Hank Williams Jr, oops

For the left to scream racist they don't need a reason. Just the yell is enough.
Anybody who buys this as anything except political correctness gone mad is beyond gone. Beyond gone.

Its laughable........when I saw the video clip, I laughed my balls off. Only the hopelessly duped PC morons dont get the analogy the guy made. I dont even know who this Hank Willams is..........but the poor guys head must be spinning.

Its just another prime example of liberalism being a mental disorder. You see the examples every day.:2up:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4s0nzsU1Wg]A Country Boy Can Survive - YouTube[/ame]
I guess he never read Laura Ingraham's book, "Shut Up and Sing."

I think her book actually was "Of Thee I ZING".

Laura Ingraham: Of Thee I Zing

Hank Williams was absolutely correct. Boehner and obama playing golf is the same as Hitler having lunch with Netanyahu. Enemies do not make nice with one another.

He needed to be fired for mentioning Hitler again....for the 1 millionth time.

I don't believe he meant that Obama WAS like Hitler, he just picked two enemies -- he could have said the Hatfields and McCoys just as well. This whole thing is the proverbial tempest in a teapot. ANYBODY who says anybody a Hitler or a Nazi obviously never lived during that time and witnessed first hand the atrocities committed by that nutjob. Call somebody a control freak or inept or whatever but Hitler they are not.
Ok. After reading all the posts on here accusing Hank Williams of racism in his comments, I went back and wasted 3 and 1/2 minutes of my life listening to the clip. You people screaming racism apparently have pulled the charges straight out of your asses. Not only did Hank not say anything racist in the remarks, he said that the only republican making sense right now is Herman Cain. Where the hell was the implied racism in Hank's comments? Kindly point them out.

Everything is racism where Obama is concerned.

He can't talk honestly about his record.

Thank you!!!
Yeah, his freedom went the way of the Dixie Chicks. Williams is a pig. So is his buddy Ted "Draft Dodger" Nugent.

Typical liberal. It only bothers you when conservatives speak their views.

So what do you object to regarding the Dixie Twats?
You may be ready for football, but ESPN is not ready to let Hank Williams Jr. open tonight’s game after his incendiary comment about President Obama on Fox News.
The country singer criticized the president’s recent “golf summit” with Republican House Speaker John Boehner. The singer told Fox & Friends that the meeting “would be like Hitler playing golf with [Israeli leader] Benjamin Netanyahu.”

Where'd his freedom of speech go?

Hank Williams Jr. pulled from ESPN after comparing Obama to Hitler | Inside TV | EW.com

Apparently the same place the Dixie Chicks' did.

He is as free as anyone, event he Dixie Chicks, to speak. But the public is just as free not to patronize his wares.

I am glad he spoke his true feelings. How else can we know anyone? Something, as "free speech" is worth a sacrifice.....Hope Hank feels the same way...
Valid in that they (Obama and Boehner (sp) ) are polar opposites as are Hitler and Netanyahu (sp).

Naw..that really doesn't work..since Obama and Boehner are both Christians..and both Americans.

It works better for Hitler and Obama because they are both Christians and both see Christ as their savior.

So in that..it works. Hitler was a very good Christian? No?

It's a simple comparison dumbass.


I am noticing that the right wing seems to like Hitler? No?

Reverend Hagee said he was sent by god as a "Hunter" to move the Jewish People to Israel. McCain and Perry are good friends with Hagee, no?

So was Hitler a good Christian?

And if you look back in Christian history..they always seem to be sorta mad at the Jewish people. Well not now..because John Paul said sorry about the Holocaust. But mostly.


On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Was Martin Luther a good Christian too?

Was the Spanish Inquistion a good Christian movement?

Gosh..so confused here.
Funny thing about racism. If you have ever experienced it from the minority end.....or if you were fortunate enough to not be indoctrinated into it as a child........it is EXTREMELY easy to recognize.

It is almost never as subtle as the offender thinks it is.

You may as well just out yourselves, bigots. You ain't foolin' anyone but yourself.
Funny thing about racism. If you have ever experienced it from the minority end.....or if you were fortunate enough to not be indoctrinated into it as a child........it is EXTREMELY easy to recognize.

It is almost never as subtle as the offender thinks it is.

You may as well just out yourselves, bigots. You ain't foolin' anyone but yourself.
Criticizing Obama's job performance is racism, but criticizing Cain's political views isn't.


Funny thing about racism. If you have ever experienced it from the minority end.....or if you were fortunate enough to not be indoctrinated into it as a child........it is EXTREMELY easy to recognize.

It is almost never as subtle as the offender thinks it is.

You may as well just out yourselves, bigots. You ain't foolin' anyone but yourself.
Criticizing Obama's job performance is racism, but criticizing Cain's political views isn't.



Nothing wrong with criticism.

But we are pretty up on the "dog whistle" crapola, like Kenyan, Muslim, Marxist, Socialist and a whole host of stuff that generally means "We don't like the black guy".
Funny thing about racism. If you have ever experienced it from the minority end.....or if you were fortunate enough to not be indoctrinated into it as a child........it is EXTREMELY easy to recognize.

It is almost never as subtle as the offender thinks it is.

You may as well just out yourselves, bigots. You ain't foolin' anyone but yourself.
Criticizing Obama's job performance is racism, but criticizing Cain's political views isn't.



Nothing wrong with criticism.

But we are pretty up on the "dog whistle" crapola, like Kenyan, Muslim, Marxist, Socialist and a whole host of stuff that generally means "We don't like the black guy".
Ohhhhhhh! Is that the Code?

I really do wish someone would give me that code decipher. I've been asking for it for years.

What was Code in what Williams said?

And, Obama is a socialist and Marxist. I guess I'm a racist, in Code.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct4_ze_FjNo]Hagee - 'Hitler Was Fulfilling God's Will For Israel' - YouTube[/ame]


McCain..and now Perry.

Was Hitler sent by god?

Was Hitler a good Christian?

So confusing.
Criticizing Obama's job performance is racism, but criticizing Cain's political views isn't.



Nothing wrong with criticism.

But we are pretty up on the "dog whistle" crapola, like Kenyan, Muslim, Marxist, Socialist and a whole host of stuff that generally means "We don't like the black guy".
Ohhhhhhh! Is that the Code?

I really do wish someone would give me that code decipher. I've been asking for it for years.

What was Code in what Williams said?

And, Obama is a socialist and Marxist. I guess I'm a racist, in Code.

Doesn't bother me none.

Racists are entitled to their opinions like everyone else.

You may be ready for football, but ESPN is not ready to let Hank Williams Jr. open tonight’s game after his incendiary comment about President Obama on Fox News.
The country singer criticized the president’s recent “golf summit” with Republican House Speaker John Boehner. The singer told Fox & Friends that the meeting “would be like Hitler playing golf with [Israeli leader] Benjamin Netanyahu.”

Where'd his freedom of speech go?

Hank Williams Jr. pulled from ESPN after comparing Obama to Hitler | Inside TV | EW.com

Apparently the same place the Dixie Chicks' did.

You're just pissed because he won't have the flack the dixie chicks did. However he did not go out of the U.S. and say it either, unlike theloud mouth little blonde
Plus he was asked about his political views she wasn't
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Nothing wrong with criticism.

But we are pretty up on the "dog whistle" crapola, like Kenyan, Muslim, Marxist, Socialist and a whole host of stuff that generally means "We don't like the black guy".
Ohhhhhhh! Is that the Code?

I really do wish someone would give me that code decipher. I've been asking for it for years.

What was Code in what Williams said?

And, Obama is a socialist and Marxist. I guess I'm a racist, in Code.

Doesn't bother me none.

Racists are entitled to their opinions like everyone else.


You should be so proud of yourself for marginalizing true racism. It advances society so much.


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