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Hamas breaking international law?!?!?

no minimally competent lawyer would describe the death of Rachel Corrie as
"MURDER" to do so would require that the slut piece of shit lawyer claim
that Israel PLANS operations involving chasing after her fellow slut whores
with BULL DOZERS it ludicrous amazing what piece of shit whores
call themselves "lawyers"
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, I'm surprized they didn't take this (yet) to the 4th District.

Rachel Corrie was killed in Gaza. What sovereign nation are you talking about?

Technically, she was killed in the "Occupied Territory." The jurisdiction was Israel, as they are the "Occupation Force" and responsible for the maintenance of security and peace. She was killed in the course of preventing the demolition of Palestinian-owned buildings.

There is a case to be made that the demolition was an illegal action of the "Occupation Power" under Atricle 8(2b) of the Rome Statues and Article 43 Hague Regulations; to include:

(1) the security of the occupying power and of its forces,
(2) the implementation of IHL and of International Human Rights Law (as far as the
local legislation is contrary to such international law),
(3) the purpose of restoring and maintaining public order and civil life in the
(4) the purpose of enhancing civil life during long-lasting occupations,
(5) or where explicitly so authorized under UN Security Council Resolutions.​

I believe here is the cause of action.

Most Respectfully,
Cast Lead, Amnesty's discussion about Israel's claim Hamas was using civilians as human shields:


"The allegation that Hamas was using “human shields” was repeatedly made by Israeli
government and army officials and spokespersons. In response to any questions about attacks by their own forces against Palestinian civilians or civilian objects or about the impact of their forces’ operations on the civilian population of Gaza, Israeli officials invariably responded that Hamas must be held responsible for any harm caused to civilians by Israeli attacks."

"Amnesty International, for its part, did not find evidence that Hamas or other Palestinian
groups violated the laws of war to the extent repeatedly alleged by Israel. In particular, it
found no evidence that Hamas or other fighters directed the movement of civilians to shield
military objectives from attacks. By contrast, Amnesty International did find that Israeli
forces on several occasions during Operation “Cast Lead” forced Palestinian civilians to serve as “human shields”. In any event, international humanitarian law makes clear that use of “human shields” by one party does not release the attacking party from its legal obligations with respect to civilians."


Two points about this, first, in Cast Lead, there was no finding Palestinians used civilians as human shields. Second, even if they had, Israel still owes the very same obligations to civilians as it had if civilians had not been used as human shields. This means Israel cannot directly target civilians and civilian objects, whether or not Hamas uses civilians as human shields. And Israel cannot engage in disproportionate or indiscriminate attacks, whether Hamas uses civilians as human shields or not. Israel's obligations to abide by The Fourth Geneva Convention do not change.

Conceivably, you can have a situation where a civilian shield is killed. Btselem addressed an incident where a man Israel was using as a human shield was killed. Israel commits a war crime by using that civilian as a human shield. And if we had evidence the Palestinians who killed the human shield knew the man was a Palestinian civilian, they would be committing a war crime, too.

Conclusion, commissions of war crimes by one side do not operate to relieve the other side from abiding by provisions of The Fourth Geneva Convention.


sherri Amnesty International used and relied upon "btselem" as a source in their "report".

As you are aware btselem asserted, "First, the Palestinian organizations firing rockets and mortars openly state that one of their aims is to harm Israeli civilians. Attacks aimed at civilians undermine all principles of morality and law. The intentional killing of civilians is classified as a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and therefore a war crime. As such it cannot be justified, whatever the circumstances. Furthermore, rockets and mortars are unlawful weapons, even if aimed at military objects: they are not precise and by their nature endanger civilians in the area from which they are launched and where they land, thus contravening fundamental principles of the laws of warfare: distinction and proportionality."

"In addition, in a significant number of cases, Palestinians fire from within areas in which civilians live. International humanitarian law forbids attacks from inside civilian houses or from areas adjacent to civilian houses, and also prohibits using civilians as human shields.Palestinian organizations that fire rockets at Israeli communities from inside or near populated areas contravene this prohibition, too. In doing so, they show not only their desire to injure Israeli civilians, but also their indifference to the lives of Palestinian civilians."



One more time, there is no finding by Btselem here that Palestinians used civilians as human shields. You do not seem to be able to read. The only mention of human shields is a statement about the law, there is no finding Palestinians used civilians as human shields. If you look closer at what using civilians as human shields means, you will find merely firing from an area near where civilians live is not sufficient for a finding civilians have been used as human shields. Amnestys report goes into a bit of more details about that.

Second point, even if there had been the use of civilians as human shields, this does not absolve Isreal of her obligations to not target civilians and children unlawfully.

Third point, you left out the heading of this entire discussion, and the first paragraph, likely that was deliberate, which describes what this discussion is all about, Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians, this is not even a discussion about Isreal's attacks on Palestinians. Whatever is being done by Palestinians does not excuse Israel's unlawful attacks on Palestinians that injure and kill civilians and nothing written by Btselem says that it does..

"Palestinian attacks on Israel civilians

Three Israeli civilians and one member of the security forces were killed by rocket fire into
southern Israel during the course of the operation. Rocket fire at civilian targets is a breach of the laws of war, as is firing from within populated areas."

Sherri is claiming that Betselim has AGENTS EMBEDDED IN GAZA------and since those
"agents embedded in Gaza" did not mention the fact that her fellow gazan terroist
pigs shoot from civilian areas ----then we can conclude such things do not happen
ie-----is she insane? -----well no----she is simply a lying chunk of shit
no minimally competent lawyer would describe the death of Rachel Corrie as
"MURDER" to do so would require that the slut piece of shit lawyer claim
that Israel PLANS operations involving chasing after her fellow slut whores
with BULL DOZERS it ludicrous amazing what piece of shit whores
call themselves "lawyers"

Unlawful killings are murder, you apparently know nothing at all about the law!
Sherri is claiming that Betselim has AGENTS EMBEDDED IN GAZA------and since those
"agents embedded in Gaza" did not mention the fact that her fellow gazan terroist
pigs shoot from civilian areas ----then we can conclude such things do not happen
ie-----is she insane? -----well no----she is simply a lying chunk of shit

What Nonsense! You make no sense at all!
P F Tinmore, et al,

You are kidding me - right?

What terrorist activity are the Palestinians conducting?

Human Rights Watch condemns targeting of Israeli civilians said:
The rocket attacks, including the first from Gaza to strike the Tel Aviv and Jerusalem areas, killed three Israeli civilians, wounded at least 38, several seriously, and destroyed civilian property. Rockets that fell short of their intended targets in Israel apparently killed at least two Palestinians in Gaza and wounded others, Human Rights Watch said. “Palestinian armed groups made clear in their statements that harming civilians was their aim,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “There is simply no legal justification for launching rockets at populated areas.”
SOURCE: Human Rights Watch condemns targeting of Israeli civilians during Pillar of Defense | +972 Magazine

Palestinian Rocket Kills Palestinian Child said:
Some rockets launched by Palestinian armed groups fell short and struck inside Gaza. On November 16, a rocket that appears to have been launched from within Gaza hit a crowded street in the Gazan town of Jabalya, killing a man, 23, and a boy, 4, and wounding five people.
SOURCE: Gaza: Palestinian Rockets Unlawfully Targeted Israeli Civilians | Human Rights Watch

Launching from Residential Neighborhoods said:
Human Rights Watch interviewed four witnesses to rocket launches from densely populated areas inside Gaza, and heard second-hand reports about many more. Unlike during previous fighting, armed groups seem to have fired many rockets from underground tunnels, opening a hatch to launch the munition.
SOURCE: Gaza: Palestinian Rockets Unlawfully Targeted Israeli Civilians | Human Rights Watch

15 NOV 2012 said:
Two men and one woman were killed when a rocket fired by Hamas terrorists in Gaza directly struck the apartment in which they lived. According to Israeli sources, the three were not in the bomb shelter of the building. Mirah Scharf, the woman killed, was a mother of three and pregnant of the time. Three children - including a four year boy and two babies - were also wounded as a result of the rocket strike.

Most Respectfully,
Dear Sir R
you fail to recognize the fact that LEGAL CODES vary.
When addressing both sherri and tinni----keep in mind
that they adhere to the aspects of the JUSTINIAN law
which were also adopted into SHARIAH LAW which
legalized the INQUISITION----and the GENOCIDES
comitted by muslims ----including those in the past
single century---the short list being THE ARMENIAN
GENOCIDE ----which involved the killing of some two
million unarmed christians and the starvation siege
that took the lives of several million Biafran
children and the ISSUANCE of edicts of
TAKFIR which led to the rapes of 1/4 miilion
girls in EAST PAKISTAN -----and also the starvation
siege of FLEEING hindus leading to tens of
thousands of hindu children dropping dead
in their tracks. In fact sudanese christian
children are still enslaved in Khartoum LEGALLY
under the very same laws.

a story>>> in shariah law---the child
orphan left if a non muslim man dies is
is liable ---under the rules of DHIMMIA --
to be CLAIMED as a possession (aka slave)
of any muslim male wishing to claim him/her
Since my own mother-in-law was rescued
AS A CHILD---from this situation I discussed
it with a MUSLIM LAWYER of sherri's ilk.
She expressed support of the law----why?..
Because it is in the "BEST INTERESTS" of the
child to be brought up as a MUSLIM. An
interesting historic factoid is HISTORICALLY
----when some societies were in the hands of
entities like sherri----non christian children were
subjected to the same shit----not to the same
extent----but the concept does exist in sherrie's
btw---enslavement of sudanese christian children--
in the thousands --is based in the same LEGALITY
P F Tinmore, et al,

You are kidding me - right?

What terrorist activity are the Palestinians conducting?

Human Rights Watch condemns targeting of Israeli civilians said:
The rocket attacks, including the first from Gaza to strike the Tel Aviv and Jerusalem areas, killed three Israeli civilians, wounded at least 38, several seriously, and destroyed civilian property. Rockets that fell short of their intended targets in Israel apparently killed at least two Palestinians in Gaza and wounded others, Human Rights Watch said. “Palestinian armed groups made clear in their statements that harming civilians was their aim,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “There is simply no legal justification for launching rockets at populated areas.”
SOURCE: Human Rights Watch condemns targeting of Israeli civilians during Pillar of Defense | +972 Magazine

Launching from Residential Neighborhoods said:
Human Rights Watch interviewed four witnesses to rocket launches from densely populated areas inside Gaza, and heard second-hand reports about many more. Unlike during previous fighting, armed groups seem to have fired many rockets from underground tunnels, opening a hatch to launch the munition.
SOURCE: Gaza: Palestinian Rockets Unlawfully Targeted Israeli Civilians | Human Rights Watch

15 NOV 2012 said:
Two men and one woman were killed when a rocket fired by Hamas terrorists in Gaza directly struck the apartment in which they lived. According to Israeli sources, the three were not in the bomb shelter of the building. Mirah Scharf, the woman killed, was a mother of three and pregnant of the time. Three children - including a four year boy and two babies - were also wounded as a result of the rocket strike.

Most Respectfully,

Not at all.

Even when the definition of protected persons is set out in this way, it may seem rather complicated. Nevertheless, disregarding points of detail, it will be seen that there are two main classes of protected person:...(2) ' the whole population ' of occupied territories (excluding nationals of the Occupying Power).

International Humanitarian Law - Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention
For those who do not understand----Tinnie asserts that persons living in land "OCCUPIED" ---as---for example Germany and Japan were after world war II------have a RIGHT to ---WITH IMPUNITY----sneak into your house at night and slit the throats of your infants
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Yes, there are always the case of the exception.

We saw Rachel Corrie murdered by Israel and nothing done about that. So much for American Justice, it does not exist!

While it is true that Rachel Corrie was killed, she would not have been killed if she had not placed herself in harms way. Israel is not the US. There is no country in the world that pampers activist like the US. This was investigated.

You may not think it is fair, but being an American does not exempt you from the laws of another sovereign nation.

Most Respectfully,

You hit it right on the nail Rocco...Israel is not like the USA at all! Many posters on this board swear ad nauseam, how Israel and America are alike in Culture and Law.

Clearly, Israel had no tolerance for Rachel Corrie and running her over was par for the course of killing peaceful demonstrators. Rachel, journalists, are targets.

It’s a very rough neighborhood.
Sherri and Pbel have their own definition of murder haha. Lovely.
Rachel Corrie stood in front of a bulldozer and got killed. ANyone here have any proof that the driver was given orders to run her over or did so intentionally????? Anyone ?!??
Somebody !?!?
no minimally competent lawyer would describe the death of Rachel Corrie as
"MURDER" to do so would require that the slut piece of shit lawyer claim
that Israel PLANS operations involving chasing after her fellow slut whores
with BULL DOZERS it ludicrous amazing what piece of shit whores
call themselves "lawyers"

Unlawful killings are murder, you apparently know nothing at all about the law!

Sherri, what is your definition of collateral damage ??
no minimally competent lawyer would describe the death of Rachel Corrie as
"MURDER" to do so would require that the slut piece of shit lawyer claim
that Israel PLANS operations involving chasing after her fellow slut whores
with BULL DOZERS it ludicrous amazing what piece of shit whores
call themselves "lawyers"

Unlawful killings are murder, you apparently know nothing at all about the law!

Sherri, what is your definition of collateral damage ??

for the record---sherri is wrong----I know quite a bit about the law---the
use of the term "murder" for the death of rachel corrie is entirely incorrect.
AT most her death could be termed 'negligent manslaughter'----a misdemeanor.

however more likely it would be called ---accidental ---not a crime. Sherri
believes that in accordance with her RELIGION that if a jew has anything to do
with the death of a muslim or christian---then the jew is guilty of MURDER.
She is an adherent of SHARIAH LAW and the JUSTINIAN CODE and
no minimally competent lawyer would describe the death of Rachel Corrie as
"MURDER" to do so would require that the slut piece of shit lawyer claim
that Israel PLANS operations involving chasing after her fellow slut whores
with BULL DOZERS it ludicrous amazing what piece of shit whores
call themselves "lawyers"

Unlawful killings are murder, you apparently know nothing at all about the law![/QUOTE

there is no crime in law called "UNLAWFUL KILLING" there is "murder"
and "manslaughter" a death in the course of war is almost never "murder"
and RETURN FIRE is never a crime ----even if the people doing the shooting
are wearing their infants on their heads------you are simply lying ---as usual.

for the record----sherrie has also claimed that if a muslim sneaks into the
home of a jew and slits the throat of an infant ----THAT is not murder.
Since I am not a nazi ----I assert that anyone who sneaks into a house for the
purpose of slitting an infant's throat commits MURDER----whether sherri likes
the person or not. Sherri would consider only a JEW comitting such an act
guilty of murder

Sherri also insists that since Israel goes to great lengths to
protect its children by mandating bomb shelters in every
building and house and apartment----that her people can
legally bombard Israel with poison nail bombs specifically
useful in blowing the brains out of the heads of children.
Severe injuries do not count----if the kids live---as many
severely injured do because of so much expertise gained
in the treating of such injured kids----sherri says NO HARM
can be claimed even if the kids spend the rest of their lives
in wheel chairs from one epileptic fit to the next.

US doctors are now being taught about the treatment of
the injuries that sherri calls LEGAL since those of her
ilk do construct nail bombs in the USA and in CANADA---
according to her LEGALLY
no minimally competent lawyer would describe the death of Rachel Corrie as
"MURDER" to do so would require that the slut piece of shit lawyer claim
that Israel PLANS operations involving chasing after her fellow slut whores
with BULL DOZERS it ludicrous amazing what piece of shit whores
call themselves "lawyers"

and if you disagee with the above, you are an anti-semite.
no minimally competent lawyer would describe the death of Rachel Corrie as
"MURDER" to do so would require that the slut piece of shit lawyer claim
that Israel PLANS operations involving chasing after her fellow slut whores
with BULL DOZERS it ludicrous amazing what piece of shit whores
call themselves "lawyers"

and if you disagee with the above, you are an anti-semite.
How come whenever Rachel Corrie is brought up, there is never any mention of the terrorist who hid in the office of the organization to which Rachel Corrie belonged and who subsequently blew himself up in Mike's Place. People were killed and wounded there and it seems that many posters here don't care about these innocent people. One of those wounded very badly was the Catholic man filming a documentary about the place (I believe a Christian and a Jew were co-owners), and those who knew him from parochial school in New York were asking for donations so that he could continue his rehabilitation in his own hometown. Maybe if Seal was aware of this, he could also have started a collection in Seattle to help this unfortunate man.
no minimally competent lawyer would describe the death of Rachel Corrie as
"MURDER" to do so would require that the slut piece of shit lawyer claim
that Israel PLANS operations involving chasing after her fellow slut whores
with BULL DOZERS it ludicrous amazing what piece of shit whores
call themselves "lawyers"

and if you disagee with the above, you are an anti-semite.

Don't look at it that way Seal...Rose is dammaged goods that are beyond repair, how else could someone describe the death of a child, any child, be it Jewish, Palestinian or from Mars, that way....
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