Hamas = Ultimate Evil

Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing? How fucking asinine!

History Illustrated: Ethnic cleansing in Palestine
funny thing is, is this is how many arabs lived, happily, nomads in the desert? Tribes travelling in the desert.

Of course, the cruel idea is that the Arabs people call palestine, can only remain in that small little sliver of land called gaza

It is certainly the ignorant or the is it the evil, or is it just the awful people who state that Arabs/Palestinians must only live on a postage stamp, literally
yet, the democrats were the leaders, of the bigots, the democrats wrote the Jim Crow laws and impeded the African Americans from being a great part of our country.

It is time for the Democrats to admit their hatred and bigotry, and ask forgiveness from the nation they destroy.
....and yet in today's society it is the Republican Party that is fighting to keep those statues and monuments of the men who wrote and enforced those Jim Crow Laws.

You guys loved Strom Thurmond who ran for POTUS on a segregation platform.

Trent Lott praised Strom for his bid to run on that platform in 1948.

You guys loved Jesse Helms, who was nothing more than a nasty, racist segregationist.

The list goes on and on.
Always about Trump with you idiots.
what else do they have, issues they can brag about

what do the democrats have if they do not have hate and lies

Do they have shining cities to show how great they are.
Do they have conflicts they ended that they can be proud of.

Democrats need a demon to distract from their complete failure as politicians.
You guys loved Strom Thurmond who ran for POTUS on a segregation platform.
Strom Thurmond, was a democrat. Democrats loved Strom Thurmond. The Democrats did not kick Thurmond out of the Democrat party. Democrats built Thurmond. Yea, he switched parties. But he was in fact, at heart, always a Democrat.

Strom Thurmond was a democrat.

Robery Byrd, one of the leaders of the KKK was also a Democrat. Which Republican can you name that could possibly be worst than a leader of the KKK?

Herman E. Talmadge, 88, a Democratic Georgia governor and senator, want to talk about him?

James O. Eastland, let us talk about Biden and Eastland!

Woodrow Wilson, who loved the KKK and kicked African Americans out of the White House. Another great democrat.

Where do you want to stop is a better question because I am more than able to point out the racism of the democrat party.

I can also show the modern Bigotry of the Democrat party.
Strom Thurmond, was a democrat. Democrats loved Strom Thurmond. The Democrats did not kick Thurmond out of the Democrat party. Democrats built Thurmond. Yea, he switched parties. But he was in fact, at heart, always a Democrat.

Strom Thurmond was a democrat.
Storm Thurmond was a Senior Republican Senator.
Robery Byrd, one of the leaders of the KKK was also a Democrat. Which Republican can you name that could possibly be worst than a leader of the KKK?
David Duke who won a Congressional seat in Louisiana.
Herman E. Talmadge, 88, a Democratic Georgia governor and senator, want to talk about him?
What is there to talk about? I never said no Democrats were racist.
James O. Eastland, let us talk about Biden and Eastland!

Woodrow Wilson, who loved the KKK and kicked African Americans out of the White House. Another great democrat.

Where do you want to stop is a better question because I am more than able to point out the racism of the democrat party.

I can also show the modern Bigotry of the Democrat party.
Everyone you posted was from the 60s or earlier, we are speaking of today's racist and they are in the Republican Party.
Storm Thurmond was a Senior Republican Senator.

David Duke who won a Congressional seat in Louisiana.

What is there to talk about? I never said no Democrats were racist.

Everyone you posted was from the 60s or earlier, we are speaking of today's racist and they are in the Republican Party.
Strom Thurmond was from the 50'
Biden is president today so I am talking about democrats of today.

Trump? Dated a Black woman, was close friends with Oprah

Biden? Never dated black women and voted for a leader of the KKK 5 timed.

Clarence Thomas a radical Democrat who wanted to fight for black Civil rights. Clarence Thomas could not get a job from any Democrat, only a white republican gave democrat black Clarence thomas a job. The rest is history.

Duke? The Democrat, yes he won an election as a republican. Then Duke got ran out of the republican party

And as you said we are speaking of today's racists, yet you have cited the racist of last century, racist that were in fact democrats.

Racist of the last century are relevant if you can somehow pin them on Republicans?

Yet, the democrats voted for Biden, a racist
Storm Thurmond was a Senior Republican Senator.

David Duke who won a Congressional seat in Louisiana.

Everyone you posted was from the 60s or earlier, we are speaking of today's racist and they are in the Republican Party.
Duke and Thurmond, who were both democrats, are of the last century.

Duke got ran out of office by the republicans and Thurmond had enough support amongst democrats that he was able to retain power as a republican
I'm not deflecting on a damn thing. I am pointing out what a boot licking hypocrite you are. You are more concerned about what is happening in Israel, than what is happening to black folks in America.
There’s hundreds of thousands of homeless blacks and whites in America. There is no black block or white block. It’s all of us.

Every country every people has a history of slaveowning, so there’s no point in bringing up slavery either brother.

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