Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

The cockroach scuttles from beneath the floorboards.

I blame diversity for the rise of the Republican Party and the national debt. Republicans were able to cut taxes because most whites did not want their tax money helping blacks. Whites came to see the government as an organization that forced them to make sacrifices for a race they did not like.

Before 1964 whites trusted the government to advance their interests.

Oh, I agree, the GOP has nurtured the absolute worst in white people in a way that Racist Democrats in the south never did. That doesn't make it a good thing. America's inability to deal with her racist past is a blight on our country.

The War on Poverty did not end poverty in a way that would have been politically sustainable. It enabled millions of low income blacks to become unemployable welfare recipients who often supplement their welfare checks with the gains of criminal activities.

Um, you are confused, Cockroach. The big problem is that the entire economy has become less labor-reliant. The busting of unions, free trade, and automation have eliminated middle-class jobs. Big business has pushed for "McJobs" for years, and that's pushed against the gains made by Democrats from FDR to LBJ. (My own view is that Democrats since LBJ have been feckless twats who didn't really push back against this.)

The GOP is very good on playing on the racial, religious, and sexual fears of white people to get them to vote against their own economic interests. The Republicans keep fucking it up, and the white folks keep voting for them. I'm not sure how that is the fault of Democrats or black people, exactly.

But the important thing is that Jamal stuffed you into a locker as a teen and made you feel bad, so you'll keep going along with it.

From 1966 to 1975 the National Welfare Rights Organization encouraged millions of low income blacks to quit their jobs and go on welfare.

And it had very few members and was out of business by 1975. Heck, that means it was less successful than the Flat Earth Society. I hear they still have members.

Fewer people mean that there is more of everything good to go around. Japan has the second highest life expectancy in the world. Old people in Japan are well cared for.

Uh, you are a little confused, buddy, but that's understandable, you are stupid.

Women are disproportionately vulnerable to poverty in old age compared to their male counterparts. Japan boasts one of the highest life expectancies in the world, with women at 87 years and men at 81. The poverty rate for elderly women is expected to increase to 25 percent from 22 percent, but this figure jumps to 50 percent for divorced and unmarried women. In contrast, only 10 percent of men are predicted to fall into poverty.

Japan has a problem in that there arent enough young people being born to replace the old people going on retirement.

The Japanese now have one of the lowest fertility rates in the world, and at the same time, one of the highest longevity rates. As a result, the population is dropping rapidly, and becoming increasingly weighted toward older people. After peaking seven years ago, at 128 million, Japan's population has been falling — and is on a path to decline by about a million people a year. By 2060, the government estimates, there will be just 87 million people in Japan; nearly half of them will be over 65. Without a dramatic change in either the birthrate or its restrictive immigration policies, Japan simply won't have enough workers to support its retirees, and will enter a demographic death spiral. Yet the babies aren't coming.
Prejudice is the result of prior experience.
Prejudice is likely to be taught. It also tends to fill a psychological need. LBJ once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
I'll leave you to your bigotry since my limited experience with racists is their views are intransigent. Nothing I can say will remove your need to feel better than some of your "fellow man."
Maybe it's never happened anywhere else.

Or maybe never at all, which is where reasonability leads.

I heard a mathematician once make a good point, which I will paraphrase. If you thought that the computer that you use on a daily basis was made from a mindless unguided process, meaning just random things coming together to create it, would you trust it? You use your brain on a daily basis, which is multitudes more complicated and powerful than any computer in the world. Do you believe that it was created buy a mindless unguided process? Honestly, I am able to rationalize someone being agnostic, but atheism is intellectually dishonest.
Prejudice is likely to be taught. It also tends to fill a psychological need. LBJ once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
I'll leave you to your bigotry since my limited experience with racists is their views are intransigent. Nothing I can say will remove your need to feel better than some of your "fellow man."
If I felt a need to feel better than others I would not emphasize the superiority of Orientals and Ashkenazi Jews.
If the Negro race was intrinsically equal to the white race that would be easy to prove from data about intelligence, and rates of crime and illegitimacy. In addition you could draw attention to the black majority black run countries with low crime rates, high standards of living, and well functioning governments.
Oh, please do, Cockroach.

Your irrational hate isn't an argument. You need to get over what Jamal did to you.
You express hate. I post facts that I document. My calmness and your virulence are caused by the fact that both of us know that what I say is true. :cool:
The cockroach scuttles from beneath the floorboards.

Oh, I agree, the GOP has nurtured the absolute worst in white people in a way that Racist Democrats in the south never did. That doesn't make it a good thing. America's inability to deal with her racist past is a blight on our country.

Um, you are confused, Cockroach. The big problem is that the entire economy has become less labor-reliant. The busting of unions, free trade, and automation have eliminated middle-class jobs. Big business has pushed for "McJobs" for years, and that's pushed against the gains made by Democrats from FDR to LBJ. (My own view is that Democrats since LBJ have been feckless twats who didn't really push back against this.)

The GOP is very good on playing on the racial, religious, and sexual fears of white people to get them to vote against their own economic interests. The Republicans keep fucking it up, and the white folks keep voting for them. I'm not sure how that is the fault of Democrats or black people, exactly.

But the important thing is that Jamal stuffed you into a locker as a teen and made you feel bad, so you'll keep going along with it.

And it had very few members and was out of business by 1975. Heck, that means it was less successful than the Flat Earth Society. I hear they still have members.

Uh, you are a little confused, buddy, but that's understandable, you are stupid.

Women are disproportionately vulnerable to poverty in old age compared to their male counterparts. Japan boasts one of the highest life expectancies in the world, with women at 87 years and men at 81. The poverty rate for elderly women is expected to increase to 25 percent from 22 percent, but this figure jumps to 50 percent for divorced and unmarried women. In contrast, only 10 percent of men are predicted to fall into poverty.

Japan has a problem in that there arent enough young people being born to replace the old people going on retirement.

The Japanese now have one of the lowest fertility rates in the world, and at the same time, one of the highest longevity rates. As a result, the population is dropping rapidly, and becoming increasingly weighted toward older people. After peaking seven years ago, at 128 million, Japan's population has been falling — and is on a path to decline by about a million people a year. By 2060, the government estimates, there will be just 87 million people in Japan; nearly half of them will be over 65. Without a dramatic change in either the birthrate or its restrictive immigration policies, Japan simply won't have enough workers to support its retirees, and will enter a demographic death spiral. Yet the babies aren't coming.
What are the disadvantages of a declining population? Japan benefits from a declining population and from the fact that virtually everyone in Japan is ethnically Japanese. The few exceptions are mainly Chinese and Koreans, who are culturally and racially similar to Japanese.

When evaluating populations the numbers that really matter are average IQ scores, and rates of crime and illegitimacy. The Japanese do well by those criteria.
Or maybe never at all, which is where reasonability leads.

I heard a mathematician once make a good point, which I will paraphrase. If you thought that the computer that you use on a daily basis was made from a mindless unguided process, meaning just random things coming together to create it, would you trust it? You use your brain on a daily basis, which is multitudes more complicated and powerful than any computer in the world. Do you believe that it was created buy a mindless unguided process? Honestly, I am able to rationalize someone being agnostic, but atheism is intellectually dishonest.

No, reasonability does not lead to a magic sky man being responsible for the "Gaps" we can't explain anymore.

True, we don't know for certain how abiogenesis happened.

We do know that the story in the bible is demonstrably false. The universe was not created in six days and man evolved from lower life forms.

If I felt a need to feel better than others I would not emphasize the superiority of Orientals and Ashkenazi Jews.

The fact you still use the offensive term "Oriental" and need to separate the Ashkenazi out from the other Jews would indicate otherwise.

If the Negro race was intrinsically equal to the white race that would be easy to prove from data about intelligence, and rates of crime and illegitimacy.

No, all that proves is that systematic racism over 400 years has an effect. I'm willing to bet you've never encountered any hardship in your entire life.

Also, your lack of a sex life shouldn't let you be upset someone is enjoying himself. Just because you can't get laid, do be hating on the players.

In addition you could draw attention to the black majority black run countries with low crime rates, high standards of living, and well functioning governments.
Here's a list of 11 African countries that have lower crime rates than the US.
You express hate.

Yes, I hate racist cockroaches that won't express their nonsense IRL, but scurry out from the internet floorboards.

What are the disadvantages of a declining population? Japan benefits from a declining population and from the fact that virtually everyone in Japan is ethnically Japanese. The few exceptions are mainly Chinese and Koreans, who are culturally and racially similar to Japanese.

Actually, it's a HUGE disadvantage, especially when you can't pay for those generous social welfare benefits for the old, which the Japanese cannot right now.

Japan's "Monoculture" went to war with a diverse United States... how did that one turn out again?

When evaluating populations the numbers that really matter are average IQ scores, and rates of crime and illegitimacy. The Japanese do well by those criteria.
Um, no, first IQ scores are overrated. Illegitimacy isn't that important, and we have crime rates that are as high as they are because of our own policies.

Sure, the Japanese do some things right, like not letting average citizens own guns.
Why pick any sides between Middle East factions?

Those sonofabitches have been at war for thousands of years and will continue.

It ain't our war.
JoeB131, if you have not read Paul Graham's essay "How to disagree," I recommend it.

How to Disagree

He describes a pyramid with your specialties at the bottom.


The fact that you are unable to argue at the top of the pyramid says bad things about your opinions, and suggests an inferior intellect.

Disparaging your likely intelligence is as far as I will go in an ad hominem argument. Lets sit down and have a nice polite discussion about the genetic reasons for racial differences in average qualities that benefit civilization.
No, reasonability does not lead to a magic sky man being responsible for the "Gaps" we can't explain anymore.

True, we don't know for certain how abiogenesis happened.

We do know that the story in the bible is demonstrably false. The universe was not created in six days and man evolved from lower life forms.

The fact you still use the offensive term "Oriental" and need to separate the Ashkenazi out from the other Jews would indicate otherwise.

No, all that proves is that systematic racism over 400 years has an effect. I'm willing to bet you've never encountered any hardship in your entire life.

Also, your lack of a sex life shouldn't let you be upset someone is enjoying himself. Just because you can't get laid, do be hating on the players.

Here's a list of 11 African countries that have lower crime rates than the US.
There is nothing offensive in the use of the word "Oriental."

Black social pathology is not caused by what happened to Negroes 400 years ago, but by what never happened to them. The process of human evolution did not prepare most of them for the social and intellectual demands of civilization.

You forgot to post the list. I suspect that a low estimate of the crime rate in a black country is caused by the fact that few people in the country are able to keep accurate records. When blacks share countries with whites, as they do in South Africa, the crime rate is very high.
JoeB131, if you have not read Paul Graham's essay "How to disagree," I recommend it.

I'm all for civil discussion, just not with racist cockroaches.

There is nothing offensive in the use of the word "Oriental."

Asians disagree.

Black social pathology is not caused by what happened to Negroes 400 years ago, but by what never happened to them. The process of human evolution did not prepare most of them for the social and intellectual demands of civilization.

You clearly don't understand how evolution works. White people are not more evolved, we simply had advantages for a brief period of history before our inevitable extinction. The future world will be a brown world.

You forgot to post the list. I suspect that a low estimate of the crime rate in a black country is caused by the fact that few people in the country are able to keep accurate records. When blacks share countries with whites, as they do in South Africa, the crime rate is very high.
Coyote and others have given you this list, Cockroach.

You clearly don't understand how evolution works. White people are not more evolved, we simply had advantages for a brief period of history before our inevitable extinction. The future world will be a brown world.
A brown world will not be able to maintain the achievements of whites and Orientals.
Actually, it's a HUGE disadvantage, especially when you can't pay for those generous social welfare benefits for the old, which the Japanese cannot right now.

Japan's "Monoculture" went to war with a diverse United States... how did that one turn out again?
Old people in Japan are well cared for. The Japanese were out numbered fighting China and the United States at the same time.
This issue falls under the heading of "Identity Politics" for me. The American Left has made a huge mistake in the way it has handled this issue over the years, and the atrocities we have seen in the last few days can't be denied.

There is no defending this.
And yet the leaders of the left's party are not embracing Palestine and hamas. Quite the opposite.

It's almost as if this is overblown. By a factor of a thousand or so.
A brown world will not be able to maintain the achievements of whites

Given all the awful shit white people have done to this world, that's probably a good thing.

Old people in Japan are well cared for. The Japanese were out numbered fighting China and the United States at the same time.

You keep avoiding the point, don't you.

Not enough working age people to support all those old people.

Demographic Death Spiral.

China realized the follow of this which is why they ended the One Child Policy.
Given all the awful shit white people have done to this world, that's probably a good thing.

You keep avoiding the point, don't you.

Not enough working age people to support all those old people.

Demographic Death Spiral.

China realized the follow of this which is why they ended the One Child Policy.
JoeB131, I invite you to access Jared Taylor's video entitled "The Truth about Race and Intelligence."


The thread I created for it does not seem to be complete without the insults and name calling you post which expose your inability to argue rationally.
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