Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

I am not demeaning manual labor, but far more people can dig ditches or perform repetitive actions on an assembly line than can design bridges or cars. Supply and demand is a real thing. If I could make the same salary as a Walmart greeter as I do in my current position, I wouldn’t hesitate to darn the blue vest, provided it wasn’t in a crazy blue state/city.

Anyone who works should make a decent wage. Period. This isn't complicated. The more poor people you create, the more likely you will have socialism in a generation.

Not many according to statistics. Migration to blue states is pretty low compared to red states. You can’t even attract the non-skilled people to move up there and make more money. Who the heck wants to move to a high tax environment where you have to watch your back everywhere you go while having to deal with terrible traffic, horrible weather and rude people?

Actually, the population of nearly all states increased between the 2010 and 2020 census, and I halfway suspect the 2020 Census undercounted people because like everything else Trump did, he fucked it up.

So it would be better to live next to a bunch of intolerant inbred idiots? I think not.
You sound exactly like a spoiled American who has absolutely no clue how good they really have it. It doesn’t take much world travel to realize just how wrong you are.

They aren’t underpaying their white color workers relative to the cost of living, which is exactly why they are coming here.

Third world country? Yeah, sure.

I am not demeaning manual labor, but far more people can dig ditches or perform repetitive actions on an assembly line than can design bridges or cars. Supply and demand is a real thing. If I could make the same salary as a Walmart greeter as I do in my current position, I wouldn’t hesitate to darn the blue vest, provided it wasn’t in a crazy blue state/city.

Not many according to statistics. Migration to blue states is pretty low compared to red states. You can’t even attract the non-skilled people to move up there and make more money. Who the heck wants to move to a high tax environment where you have to watch your back everywhere you go while having to deal with terrible traffic, horrible weather and rude people?
Well I have been to Europe 20 times and I speak French and Spanish fluently and studied political history have a master's in 20th century Europe and you have no idea what the hell you are talking about. We are the only modern country without health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training a mental health system great infrastructure and vacations and mainly we don't tax the rich because of idiots like you voting for pure lying scumbags.....We are EASILY the richest country And you vote for the people who are screwing regular people because garbage no evidence anti-American Conspiracy nut job idiocy propaganda.... you are really totally full of hatred and crap about your fellow citizens aren't you. Poor America
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Um, yeah, for food and medicine... how dare he!

Hey, now that you guys have gone full in on genocide, can we stop whining about what Germany did 80 years ago?
The world has given the Gazans over five billion dollars over the last decade, precious little of it went to food and medicine. I wouldn't be against aid in kind delivered directly person to person to Gazan civilians, but any money will just be used by Hames to buy weapons and launch attacks.
The world has given the Gazans over five billion dollars over the last decade, precious little of it went to food and medicine. I wouldn't be against aid in kind delivered directly person to person to Gazan civilians, but any money will just be used by Hames to buy weapons and launch attacks.
So let's kill all the innocent Palestinians who are half children
Exactly, because Cleetus and Billy-bob are too fucking stupid to do the white-collar jobs.

It may surprise you that we have many fine universities in the South. It may also surprise you that many of these universities have Southerners attending them.

According to you, I am a “Cleetus”. I am white collar worker. Believe it or not, I am not the only one.
Anyone who works should make a decent wage. Period. This isn't complicated. The more poor people you create, the more likely you will have socialism in a generation.

It sure seems to me that you are arguing against free market Capitalism because it just isn’t fair. Four decades or so ago, virtually all Chinese citizens were very poor. China moved to a more free market approach and loosened restrictions and their economy flourished. Yes, there was a huge wealth gap, however, the poor were no longer as poor. Yes, indeed, a rising tide lifts all boats and the average citizen is better off for it.

Democrats think that by taxing the “rich”(not really) to death and restricting/forcing business to pay certain wages that they can somehow help the poor, when in fact, they are just poking holes in the boat we are all in. We will all sink together.

So it would be better to live next to a bunch of intolerant inbred idiots? I think not.

Everyone in the South is not an intolerant inbred in the South any more than everyone in Chicago is a thug gangbanger, but since you asked, I would rather live next to someone that may hurt my feelings than to someone that would steal and shoot at me.
The world has given the Gazans over five billion dollars over the last decade, precious little of it went to food and medicine. I wouldn't be against aid in kind delivered directly person to person to Gazan civilians, but any money will just be used by Hames to buy weapons and launch attacks.

Um, okay, let' look at that. There are two million Gazans. So that totals out to about $2500 per Gazan citizen. I don't know about you, $2500 is about half my monthly budget. It certainly wouldn't have made a difference over a decade.

Here's the thing, the reason why Hamas has gained strength is because while Abbas and Fatah were taking that Western aid to sell out their people and acquiesce to Zionist occupation, Hamas was winning loyalty by passing out food and medicine. Give a kid a meal, he'll be happy to strap on a bomb vest to off some Zionists.

It may surprise you that we have many fine universities in the South.

Then how come so many of you people are so piss ignorant? Shit, you don't even think evolution is a thing.

It sure seems to me that you are arguing against free market Capitalism because it just isn’t fair. Four decades or so ago, virtually all Chinese citizens were very poor. China moved to a more free market approach and loosened restrictions and their economy flourished. Yes, there was a huge wealth gap, however, the poor were no longer as poor. Yes, indeed, a rising tide lifts all boats and the average citizen is better off for it.

I think you are a tad confused. If anything, the success of China is an argument for socialism and a command economy. Not that you understand anything about Chinese culture. (on the other hand, I am married to a Chinese woman and get an "education" every day.) You don't see a Chinese CEO paying himself an eight-figure salary because he slashed 10,000 jobs.

Democrats think that by taxing the “rich”(not really) to death and restricting/forcing business to pay certain wages that they can somehow help the poor, when in fact, they are just poking holes in the boat we are all in. We will all sink together.

Oh, bullshit. We were FAR better off as a country when the workforce was 33% unionized, and the rich paid confiscatory taxes.

Everyone in the South is not an intolerant inbred in the South any more than everyone in Chicago is a thug gangbanger, but since you asked, I would rather live next to someone that may hurt my feelings than to someone that would steal and shoot at me.

Except the murder rates in the South are much worse than the north, Cleetus.


So I can see why you won't tell us which state you live in, it's probably one of the ones that shows up dark purple on this map.
I think you are a tad confused. If anything, the success of China is an argument for socialism and a command economy. Not that you understand anything about Chinese culture. (on the other hand, I am married to a Chinese woman and get an "education" every day.) You don't see a Chinese CEO paying himself an eight-figure salary because he slashed 10,000 jobs.

LOL…you fell for it. Yes, Democrats more closely align with China’s form of government than our current one. Thank you.

Oh, bullshit. We were FAR better off as a country when the workforce was 33% unionized, and the rich paid confiscatory taxes.

Or maybe we were better off during that same time period because family units were together, Christianity was much more ingrained in our society(morals), patriotism(nationalism in your leftist brain) was real, etc.

Except the murder rates in the South are much worse than the north, Cleetus.

You don’t have to live in the areas where these murders are occurring. We know where they are…in the heavily blue areas of each state.

Maybe you should examine some demographics to see if you can figure out why the murder rates are higher. 56% of known murders in 2019 were committed by African Americans, despite only be 14% of the population. 56% of the African American population reside in the South as opposed to 17% in the Midwest where you live. Would murder rates be lower in Chicago if there were fewer African Americans? It stands to reason, based on the facts at hand, that they would be, but I don’t expect an honest, thoughtful answer here. Before you say it, this isn’t racist, these are facts. Facts that hurt your feelings and destroy your narrative, but nonetheless, facts.

If I might add, the only reason the South isn’t even more red than it is is because of the high percentage of African Americans voting at a 92%+ clip for Democrats. Again, based on economic facts, it is also the reason that many Southern states get more federal aid than they give. Again, I don’t expect you to understand because it doesn’t fit your narrative.

Now, proceed with your comments about how much of a racist I am for pointing out statistical facts.
LOL…you fell for it. Yes, Democrats more closely align with China’s form of government than our current one. Thank you.

Or maybe we were better off during that same time period because family units were together, Christianity was much more ingrained in our society(morals), patriotism(nationalism in your leftist brain) was real, etc.

You don’t have to live in the areas where these murders are occurring. We know where they are…in the heavily blue areas of each state.

Maybe you should examine some demographics to see if you can figure out why the murder rates are higher. 56% of known murders in 2019 were committed by African Americans, despite only be 14% of the population. 56% of the African American population reside in the South as opposed to 17% in the Midwest where you live. Would murder rates be lower in Chicago if there were fewer African Americans? It stands to reason, based on the facts at hand, that they would be, but I don’t expect an honest, thoughtful answer here. Before you say it, this isn’t racist, these are facts. Facts that hurt your feelings and destroy your narrative, but nonetheless, facts.

If I might add, the only reason the South isn’t even more red than it is is because of the high percentage of African Americans voting at a 92%+ clip for Democrats. Again, based on economic facts, it is also the reason that many Southern states get more federal aid than they give. Again, I don’t expect you to understand because it doesn’t fit your narrative.

Now, proceed with your comments about how much of a racist I am for pointing out statistical facts.

Great post
Cleetus the racist... he's okay with living in a shithole as long as his trailer is nicer than Black people's shacks.

LOL…you fell for it. Yes, Democrats more closely align with China’s form of government than our current one. Thank you.

The point done went over your head, didn't it, Cleetus? China is not a model of "Captialism" as much as it is a state-run economy. And they are killing it, really. Will probably surpass us if they haven't already.

The argument isn't really one of "capitalism" vs. Communism. We are more socialistic than you'd care to admit (which is why your crime-infested red states are being floated by the feds) and the Chinese are more Capitalist since they traded in their Mao uniforms for blue suits.

The real question is, does a command economy run by technocrats work better than a democracy where the rich have far too much influence in making laws?

Or maybe we were better off during that same time period because family units were together, Christianity was much more ingrained in our society(morals), patriotism(nationalism in your leftist brain) was real, etc.

Nope. But economic history isn't your forte. 70% of the population lived below the poverty line in the 1920's, and that was before the Great Depression hit. What brought us up was FDR creating a middle class by supporting unions and making the rich pay their fair share. Not surprisingly, we've been in a decline since Nixon and Reagan got white idiots like you voting against your own economic interests.

You don’t have to live in the areas where these murders are occurring. We know where they are…in the heavily blue areas of each state.

I don't live in an area where the murders are occurring.. But Chicago (which terrifies you) is a much bigger part of the Population of IL than NOLA is for Louisiana. Yet the whole of Louisina has a murder rate twice what Illinois is. Imagine that.

Maybe you should examine some demographics to see if you can figure out why the murder rates are higher. 56% of known murders in 2019 were committed by African Americans,
Yup, only a matter of time before you went racist.
If I might add, the only reason the South isn’t even more red than it is is because of the high percentage of African Americans voting at a 92%+ clip for Democrats. Again, based on economic facts, it is also the reason that many Southern states get more federal aid than they give. Again, I don’t expect you to understand because it doesn’t fit your narrative.

The problem is, the poor white trash are getting more money than black people. Even STRAIGHT welfare most of the recipients are white. When you factor in "Middle Class entitlements" (The payments we make to white people to prevent them from being poor when they retire or lose their jobs or get sick) white folks are getting FAR more out of the government.
Cleetus the racist... he's okay with living in a shithole as long as his trailer is nicer than Black people's shacks.

I can assure you that I live in a nicer area than you, which is why so many people come here to vacation. It isn't all about the weather.

Not surprisingly, we've been in a decline since Nixon and Reagan got white idiots like you voting against your own economic interests.

That's the thing. My family is much better off in every respect under Republicans than Democrats. We know exactly what we are voting for.

I don't live in an area where the murders are occurring.. But Chicago (which terrifies you) is a much bigger part of the Population of IL than NOLA is for Louisiana. Yet the whole of Louisina has a murder rate twice what Illinois is. Imagine that.

Yeah, imagine that. I can't imagine why.

Yup, only a matter of time before you went racist.

And there it is. Facts are racist in your world.

The problem is, the poor white trash are getting more money than black people. Even STRAIGHT welfare most of the recipients are white. When you factor in "Middle Class entitlements" (The payments we make to white people to prevent them from being poor when they retire or lose their jobs or get sick) white folks are getting FAR more out of the government.

It stands to reason that more white people would be on welfare and SS since there are 4.5 times (454%) more of them as black people. Percentages are meaningful but they don't work for you in this area so you choose to ignore them. You are blinded by indoctrination.
I can assure you that I live in a nicer area than you, which is why so many people come here to vacation. It isn't all about the weather.
Yet since you won't even name the state (knowing I will dig up all the unsavory stats) we can take that with a grain of salt.

That's the thing. My family is much better off in every respect under Republicans than Democrats. We know exactly what we are voting for.
Fucking over other people?

Every Republican in my lifetime has left office with the economy a flaming wreck (with the exception of Reagan) It's not a bug, it's a design feature.

Yeah, imagine that. I can't imagine why.
I don't imagine it at all. Rural areas are just as dangerous as urban ones. Too many idiots, too many guns.

It stands to reason that more white people would be on welfare and SS since there are 4.5 times (454%) more of them as black people. Percentages are meaningful but they don't work for you in this area so you choose to ignore them. You are blinded by indoctrination.
Yet, you guys always create the image of a black person on welfare, and not a poor white family.
Yet since you won't even name the state (knowing I will dig up all the unsavory stats) we can take that with a grain of salt.

Every state has unsavory stats, that doesn’t mean there aren’t very nice areas as well.

Every Republican in my lifetime has left office with the economy a flaming wreck (with the exception of Reagan) It's not a bug, it's a design feature.

We have been through this. Trumps economy, and the US in general, was flourishing pre-COVID. This is exactly why the Democrats were in such a tipsy with all their fake investigations and the MSM was full bore trying to paint any negative false image they could. They knew Trump was a lock to win re-election, but alas, along came COVID which resulted in a world-wide economic downturn and allowed for a few tweaks on the voting side of things. Yeah, you aren’t too bright and fell right in line with the rest of the lemmings who bought into all of it.
By the way, did you know that African Americans and Hispanics incomes have fallen under Biden while white incomes have risen slightly? Under Trump, pre-COVID, both were up much more. I just thought you may be interested in that little tidbit. I am quite sure MSNBC didn’t let that one get out.

I don't imagine it at all. Rural areas are just as dangerous as urban ones. Too many idiots, too many guns.

Um, no, rural areas are not just as dangerous as urban ones. That is just in your fantasies. You can walk down a country road late at night or even go to an ATM(yeah, we have those too) with very little concern of getting mugged or shot. The same can’t be said about many urban areas.

Yet, you guys always create the image of a black person on welfare, and not a poor white family.

About 40% of welfare spending is going to 14% of the population (African Americans). About 39% is going to 59% of the population (whites). In other words, African Americans in the US are 4x more likely to be receiving welfare benefits than whites. That is a big problem, particularly as the African American population grows. It stands to reason that the image of welfare would reflect the largest demographic both statistically and numerically and would highlight the demographic with the most pressing problems. Once again, it is the facts that you don’t like and you want to twist them to fit a false, polly-anna, racially motivated narrative.

"This is why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union."

Unions are unnecessary and destroy industry in the US. By all means, keep it up as factories continue to move to red, right to work states. If the Democrats get their way, between higher corporate taxes and unions, companies will move completely out of the US. This isn’t the 1940’s any more. We have some real manufacturing competition in the world that isn’t as spoiled and naive as people like you. I don’t expect a minion like yourself to understand any of this.
Every state has unsavory stats, that doesn’t mean there aren’t very nice areas as well.
Yours must be extra unsavory if you won't tell us which state it is.

We have been through this. Trumps economy, and the US in general, was flourishing pre-COVID. This is exactly why the Democrats were in such a tipsy with all their fake investigations and the MSM was full bore trying to paint any negative false image they could. They knew Trump was a lock to win re-election, but alas, along came COVID which resulted in a world-wide economic downturn and allowed for a few tweaks on the voting side of things. Yeah, you aren’t too bright and fell right in line with the rest of the lemmings who bought into all of it.

So many problems with this.. so many.

First, Trump was behind Biden in every poll before Covid. Even in January, before Covid hit and Democrats were considering other candidates seriously, Biden was still beating trump in hypothetical matchups.


Secondly, Trump's own incompetence made Covid a lot worse than it needed to be. He called it a hoax, said it would clear up by Easter, discouraged people from wearing masks, encouraged crazy people to show up at their state capitols with guns, etc. He told people to inject bleach, for crying out loud.

But even taking Covid out of the picture. Trump's economy never exceeded 3% GDP Growth, a figure Trump himself said was the metric for success.

By the way, did you know that African Americans and Hispanics incomes have fallen under Biden while white incomes have risen slightly? Under Trump, pre-COVID, both were up much more. I just thought you may be interested in that little tidbit. I am quite sure MSNBC didn’t let that one get out.

Why do you always pretend 2020 didn't happen? COVID WAS A THING THAT HAPPENED AND IT WAS TRUMP'S FAULT IT WAS AS BAD AS IT WAS.

Seriously, it's like the Captain of the Titanic claiming he was making an excellent time until he hit the iceberg. If Trump were captain of the Titanic, he'd have blamed Democrats for the Iceberg while he got his ass on the first lifeboat, kicking women and children off.

Um, no, rural areas are not just as dangerous as urban ones. That is just in your fantasies. You can walk down a country road late at night or even go to an ATM(yeah, we have those too) with very little concern of getting mugged or shot. The same can’t be said about many urban areas.

I've lived in an Urban area for 61 years. I've never been mugged or shot, either.

About 40% of welfare spending is going to 14% of the population (African Americans). About 39% is going to 59% of the population (whites). In other words, African Americans in the US are 4x more likely to be receiving welfare benefits than whites. That is a big problem, particularly as the African American population grows. It stands to reason that the image of welfare would reflect the largest demographic both statistically and numerically and would highlight the demographic with the most pressing problems. Once again, it is the facts that you don’t like and you want to twist them to fit a false, polly-anna, racially motivated narrative.

Except that most people on welfare are white. And most people who get government entitlements (social security, medicare, etc.) are white.

The real problem is that most people on "Welfare" actually have jobs. They just don't have jobs that pay enough. So they get section 8, Medicaid, and food stamps to supplement their income. And if they cross a certain number, they lose those benefits.

Unions are unnecessary and destroy industry in the US. By all means, keep it up as factories continue to move to red, right to work states. If the Democrats get their way, between higher corporate taxes and unions, companies will move completely out of the US. This isn’t the 1940’s any more. We have some real manufacturing competition in the world that isn’t as spoiled and naive as people like you. I don’t expect a minion like yourself to understand any of this.

Um, didn't your boy Trump impose tariffs and scrap NAFTA to prevent factories from being moved overseas?

The reality is, far more jobs have been eliminated through process improvement and automation than offshoring.

As for the rest of the world, Japan and Germany have higher levels of unionization than we have. Their unions also have a lot more power. The Unions even have a say in who the CEOs of companies are. And they are running circles around us in manufacturing and have been for decades.

In fact, when the UAW tried to organize in a Volkswagen plant in Jesusland, (I forget which state of inbreds it was), Volkswagen welcomed it. They'd RATHER deal with a union. But with generations of inbreeding and moonshine making these people stupid, they voted against a union. "We done want to work for less money and less rights, Cleetus!"
Why do you always pretend 2020 didn't happen? COVID WAS A THING THAT HAPPENED AND IT WAS TRUMP'S FAULT IT WAS AS BAD AS IT WAS.

What does this have to do with black and hispanics incomes falling and whites increasing under Biden? Oh yeah, absolutely nothing.

Except that most people on welfare are white. And most people who get government entitlements (social security, medicare, etc.) are white.

This is false. 39.8% of the welfare budget is spent on African Americans vs 38.8 on whites. This is despite the fact that there are 4.5 times more white people than black people. You add in social security and Medicare(NOT MEDICAID) because in your wee little brain it helps your case. Of course there will be more retired white people on SS and Medicare seeing as they far out number African Americans. On that same note, do you think white people, as a population, contribute more to these programs than African Americans? You aren’t this stupid, but your ideology is skewing any rational thoughts you may have.

In fact, when the UAW tried to organize in a Volkswagen plant in Jesusland, (I forget which state of inbreds it was), Volkswagen welcomed it. They'd RATHER deal with a union. But with generations of inbreeding and moonshine making these people stupid, they voted against a union. "We done want to work for less money and less rights, Cleetus!"

You don’t have a clue what you are talking about. Why on earth would a company want to deal with a union, particularly the UAW?

Again, I live better than you here in “Jesusland”. It is safer, prettier, cleaner, less populated and we have nicer homes and neighborhoods. Average income in my area/neighborhood is far higher than your area with a lower overall cost of living, though the housing and building prices are through the roof with all the urbanites jumping ship, selling their dumpy(by our standards) condos and coming here for a better life in a home they could only dream of in their previous city.
What does this have to do with black and hispanics incomes falling and whites increasing under Biden? Oh yeah, absolutely nothing.
Everything. The damage was done during Covid.

Whites just enjoyed recovery first.

his is false. 39.8% of the welfare budget is spent on African Americans vs 38.8 on whites. This is despite the fact that there are 4.5 times more white people than black people. You add in social security and Medicare(NOT MEDICAID) because in your wee little brain it helps your case.

Um, first, Medicaid also goes to white people, mostly. Who do you think is paying for Aunt Milley's stay in the Rest home?

Secondly, Middle Class entitlements ARE welfare. Without them, retired people would quickly be forced into the poorhouse.

Of course there will be more retired white people on SS and Medicare seeing as they far out number African Americans. On that same note, do you think white people, as a population, contribute more to these programs than African Americans?

point is, it's welfare, they are getting more out of it than they pay in, this is why these programs are in trouble now. Not enough young people paying into the Ponzi schemes.

You don’t have a clue what you are talking about. Why on earth would a company want to deal with a union, particularly the UAW?

Well, to start with, these unions manage retirement and health care costs. Not really a problem in Germany or Japan, where they have socialized medicine, but a HUGE expense if you operate in the US.

Again, I live better than you here in “Jesusland”. It is safer, prettier, cleaner, less populated and we have nicer homes and neighborhoods. Average income in my area/neighborhood is far higher than your area with a lower overall cost of living, though the housing and building prices are through the roof with all the urbanites jumping ship, selling their dumpy(by our standards) condos and coming here for a better life in a home they could only dream of in their previous city.
Again, I'm positive your Double Wide is very nice.

But since you won't tell me where you live, its kind of dubious.

The only reason why urbanites are moving to Jesusland is because the companies are moving there for the third world conditions, and it's easier than moving to China or Mexico.
Everything. The damage was done during Covid.

Whites just enjoyed recovery first.

Utterly ludicrous. I already knew you were a brainwashed fool, but this just cements it.

Um, first, Medicaid also goes to white people, mostly. Who do you think is paying for Aunt Milley's stay in the Rest home?

Secondly, Middle Class entitlements ARE welfare. Without them, retired people would quickly be forced into the poorhouse.

Again, those pesky facts and percentages get in the way of a good ideological rant. African Americans enrollees in Medicaid make up about 19% of total enrollees, while white people make up 39.5%. African Americans are about about 1/5 of the white population but are enrolled in Medicaid at 2x the rate. Hispanics enrollees make up 30% of Medicaid enrollees despite only being about 1/3 of the white population. To sum up, the combination of African Americans and Hispanics make up about 32% of the total US population and make up 50% of the Medicaid enrollees. Yeah, now tell us some more about how it is white people that are bringing down the system.

point is, it's welfare, they are getting more out of it than they pay in, this is why these programs are in trouble now. Not enough young people paying into the Ponzi schemes.

By 2050 the SS Administration projects that:
  • Household wealth for workers who are Hispanic ($79,127) and workers who are Black ($74,938) will be around four times lower than that of workers who are White ($303,064).
So let me explain something to you. The formula used by the SSA to calculate benefits is rather complicated, however, one thing is certain. The more you earn, on average, the less percentage of your previous income you receive in retirement. Using 2016 SS formula, low earner making making an average of 22k/yr over the the course of 35 years would receive about 11k/yr in SS, which is about 50% of their lifetime average income. A higher earner making an average of 120k/yr over the course of 35 years would receive about 30k/yr in SS, which is about 25% of their lifetime average income. Now, lets do some simple math, excluding certain items that are not subject to SS tax(medical insurance for example). If the SS tax rate is 12.4% of income up to 142,800k/yr, the person making 120k/yr would have paid $520,800. (.124 × 120000 = 14880 x 35) The person making 22k/yr would have paid $95,480.(.124 × 22000 = 2728 x 35) If both were retired for 15 years, the higher earner would have received 86.4% of their contributions back (30000 x 15 = 450000 / 520800 = 0.864 x 100), not including taxes on the benefit. The lower earner would have received 173% more in benefits than they contributed. (11000 x 15 = 165000 / 95480 = 1.73 x 100) This doesn't even take into account the fact that a portion of social security benefits can be taxed and likely would be for the case of the higher earner vs not likely in the case of the lower earner. So to sum up, the higher earner pays more initially, likely never gets back their full contribution amount and gets taxed again on at least some of the money in retirement. Explain to me how this can be considered welfare for the higher earner. I'll wait.

Yeah, just admit that you haven't thought it through. You hear hogwash and you believe hogwash if it fits into the narrative you so much want to believe. You have been fooled, yet again.

Well, to start with, these unions manage retirement and health care costs. Not really a problem in Germany or Japan, where they have socialized medicine, but a HUGE expense if you operate in the US.

Yes, a huge expense, but larger than the salaries demanded by the Unions, not to mention the threat of strikes, costing the company millions of dollars.

Again, I'm positive your Double Wide is very nice.

But since you won't tell me where you live, its kind of dubious.

The only reason why urbanites are moving to Jesusland is because the companies are moving there for the third world conditions, and it's easier than moving to China or Mexico.

Third world? You really need to get out a little more. You have no idea what you are talking about.
Again, those pesky facts and percentages get in the way of a good ideological rant. African Americans enrollees in Medicaid make up about 19% of total enrollees, while white people make up 39.5%.

You are kind of making my point... the largest group on Medicaid are- white people, including oldsters who rely on Medicaid to pick up nursing home expenses.

By 2050 the SS Administration projects that:
  • Household wealth for workers who are Hispanic ($79,127) and workers who are Black ($74,938) will be around four times lower than that of workers who are White ($303,064).

Are you getting close to admitting this is a racist society of inequality and injustice, or are you just going to engage in some victim-blaming?. I think you are late for your session in at the Rape Crisis Center telling those ladies they shouldn't have dressed like sluts.

Yeah, just admit that you haven't thought it through. You hear hogwash and you believe hogwash if it fits into the narrative you so much want to believe. You have been fooled, yet again.
Social Security is Welfare for OLD WHITE PEOPLE
Medicare is welfare for OLD WHITE PEOPLE
Unemployment Insurance is welfare for WORKING AGE WHITE PEOPLE.

We don't call it "welfare", of course, because it would shatter our illusions that we are self-sufficient. We spend 2.5 Trillion a year on "Entitlements" to keep mostly white people out of the poorhouse. We spend maybe half a trillion a year keeping working poor people from sliding deeper into poverty, without giving them a way out. Anything to keep the peasants pacified...

Third world? You really need to get out a little more. You have no idea what you are talking about.

During my time in the military, I spent a lot of time in the South. Dull, inbred idiots with their Confederate Flags.

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