Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

Much died with John Kennedy in 1963. It has been downhill since then. America's greatness depended on having a population that was 90% white, and on most blacks being subjected to de facto second class citizenship. The civil rights legislation, the Immigration Reform Act of 1965, and the War on Poverty were well intended mistakes. Anyone who cannot see that they were mistakes is not looking.

I supported the civil rights movement as a child, a teenager, and a young adult. Since then I have been disappointed with the use most Negroes have made of the opportunities that have been opened to them. I can understand why someone would feel sorry for Negroes. I cannot understand why anyone would respect the Negro race.

Those who dislike what I have just now written have no response to it but insults and name calling. I have the facts on my side.
Tax the rich again for God's sake and give us cheap college and training and good infrastructure so that the blacks can take themselves out of this racist mess, brainwashed functional moron.....
Because they are chained together on slave ships? Or because the GOP has destroyed their country's economies with sanctions and covert action And global warming and we don't have money to help them under give away to the rich Reagan tax rates....?

The Republican Party has not leveled sanctions against the black African countries from which Negroes risk their lives to escape and move to Europe.
Tax the rich again for God's sake and give us cheap college and training and good infrastructure so that the blacks can take themselves out of this racist mess, brainwashed functional moron.....
On several occasions on the U.S. Message Board I have expressed my desire that the government raise taxes for the rich. Taxes were cut, and the national debt increased because whites did not want their tax money to be spent helping blacks.

Before the civil rights movement this was not an issue, and the rich were heavily taxed. .
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Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

Biden’s denunciation of grisly terror attacks can’t mask the left's years of coddling of Tehran and Gaza, experts say.
10 Oct 2023 ~~ By John Solomon

As evidence of civilian atrocities mounted, President Joe Biden emerged in public to unequivocally denounce the Hamas terror attacks as “pure unadulterated evil” but his repudiation cannot hide the long embrace by his party’s liberals of the two main actors behind the staggering violence that rocked the Middle East: the political and military leadership in Palestine and their backers in Iran.
Even as American hostages remained in peril, the beheaded torsos of innocent civilians were collected from Israeli streets and Hamas and Tehran celebrated the bloodletting, many liberals in America were still trying to express empathy for the attackers.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib flew a Palestinian flag outside her official congressional office, while Rep. Ilhan Omar suggested Israel’s counteroffensive might be a “war crime.” Biden’s secretary of state tweeted, then deleted a call for a “ceasefire” just as Israel ramped up its rescue missions. The U.S. Department of State’s Palestinian Affairs Office literally implored Israel to “refrain” from “retaliatory attacks” before reversing course. On the streets of liberal cities and the campuses of left-leaning universities like Harvard, many even suggested Israel deserved blame for Hamas’ attacks.
“The danger is not just to Israel,” former Obama-era Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told Just the News on Tuesday night. “The enemy we face in Hamas is the same enemy that America faces in ISIS and Al Qaeda. It is a radical, medieval, vicious, brutal, barbaric, jihadist group.
“It’s not a clash of civilizations … it's a clash between a civilization and a different universe, a very dark and evil universe. And you have to believe in evil,” Oren said during an interview conducted from a bomb shelter with the Just the News, No Noise television show. “These are people who behead babies, repeatedly rape young women and strip them and march them naked through the streets of Gaza so they can be spat upon and beaten, who take entire families out and shoot them.”
Former Trump-era Deputy National Security Adviser Victoria Coates said the blame isn’t just with Palestinian-sympathetic congresswomen and academics, it also falls on the Biden administration for sending millions in aid to Hamas-controlled Palestine and for appeasing Iran with eased oil sanctions and a recent $6 billion in unfrozen assets in the name of seeking a nuclear deal even as Tehran continues to sponsor terrorism and toss out UN nuclear inspectors.
Biden administration officials dismissed such criticisms, insisting that despite the deleted pro-Hamas tweets and prior appeasements to Iran that the president stands unequivocally with Israel and its right to defend itself. Administration officials also have refused to confirm reports from European intelligence that Iran helped plan the attack, even after Hamas made comments confirming such a connection.
Longtime intelligence expert Fred Fleitz, the former chief of staff to the National Security Council, said while it may take days or a few weeks for U.S. intelligence to pinpoint the exact nature of Iran’s role in the attacks, he has little doubt Tehran was involved.
Security experts said there is strong reason to fear Iranian-backed terrorists could have already crossed the porous southern U.S. border to be activated in the future against Americans, bringing the horror of what just happened in Israel closer to home. Biden himself raised the concern during his Tuesday press conference.
Coates added that “Maybe the biggest threat from that particular alphabet soup of terrorism is Hezbollah. Because we know Hezbollah has been active in Latin America, they've carried out attacks against Jewish targets in Argentina, for example. So they're here. And the notion that they haven't tried to cross the border in the last two and a half years is pretty disingenuous.”

On Saturday Biden briefly commented and was not to be seen for four days.
Meanwhile his toadies continue to make excuses for their lack of intelligence gathering and funding of Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah.

Go to this link, look at the story date, and realize Trump's prophecy
On several occasions on the U.S. Message Board I have expressed my desire that the government raise taxes for the rich. Taxes were cut, and the national debt increased because whites did not want their tax money to be spent helping blacks.

Before the civil rights movement this was not an issue, and the rich were heavily taxed. .
The problem, brainwashed functional moron, is that the GOP has been fighting a war against regular people their entire existence and their followers are idiots who believe their family values and small government what a joke lol aarrrrghhhhhh..... Of course the blacks always do the worst so when the white middle and lower class are doing this badly, they are doing terribly. That's where crime comes from along with the endless gop war on drugs that has turned inner cities into war zones with black gangsters killing each other over who gets to sell drugs to the whites from the suburbs. The worst inequality upward mobility homelessness and poverty ever anywhere in the modern world by far is what the GOP calls paradise. The rich are doing fantastic and the GOP are hoping to start another corrupt deregulation bubble and bust and world depression. AGAIN AND AGAIN> Change the damn channel....
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The problem, brainwashed functional moron, is that the GOP has been fighting a war against regular people their entire existence and their followers are idiots who believe their family values and small government what a joke lol aarrrrghhhhhh..... Of course the blacks always do the worst so when the white middle and lower class are doing this badly, they are doing terribly. That's where crime comes from along with the endless gop war on drugs that has turned inner cities into war zones with black gangsters killing each other over who gets to sell drugs to the whites from the suburbs. The worst inequality upward mobility homelessness and poverty ever anywhere in the modern world by far is what the GOP calls paradise. The rich are doing fantastic and the GOP are hoping to start another corrupt deregulation bubble and bust and world depression. AGAIN AND AGAIN> Change the damn channel....
I am a registered Democrat. I have only voted for two Republicans in my life. I forget their names.
I am a registered Democrat. I have only voted for two Republicans in my life. I forget their names.
Sorry. Well now we have to get the Democrats 60 votes in the Senate so they can overcome the GOP filibuster and reconciliation rules and we can get some actual reform for the first time in 60 years.... Obamacare is a bit of an exception. The fact that no GOP person could vote for the GOP plans this shows what scumbags they are.....
On several occasions on the U.S. Message Board I have expressed my desire that the government raise taxes for the rich. Taxes were cut, and the national debt increased because whites did not want their tax money to be spent helping blacks.

Before the civil rights movement this was not an issue, and the rich were heavily taxed. .
I don't think there is any connection at all, the Republicans simply cut taxes so much on the rich under Reagan that we still basically have, and kept spending money like drunken sailors anyway. Their policies have all been terrible. How is Reagans Pal Saddam doing anyway? Omg
The Republican Party has not leveled sanctions against the black African countries from which Negroes risk their lives to escape and move to Europe.
Have you seen what the welfare pays in Africa? That's why they go to Europe.
There is no welfare in most of Africa, it's a **** post colonial catastrophe with totally corrupt governments and foreign intervention and dominance and a great place to sell arms....
Which is why they come demanding welfare. Then they complain it's not enough.
Have you seen what the welfare pays in Africa? That's why they go to Europe

They go to Europe to flee the dysfunctions they create in their own countries. They spread those dysfunctions, spreading crime, welfare dependency, and disease.
There is no welfare in most of Africa, it's a **** post colonial catastrophe with totally corrupt governments and foreign intervention and dominance and a great place to sell arms....
European rule was the best thing that happened to the countries in sub Saharan Africa. When the withes left civilization declined.
They are probably visiting the wealth white people stole from them.

On a serious note, that's where the jobs are... When big corporations aren't moving jobs to third world countries, third world people are coming to the jobs white people don't want to do anymore.
Whites never stole anything. They achieved with high IQ power.

The best thing that ever happened to the tribes of sub Subhuman Africa was European imperialism. Since the whites left the quality of civilization there has declined.
Whites never stole anything. They achieved with high IQ power.

So if some banker cheats you out of your house with a clever legal maneuver, you are going just going to admire their moxy, right?

The best thing that ever happened to the tribes of sub Subhuman Africa was European imperialism. Since the whites left the quality of civilization there has declined.

If by "Civilization" you mean "Genocide and slavery", um, yeah, good thing that's not happening anymore.

Man, Jamal must have done a number on you!
So if some banker cheats you out of your house with a clever legal maneuver, you are going just going to admire their moxy, right?

If by "Civilization" you mean "Genocide and slavery", um, yeah, good thing that's not happening anymore.

Man, Jamal must have done a number on you!
What I mean by civilization are hospitals, schools, electricity, water purification, and telephone lines that work.

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