Hamas Using Child Human Shields Again, Two dead, One Injured

LOL, The Judaic people didn't put anyone in Gaza, they put themselves there. The Arabs, out of racism bigotry and hatred declared war on their new Jewish neighbors in 1948.

They've been losing one skirmish after another ever since.

The international community decided to place restrictions on Gaza due to its continued violence towards the international community.

Your being so quick to blame the Jewish people is indicative of your own racism and hatred.

So the question becomes, is bitter, angry and stupid really the way you want to go through life ?

So Jews are 'international community' now? :lol:

I already know you guys are gonna justify all your aggression. Just like you justify your agenda against the white race. The world has to stop you and it will.

Can you tell us more about "our" agenda against "the white race" ?

If I had to guess I'd suggest paranoid delusional but I need more to go on ;--)

PS the subject is Hamas Using human shields as sacrificial PR tools knowing the Israeli's will track back the trajectory of any missiles fired against her and retaliate.
Palestinians can live in peace and acceptance just as much as Jews, it takes 2 two tango. Palestine didn't even exist before 1919, no less real than Israel historically. It boggles my mind. We live in a world that practically dictates IMMIGRANTS are sacrosanct. Jews from around the world fleeing persecution, the ultimate immigrant saga, they are the bad guys here by some of your lights.

Oh vey ... :rolleyes-41:

Keep up the victimization.
that's what Hamas and the Palestinians do.

Yeah, the Jews never do wrong. And you wonder why Trump has so much popular support. People are sick of you, no other human race/ethnicity behave like this.
Speaking of sick...

Neither Arab or Christian Palestinians are using children as human shields. It is the usual Harbara propaganda which attempts to demonize non-Jews. The only independent assessments reveal that the Israelis use Palestinian children as human shields, not Palestinians.

"A United Nations human rights body accused Israeli forces on Thursday of mistreating Palestinian children, including by torturing those in custody and using others as human shields....."
read more: UN: Israeli forces tortured Palestinian children, used them as human shields






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Hamas admits it fires rockets from civilian areas


Also I think we all know just how biassed that UN human rights council is. Who's on that committee anyway N Korea, Syria and Iran ? Didn't they hire a former PLO member to head their investigation into the latest Gaza conflict ?

LOL sorry but your not fooling anyone with all the distractions and false accusations Monty.
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The Israeli jets hit 4 Palestinian military locations, not the source of the rocket launches which were launched by ISIS infiltrators according to the IDF. Shrapnel from the Israeli missiles hit a Palestinian boy and a girl who were in their home.The Israelis are hitting Hamas because they are being held responsible for ISIS activities ( although ISIS's goal is to bring down Hamas).

"Islamic State-affiliated Salafi jihadist organizations are penetrating the Gaza Strip, and are believed to be behind all of the rocket and border border bomb incidents in the past year and a half, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot told a Tel Aviv security conference in January....the IDF Spokesman Unit said. "The IDF views Hamas as being responsible for what occurs in Gaza, and will continue to act with severity to safeguard the quiet in southern community," the military stated."

Several Gazan rockets explode in South; IAF strikes Hamas targets in response

Still against international law to place military installations in civilian areas as hamas does, this means rocket launch sites,mortar launchers, weapons stockpiles, munitions etc. So under these laws hamas is guilty of the murder of these children for allowing the firing of illegal rockets at Israel
Neither Arab or Christian Palestinians are using children as human shields. It is the usual Harbara propaganda which attempts to demonize non-Jews. The only independent assessments reveal that the Israelis use Palestinian children as human shields, not Palestinians.

"A United Nations human rights body accused Israeli forces on Thursday of mistreating Palestinian children, including by torturing those in custody and using others as human shields....."
read more: UN: Israeli forces tortured Palestinian children, used them as human shields
hammas using palestini children as shields. but palestini still supporting hammas !!!!!!!
really ?!!!!
+ i dont like hammas too
Apparently, the house the children lived in is right next to a Hamas military training camp. Debris from the missile strike entered through the roof of the house, killing the two children.


One does have to ask why a military training camp is next to homes where children live.

Oh wait, its because the camp is used to train children in the use of violence, including live weapons, during summer camps. In fact, an explosion last year at the same camp wounded more than 50 people, most of them women and children.

So its pretty clear that Hamas is training children to be soldiers (a war crime) and intentionally placing military objectives in the vicinity of a civilian population (a war crime) in hopes of rendering the objective immune from attack (its not) or for the purpose of gaining international sympathy when innocents die in hopes of blaming it on Israel.

It is incredibly tragic that these children died. But the responsibility for their deaths lies entirely with Hamas.

On the other hand the deaths could have been caused by a misfire and the rocket could have come raining down on the building. Just another reason why the UN has declared these rockets to be illegal weapons. In their short history qassams have killed and injured more Palestinians than they have Israeli's, and the Israeli's were blamed every time.
Neither Arab or Christian Palestinians are using children as human shields. It is the usual Harbara propaganda which attempts to demonize non-Jews. The only independent assessments reveal that the Israelis use Palestinian children as human shields, not Palestinians.

"A United Nations human rights body accused Israeli forces on Thursday of mistreating Palestinian children, including by torturing those in custody and using others as human shields....."
read more: UN: Israeli forces tortured Palestinian children, used them as human shields

UN report outlines how Hamas used kids as human shields
By Post Editorial Board

May 2, 2015 | 8:00pm

Shrapnel can catch you from far distances, Hamas has empty training camps in the sand. Which Israel routinely bombs and nothing occurs, this was a rare moment where shrapnel did do damage. And now the Palestinians have a right to respond. Either way, if you're expecting Americans to suck up to you and support your wars against Gaza, Assad and other anti-ISIS/Israel/Saudi terrorists, it's not happening. We are not obligated to support your terrorist state, leave us alone.

If that's human shields, then what is Israel's airbase runways under the city of Tel Aviv?

So Israel responds to yet another Palestinian terrorist attack and civilian shields are killed in the fallout, so why can hamas now retaliate for the deaths that stain their hands. If the palestinians respond then Israel can respond to their response and more civilian shields will get killed, and so the wheel turns. This will lead to the extinction of the Palestinians and it will not be blamed on Israel, but on idiots like yourself who cheer on Palestinian terrorist attacks
NAZIS were bad. Muslims are a curious bunch. Some good , some bad. The bad ones hide amongst the good, who is to know? NAZIS aren't like Muslims, they were clearly defined and wore uniforms and made their hatred clear. Who is going to know a innocent person from a member of HAMAS and WHO is to blame for the carnage? They always shrug it off and get away with it. Not so, GOD may or may not be watching, but some of us ARE.

You Jews are sick people, put these Palestinians in an open air prison, ban all exports of their land, only allow some emergency aid to get through, then bomb them and kill two children(aged 6 and 10), then pretend to have moral high ground. Your own generals go on about how they 'mow the lawn' and carpet bomb Gaza. Then you demand of the very same people you're actively destroying through immigration policies in Europe and US, to support this carnage. Leave God aside you sick fuck, if there is a God he absolutely is not the side of Jewish supremacist fanatics. You're taking out a whole neighborhood and wonder why civilians get killed:

If you could kill white people this way you would. Fuck you.

Of course always promoting white guilt and bitching about white nationalists. Who the hell do you think you are? Don't tell white people what they should or shouldn't do.

Check your facts as Israel released the palestini9ans from the open prisons built by Egypt and Jordan way back in 1967.

They can export all they want, they just have to pay the costs. Again check the facts as way back in 2005 when Israel cast off gaza the Palestinians expected Israel to pay for the shipping of their goods to international markets under a "made in Israel" sticker.

All emergency aid is allowed through when hamas stops firing at the trucks carrying it. Then they put all the aid into hamas warehouses ready to be shipped out to Egypt through the tunnels. Yet again check your facts

The Israeli's respond to acts of war and terrorism and if the targets happen to be in the 50% of gaza that is civilian housing then the Palestinians are the blame for the deaths of civilians. Check IHL and G.C.

AND are you any better when your troops in your name wipe out 20,000 in 6 months bombing " mowing the lawn " in Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan and other theatres of war.

Like the US does now ?

Why not you tell non whites what to do all the time.
Sixteen off topic/no content posts and derailments have been moved to a new thread in Badlands. Pursue your food fight there please.

Any further derailments will be dealt with on a case by case basis and could include thread bans or infractions.
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Human Shields: 'Hamas Wants Israel to Kill Their Children'

Col. Richard Kemp, who commanded British ground troops in Afghanistan, refutes the claim that Israel has committed war crimes.

"The British forces fought against the Taliban for many years in Afghanistan," Kemp said. "They use human shields. They attempt to lure us to kill their civilian population. It's a common theme among Islamist extremist groups in this world."

"Everything I've seen would suggest to me that Israel is not committing a war crime," he said. "Far from it. Israel is going further than most other countries in this world, going to prevent the loss of civilian innocent civilian life."

"The people that are committing the war crimes are Hamas who fire rockets into Israeli civilian population indiscriminately and who also use their own people as human shields," he continued. "That is a war crime."

"Hamas wants the Israeli Defense Force to kill their children, their women, that's what they want to happen," he said. "They want to get the propaganda; they want to get the publicity, the sympathy and the pity of the world to by getting the Israelis to kill their population. That's exactly what their tactic is."

Thank you Roudy. The simple reality is that Israel isn't sacrificing its civilian population.

The Arab Muslims are.


The ONLY way to combat this is to employ the Geneva Conventions to the letter and remove all combatants, those who aid combatants and those who are suspected of aiding or being combatants from the war zone. Exactly as the Geneva Conventions specify.

Its a no brainer

I also notice that no one wants to argue that little fact. International law as spelled out in the Geneva Conventions is very clear about this.

So why should Israel put up with a combatant and non protected persons population among their refugee population ??????
Thank you Roudy. The simple reality is that Israel isn't sacrificing its civilian population.

The Arab Muslims are.


The ONLY way to combat this is to employ the Geneva Conventions to the letter and remove all combatants, those who aid combatants and those who are suspected of aiding or being combatants from the war zone. Exactly as the Geneva Conventions specify.

Its a no brainer

I also notice that no one wants to argue that little fact. International law as spelled out in the Geneva Conventions is very clear about this.

So why should Israel put up with a combatant and non protected persons population among their refugee population ??????

They want Israel to fit these animals with both hands behind its back. However when the West goes after these same people, they use the most brutal and barbaric methods i.e. carpet bombing etc. (and rightly so).

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