Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

Why do we care. Frankly, if you are that level of greedy, you are probably screwing the people who actually DID the work in the process, so kind of NO SYPMATHY for you that you only keep 30% of what you make.

You believe that a cardiologist making 600k/yr must be screwing somebody to make that kind of money? You believe that a small business owner making 400k/yr with a succesfful restaurant must be screwing somebody? You believe that a real estate agent selling large, high priced homes making 400k/yr must be screwing somebody? Do you believe the pro-athlete making 20 mil/yr is must be screwing somebody?

People aren’t necessarily screwing somebody just because they make a lot of money. They may be more skilled and/or work harder than others. Again, don’t let envy consume you.

Actually, you could live pretty well in Chicago on 160K. My idiot brother is a sheet metal worker, lives in a four-bedroom house, and while his take-home is pretty good, it's nowhere near 160K.

I guess it is relative. I know my standard of living would be drastically reduced if I lived in Chicago.

But the whole state is still full of inbreds.

My good friend who moved to South Carolina hates it there. The schools are shit, the crime rate is high, and it doesn't help that she's probably the only Asian person in the town.

No, the whole state is not full of inbreds any more than the whole state of Illinois is full of gang bangers.

I have no idea where your friend moved, but I am sure she could find a nice city/town in South Carolina and many other Southern states. Maybe she moved into the South Carolina equivalent of Garfield Park. I would be a minority there, the crime rate is high and the schools are terrible.
Orientals???? Carpets have family values???? Who knew? Carpets don't get married or divorced, nor do they commit crimes.

If you are talking about citizens of Asian background, being "good citizens" hasn't stopped them from being subjected to racism, hate, or exclusion. Asians make less money than whites, even when equally qualified.
By "Orientals" I mean Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and Vietnamese.


The average income of Caucasian Americans continues to be one of the highest among all races with a median household income of roughly $68,000. However, the average income of Caucasian Americans is not the highest. The average income of Asian Americans is highest.

You believe that a cardiologist making 600k/yr must be screwing somebody to make that kind of money?

The whole medical system we have where a minor illness can bankrupt you, even if you have insurance, is a crime.

You believe that a small business owner making 400k/yr with a succesfful restaurant must be screwing somebody?
Yup, the guys who cook the food, wait on the tables, and wash the dishes, all of whom make minimum wage assuming they aren't undocumented, in which case they make less.
You believe that a real estate agent selling large, high priced homes making 400k/yr must be screwing somebody?
Yup. What realtors get is obscene.
Do you believe the pro-athlete making 20 mil/yr is must be screwing somebody?
Absolutely, the fans are getting screwed on high ticket prices.

I guess it is relative. I know my standard of living would be drastically reduced if I lived in Chicago.
True, you'd have nowhere to park your double wide.
No, the whole state is not full of inbreds any more than the whole state of Illinois is full of gang bangers.
Except you guys proudly fly your Confederate Flags, we don't lionize our gangbangers.

I have no idea where your friend moved, but I am sure she could find a nice city/town in South Carolina and many other Southern states. Maybe she moved into the South Carolina equivalent of Garfield Park. I would be a minority there, the crime rate is high and the schools are terrible.
Actually, she and her white husband are affluent professionals. And they hate living in SC.
By "Orientals" I mean Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and Vietnamese.
Then why not just say "Asians"?

Especially after you've been told by Asians that "Oriental' is considered offensive in this day and age.
Then why not just say "Asians"?

Especially after you've been told by Asians that "Oriental' is considered offensive in this day and age.
An Asian can be an Arab, an Afghan, an East Indian, an Indonesian, a Thai, etc.

I have never been told by an Oriental that "Oriental" is offensive.

I can call Orientals "East Asians." Sometimes I do. It feels like a concession to political correctness, like calling a Negro an "African American."

The whole medical system we have where a minor illness can bankrupt you, even if you have insurance, is a crime.

Yup, the guys who cook the food, wait on the tables, and wash the dishes, all of whom make minimum wage assuming they aren't undocumented, in which case they make less.

Yup. What realtors get is obscene.

Absolutely, the fans are getting screwed on high ticket prices.

True, you'd have nowhere to park your double wide.

Except you guys proudly fly your Confederate Flags, we don't lionize our gangbangers.

Actually, she and her white husband are affluent professionals. And they hate living in SC.
JoeB131, I agree with you more than slightly on each of these comments.
An Asian can be an Arab, an Afghan, an East Indian, an Indonesian, a Thai, etc.

Um, how are Thai's not "East Asian" exactly? They have the same features... flat noses, high cheekbones, etc.

This is an odd thing for you, that you seem to only want to count some Asians as Asian, while exempting poorer ones like Filipinos or Thai.

I have never been told by an Oriental that "Oriental" is offensive.

That probably has more to do with cultural politeness than you not being an ass.

I can call Orientals "East Asians." Sometimes I do. It feels like a concession to political correctness, like calling a Negro an "African American."

Not really. We know "African-Americans" mean people who descended from those who were kidnapped as slaves, not North Africans. We know that "Asian-American" means those who come from East Asia, and maybe South Asia, but not so much the middle east.

JoeB131, I agree with you more than slightly on each of these comments.
I don't care. You can't be for economic equality and for racial inequality.
Racism is how the Plutocrats get stupid people to vote against their own economic interests.
Um, how are Thai's not "East Asian" exactly? They have the same features... flat noses, high cheekbones, etc.

This is an odd thing for you, that you seem to only want to count some Asians as Asian, while exempting poorer ones like Filipinos or Thai.
What I mean by "Oriental" are Chinese and nations that learned civilization form China. Civilization began independently in a number of areas and spread from there. Chinese civilization began along the Yellow River about 2100 BC with the Xia Dynasty.

I don't care. You can't be for economic equality and for racial inequality.
Racism is how the Plutocrats get stupid people to vote against their own economic interests.
I am not in favor of absolute economic equality: I do not think everyone should receive identical incomes.

I am in favor of efforts by the government to reduce economic inequality. These would include a high minimum wage, strong labor unions, and a well financed public sector of the economy paid for by steeply progressive taxation.

Working class blacks would benefit from these at least as much as working class whites.

"Racism" has too many definitions to be useful in a learned and civil discussion of races and their differences.

For most people most of the time racial loyalties are stronger than class loyalties. The ubiquity of this phenomenon indicates that it is part of human nature. Plutocrats do not cause this syndrome, but they do benefit from it.

The whole medical system we have where a minor illness can bankrupt you, even if you have insurance, is a crime.

The best and brightest go into medicine for a reason and some of that reason is financial. I'll let you go under the knife of a cardiologist making the $80,000 a year in the UK.

Yup, the guys who cook the food, wait on the tables, and wash the dishes, all of whom make minimum wage assuming they aren't undocumented, in which case they make less

How are they getting screwed? The guy who owns the restaurant took the risk and start at a restaurant. He hired them in his paying them. It stands to reason that should profit from his risk, if possible

Yup. What realtors get is obscene

Then don't hire them nor buy a house that they list.

Absolutely, the fans are getting screwed on high ticket prices

Going to football game is for entertainment. If you think the prices are too high then don't buy a ticket.

True, you'd have nowhere to park your double wide.

Regardless what you think of me, my wife is a physician. You can't possibly think we live in a double wide.

Actually, she and her white husband are affluent professionals. And they hate living in SC

I have no idea where they live but I can think of plenty of cities in every Southern state where they shouldn't have any issues and could live much better and safer than they did in Chicago. Maybe they're just leftist kooks like you. That would explain it.
Except you guys proudly fly your Confederate Flags, we don't lionize our gangbangers.

I rarely see a Confederate flag flying anywhere and when I do it is far out in the country. I might add, that flying a Confederate flag doesn't make you a racist.

The people in your area support BLM and the like. I guess you forgot about that.
What I mean by "Oriental" are Chinese and nations that learned civilization form China. Civilization began independently in a number of areas and spread from there. Chinese civilization began along the Yellow River about 2100 BC with the Xia Dynasty.

The Xia Dynasty was probably mythical.

Now, you are talking about cultures and not race.

Seems like your irrational race theories really don't have any rhyme or reason other than justifying your own biases.

I am not in favor of absolute economic equality: I do not think everyone should receive identical incomes.

I am in favor of efforts by the government to reduce economic inequality. These would include a high minimum wage, strong labor unions, and a well financed public sector of the economy paid for by steeply progressive taxation.

I am not in favor of absolute equality, but what we are doing doesn't work.
It only continues due to the contribution of racists like you.

If people voted PURELY for their economic interests, the Republicans would never win an election. Their policies only really benefit a very few.

For most people most of the time racial loyalties are stronger than class loyalties. The ubiquity of this phenomenon indicates that it is part of human nature. Plutocrats do not cause this syndrome, but they do benefit from it.

Well, that's fucked up, and needs to stop. Yes, you can find the part of our lizard brain that is racist, but you don't succumb to it. Just like we don't pin down every female we find attractive and fuck the shit out of her. We call ourselves more evolved, we need to act like it.

A decent progressive looks at how Nixon (and all the Republicans that followed him) used racism to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests. You sit there and say the Democrats never should have given them the opportunity by supporting civil rights legislation.
The best and brightest go into medicine for a reason and some of that reason is financial. I'll let you go under the knife of a cardiologist making the $80,000 a year in the UK.

Here's the thing. I'd have a better chance of survival, as the UK has a higher life expectancy than the US.

I don't want the guy cutting on me because he wants a yacht and a mansion. I want the guy cutting on me who became a doctor because he sincerely wanted to help people.

How are they getting screwed? The guy who owns the restaurant took the risk and start at a restaurant. He hired them in his paying them. It stands to reason that should profit from his risk, if possible

People in the service industry are routinely underpaid.. I have no problem with the guy profiting, but not at the expense of the people who do... you know.. the actual work.

Again, if I am going to let someone else prepare my food, I want someone who is happy with his job. I don't really care if his boss is making obscene profits or not.

I rarely see a Confederate flag flying anywhere and when I do it is far out in the country. I might add, that flying a Confederate flag doesn't make you a racist.

Uh, yeah, actually it does. Just like flying a Swastika flag makes you a Nazi.

The people in your area support BLM and the like. I guess you forgot about that.
Yeah, BLM with their crazy ideas that the police shouldn't murder black children.. what a crazy idea.
You believe that a cardiologist making 600k/yr must be screwing somebody to make that kind of money? You believe that a small business owner making 400k/yr with a succesfful restaurant must be screwing somebody? You believe that a real estate agent selling large, high priced homes making 400k/yr must be screwing somebody? Do you believe the pro-athlete making 20 mil/yr is must be screwing somebody?

People aren’t necessarily screwing somebody just because they make a lot of money. They may be more skilled and/or work harder than others. Again, don’t let envy consume you.
I guess it is relative. I know my standard of living would be drastically reduced if I lived in Chicago.

No, the whole state is not full of inbreds any more than the whole state of Illinois is full of gang bangers.

I have no idea where your friend moved, but I am sure she could find a nice city/town in South Carolina and many other Southern states. Maybe she moved into the South Carolina equivalent of Garfield Park. I would be a minority there, the crime rate is high and the schools are terrible.

The Cardiologist making $600,000 per year is paying out $200,000 of that for staff, billing and collections, and isn't keeping anywhere near that amount. Nearly 1/3 of every health care dollar spent, goes to administration.

The restaurant owner with $400,000 in sales would only have about $20,000 in profit. In order to show a $400,000 profit, he'd had to have $8 million in sales. Average net profit in the restaurant business is 5% of gross sales.

Your post displays your abject ignorance as to how the economy works, and you falsely assume that people's desire for fair wages are born out of envy of those "doing better" than they are.
The best and brightest go into medicine for a reason and some of that reason is financial. I'll let you go under the knife of a cardiologist making the $80,000 a year in the UK.

How are they getting screwed? The guy who owns the restaurant took the risk and start at a restaurant. He hired them in his paying them. It stands to reason that should profit from his risk, if possible

Then don't hire them nor buy a house that they list.

Going to football game is for entertainment. If you think the prices are too high then don't buy a ticket.

Regardless what you think of me, my wife is a physician. You can't possibly think we live in a double wide.

I have no idea where they live but I can think of plenty of cities in every Southern state where they shouldn't have any issues and could live much better and safer than they did in Chicago. Maybe they're just leftist kooks like you. That would explain it.

I am not in favor of absolute economic equality: I do not think everyone should receive identical incomes.

I am in favor of efforts by the government to reduce economic inequality. These would include a high minimum wage, strong labor unions, and a well financed public sector of the economy paid for by steeply progressive taxation.

Working class blacks would benefit from these at least as much as working class whites.

"Racism" has too many definitions to be useful in a learned and civil discussion of races and their differences.

For most people most of the time racial loyalties are stronger than class loyalties. The ubiquity of this phenomenon indicates that it is part of human nature. Plutocrats do not cause this syndrome, but they do benefit from it.

No one is asking for absolute economic equality. What they're asking for is a fair share.

The Big 3 Auto makers are scoring the highest profits in history. During the Great Recession, the AW's Union made significant employee concessions to help save the Big 3 going through the recession.

Since that time, the Big 3 have turned things around, and executive compensation has increased by 40%, while worker compensation packages are actually worth less, in today's dollars, than they were 10 years ago. The UAW struck the Big 3 asking for workers to get the same 40% increase that the executives were given - given that the workers took a big cut back in 2009.

You cannot dodge the "racism" discussion by claiming there's no real definition of racism. If that's the case, it would be a good place to begin the discussion so every can be on the same page for a change.

Racial loyalties are not stronger than "class loyalties", and you would do well to remember that the USA was supposed to be a "classless society". Where one's station of birth was irrevant.
Hamas is not Palestine, and I'm unaware of liberals embracing Iran.
You are also overlooking Israel's long string of atrocity.
To my knowledge, liberals do not "embrace" Hamas or Iran, and liberals do indeed "embrace" peace and empathy for both sides, which you interpret as embracing and empathizing with Hamas and Iran.
Hamas is not Palestine, and I'm unaware of liberals embracing Iran.

To my knowledge, liberals do not "embrace" Hamas or Iran, and liberals do indeed "embrace" peace and empathy for both sides, which you interpret as embracing and empathizing with Hamas and Iran.
You've got me confused with someone else here, I'm on your side in this.

Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

Biden’s denunciation of grisly terror attacks can’t mask the left's years of coddling of Tehran and Gaza, experts say.
10 Oct 2023 ~~ By John Solomon

As evidence of civilian atrocities mounted, President Joe Biden emerged in public to unequivocally denounce the Hamas terror attacks as “pure unadulterated evil” but his repudiation cannot hide the long embrace by his party’s liberals of the two main actors behind the staggering violence that rocked the Middle East: the political and military leadership in Palestine and their backers in Iran.
Even as American hostages remained in peril, the beheaded torsos of innocent civilians were collected from Israeli streets and Hamas and Tehran celebrated the bloodletting, many liberals in America were still trying to express empathy for the attackers.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib flew a Palestinian flag outside her official congressional office, while Rep. Ilhan Omar suggested Israel’s counteroffensive might be a “war crime.” Biden’s secretary of state tweeted, then deleted a call for a “ceasefire” just as Israel ramped up its rescue missions. The U.S. Department of State’s Palestinian Affairs Office literally implored Israel to “refrain” from “retaliatory attacks” before reversing course. On the streets of liberal cities and the campuses of left-leaning universities like Harvard, many even suggested Israel deserved blame for Hamas’ attacks.
“The danger is not just to Israel,” former Obama-era Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told Just the News on Tuesday night. “The enemy we face in Hamas is the same enemy that America faces in ISIS and Al Qaeda. It is a radical, medieval, vicious, brutal, barbaric, jihadist group.
“It’s not a clash of civilizations … it's a clash between a civilization and a different universe, a very dark and evil universe. And you have to believe in evil,” Oren said during an interview conducted from a bomb shelter with the Just the News, No Noise television show. “These are people who behead babies, repeatedly rape young women and strip them and march them naked through the streets of Gaza so they can be spat upon and beaten, who take entire families out and shoot them.”
Former Trump-era Deputy National Security Adviser Victoria Coates said the blame isn’t just with Palestinian-sympathetic congresswomen and academics, it also falls on the Biden administration for sending millions in aid to Hamas-controlled Palestine and for appeasing Iran with eased oil sanctions and a recent $6 billion in unfrozen assets in the name of seeking a nuclear deal even as Tehran continues to sponsor terrorism and toss out UN nuclear inspectors.
Biden administration officials dismissed such criticisms, insisting that despite the deleted pro-Hamas tweets and prior appeasements to Iran that the president stands unequivocally with Israel and its right to defend itself. Administration officials also have refused to confirm reports from European intelligence that Iran helped plan the attack, even after Hamas made comments confirming such a connection.
Longtime intelligence expert Fred Fleitz, the former chief of staff to the National Security Council, said while it may take days or a few weeks for U.S. intelligence to pinpoint the exact nature of Iran’s role in the attacks, he has little doubt Tehran was involved.
Security experts said there is strong reason to fear Iranian-backed terrorists could have already crossed the porous southern U.S. border to be activated in the future against Americans, bringing the horror of what just happened in Israel closer to home. Biden himself raised the concern during his Tuesday press conference.
Coates added that “Maybe the biggest threat from that particular alphabet soup of terrorism is Hezbollah. Because we know Hezbollah has been active in Latin America, they've carried out attacks against Jewish targets in Argentina, for example. So they're here. And the notion that they haven't tried to cross the border in the last two and a half years is pretty disingenuous.”

On Saturday Biden briefly commented and was not to be seen for four days.
Meanwhile his toadies continue to make excuses for their lack of intelligence gathering and funding of Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah.
To my knowledge, liberals do not "embrace" Hamas and Iran. What they do indeed "embrace" is peace and empathy for civilians in the region, lest a regional war "embraces" all parties and spreads to other countries.
I agree, it is low. There are billions of planets in the universe. We just happen to live on the one it happened on. Maybe it's never happened anywhere else.

It most certainly contributed that men could take their countries to war because God ordained them to do so.

I take pleasure in the fact that very few of these guys survived the war.

Funny, I remember "satellite photos" that PROVED Saddam really had WMD's and HE WAS GOING TO KILL US ALL!
Saddam worked very hard to convince EVERYONE that he had chemical weapons. He even had his own generals convinced. I’ve read interrogation excerpts from them. They all said “I didn’t have any chemical weapons, but Abdul, or Mohammad did in their units”. Saddam was betting that we wouldn’t call his bluff and let him continue to violate fifty or so UN resolutions as well as the cease fire agreement he signed to prevent us from invading Iraq.

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