Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

This issue falls under the heading of "Identity Politics" for me. The American Left has made a huge mistake in the way it has handled this issue over the years, and the atrocities we have seen in the last few days can't be denied.

There is no defending this.
I am not sure I see the point of bombing all these buildings in Gaza. If it's like World War Two Urban Warfare, it doesn't really help does it?
You must buy into the abiogenesis nonsense. They have fools like you on a very short leash. The odds are extraordinarily low.
I agree, it is low. There are billions of planets in the universe. We just happen to live on the one it happened on. Maybe it's never happened anywhere else.

And this was the cause of WWI? Who knew.

It most certainly contributed that men could take their countries to war because God ordained them to do so.

I take pleasure in the fact that very few of these guys survived the war.

Satellite videos don't lie but you already have a preconceived idea that can't be changed. That is the typical modus operandi of dullards.

Funny, I remember "satellite photos" that PROVED Saddam really had WMD's and HE WAS GOING TO KILL US ALL!
The Palestinians and HAMAS had their chance of a two-state solution, but the Jew-haters turned it down.

No WAY can there be a two-state solution after the Islamic barbarians massacred all those Jews, and in the most brutal, torturous ways.

Actually, the Two State solution is best option for the Zionist Entity.

The other is to assimilate the Occuppied territories... Ask South Africa how well that worked out for them.
Stop putting the blame on Israel for what Muslim savages did.

If Biden wasn’t so focused on appeasing Islamic terrorists, this wouldn’t have happened. I rue the day Biden “won.”

In 1948 700,000 Palestinians were forced out of Palestine and over 300 Arab villages were destroyed.

Actually, the Two State solution is best option for the Zionist Entity.

The other is to assimilate the Occuppied territories... Ask South Africa how well that worked out for them.

It's too late. Look at a map of the Jewish only settlements in the West Bank . There's nothing left for a contiguous state.

The Palestinians are finished thanks to Israel and Trump's Abraham Accords. The US should stay out of this. We have no influence over Bibi Netanyahu and neither do American Jews.
Something I don't understand is that a country who is led by people who go on a murdering rampage, are somehow supposed to be immune to any consequences after committing an act of war. All the news about countries getting in a twist because Israel is going after the people who attacked them is mind boggling.
My only guess is that they wanted Israel to respond in a big way and draw in others to finally take Israel down.

The deaths of the innocent civilians of Gaza? They don't care. Collateral damage.
It’s a different America now.
Much died with John Kennedy in 1963. It has been downhill since then. America's greatness depended on having a population that was 90% white, and on most blacks being subjected to de facto second class citizenship. The civil rights legislation, the Immigration Reform Act of 1965, and the War on Poverty were well intended mistakes. Anyone who cannot see that they were mistakes is not looking.

I supported the civil rights movement as a child, a teenager, and a young adult. Since then I have been disappointed with the use most Negroes have made of the opportunities that have been opened to them. I can understand why someone would feel sorry for Negroes. I cannot understand why anyone would respect the Negro race.

Those who dislike what I have just now written have no response to it but insults and name calling. I have the facts on my side.
Much died with John Kennedy in 1963. It has been downhill since then. America's greatness depended on having a population that was 90% white, and on most blacks being subjected to de facto second class citizenship. The civil rights legislation, the Immigration Reform Act of 1965, and the War on Poverty were well intended mistakes. Anyone who cannot see that they were mistakes is not looking.

Actually, diversity is our strength. The America of 1963 was great if you were a white, straight male, but not so much if you were anything else.

The War on Poverty, despite being fought in a half-ass way and Republicans managing to screw things up, actually was pretty successful. The poverty rate went from 25% in 1959 to 10% by 1974 and never got above 15% despite Republicans managing to fuck up the economy every time they got ahold of it.


As for immigration. Kind of a touchy subject for me, as my father was an immigrant and my wife is an immigrant. If not for immigration, America would be in a demographic death spiral like Japan and Taiwan are.

I supported the civil rights movement as a child, a teenager, and a young adult. Since then I have been disappointed with the use most Negroes have made of the opportunities that have been opened to them. I can understand why someone would feel sorry for Negroes. I cannot understand why anyone would respect the Negro race.

First, no one believes you're that old.
Second, blacks have done well despite facing continued racism in this country.


Third, you really need to get over Jamal stuffing you into that locker. I'm sure he feels bad about it today as adult.

Those who dislike what I have just now written have no response to it but insults and name calling. I have the facts on my side.
Why do you think your racism is worthy of anything other than insults and name-calling, Cockroach?
Actually, diversity is our strength. The America of 1963 was great if you were a white, straight male, but not so much if you were anything else.
I blame diversity for the rise of the Republican Party and the national debt. Republicans were able to cut taxes because most whites did not want their tax money helping blacks. Whites came to see the government as an organization that forced them to make sacrifices for a race they did not like.

Before 1964 whites trusted the government to advance their interests.
Much died with John Kennedy in 1963. It has been downhill since then. America's greatness depended on having a population that was 90% white, and on most blacks being subjected to de facto second class citizenship. The civil rights legislation, the Immigration Reform Act of 1965, and the War on Poverty were well intended mistakes. Anyone who cannot see that they were mistakes is not looking.

I supported the civil rights movement as a child, a teenager, and a young adult. Since then I have been disappointed with the use most Negroes have made of the opportunities that have been opened to them. I can understand why someone would feel sorry for Negroes. I cannot understand why anyone would respect the Negro race.

Those who dislike what I have just now written have no response to it but insults and name calling. I have the facts on my side.
IOW, as you grew older you found it necessary, for reasons only you know, to rationalize your prejudice against blacks by claiming inherent superiority over them.
Much died with John Kennedy in 1963. It has been downhill since then. America's greatness depended on having a population that was 90% white, and on most blacks being subjected to de facto second class citizenship. The civil rights legislation, the Immigration Reform Act of 1965, and the War on Poverty were well intended mistakes. Anyone who cannot see that they were mistakes is not looking.

I supported the civil rights movement as a child, a teenager, and a young adult. Since then I have been disappointed with the use most Negroes have made of the opportunities that have been opened to them. I can understand why someone would feel sorry for Negroes. I cannot understand why anyone would respect the Negro race.

Those who dislike what I have just now written have no response to it but insults and name calling. I have the facts on my side.

Are you for real? Is this a joke?
The War on Poverty, despite being fought in a half-ass way and Republicans managing to screw things up, actually was pretty successful. The poverty rate went from 25% in 1959 to 10% by 1974 and never got above 15% despite Republicans managing to fuck up the economy every time they got ahold of it.
The War on Poverty did not end poverty in a way that would have been politically sustainable. It enabled millions of low income blacks to become unemployable welfare recipients who often supplement their welfare checks with the gains of criminal activities.

From 1966 to 1975 the National Welfare Rights Organization encouraged millions of low income blacks to quit their jobs and go on welfare.

As for immigration. Kind of a touchy subject for me, as my father was an immigrant and my wife is an immigrant. If not for immigration, America would be in a demographic death spiral like Japan and Taiwan are.
Fewer people mean that there is more of everything good to go around. Japan has the second highest life expectancy in the world. Old people in Japan are well cared for.
IOW, as you grew older you found it necessary, for reasons only you know, to rationalize your prejudice against blacks by claiming inherent superiority over them.
Prejudice is the result of prior experience. If proximity to blacks dispelled prejudice against them Southern whites would be the least prejudiced people in the United States.

Try to prove that what I say about the Negro race is not true. Demonstrate that the average negro is as intelligent as the average white person, and that blacks and whites have the same rates of crime and welfare dependency.

Name the black majority, black run countries that have low crime rates, prosperous economies, and well functioning governments.
Why do you think your racism is worthy of anything other than insults and name-calling, Cockroach?
I could easily express my loathing for you. I prefer to politely refute your arguments with facts about black dysfunction. You can make excuses for those facts. You cannot deny them.

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