"Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah Celebrate Boston Terror Attack," Israel News Agency


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Jerusalem, Israel --- April 15, 2013 … Shortly after terror bombs exploded and murdered over 12 people at the Boston Marathon, members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah were reported to be dancing in the streets of Gaza, handing out candies to passerbys.
A number of Palestinians had danced in the street in celebration of the 9/11 attacks in 2001 on the World Trade Center and Washington resulting in the deaths of thousands of Americans.

Read more @ Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah Celebrate Boston Terror Attack
Hezbollah's losin' support with Europeans...
Europe's stance on Hezbollah hardens
23 May 2013 - The attitude towards Hezbollah in Europe is changing markedly.
In part, this is a response to the growing body of evidence from investigations in Bulgaria and Cyprus that indicate Hezbollah's role in carrying out or planning attacks. But equally it reflects a growing frustration with the Lebanese Shia grouping following its decision to intervene in Syria's civil war on the side of President Bashar al-Assad's regime. There are growing concerns in Western European diplomatic circles that Hezbollah is playing with fire and that Syria's bloodshed could easily spill over into Lebanon. Indeed, there are early signs that this is already happening.


Hezbollah's embrace of Assad regime during the bitter Syrian conflict has hardened European hearts against it

The British government is pushing its European partners to designate the military wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist entity. This comes in the wake of the organisation's role in an attack on Israeli tourists in Bulgaria and the recent conviction of a Hezbollah operative in Cyprus. The Foreign Office minister in London, Alistair Burt, said that this was "the appropriate course of action, especially after we have confirmed that the military wing has been carrying out terrorist acts for a long time. "We have proof of this," he went on, pointing to the bomb attack on an Israeli tourist bus in Burgas airport in Bulgaria in July of last year, and the more recent conviction of a Hezbollah member in Cyprus for planning to carry out what he called "terrorist acts." Hezbollah denies involvement in the Burgas bombing.

French shift

Up to now, only Britain and the Netherlands have placed the military wing of Hezbollah on their national terrorism blacklists. Germany now seems more willing to designate Hezbollah's military arm, and this has given some impetus to the British move. The French position has also shifted. Hezbollah's growing role in the Syrian fighting has changed the calculus in Paris. France has up to now been cautious, fearing what pressure upon Hezbollah might do to stability in Lebanon, where the French, among others, have a significant number of peacekeeping troops. Quite apart from the continuing debate within the European Union about lifting the ban on arms sales to rebels in Syria, the fate of peacekeepers (Unifil in southern Lebanon and the UNDOF disengagement monitors on the Golan Heights) is also a growing concern as tensions grow in these crucial border regions.

The British move to list Hezbollah's military wing comes as the image of the Lebanese organisation - long hailed in the region as one of the principal resistance forces against Israel - is coming under strain. Hezbollah's involvement in the Syrian civil war has raised concerns about its motives in Lebanon and beyond. Its troops have had a significant impact on the fighting. US Secretary of State John Kerry noted only recently that there were thousands of Hezbollah fighters in Syria. Hezbollah seems to have thrown in its hand with President Assad, confirming the views of many of its critics that it is playing out a wider game plan inspired by Tehran. The Iran-Syria-Hezbollah axis is under clear pressure now. The risks for all parties are great. Hezbollah, for one, risks sacrificing the reputation it has built up in Lebanon to help prop up the failing Alawite regime in Syria.

BBC News - Europe's stance on Hezbollah hardens
Hezbollah weapons armory found in Nigeria...
Nigeria: Hezbollah armoury discovered in Kano city
30 May 2013 > An armoury belonging to the Lebanese group Hezbollah has been discovered in northern Nigeria, the West African nation's army and spy agency has said.
Three Lebanese nationals have been arrested, an army spokesman, Brig Gen Ilyasu Isa Abba, said. The cache, including rifles, anti-tank weapons and an RPG, were found in a warehouse in the city of Kano, he said. Nigeria's State Security Service said they were intended for use against "Israeli and Western interests". "This is the handwork of Hezbollah," Bassey Ettang, director of the State Security Service in Kano said. "What has just been discovered is a cell of Hezbollah and what you have seen here is a Hezbollah armoury," he told journalists in Kano on Thursday.


The military said the weapons carefully stored in sawdust

Brig Gen Ilyasu Isa Abba said 11 anti-tank weapons, four anti-tank mines, a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) and 21 RPG missiles, 17 AK-47s, two sub-machine guns and 76 grenades had been amongst the weapons found. The Lebanese owner of the warehouse where "the weapons of mass destruction" had been stored in sawdust was out of the country, he said There is a large business Lebanese community in Kano city, the commercial hub of in northern Nigeria. Kano and north-eastern Nigeria has suffered multiple attacks in the last three years since the home-grown Islamist militant group Boko Haram launched an insurgency.

Mr Ettang added: "You can also be sure that if a group like this is existing then it may even lend support to some of the local terrorists we have on the ground." Hezbollah is a Shia military and political movement based in Lebanon considered by the US to be a terrorist organisation. Boko Haram, whose name means "Western education is forbidden", says its quest is to overthrow the Nigerian government and create an Islamic state. There has been growing concern that Boko Haram could be receiving backing from al-Qaeda-linked militants in other countries.

BBC News - Nigeria: Hezbollah armoury discovered in Kano city

See also:

Nigeria Arrests Lebanese Suspected of Hezbollah Ties
May 30, 2013 — Nigerian authorities said on Thursday they had arrested three Lebanese in northern Nigeria on suspicion of being members of Hezbollah and that a raid on one of their residences had revealed a stash of heavy weapons.
The three suspects were arrested between May 16 and May 28 in the north's biggest city Kano, the city's military spokesman Captain Ikedichi Iweha said in a statement. All had admitted to being members of Hezbollah under questioning. A raid on the residence of one of the Lebanese had uncovered 11 60mm anti-tank weapons, four anti-tank landmines, two rounds of ammunition for a 122mm artillery gun, 21 rocket-propelled grenades, seventeen AK-47s with more than 11,000 bullets and some dynamite, he said. “The arms and ammunition were targeted at facilities of Israel and Western interest in Nigeria,” Iweha said, but did not elaborate.


Officials stand near ammunition seized from suspected members of Hezbollah after raid of building in Kano, Nigeria

Separately, five fighters from Chad and two from Niger were arrested among insurgents fleeing a two-week-old offensive against Islamist sect Boko Haram in the northeast, as they tried to cross the border into Chad, Nigeria's defense spokesman Brigadier General Chris Olukolade said in a statement. Authorities believe there has been a growing involvement of al-Qaida-linked foreign jihadists in Nigeria's insurgency. The secret service detained the first suspect, Mustapha Fawaz, on May 16 at his supermarket in Kano. His interrogation led to other suspects, including Abdullah Tahini, who was later arrested at Kano airport with $60,000 in undeclared cash.

Weapons Stash

The third, Talal Roda, a Nigerian and Lebanese citizen, was arrested on Sunday at the house where the weapons were found two days later. “The search team uncovered an underground bunker in the master bedroom where a large quantity of assorted weapons of different types and caliber were recovered,” Iweha said. “All those arrested have confessed to have undergone Hezbollah terrorist training.” The possibility of a link with Nigerian Islamist sect Boko Haram, which Nigerian forces are battling in a major offensive in the northeast, was being investigated, Iweha said at a news conference. An alliance between Salafist Sunni Muslim Boko Haram and Shi'ite Hezbollah would be unusual, and there has never previously been evidence of such a link.

Though most Nigerian Muslims are Sunni, there are several thousand Shi'ite Nigerians, a legacy of Muslim radical Ibrahim Zakzaky's preachings since the 1980s. Zakzaky still leads Nigeria's main Shi'ite movement and has campaigned for an Islamic government and stricter adherence to sharia law. Iweha declined to say if any link to Zakzaky was being investigated, and his movement is currently seen as largely peaceful. A Nigerian court sentenced an alleged member of Iran's Revolutionary Guard and a Nigerian accomplice to five years in prison this month over an illegal shipment of mortars and rockets seized in the main port of Lagos in 2010.

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