Hamas: We are Not Terrorists; We Just Want to Destroy Israel <LOL!>

You forgot to mention that the Palestinians have the legal right to defend their country and have the legal right to self determination in their own country.

The terrorist label is no more than political name calling against those who fight for their legal rights.

How can they defend something that doesn't exist ?

Just because there are entities that fail to recognize it's existence does not mean that it doesn't exist!

You can't make something disappear by choosing not to see it...

The country of Arab Palestine never existed in history. Up to 1960's the only people that were called Palestinians were Jews that lived in the area. If you called an Arab a Palestinian back in the 30's or 40's, he'd take it as a personal insult.
"We're all terrorists (ie they're terrorists to us, and we're terrorists to them); it's just a matter of perspective."

"We're all terrorists (ie they're terrorists to us, and we're terrorists to them); it's just a matter of perspective"

= heh heh heh. boy, why, youins just a regulah stand-up comedian, ain'tcha ?.... "we're all terrorists........."

P F Tinmore, et al,

So, even if this applied, it can be applied in favor of the Israeli.

However, the High Contracting Parties are all in the Americas. It is a regional treaty. I doesn't apply to the Middle East, Europe, Asia/Pacific or Africa.

How can they defend something that doesn't exist ?

Just because there are entities that fail to recognize it's existence does not mean that it doesn't exist!

You can't make something disappear by choosing not to see it...


So true.


The political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states. Even before recognition the state has the right to defend its integrity and independence,...

The Avalon Project : Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American); December 26, 1933

Israel has a right to defend itself from Hostile Arab/Palestinian (HoAP) aggression, even if the HoAP does not recognize it.

I've seen HoAP aggressors raise this issue before. It is a case where the HoAP is trying to make the world believe that Palestine was a "state" before the International Community recognized Israel. An alternate history.

Most Respectfully,
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"Hamas leaders are working hard these days to have their movement removed from the U.S. State Department list for Foreign Terrorist Organizations."

...speaking of hamass working hard, exactly where is hamasses....................offices ?

is it actually on a paved road....

.....or do they work out of one of their tunnels ?

HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING...........if, some israeli students wanted to protest in front of "Hamasses headquarters" .........where is it exactly ?

"Hamas leaders are working hard these days to have their movement removed from the U.S. State Department list for Foreign Terrorist Organizations."

...speaking of hamass working hard, exactly where is hamasses....................offices ?

HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING...........if, some israeli students wanted to protest in front of "Hamasses headquarters" .........where is it exactly ?

Ask Amira Hass. She has been in their office many times.
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P F Tinmore, member, Roudy, et al,

Part of the problem is the issue of recognition. Remembering, of course, that there is no single cause for the Israeli - Palestinian conflict, but a series of problems that created a cascade failure over time.

"Hamas leaders are working hard these days[/COLOR] to have their movement removed from the U.S. State Department list for Foreign Terrorist Organizations."

...speaking of hamass working hard, exactly where is hamasses....................offices ?

HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING...........if, some israeli students wanted to protest in front of "Hamasses headquarters" .........where is it exactly ?

Ask Amira Hass. She gas been in their office many times.


The Palestinians don't speak with a single voice. Depending on who you talk to (and when), you soon discovered that there are many different perspectives and not one unified concept.

Hamas [Harakat al-Muqawana al-Islamiya (Islamic Resistance Movement)] is a Sunni Islamist group, one of the largest and most influential Palestinian militant movements - a paramilitary organization that evolved to include activity as a quasi-political party. But there are several affiliated resistance programs besides Hamas. Hamas is one of two (2) principle Palestinian factions; with Hezbollah being an ancillary Shi'ite organization of a similar nature. Many observers recognize Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a Palestinian cleric, as the main founder of two co-founders. The first of Hamas dispatched suicide bombing dates back to 1993; four (4) years before it was designated a terrorist organization.

Today, Hamas is an organization that organizes, instigates, facilitates, participates in, finances, and encourages activities that the US consider in the realm of terrorism. Until very recently, Hamas has been using illicit small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) from sources under embargo and sanctions for the purpose of using force against the territorial integrity or political independence of State of Israel; and to further, through armed coercion, the political agenda of Hamas. Some Hamas followers refuse to recognize the sovereignty of Israel as a member of the UN under Resolution; in contrast to the recognition other Palestinian element have acknowledge as legitimate. Many Hamas followers suggest that Palestinians encourage armed conflict (in violation to UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy was adopted by Member States) against Israel by suggesting that the Treaties between adjacent Arab States do not establish international boundaries.

Until such time as Hamas leaders "rededicated themselves to support all efforts to uphold the sovereign equality of all States, respect their territorial integrity and political independence, to refrain in our international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations;" abandoning the insurgency focused on Israel and discontinuing indiscriminate rocket attacks, and refraining from encouraging asymmetric tactics, then --- it is unlikely that removal of Hamas from the designated terrorist list will gain much traction.

There are many International Humanitarian Law issues and Human Rights considerations that are used as justification for the actions and behaviors associated with the history of Hamas. But there is a matter of reasonableness. The reason the UN, as a body, has not taken action is that, from a international political point of view, any interdiction into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has no reasonable expectation of success (it is a political sinkhole); particularly given the belligerence each party has generated in the dispute.

Most Respectfully,
"The Palestinians don't speak with a single voice. Depending on who you talk to (and when), you soon discovered that there are many different perspectives and not one unified concept.

Hamas [Harakat al-Muqawana al-Islamiya (Islamic Resistance Movement)] is a Sunni Islamist group, one of the largest and most influential Palestinian militant movements - a paramilitary organization that evolved to include activity as a quasi-political party. But there are several affiliated resistance programs besides Hamas. Hamas is one of two (2) principle Palestinian factions; with Hezbollah being an ancillary Shi'ite organization of a similar nature. Many observers recognize Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a Palestinian cleric, as the main founder of two co-founders. The first of Hamas dispatched suicide bombing dates back to 1993; four (4) years before it was designated a terrorist organization.

Today, Hamas is an organization that organizes, instigates, facilitates, participates in, finances, and encourages activities that the US consider in the realm of terrorism. Until very recently, Hamas has been using illicit small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) from sources under embargo and sanctions for the purpose of using force against the territorial integrity or political independence of State of Israel; and to further, through armed coercion, the political agenda of Hamas. Some Hamas followers refuse to recognize the sovereignty of Israel as a member of the UN under Resolution; in contrast to the recognition other Palestinian element have acknowledge as legitimate. Many Hamas followers suggest that Palestinians encourage armed conflict (in violation to UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy was adopted by Member States) against Israel by suggesting that the Treaties between adjacent Arab States do not establish international boundaries.

Until such time as Hamas leaders "rededicated themselves to support all efforts to uphold the sovereign equality of all States, respect their territorial integrity and political independence, to refrain in our international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations;" abandoning the insurgency focused on Israel and discontinuing indiscriminate rocket attacks, and refraining from encouraging asymmetric tactics, then --- it is unlikely that removal of Hamas from the designated terrorist list will gain much traction.

There are many International Humanitarian Law issues and Human Rights considerations that are used as justification for the actions and behaviors associated with the history of Hamas. But there is a matter of reasonableness. The reason the UN, as a body, has not taken action is that, from a international political point of view, any interdiction into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has no reasonable expectation of success (it is a political sinkhole); particularly given the belligerence each party has generated in the dispute.

Most Respectfully, R"

"Part of the problem is the issue of recognition. Remembering, of course, that there is no single cause for the Israeli - Palestinian conflict, but a series of problems that created a cascade failure over time."

"...speaking of hamass working hard, exactly where is hamasses....................offices ?"

"Ask Amira Hass. She gHas been in their office many times."

...was she there before or after hamassesssssss' offices kept getting...blown up.....?
P F Tinmore, member, Roudy, et al,

Part of the problem is the issue of recognition. Remembering, of course, that there is no single cause for the Israeli - Palestinian conflict, but a series of problems that created a cascade failure over time.

...speaking of hamass working hard, exactly where is hamasses....................offices ?

HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING...........if, some israeli students wanted to protest in front of "Hamasses headquarters" .........where is it exactly ?

Ask Amira Hass. She gas been in their office many times.

The Palestinians don't speak with a single voice. Depending on who you talk to (and when), you soon discovered that there are many different perspectives and not one unified concept.

Hamas [Harakat al-Muqawana al-Islamiya (Islamic Resistance Movement)] is a Sunni Islamist group, one of the largest and most influential Palestinian militant movements - a paramilitary organization that evolved to include activity as a quasi-political party. But there are several affiliated resistance programs besides Hamas. Hamas is one of two (2) principle Palestinian factions; with Hezbollah being an ancillary Shi'ite organization of a similar nature. Many observers recognize Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a Palestinian cleric, as the main founder of two co-founders. The first of Hamas dispatched suicide bombing dates back to 1993; four (4) years before it was designated a terrorist organization.

Today, Hamas is an organization that organizes, instigates, facilitates, participates in, finances, and encourages activities that the US consider in the realm of terrorism. Until very recently, Hamas has been using illicit small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) from sources under embargo and sanctions for the purpose of using force against the territorial integrity or political independence of State of Israel; and to further, through armed coercion, the political agenda of Hamas. Some Hamas followers refuse to recognize the sovereignty of Israel as a member of the UN under Resolution; in contrast to the recognition other Palestinian element have acknowledge as legitimate. Many Hamas followers suggest that Palestinians encourage armed conflict (in violation to UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy was adopted by Member States) against Israel by suggesting that the Treaties between adjacent Arab States do not establish international boundaries.

Until such time as Hamas leaders "rededicated themselves to support all efforts to uphold the sovereign equality of all States, respect their territorial integrity and political independence, to refrain in our international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations;" abandoning the insurgency focused on Israel and discontinuing indiscriminate rocket attacks, and refraining from encouraging asymmetric tactics, then --- it is unlikely that removal of Hamas from the designated terrorist list will gain much traction.

There are many International Humanitarian Law issues and Human Rights considerations that are used as justification for the actions and behaviors associated with the history of Hamas. But there is a matter of reasonableness. The reason the UN, as a body, has not taken action is that, from a international political point of view, any interdiction into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has no reasonable expectation of success (it is a political sinkhole); particularly given the belligerence each party has generated in the dispute.

Most Respectfully,

...for the purpose of using force against the territorial integrity or political independence of State of Israel;...

You crack me up with your territorial integrity of Israel shtick. Israel sits inside Palestine with no land or borders of its own. What territorial integrity are you talking about?
P F Tinmore, member, Roudy, et al,

Part of the problem is the issue of recognition. Remembering, of course, that there is no single cause for the Israeli - Palestinian conflict, but a series of problems that created a cascade failure over time.

...speaking of hamass working hard, exactly where is hamasses....................offices ?

HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING...........if, some israeli students wanted to protest in front of "Hamasses headquarters" .........where is it exactly ?

Ask Amira Hass. She gas been in their office many times.

The Palestinians don't speak with a single voice. Depending on who you talk to (and when), you soon discovered that there are many different perspectives and not one unified concept.

Hamas [Harakat al-Muqawana al-Islamiya (Islamic Resistance Movement)] is a Sunni Islamist group, one of the largest and most influential Palestinian militant movements - a paramilitary organization that evolved to include activity as a quasi-political party. But there are several affiliated resistance programs besides Hamas. Hamas is one of two (2) principle Palestinian factions; with Hezbollah being an ancillary Shi'ite organization of a similar nature. Many observers recognize Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a Palestinian cleric, as the main founder of two co-founders. The first of Hamas dispatched suicide bombing dates back to 1993; four (4) years before it was designated a terrorist organization.

Today, Hamas is an organization that organizes, instigates, facilitates, participates in, finances, and encourages activities that the US consider in the realm of terrorism. Until very recently, Hamas has been using illicit small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) from sources under embargo and sanctions for the purpose of using force against the territorial integrity or political independence of State of Israel; and to further, through armed coercion, the political agenda of Hamas. Some Hamas followers refuse to recognize the sovereignty of Israel as a member of the UN under Resolution; in contrast to the recognition other Palestinian element have acknowledge as legitimate. Many Hamas followers suggest that Palestinians encourage armed conflict (in violation to UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy was adopted by Member States) against Israel by suggesting that the Treaties between adjacent Arab States do not establish international boundaries.

Until such time as Hamas leaders "rededicated themselves to support all efforts to uphold the sovereign equality of all States, respect their territorial integrity and political independence, to refrain in our international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations;" abandoning the insurgency focused on Israel and discontinuing indiscriminate rocket attacks, and refraining from encouraging asymmetric tactics, then --- it is unlikely that removal of Hamas from the designated terrorist list will gain much traction.

There are many International Humanitarian Law issues and Human Rights considerations that are used as justification for the actions and behaviors associated with the history of Hamas. But there is a matter of reasonableness. The reason the UN, as a body, has not taken action is that, from a international political point of view, any interdiction into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has no reasonable expectation of success (it is a political sinkhole); particularly given the belligerence each party has generated in the dispute.

Most Respectfully,

Part of the problem is the issue of recognition. Remembering, of course, that there is no single cause for the Israeli - Palestinian conflict,...

So, the Zionists going from Europe to Palestine to take over their country does not count?
You forgot to mention that the Palestinians have the legal right to defend their country and have the legal right to self determination in their own country.
Do they also have the right to strap bombs on their children and make them commit suicide on their behalf?
You need to answer the question.

Irrelevant, the Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago.

Israel still murders Palestinians though.
Let's say you're right about the suicide bombing (you're not, but...). Did you support them when they did?

Hamas called an end to suicide bombing in 2006.

No I didn't. It is good that they stopped. Now if we can just get Israel to reciprocate.
et al,

Hamas wants to evolve.

Many terrorist organizations in history have evolved from being anti-government to being part of the government. It is an attempt to mold the current situation, as they perceive it, in the same way that the IRA did when it divided into “Official” and “Provisional” wings; and the Sinn Féin (Irish Republican political party) won seats in Belfast City Council and later, Parliament. Hezbollah has also evolved similarly; holding seats in the Lebanese Parliament [not withstanding Resolution 1559 that requires Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias to disband and disarm; the armed wing Al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya ("The Islamic Resistance")]. Under domestic political pressure, and to maintain domestic peace between government forces and Hezbollah, the Lebanese Government shields the armed wing -- refusing to stipulate Hezbollah has an armed militia component that requires to be disarmed.

Hamas want to emulate organizations such as the IRA and Hezbollah, with its al-Qassam Brigades (the armed component) integrating them into the Fatah's security forces in the Palestinian Authority.

There is some talk in the EU, to declare the armed wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, including the UK and France. Most notably, Germany is resisting the effort to list the armed wing of Hezbollah as terrorists. However, Hezbollah operations in Europe has decreased support for the movement.

The HAMAS propaganda campaign, particularly over the last two years, has been specifically framed to portray the Palestinian as the victim of Israeli illegal activity and segregation; with a touch of mass punishment. The application of the terms "Nazi, Open Air Concentration Camp, Apartheid, Child Deaths, and Land Theft, have realized some success. They attempt to pit Humanitarian Findings against Territorial Integrity issues.

While there is no true consensus in the EU yet, most of the Counterintelligence and Counter-terrorism activities realize that both Hamas and Hezbollah are Iranian backed and represent a threat to regional security. The designation is largely political and not truly a constriction on intelligence and security operations. It is generally understood that anything Hamas and Hezbollah are engaged in --- is suspect.

Most Respectfully,


You left Irgun out of your "evolution" thing.

You know.

The terrorists that founded Israel?
et al,

Hamas wants to evolve.

Many terrorist organizations in history have evolved from being anti-government to being part of the government. It is an attempt to mold the current situation, as they perceive it, in the same way that the IRA did when it divided into “Official” and “Provisional” wings; and the Sinn Féin (Irish Republican political party) won seats in Belfast City Council and later, Parliament. Hezbollah has also evolved similarly; holding seats in the Lebanese Parliament [not withstanding Resolution 1559 that requires Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias to disband and disarm; the armed wing Al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya ("The Islamic Resistance")]. Under domestic political pressure, and to maintain domestic peace between government forces and Hezbollah, the Lebanese Government shields the armed wing -- refusing to stipulate Hezbollah has an armed militia component that requires to be disarmed.

Hamas want to emulate organizations such as the IRA and Hezbollah, with its al-Qassam Brigades (the armed component) integrating them into the Fatah's security forces in the Palestinian Authority.

There is some talk in the EU, to declare the armed wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, including the UK and France. Most notably, Germany is resisting the effort to list the armed wing of Hezbollah as terrorists. However, Hezbollah operations in Europe has decreased support for the movement.

The HAMAS propaganda campaign, particularly over the last two years, has been specifically framed to portray the Palestinian as the victim of Israeli illegal activity and segregation; with a touch of mass punishment. The application of the terms "Nazi, Open Air Concentration Camp, Apartheid, Child Deaths, and Land Theft, have realized some success. They attempt to pit Humanitarian Findings against Territorial Integrity issues.

While there is no true consensus in the EU yet, most of the Counterintelligence and Counter-terrorism activities realize that both Hamas and Hezbollah are Iranian backed and represent a threat to regional security. The designation is largely political and not truly a constriction on intelligence and security operations. It is generally understood that anything Hamas and Hezbollah are engaged in --- is suspect.

Most Respectfully,


You left Irgun out of your "evolution" thing.

You know.

The terrorists that founded Israel?

The difference between the Israelis and the Palestinians, is that one of them moved forward and gave up their so called 'terrorist' ways while the other didn't move forward at all and still use and promote terrorism to promote their bullshit agenda. Can you guess which one?
et al,

Hamas wants to evolve.

Many terrorist organizations in history have evolved from being anti-government to being part of the government. It is an attempt to mold the current situation, as they perceive it, in the same way that the IRA did when it divided into “Official” and “Provisional” wings; and the Sinn Féin (Irish Republican political party) won seats in Belfast City Council and later, Parliament. Hezbollah has also evolved similarly; holding seats in the Lebanese Parliament [not withstanding Resolution 1559 that requires Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias to disband and disarm; the armed wing Al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya ("The Islamic Resistance")]. Under domestic political pressure, and to maintain domestic peace between government forces and Hezbollah, the Lebanese Government shields the armed wing -- refusing to stipulate Hezbollah has an armed militia component that requires to be disarmed.

Hamas want to emulate organizations such as the IRA and Hezbollah, with its al-Qassam Brigades (the armed component) integrating them into the Fatah's security forces in the Palestinian Authority.

There is some talk in the EU, to declare the armed wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, including the UK and France. Most notably, Germany is resisting the effort to list the armed wing of Hezbollah as terrorists. However, Hezbollah operations in Europe has decreased support for the movement.

The HAMAS propaganda campaign, particularly over the last two years, has been specifically framed to portray the Palestinian as the victim of Israeli illegal activity and segregation; with a touch of mass punishment. The application of the terms "Nazi, Open Air Concentration Camp, Apartheid, Child Deaths, and Land Theft, have realized some success. They attempt to pit Humanitarian Findings against Territorial Integrity issues.

While there is no true consensus in the EU yet, most of the Counterintelligence and Counter-terrorism activities realize that both Hamas and Hezbollah are Iranian backed and represent a threat to regional security. The designation is largely political and not truly a constriction on intelligence and security operations. It is generally understood that anything Hamas and Hezbollah are engaged in --- is suspect.

Most Respectfully,


You left Irgun out of your "evolution" thing.

You know.

The terrorists that founded Israel?

The difference between the Israelis and the Palestinians, is that one of them moved forward and gave up their so called 'terrorist' ways while the other didn't move forward at all and still use and promote terrorism to promote their bullshit agenda. Can you guess which one?

Children killed in 2012 Remember These Children 2012 Memorial
Palestinian 44
Israeli 0

Uhhh, let me guess.

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