Hamas hospital not even hit


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

First we find out that US intelligence found out the rockets that came down on the Hamas hospital were from Hamas, and not Israel, and now this.


That is the damage, but no rubble. That's right, the bomb hit in the courtyard outside the hospital

So, the question begs, how did 500 people then die from that?

Lie, after lie, after Left wing lies!!!

Sick of these miscreant arse holes that are drumming up protests all around the world that even caused another Capital insurrection with the Squad leading the charge.
LOL. Both sides are liars, there is no way to tell who did it.

But yea it’s hilarious that the hospital itself was not bombed. And where did this 500 casualties figure come from? Totally made up.
This is exactly what Trump had to deal with for the last 8 years. The fake media deserves most of the credit for the chaos all around the world. Naive people have been convinced by lying media to accept false stories that fit the media's Democrat agenda. The bottom line is that you can't believe anything written by the MSM. MAGA
LOL. Both sides are liars, there is no way to tell who did it.

But yea it’s hilarious that the hospital itself was not bombed. And where did this 500 casualties figure come from? Totally made up.

Actually there is. Actual Israeli ordinance would have done a shit ton more damage.
By way of deception thou shalt do war : motto of Israeli intelligence service MOSSAD. Our "team" works pretty much on the same philosophy. You will never know who blew up the pipelines, bombed any facility, assasinated this dude, or anything else, but feel free to be emotionally involved as you wish, your government's gift to you.
By way of deception thou shalt do war : motto of Israeli intelligence service MOSSAD. Our "team" works pretty much on the same philosophy. You will never know who blew up the pipelines, bombed any facility, assasinated this dude, or anything else, but feel free to be emotionally involved as you wish, your government's gift to you.
It really is silly to get wrapped up in anything unless it's at least 3 days old. By then it's as clear as it's going to get, most of the bullshit has run off, and if the rest of the world even still gives a shit, then I might start to care.

Probably not a lot anymore though.
It doesn't matter. The DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media got the lie out there, the damage is done and you can't un-print the lie.

I just hope I'm around when the Jihadists inevitably come for them. When they force women to wear Hijabs in public, when they execute homosexuals or toss them off of roofs, when girls are denied basic education, when females are deemed to be the property of a Man and not allowed in public without being accompanied by one.

They ain't shittin' around about it either, scumbag dims. I was sitting with a very attractive, very well-dressed Muslim couple and the woman spoke out-of-turn and her husband slapped the shit out of her. Right there. He apologized to me. She didn't say a word. Didn't even seem to be embarrassed or anything. The OL was nervous, though. Oh well, I don't like Lamb that much anyway and I can't sit on the floor any more. Too old.

I hope I'm here to see that happen to all the dims helping them out now.

They are so stupid they think that because they are fellow travelers (they are) because they both want to end Western Civilization, that they'll be all buddy-buddy when it happens.

They couldn't be more wrong. We, conservatives, are the only thing standing between Sharia for all and dimocrap scum.

Sometimes I think we should let it happen. Then maybe in a thousand years, they'd 'get it'.

Nah. They're too stupid

The War on Horror (or Whatever)​

"Welcome back to the War on Terror. I hope you had a nice 7-year break.

Yes, that’s right, once again, Democracy is under attack by the Axis of Pure Unadulterated Evil! It’s time to switch off your critical faculties, wrap yourself in the American flag, or the Israeli flag, or the Ukrainian flag, or, better yet, all three flags, and stand with the Forces of Freedom and Goodness as they exercise their God-given right to defend the world from the Children of Darkness, and the Putin-Nazis, and Hate, and Rape, and Baby Murderers, and Baby Rapers, and Baby-Raper sympathizers!

For those of us who are old enough to remember 9/11 and its aftermath, it’s déjà vu all over again. Except we already had The War on Terror. So, I don’t know what we’re calling it this time. Maybe it’s The War on Horror, or “Horrific Horror,” as President Biden put it.

Or maybe we should call it The War on Whatever. After all, it’s all the same war.. . . ."



Unfortunately, we’ll probably never know, because conducting an independent investigation into the bombing would be “inappropriate” …


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