Hamas: We'll Fight to the Last Civilian

José;974880 said:
I believe you did not understand the palestinian bargain, auditor. This is their final offer, take it or leave it:

Their right to live in Western Palestine in exchange for the end of their armed struggle.

You certainly answered the question but not in a satisfying manner for both sides, so no Nobel Peace Prize for you yet.

never gonna happen as long as a terrorist organization like HAMAS is representing people.

Originally posted by DiveCon
do you understand what they mean by "western palestine"?

They mean the territory that corresponds to modern Israel.

Originally posted by DevNell
never gonna happen as long as a terrorist organization like HAMAS is representing people.


Listen folks,

I know a people with about 500 automatic weapons and a few RPG's are not in a position to demand anything.

Too bad what others think about their military "might" has no bearing on them.

They believe in their cause and they are prepared to suffer for it.
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The rest of the world's opinion of Israel is irrelevant. We've been as monsters for decades. How many resolutions were there in the UN when rockets were landing just feet away from classrooms full of Kindergartners in Sderdot? The rest of the world is backwards and hypocritical. If any border nation were firing 10,000 rockets into any one of these other countries, they wouldn't hesitate to go in and do what Israel is doing. We have no idea what people say to each other privately and the politics behind it all.

Irrelevant. Who was it that said "I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinions."

Peace? How can you talk peace when thousands of rockets were falling in Israel? That's not peace.

Guess how many armed conflicts the world has had with a military under Nazi control since World War 2? Zero. Why? We wiped them out.

That's what we'll do here and I certainly hope Hezbollah is watching.

Must someone who is defending the Jews invoke Godwin's Law every single thread?

There were plenty of other evil scumbags in history you know. Hitler was the worse by far, but not the first and not the last.
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The US wants to support Israel, Truth. Israel is an ally to the US. The US is Israel's closest of friends.

Germany today, under Merkel, would rather sacrafice Germany than for Israel to fall. Germans sacraficing themselves to save Jews. Odd isn't it?

To this, I respond first off:

Oh shut the fuck up with your nazi comparisons.


And furthermore, stop with the disgusting posts.
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Must someone who is defending the Jews invoke Godwin's Law every single thread?

There were plenty of other evil scumbags in history you know. Hitler was the worse by far, but not the first and not the last.
except he wasnt invoking Godwins Law
not in the least
except he wasnt invoking Godwins Law
not in the least

Bringing up Hitler or the Nazis is Godwins Law.


Godwin's Law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies)[1] is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states:[2][3]

"As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
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Bringing up Hitler or the Nazis is Godwins Law.

Godwin's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Godwin's Law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies)[1] is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states:[2][3]

"As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."

And of course no discussion of nazism is relevant when discussing Israel...

have you lost it?
And of course no discussion of nazism is relevant when discussing Israel...

have you lost it?

I haven't lost it. I was merely reflecting on what your pal David did. Got a problem with it? Bring it up with him.


It's a bit tiring at this point. You see my posts only and ignore everybody else's who you deem is on your side.

Do I need to point you into the direction of some of his "lovely" posts again?
I haven't lost it. I was merely reflecting on what your pal David did. Got a problem with it? Bring it up with him.


It's a bit tiring at this point. You see my posts only and ignore everybody else's who you deem is on your side.

Do I need to point you into the direction of some of his "lovely" posts again?
his use was not inappropriate, he used it in proper context
we didnt have to fight the Nazi again after WWII because they were utterly and completely defeated
and in THAT sense, that is what needs to happen to groups like Hamas
Hamas doesnt care how many innocent people die, as long as they can use it to push their agenda
his use was not inappropriate, he used it in proper context
we didnt have to fight the Nazi again after WWII because they were utterly and completely defeated
and in THAT sense, that is what needs to happen to groups like Hamas
Hamas doesnt care how many innocent people die, as long as they can use it to push their agenda

They weren't utterly and completely defeated until a short time after WWII.

And sure, you can kill Hamas; which I agree because Israel should of invaded by now.

However, can you kill a idea?

Are we going to kill the people who voted for Hamas? Which happened to be the majority

What if they keep electing leaders like Hamas? Are we going to invade for good and tell them to vote the way we want or bomb them until that is so?

How far does this go Dive, that's what I've been wondering and what people like Jill, David, and Annie have been unwilling and unable to tell me.

Hamas being elected is only a representation of the will of the people.
They weren't utterly and completely defeated until a short time after WWII.

And sure, you can kill Hamas; which I agree because Israel should of invaded by now.

However, can you kill a idea?

Are we going to kill the people who voted for Hamas? Which happened to be the majority

What if they keep electing leaders like Hamas? Are we going to invade for good and tell them to vote the way we want or bomb them until that is so?

How far does this go Dive, that's what I've been wondering and what people like Jill, David, and Annie have been unwilling and unable to tell me.

Hamas being elected is only a representation of the will of the people.
then the people need to rethink why they voted the way they did, since it brought about what is happening now
And of course no discussion of nazism is relevant when discussing Israel...

have you lost it?

Is that really true? From the Hamas Covenant:

"You may speak as much as you want about regional and world wars. They were behind World War I, when they were able to destroy the Islamic Caliphate, making financial gains and controlling resources. They obtained the Balfour Declaration, formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the world. They were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains by trading in armaments, and paved the way for the establishment of their state. It was they who instigated the replacement of the League of Nations with the United Nations and the Security Council to enable them to rule the world through them. There is no war going on anywhere, without having their finger in it." (Article 22)

"The Islamic Resistance Movement calls on Arab and Islamic nations to take up the line of serious and persevering action to prevent the success of this horrendous plan, to warn the people of the danger eminating from leaving the circle of struggle against Zionism. Today it is Palestine, tomorrow it will be one country or another. The Zionist plan is limitless. After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying." (article 32)

The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988

Doesn't that seem kind of nazi-ish to you? These are just a few highlights from the Covenant. Browsing through it, it is clear that Hamas blames the Jews, not just Israelis, for every evil in the world, and they assert that it is the duty of every Muslim to defeat the Jews, not just the Israelis. It is clear from the document that when they refer to Zionism, they are not just talking about the land involved in the ME conflict but to what they believe is a Jewish conspiracy to conquer the entire world. According to the Covenant, every aspect of society, religion, politics, art, literature, all popular media and news and education must be bent to inculcating this message of hate and fear into not only all Palestinians but all Arabs and Muslims.

Just what part of this might Hitler have taken exception to?
How many Israelis are dead and how many Palestinians are dead?

Who is on whos land?

I will remember you dont care what the world thinks.

I will remember you dont care what the US thinks.

Maybe its far past time to end the money the US sends to Israel?

Let s not forget WHO invited WHO to come to Gaza. (And WHO didn't invite WHO to come to the West-Bank.)

The number of invitation cards sent (by rockets), made sure of giving someone a reason to pay a visit to thank them.
José;974901 said:
They mean the territory that corresponds to modern Israel.

Listen folks,

I know a people with about 500 automatic weapons and a few RPG's are not in a position to demand anything.

Too bad what others think about their military "might" has no bearing on them.

They believe in their cause and they are prepared to suffer for it.
and the ones doing the actual suffering are the innocents everyone keeps hiding their tough bull shit acts behind.

bad babababada that's all folks
If you read my post and Robert's response, you'll notice I felt the nazi question was appropriate here.

Which is what I would have expected to to think from your other posts, but I thought you might have been having a pc moment there. My bad.
If you read my post and Robert's response, you'll notice I felt the nazi question was appropriate here.

Jill, does every thread about Israel/Pali need to turn into nothing more then Reductio ad Hitlerum?

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