Hamas Has A Sugar Daddy

According to a report in The Nation, the author claims that James Cheek, United States Ambassador to Argentina at the time of the bombing, told him, "To my knowledge, there was never any real evidence [of Iranian responsibility]. They never came up with anything." The hottest lead in the case, he recalled, was an Iranian defector named Manoucher Moatamer, who "supposedly had all this information." But Moatamer turned out to be only a dissatisfied low-ranking official without the knowledge of government decision-making that he had claimed. "We finally decided that he wasn't credible," Cheek recalled.[76]

In 2013, American investigative journalist Gareth Porter cast doubt on the alleged involvement of Iran and Hezbollah, reporting that the link depended centrally on just claims from the People's Mujahedin of Iran, a controversial Iranian anti-regime group that has been described as terrorist by some nations
AMIA bombing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In Law a suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of Law
According to a report in The Nation, the author claims that James Cheek, United States Ambassador to Argentina at the time of the bombing, told him, "To my knowledge, there was never any real evidence [of Iranian responsibility]. They never came up with anything." The hottest lead in the case, he recalled, was an Iranian defector named Manoucher Moatamer, who "supposedly had all this information." But Moatamer turned out to be only a dissatisfied low-ranking official without the knowledge of government decision-making that he had claimed. "We finally decided that he wasn't credible," Cheek recalled.[76]

In 2013, American investigative journalist Gareth Porter cast doubt on the alleged involvement of Iran and Hezbollah, reporting that the link depended centrally on just claims from the People's Mujahedin of Iran, a controversial Iranian anti-regime group that has been described as terrorist by some nations
AMIA bombing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In Law a suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of Law

So why don't the muslims practise this, I know because they are just barbaric psychopathic mass murderers that act as Judge Jury and executioner.
According to a report in The Nation, the author claims that James Cheek, United States Ambassador to Argentina at the time of the bombing, told him, "To my knowledge, there was never any real evidence [of Iranian responsibility]. They never came up with anything." The hottest lead in the case, he recalled, was an Iranian defector named Manoucher Moatamer, who "supposedly had all this information." But Moatamer turned out to be only a dissatisfied low-ranking official without the knowledge of government decision-making that he had claimed. "We finally decided that he wasn't credible," Cheek recalled.[76]

In 2013, American investigative journalist Gareth Porter cast doubt on the alleged involvement of Iran and Hezbollah, reporting that the link depended centrally on just claims from the People's Mujahedin of Iran, a controversial Iranian anti-regime group that has been described as terrorist by some nations
AMIA bombing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In Law a suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of Law

Wrong ****, Nisman had lots of evidence, including wire taps, fund transfers, etc. Stay out of topics you know nothing about moron asshole.
In Law a suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of Law

Good point c-nt, that means Israel has never done a single thing to the arab muslims since none were arrested and convicted. Thanks for playing, dogshit.
The Iranians are supporting Iraq and Syria in their fight against Al Qaeda, Al Nusra and ISIS. It is truly amazing how easily some people are brainwashed. It is depressing just how stupid some people are. Cognitive dissonance is a virus that is transmitted via Fox News. Iran is defending itself. It has not attacked anyone and is threatened and surrounded by Sunni Islamists supported by the Saudis, who are in turn supported by the U.S.

YA MY ASS. Another Monte propaganda fail. Iranian Mullahs secretly supported Al Queda, there is no difference between them and ISIS and they all need to be wiped off this planet.

U.S. Accuses Iran Of Harboring Network That Funds Al Qaeda - Business Insider

Iran holds top al Qaeda members Daily Mail Online

U.S. says Iran harbors al Qaeda associate - Washington Times
What a potty mouth you have, do you kiss your children with that same potty mouth?

Good non-answer/deflection, which was to be expected from a pro-arab muslim terrorist bottom-feeding turd without an argument.
Those tunnels will be finished soon with the tens of millions of dollars Iran is pouring into Gaza. Then Israel will get to test their new underground Iron Dome.

Iran has sought to take advantage of a discord between the military and political wings of Hamas, with hopes to further expand Tehran’s sphere of influence into the thick of battles between Israel and the Palestinian terrorist group.
Iran has dumped millions of dollars into the Al Qassam brigades—the military wing of Hamas—in order to solidify relations with the Sunni Islamists that control the Gaza Strip, Con Coughlin, the defense editor of the Telegraph, reports in the Wall Street JournalOpinion section.

Coughlin writes:

According to a senior Western intelligence official, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards during the past few months have transferred tens of millions of dollars to Hamas’s Izz al-Din al-Qassam brigades. Intelligence reports show that the funds have been transferred on the direct orders of Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards’ elite Quds Force, who also dedicated an annual budget to finance Hamas’s military operations.

The Telegraph editor reports that the funds are being used to build up Hamas’s tunnel infrastructure, much of which was destroyed during Israel’s war with the terror group last summer. Hamas utilized the tunnel network to sneak into Israel underground in attempts to kill or abduct Israeli soldiers and civilians.

Report Iran Dumping Millions into Hamas Military Coffers - Breitbart

There is no human being alive looking forward more than I am to the day when the war is taken into iranian cities, and large numbers of iranians are killed. It is so long overdue, and when it happens in the next few years I will cheer from the rooftops happier than any human alive. I am so incredibly eager to see the same levels of terror, fear and misery that the iranian fucking scum has inflicted on so many millions of other people in the mideast rendered onto them in the most brutal and shocking fashion. No country of fucking bastards deserves it more than they, and their reckoning will be an absolute joy to witness and savor...


maybe you want to try on another one..... ?

if you're in the mood ---in case you wanted a change from...a picka-noser one to something, more tasty:

he's cute......

aww, how 'bout this little guy - he's so cheery ?

or, i guess we can stick with what you like, and find you something nice:


Whats the matter, you don't like my avatar? I think it fits Billary quite well, a photo caught at the perfect moment of her greatest achievement in office, as both a (carpetbagging) senator and a sec'y of state.

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