemies of Israel.

I do not hate rich people as a class. I simply recognize, as do most Americans, that I would benefit from a more progressive tax system.

During President Carter's last year in office the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) was 32%.

As a result of Republican tax cuts for the rich this grew to 129% during Trump's last year in office.

US National Debt by Year

Republicans no longer value balanced budgets. They like to raise the national debt because those increases make it difficult for the Democrat Party to fund programs designed to help its natural constituencies.

The GOP benefits when white blue collar workers think, "The Democrats never did me any good. At least the Republicans won't take my guns."
A progressive tax system is inherently unfair, and covetous.

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