Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

Uh, you realize that nearly all of those things are better in most of the world than they were in 1945, right?

Identifying Key Challenges Facing Healthcare Systems In Africa And Potential Solutions​

Healthcare systems in Africa are mostly in unworkable conditions with very poor health outcomes. There have been several studies that looked at the challenges of the healthcare system in Africa, and our major findings were to a large extent similar to previous studies.10,11,22 We found that the leading challenges in the healthcare sector as identified by the study participants were inadequate human resource for health, inadequate budgetary allocations to healthcare, and poor leadership and management in healthcare.


Lack of access to education keeps 98 million children in sub-Saharan Africa out of schools​

Published: Monday 05 September 2022

Ninety-eight million children and youth between the ages of six and 18 are still out of schools in sub-Saharan Africa, according to a new data released by the United Nation’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest percentage of children outside the ambit of formal education


Sanitary inspection, microbial water quality analysis, and water safety in handpumps in rural sub-Saharan Africa​

In sub-Saharan Africa, over half of the population is exposed to contaminated drinking water. The WHO recommends both sanitary inspection and water quality analysis to assess the risk of water source contamination, but the relationship between these tools is poorly understood.

Uh, you realize that nearly all of those things are better in most of the world than they were in 1945, right?
Library of Science

The effects of decolonization in Africa​

One of the most important effects of decolonization is the instability of the post-colonial political systems, which entails another, far-reaching consequences. These include deep economic problems, inhibiting growth and widening disparities between the northern and southern part of the globe...

Regardless of the African region, similar problems exist in almost all major cities in its area.

  • Sub-Saharan Africa: Implosion or Take-Off?
  • To those who have been watching Africa since independence, including many of the nearly 1 billion Africans, it is a continent of significant shortfall, if not of lost hope. If the two main dimensions of independence are self-rule and self-development, Africa has slid downward on both dimensions over the last half century, not only in the substance of its governance and development but also in the procedures that maintain such matters in its own hands.

Identifying Key Challenges Facing Healthcare Systems In Africa And Potential Solutions​

Healthcare systems in Africa are mostly in unworkable conditions with very poor health outcomes

Wasn't the point you made. You made the claim that infrastructure was better under colonialism, which it clearly is not.

You just can't stop lying, can you, Cockroach?
Wasn't the point you made. You made the claim that infrastructure was better under colonialism, which it clearly is not.

You just can't stop lying, can you, Cockroach?
Things are obviously in bad shape in Sub Saharan Africa. They do not seem to be getting better.

Jared Taylow discussed the deterioration of sub Saharan Africa since independence in his video "The Truth About Race and Intelligence."


You accessed the thread, and may have watched the video. As I expected, you had nothing enlightening to say about it. You just posted the usual insults and name calling which prove that you can neither refute Taylor's argument nor mine.

If you want to continue this discussion we should go to thread. We have hijacked a thread about Hamas' atrocities enough.
Things are obviously in bad shape in Sub Saharan Africa. They do not seem to be getting better.

Jared Taylow discussed the deterioration of sub Saharan Africa since independence in his video "The Truth About Race and Intelligence."

Um, that guy babbled on a about a lot of racist garbage.. I only listened to about 10 minutes of it. Then I reported it to YouTube for violations of guidelines.

You accessed the thread, and may have watched the video. As I expected, you had nothing enlightening to say about it. You just posted the usual insults and name calling which prove that you can neither refute Taylor's argument nor mine.
Um, nearly everyone in that thread mocked you, Cockroach.
And yet the leaders of the left's party are not embracing Palestine and hamas. Quite the opposite.

It's almost as if this is overblown. By a factor of a thousand or so.

Yeah and the left is protecting our Southern border too, right? Democrats say one thing and do quite the opposite. For some reason, their constituency still hasn’t figured out they are being lied to and used.
Um, that guy babbled on a about a lot of racist garbage.. I only listened to about 10 minutes of it. Then I reported it to YouTube for violations of guidelines.
What did Jared Taylor say that is not true?
They go to Europe to flee the dysfunctions they create in their own countries. They spread those dysfunctions, spreading crime, welfare dependency, and disease.

This is what Democrats(not talking about race here) do in the US. I live in a red state that blue state citizens are fleeing to in droves. My red state has a favorable environment to thrive and not get taxed to death, among several other advantages. Sadly, many of those fleeing will continue to vote for the same Democrats that ruined their previous homes and enticed them to leave. It is almost as if they don’t understand the connection between politics and taxes, crime, etc. I am convinced they will eventually ruin my state with their as well and then look to another red state in which to move.
This is what Democrats(not talking about race here) do in the US. I live in a red state that blue state citizens are fleeing to in droves. My red state has a favorable environment to thrive and not get taxed to death, among several other advantages. Sadly, many of those fleeing will continue to vote for the same Democrats that ruined their previous homes and enticed them to leave. It is almost as if they don’t understand the connection between politics and taxes, crime, etc. I am convinced they will eventually ruin my state with their as well and then look to another red state in which to move.

Again, blue states folks are moving to Jesusland not because they want to live next to Billybob and Cleetus, but because Billybob and Cleetus don't have the intellectual skills to do the jobs the employers who moved there for tax breaks wanted.

The South is attractive to business for the same reason Mexico is.
  • Funny
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Again, blue states folks are moving to Jesusland not because they want to live next to Billybob and Cleetus, but because Billybob and Cleetus don't have the intellectual skills to do the jobs the employers who moved there for tax breaks wanted.

The South is attractive to business for the same reason Mexico is.

No dope, the reason educated people are coming is because we have a pro-buisness environment, ergo, a lot of well paying, large companies. Come to find out that companies aren’t real keen on being taxes to death or having to pay ridiculous wages for menial work. Another reason is that people can work from home now and aren’t tethered to the dump they were forced to live in before. They realize they can even keep their old job and increase their standard of living.

The less educated, lower paid, uneducated folks in red states should be moving to your area where the salary for changing tires would be more on par with an engineer.
No dope, the reason educated people are coming is because we have a pro-buisness environment, ergo, a lot of well paying, large companies.

Yes, here are people you can exploit by polluting their water, underpaying their workers, and ignoring those pesky safety regulations.

Come to find out that companies aren’t real keen on being taxes to death or having to pay ridiculous wages for menial work.
So, um, you are proud of being a third world country? I'm curious about this menial work, probably something you couldn't do effectively if your life depended on it.

The less educated, lower paid, uneducated folks in red states should be moving to your area where the salary for changing tires would be more on par with an engineer.

Sadly, they already do... we have plenty of rednecks who move up here.
The worst inequality upward mobility homelessness and poverty ever anywhere in the modern world by far is what the GOP calls paradise.

You sound exactly like a spoiled American who has absolutely no clue how good they really have it. It doesn’t take much world travel to realize just how wrong you are.

Yes, here are people you can exploit by polluting their water, underpaying their workers, and ignoring those pesky safety regulations.

They aren’t underpaying their white color workers relative to the cost of living, which is exactly why they are coming here.

So, um, you are proud of being a third world country? I'm curious about this menial work, probably something you couldn't do effectively if your life depended on it.

Third world country? Yeah, sure.

I am not demeaning manual labor, but far more people can dig ditches or perform repetitive actions on an assembly line than can design bridges or cars. Supply and demand is a real thing. If I could make the same salary as a Walmart greeter as I do in my current position, I wouldn’t hesitate to darn the blue vest, provided it wasn’t in a crazy blue state/city.

Sadly, they already do... we have plenty of rednecks who move up here.

Not many according to statistics. Migration to blue states is pretty low compared to red states. You can’t even attract the non-skilled people to move up there and make more money. Who the heck wants to move to a high tax environment where you have to watch your back everywhere you go while having to deal with terrible traffic, horrible weather and rude people?

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