Hamas: We are Not Terrorists; We Just Want to Destroy Israel <LOL!>


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Funny how these terrorist animals want it both ways:

Hamas: We are Not Terrorists; We Just Want to Destroy Israel :lmao:

Hamas wants be dropped from the U.S. State Department list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations not because it has changed, but because it feels that the world has changed, and that many naïve Westerners are now willing to tolerate its radical ideology and terrorism.

Hamas leaders are working hard these days to have their movement removed from the U.S. State Department list for Foreign Terrorist Organizations.

The Hamas leaders are hoping to persuade a number of European Union countries to support their bid.:cuckoo:

Hamas wants to be removed from the list without changing its strategy or charter, which call for jihad [holy war] and which do not recognize Israel's right to exist.

A terrorist by any other name...

Q&A: What is Hamas? - CNN.com

(CNN) What is Hamas?
Hamas is a militant fundamentalist Islamic organization operating in the West Bank and Gaza. The name Hamas is an acronym for "Harakat Al-Muqawama Al-Islamia," or Islamic Resistance Movement in English. The word "hamas" means zeal, or enthusiasm, in Arabic.

What are its aims?
The goal of Hamas is an Islamic fundamentalist Palestinian state. Its manifesto advocates the destruction of the state of Israel, and calls for the raising of "the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine."

What are Hamas' origins?
Hamas was established in 1987 -- during the First Intifada, or uprising -- by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.
Yassin and other activists linked to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood movement had set up a network of charities, schools and clinics in the West Bank and Gaza in the 1960s, '70s and '80s. Initially, their activities were encouraged by some Israeli politicians, who saw the group as an alternative to the PLO and a way of lessening the influence of its leader, Yasser Arafat.
However, the founding charter of Hamas, published in 1988, called for jihad, or holy war, against Israel.

What is the international community's view?
Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by the United States, Israel, Britain and the European Union.
The United Nations Goldstone Report found that rocket attacks by Hamas constituted war crimes, and may have amounted to crimes against humanity.
"A terrorist by any other name...Hamass is considered a terrorist organization by the United States, Israel, Britain and the European Union. The United Nations Goldstone Report found that rocket attacks by Hamas constituted war crimes, and may have amounted to crimes against humanity."

…and they have the nerve to parade themselves in front of the U.N. to demand a Statehood.

I get it….

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rox15lCFfi4]EVERYBODY HAVE FUN TONIGHT BY WANG CHUNG - YouTube[/ame]

Hamas: We are Not Terrorists; We Just Want to Destroy Israel ...

is that what they said?


well, it turns out that they are not only terrorists, but also lunatics!
No surprize. One thing for sure is Palestinians will be Palestinians.

Hamas: We are Not Terrorists; We Just Want to Destroy Israel ...

is that what they said?


well, it turns out that they are not only terrorists, but also lunatics!
Hamas: We are Not Terrorists; We Just Want to Destroy Israel ...

is that what they said?


well, it turns out that they are not only terrorists, but also lunatics!
Does it count that they acted like they meant it, when they said it? :rofl:
et al,

Hamas wants to evolve.

Many terrorist organizations in history have evolved from being anti-government to being part of the government. It is an attempt to mold the current situation, as they perceive it, in the same way that the IRA did when it divided into “Official” and “Provisional” wings; and the Sinn Féin (Irish Republican political party) won seats in Belfast City Council and later, Parliament. Hezbollah has also evolved similarly; holding seats in the Lebanese Parliament [not withstanding Resolution 1559 that requires Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias to disband and disarm; the armed wing Al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya ("The Islamic Resistance")]. Under domestic political pressure, and to maintain domestic peace between government forces and Hezbollah, the Lebanese Government shields the armed wing -- refusing to stipulate Hezbollah has an armed militia component that requires to be disarmed.

Hamas want to emulate organizations such as the IRA and Hezbollah, with its al-Qassam Brigades (the armed component) integrating them into the Fatah's security forces in the Palestinian Authority.

There is some talk in the EU, to declare the armed wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, including the UK and France. Most notably, Germany is resisting the effort to list the armed wing of Hezbollah as terrorists. However, Hezbollah operations in Europe has decreased support for the movement.

The HAMAS propaganda campaign, particularly over the last two years, has been specifically framed to portray the Palestinian as the victim of Israeli illegal activity and segregation; with a touch of mass punishment. The application of the terms "Nazi, Open Air Concentration Camp, Apartheid, Child Deaths, and Land Theft, have realized some success. They attempt to pit Humanitarian Findings against Territorial Integrity issues.

While there is no true consensus in the EU yet, most of the Counterintelligence and Counter-terrorism activities realize that both Hamas and Hezbollah are Iranian backed and represent a threat to regional security. The designation is largely political and not truly a constriction on intelligence and security operations. It is generally understood that anything Hamas and Hezbollah are engaged in --- is suspect.

Most Respectfully,
et al,

Hamas wants to evolve.

Many terrorist organizations in history have evolved from being anti-government to being part of the government. It is an attempt to mold the current situation, as they perceive it, in the same way that the IRA did when it divided into &#8220;Official&#8221; and &#8220;Provisional&#8221; wings; and the Sinn Féin (Irish Republican political party) won seats in Belfast City Council and later, Parliament. Hezbollah has also evolved similarly; holding seats in the Lebanese Parliament [not withstanding Resolution 1559 that requires Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias to disband and disarm; the armed wing Al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya ("The Islamic Resistance")]. Under domestic political pressure, and to maintain domestic peace between government forces and Hezbollah, the Lebanese Government shields the armed wing -- refusing to stipulate Hezbollah has an armed militia component that requires to be disarmed.

Hamas want to emulate organizations such as the IRA and Hezbollah, with its al-Qassam Brigades (the armed component) integrating them into the Fatah's security forces in the Palestinian Authority.

There is some talk in the EU, to declare the armed wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, including the UK and France. Most notably, Germany is resisting the effort to list the armed wing of Hezbollah as terrorists. However, Hezbollah operations in Europe has decreased support for the movement.

The HAMAS propaganda campaign, particularly over the last two years, has been specifically framed to portray the Palestinian as the victim of Israeli illegal activity and segregation; with a touch of mass punishment. The application of the terms "Nazi, Open Air Concentration Camp, Apartheid, Child Deaths, and Land Theft, have realized some success. They attempt to pit Humanitarian Findings against Territorial Integrity issues.

While there is no true consensus in the EU yet, most of the Counterintelligence and Counter-terrorism activities realize that both Hamas and Hezbollah are Iranian backed and represent a threat to regional security. The designation is largely political and not truly a constriction on intelligence and security operations. It is generally understood that anything Hamas and Hezbollah are engaged in --- is suspect.

Most Respectfully,

You forgot to mention that the Palestinians have the legal right to defend their country and have the legal right to self determination in their own country.

The terrorist label is no more than political name calling against those who fight for their legal rights.
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P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, a "legal right", "self-determination," and a "country." One might ask what country?

You forgot to mention that the Palestinians have the legal right to defend their country and have the legal right to self determination in their own country.

The terrorist label is no more than political name calling against those who fight for their legal rights.

Terrorism is a tactic and tool, used in an asymmetric strategy. Like the use of WMD (also a tactic and tool), it is forbidden by international law; under any circumstance.

A/RES/46/51 Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism said:
Reaffirming also the inalienable right to self-determination and independence of all peoples under colonial and racist regimes and other forms of alien domination and foreign occupation, and upholding the legitimacy of their struggle, in particular the struggle of national liberation movements, in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter and the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations,

SOURCE: A/RES/46/51. Measures to eliminate international terrorism

We often hear this partially quoted to justify, in some way, that the UN condones terrorism when it is used in the name of self-determination and the struggle of national liberation. What is not often mentioned is that the Charter and the Declaration of Principles. Forgotten is that resistance does not translate to terrorism or striking non-combatants.

Also forgotten is the fact that all the authors of these (often) quoted rights, the concept of self-determination, the principles cited, and the measures to prevent terrorism, are are also the same entities that recognized the sovereign independence of Israel. One, such as yourself, cannot selectively recognize the legitimacy of some concepts, principles, declarations, and resolution, and not accept others. That would suggest that the wisdom of one (yourself or the Palestinian) supersedes the collective wisdom, standards, and customary law of the global body. That is rather arrogant of a people that were unable to govern themselves for more than three millennium, and has not made any significant contribution to humanity in more than eight centuries.

Whether we call it terrorism, or we express it in terms of political violence, criminal activity or warfare, or the threat of either, carried out for political purposes, the meaning is the same. The use of such force (asymmetric or conventional) against the territorial integrity established and recognized by the UN, or political independence of any State (Israel), in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the UN (the maintenance of Peace), is essentially wrong.

Calling the description (the use of the word terrorism) as propaganda does not change the character of the actions it is used to label. Using indiscriminate rocket fire or conducting campaigns of attrition, intimidation, provocation, the tactics (whether you call them playtime or terrorism) range from hijacking planes, blowing up buildings and vehicles, or attacking defenseless school buses - children and old people; they are what they are.

General Assembly Resolution 3314 (XXIX). Definition of Aggression said:
Article 1

Aggression is the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations, as set out in this Definition.​

Article 3

Any of the following acts, regardless of a declaration of war, shall, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of article 2, qualify as an act of aggression:

(a) The invasion or attack by the armed forces of a State of the territory (Palestinians and 5 Arab Legions) of another State (Israel), or any military occupation, however temporary, resulting from such invasion or attack, or any annexation by the use of force of the territory of another State or part thereof,

(b) Bombardment by the armed forces of a State (Palestinians and 5 Arab Legions) against the territory of another State (Israel) or the use of any weapons by a State (Palestinians and 5 Arab Legions) against the territory of another State (Israel);

(c) The blockade of the ports or coasts of a State by the armed forces of another State;

(d) An attack by the armed forces of a State (Palestinians and 5 Arab Legions) on the land, sea or air forces, or marine and air fleets of another State (Israel);

(e) The use of armed forces of one State which are within the territory of another State with the agreement of the receiving State, in contravention of the conditions provided for in the agreement or any extension of their presence in such territory beyond the termination of the agreement;

(f) The action of a State (Palestinians) in allowing its territory, which it has placed at the disposal of another State (Iran, Syria & Lebanon), to be used by that other State (Iran, Syria & Lebanon) for perpetrating an act of aggression against a third State (Iran, Syria & Lebanon);

(g) The sending by or on behalf of a State of armed bands, groups, irregulars or mercenaries, which carry out acts of armed force against another State of such gravity as to amount to the acts listed above, or its substantial involvement therein.​

Article 5

1. No consideration of whatever nature, whether political, economic, military or otherwise, may serve as a justification for aggression.

2. A war of aggression is a crime against international peace. Aggression gives rise to international responsibility.

3. No territorial acquisition or special advantage resulting from aggression is or shall be recognized as lawful.​

SOURCE: A/RES/29/3314 - Definition of Aggression - UN Documents: Gathering a body of global agreements

This doesn't include the past history of criminal and terrorist behaviors by Palestinians and the associated third parties; numerous as they are.

Israel has been a sovereign state, with territorial integrity and political independence since May 1948. And it has been subject to Hostile Arab/Palestinian (HoAP) Aggression since that time in violation to customary law and the principle that States shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered.

Remember the principle duty of the HoAP is not to use armed force or terrorism (whatever word/phrase we chose to label it) to deprive the Jewish People of their right to self-determination, freedom and independence (originally recommended in GA Resolution 181(II), recognized as legitimate by the Palestinians), or to disrupt territorial Integrity of a UN Member state. The current Occupation of the "Occupied Territories is to quarantine and suppress the HoAP threat from the Israeli in the pursuit of their right to self-determination.


There is no justification for the HoAP to promote violence in lieu of peaceful alternatives before the UN and its bodies.

Most Respectfully,
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Funny how these terrorist animals want it both ways:

Hamas: We are Not Terrorists; We Just Want to Destroy Israel :lmao:

Hamas wants be dropped from the U.S. State Department list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations not because it has changed, but because it feels that the world has changed, and that many naïve Westerners are now willing to tolerate its radical ideology and terrorism.

Hamas leaders are working hard these days to have their movement removed from the U.S. State Department list for Foreign Terrorist Organizations.

The Hamas leaders are hoping to persuade a number of European Union countries to support their bid.:cuckoo:

Hamas wants to be removed from the list without changing its strategy or charter, which call for jihad [holy war] and which do not recognize Israel's right to exist.

Why does Hamas or Gaza be part of any peace deal? It certainly should not be used as an excuse by Israeli negotiators to kill a deal with Fatah&#8230;A peaceful prosperous new Palestinian State would be a great blow to Hamas.
et al,

Hamas wants to evolve.

Many terrorist organizations in history have evolved from being anti-government to being part of the government. It is an attempt to mold the current situation, as they perceive it, in the same way that the IRA did when it divided into &#8220;Official&#8221; and &#8220;Provisional&#8221; wings; and the Sinn Féin (Irish Republican political party) won seats in Belfast City Council and later, Parliament. Hezbollah has also evolved similarly; holding seats in the Lebanese Parliament [not withstanding Resolution 1559 that requires Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias to disband and disarm; the armed wing Al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya ("The Islamic Resistance")]. Under domestic political pressure, and to maintain domestic peace between government forces and Hezbollah, the Lebanese Government shields the armed wing -- refusing to stipulate Hezbollah has an armed militia component that requires to be disarmed.

Hamas want to emulate organizations such as the IRA and Hezbollah, with its al-Qassam Brigades (the armed component) integrating them into the Fatah's security forces in the Palestinian Authority.

There is some talk in the EU, to declare the armed wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, including the UK and France. Most notably, Germany is resisting the effort to list the armed wing of Hezbollah as terrorists. However, Hezbollah operations in Europe has decreased support for the movement.

The HAMAS propaganda campaign, particularly over the last two years, has been specifically framed to portray the Palestinian as the victim of Israeli illegal activity and segregation; with a touch of mass punishment. The application of the terms "Nazi, Open Air Concentration Camp, Apartheid, Child Deaths, and Land Theft, have realized some success. They attempt to pit Humanitarian Findings against Territorial Integrity issues.

While there is no true consensus in the EU yet, most of the Counterintelligence and Counter-terrorism activities realize that both Hamas and Hezbollah are Iranian backed and represent a threat to regional security. The designation is largely political and not truly a constriction on intelligence and security operations. It is generally understood that anything Hamas and Hezbollah are engaged in --- is suspect.

Most Respectfully,

You forgot to mention that the Palestinians have the legal right to defend their country and have the legal right to self determination in their own country.

The terrorist label is no more than political name calling against those who fight for their legal rights.
I don't know if calling kidnappers "terrorist" is political or not. But it's still terrorism.

Israeli minister concerned as local violence ramps up - Israel Today | Israel News
et al,

Hamas wants to evolve.

Many terrorist organizations in history have evolved from being anti-government to being part of the government. It is an attempt to mold the current situation, as they perceive it, in the same way that the IRA did when it divided into “Official” and “Provisional” wings; and the Sinn Féin (Irish Republican political party) won seats in Belfast City Council and later, Parliament. Hezbollah has also evolved similarly; holding seats in the Lebanese Parliament [not withstanding Resolution 1559 that requires Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias to disband and disarm; the armed wing Al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya ("The Islamic Resistance")]. Under domestic political pressure, and to maintain domestic peace between government forces and Hezbollah, the Lebanese Government shields the armed wing -- refusing to stipulate Hezbollah has an armed militia component that requires to be disarmed.

Hamas want to emulate organizations such as the IRA and Hezbollah, with its al-Qassam Brigades (the armed component) integrating them into the Fatah's security forces in the Palestinian Authority.

There is some talk in the EU, to declare the armed wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, including the UK and France. Most notably, Germany is resisting the effort to list the armed wing of Hezbollah as terrorists. However, Hezbollah operations in Europe has decreased support for the movement.

The HAMAS propaganda campaign, particularly over the last two years, has been specifically framed to portray the Palestinian as the victim of Israeli illegal activity and segregation; with a touch of mass punishment. The application of the terms "Nazi, Open Air Concentration Camp, Apartheid, Child Deaths, and Land Theft, have realized some success. They attempt to pit Humanitarian Findings against Territorial Integrity issues.

While there is no true consensus in the EU yet, most of the Counterintelligence and Counter-terrorism activities realize that both Hamas and Hezbollah are Iranian backed and represent a threat to regional security. The designation is largely political and not truly a constriction on intelligence and security operations. It is generally understood that anything Hamas and Hezbollah are engaged in --- is suspect.

Most Respectfully,

You forgot to mention that the Palestinians have the legal right to defend their country and have the legal right to self determination in their own country.

The terrorist label is no more than political name calling against those who fight for their legal rights.

How can they defend something that doesn't exist ?
RoccoR said:
There is no justification for the HoAP to promote violence in lieu of peaceful alternatives before the UN and its bodies.

What alternatives are there?
et al,

Hamas wants to evolve.

Many terrorist organizations in history have evolved from being anti-government to being part of the government. It is an attempt to mold the current situation, as they perceive it, in the same way that the IRA did when it divided into &#8220;Official&#8221; and &#8220;Provisional&#8221; wings; and the Sinn Féin (Irish Republican political party) won seats in Belfast City Council and later, Parliament. Hezbollah has also evolved similarly; holding seats in the Lebanese Parliament [not withstanding Resolution 1559 that requires Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias to disband and disarm; the armed wing Al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya ("The Islamic Resistance")]. Under domestic political pressure, and to maintain domestic peace between government forces and Hezbollah, the Lebanese Government shields the armed wing -- refusing to stipulate Hezbollah has an armed militia component that requires to be disarmed.

Hamas want to emulate organizations such as the IRA and Hezbollah, with its al-Qassam Brigades (the armed component) integrating them into the Fatah's security forces in the Palestinian Authority.

There is some talk in the EU, to declare the armed wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, including the UK and France. Most notably, Germany is resisting the effort to list the armed wing of Hezbollah as terrorists. However, Hezbollah operations in Europe has decreased support for the movement.

The HAMAS propaganda campaign, particularly over the last two years, has been specifically framed to portray the Palestinian as the victim of Israeli illegal activity and segregation; with a touch of mass punishment. The application of the terms "Nazi, Open Air Concentration Camp, Apartheid, Child Deaths, and Land Theft, have realized some success. They attempt to pit Humanitarian Findings against Territorial Integrity issues.

While there is no true consensus in the EU yet, most of the Counterintelligence and Counter-terrorism activities realize that both Hamas and Hezbollah are Iranian backed and represent a threat to regional security. The designation is largely political and not truly a constriction on intelligence and security operations. It is generally understood that anything Hamas and Hezbollah are engaged in --- is suspect.

Most Respectfully,

You forgot to mention that the Palestinians have the legal right to defend their country and have the legal right to self determination in their own country.

The terrorist label is no more than political name calling against those who fight for their legal rights.

How can they defend something that doesn't exist ?

Just because there are entities that fail to recognize it's existence does not mean that it doesn't exist!

You can't make something disappear by choosing not to see it...

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You forgot to mention that the Palestinians have the legal right to defend their country and have the legal right to self determination in their own country.

The terrorist label is no more than political name calling against those who fight for their legal rights.

How can they defend something that doesn't exist ?

Just because there are entities that fail to recognize it's existence does not mean that it doesn't exist!

You can't make something disappear by choosing not to see it...


People seem to be unable to distinguish between 'Palestinian Territories' and the so called 'State of Palestine'. My comment was not meant to offend btw, I hope you didn't see it that way :)
You forgot to mention that the Palestinians have the legal right to defend their country and have the legal right to self determination in their own country.

The terrorist label is no more than political name calling against those who fight for their legal rights.

How can they defend something that doesn't exist ?

Just because there are entities that fail to recognize it's existence does not mean that it doesn't exist!

You can't make something disappear by choosing not to see it...


So true.


The political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states. Even before recognition the state has the right to defend its integrity and independence,...

The Avalon Project : Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American); December 26, 1933

palestinians voted for world known terrorists to be their gov't.

what kind of a dignified "Gov't" wears FACE MASKS on their faces ?

We're all terrorists (ie they're terrorists to us, and we're terrorists to them); it's just a matter of perspective.

Boston Bomber kills 3 and it's a clear cut terrorist attack, no questions asked. 47 innocent individuals at a Wedding are blown up by the United States in an airstrike and it's simply "collateral damage". Now is that fair?

Deh Bala wedding party airstrike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I mean, how does the United States justify all of the civilian deaths in Iraq given that the country had no involvement in 9/11 whatsoever? I've read the number is at 100,00+ dead in the past decade. I've also read my fair share of stories of drones blowing up little school kids, coffee shops, and residential homes.

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