Hamas leaders worth staggering $11B revel in luxury — while Gaza’s people suffer


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
always amazing how left wing ideas have common backgrounds.
Sorta like biden wants you to pay taxes but he's to good to

Yes they benefit greatly from the suffering of Palestinians. Why would they ever want it to stop?
Which is why the really smart ones always back both sides .
Nothing unique about the top Allahu Akbar Freedom Fighters . Perhaps just more open and arrogant than usual .
always amazing how left wing ideas have common backgrounds.
Sorta like biden wants you to pay taxes but he's to good to

"We instead provide a timeline of events surrounding an earlier incident at the Trump White House involving Qatar and the Kushner Companies."

"We instead provide a timeline of events surrounding an earlier incident at the Trump White House involving Qatar and the Kushner Companies."

ya since when has jared been raping women and lopping babies heads off.
always amazing how left wing ideas have common backgrounds.
Sorta like biden wants you to pay taxes but he's to good to

Enjoying their private plane.

I'm not defending HAMAS. Kushern/Trump is in bed with Hamas....and strangely you have pledged your allegiance to them. That is truly amazing.

Many in your party support Hamas. You still haven’t figured that out yet?
I'm not a member of any political party. Those who support Hamas are flat out wrong--as I've said many many times.

Well those that support Hamas are overwhelmingly Democrat. Your posts lean far left. Maybe the Democrats aren’t left enough for you. Bernie may be more your type.
Well those that support Hamas are overwhelmingly Democrat.
This is true.
Your posts lean far left.
This isn't really true. They just seem that way because you guys have gone so far right you're almost off the planet.
Maybe the Democrats aren’t left enough for you. Bernie may be more your type.
This is false.

I'm much more moderate than most democrats. Look at what I wrote about Nuclear Power, voter registration, and the all-important issue of boys playing on girl's athletic teams in school for proof.

I know that causes your type to short-circuit--that someone actually listens to the person instead of the party. The GOP has abandoned the middle and did so about 20 years ago. W wanted the US to assume a "more humble place" in the world.

Next thing you know, he's in a flight suit landing on an aircraft carrier that had "mission accomplished" on the bridge. Since then we've been in Iraq for 20+ years. So the only game in town left is the Democrats. Sorry. Perhaps you guys will want to be a viable party again at some point in the future. Until then...adios.
I’m watching endless trucks going through the Rafah Crossing loaded with supplies and aid.

Where’s the money coming from? Someone is profiting.
So the only game in town left is the Democrats.

You believe this because you can’t see just how radical the Democratic Party has become. They have moved much, much farther left than the right has moved right, in fact, the right has moved left over the years.

The Democratic Party has at least 8 elected Congressman and undoubtedly countless officials at various levels that are full blown antisemitic. This means that Democrats, throughout the country, voted for and agree with their agenda. That should set off alarm bells as to just how far the left is moving and who controls that party.
You believe this because you can’t see just how radical the Democratic Party has become. They have moved much, much farther left than the right has moved right, in fact, the right has moved left over the years.
Wow, really? You guys now want to arrest people who drive women to the abortion clinic...not just the woman, the doctor, and the nurses.

You’re living proof of what I said; you guys are so far to the right; you’re almost off the map.
The Democratic Party has at least 8 elected Congressman and undoubtedly countless officials at various levels that are full blown antisemitic.
8 out of 200 or so--according to you.
This means that Democrats, throughout the country, voted for and agree with their agenda. That should set off alarm bells as to just how far the left is moving and who controls that party.
In the meantime, the party leaders are firmly behind Israel...not praising terrorists like your blob is doing.
Wow, really? You guys now want to arrest people who drive women to the abortion clinic...not just the woman, the doctor, and the nurses.

You’re living proof of what I said; you guys are so far to the right; you’re almost off the map.

Democrats want children to be able to change their gender. Need I say more?

8 out of 200 or so--according to you.

Only 22 voted to censure Talib. That should tell you everything you need to know.

In the meantime, the party leaders are firmly behind Israel...not praising terrorists like your blob is doing.

They only support Israel for as long as the money holds up from wealthy Jewish donors. They have you and others fooled with regards to Isreal. Trump didn't praise Hamas, he just said they were smart. People can be smart, evil and deranged all at the same time.
Democrats want children to be able to change their gender. Need I say more?
This is true. But there is a legitimate reason for it. Some people don’t feel that they are happy with their gender. I’ve never felt this myself. But that is up to each person to decide. What the political right does is want to jail people for giving someone a ride to a clinic or an airport.
Only 22 voted to censure Talib. That should tell you everything you need to know.
23 Republicans didn’t vote for the censure...

"A group of 23 Republicans including conservatives who had raised free speech concerns and members of the Michigan congressional delegation joined all Democrats to sink the measure."

They only support Israel for as long as the money holds up from wealthy Jewish donors. They have you and others fooled with regards to Isreal.
Ahh...I knew if I waited long enough there would be a conspiracy theory trotted out.
Trump didn't praise Hamas, he just said they were smart. People can be smart, evil and deranged all at the same time.
He actually said Hezbollah was “very smart” which is praising them. Like I think you’re very stupid. That is a criticism.

Do you really think it was appropriate to appraise these barbaric terrorist organizations while Israel is suffering from a terrorist attack?
I mean....pull your head out of your ass for a moment and be honest.

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