Hannity is for/against the NSA


Other than maybe Shep Smith, I totally agree.

Other than maybe Shep Smith, I totally agree.
Was Shep joking when he said he liked Beck? Chris Wallace said he liked Beck, too.

Holy shit, I didn't know Shep Smith said he liked Beck. If so, there goes his credibility. With Chris Wallace I can understand.
I know, I kinda liked Shep until I saw him and Chris saying they liked Beck. Could they have been joking? It didn't appear that they were.

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President

Sooooo... are republicans suddenly upset with NSA data-diving now that a democrat is President?

Does that not count as hypocrisy also for some reason?

It just goes to show, it's all political BS. It has nothing to do with right and wrong. Personally, I supported this type of surveillance under Bush, and I still support it today. My only concern is whether or not there is any oversight and where that oversight is coming from. No agency should be left to operate completely free of any higher authority.
No Zona you're completely wrong. For/Against the NSA??? Say what?

This is what Hannity is for:


That's fine. But you'll notice the flip by Dems and Republicans. See, Zona is calling out hypocrites while being a buttboy for the Democrats.

Besides that, I'm glad he posted the OP. It was amusing to watch Hannity flip.

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President

Sooooo... are republicans suddenly upset with NSA data-diving now that a democrat is President?

Does that not count as hypocrisy also for some reason?

Oh for certain there are republicans that have flipped on this issue.

And those truly serious conservatives out there who were against the Patriot Act from the get go are looking at those republicans who have now woken up are having a great time going "I told you so".

I said in another thread that I wish when it came to major issues that we face that so many people need to get a serious smack upside the head to put partisanship and party lines aside and search for answers.

Oh well. Sometimes I dream.

Liberals are fine with patriot act (until there's another Republican president - if that ever happens again in my lifetime). Real Americans know that the Patriot Act is a sham and are against it.
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

And why do you try this same crap every single time someone on fox looks like a hypocrite. Address his hypocrisy or get out of this thread, maybe? Be a good little righty and defend this douche.

Why do you always pull this I don't watch FOX crap then post stuff about them address your lying about not watching FOX or shut up. If you want me off this or any other thread you are not only welcome to put me on ignore you are encouraged to do so.
I don't know why any lefties here would claim that Fox News is falling in the ratings. They're watched by more people than any of their competitors.

I do question why the righties on here think that the media is so biased. Their version of MSNBC is ruling the ratings after all.

I don't try and explain liberal thinking on FOX and if they were really the conservative version of MSNBC they would have ratings similar to MSNBC.

Sorry that logic's no good bud. Fox News has FAR FAR FAR more money to spend than MSNBC for their ratings. Why? Well they had a decade long head start on MSNBC (on when MSNBC turned embarrassingly liberal); and conservatives have proven they're far more interested in partisan hackery than liberals are. Just look at the success of conservative radio vs. the failure of their counterpart.

That's why Fox has better ratings.
Beautiful paint by the numbers liberal talking points it never even enters your mind that maybe just maybe FOX is successful because it is not the right wing propaganda machine the left tries to make it out to be but a network that does give you both sides of a issue.
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

And why do you try this same crap every single time someone on fox looks like a hypocrite. Address his hypocrisy or get out of this thread, maybe? Be a good little righty and defend this douche.

Why do you watch FOX and then claim otherwise? You sound hypocritical.

As far as moronic threads go, you are really good.

Why is it liberals evolve in their thinking and conservatives when changing opinion are hypocritical.
Why would a single voice on the radio and an hour show on Fox "make you sick" unless the tax exempt propaganda sources like Media Matters and "news hounds" (we watch Fox so you don't have to) tell you to be sick? Liberals so so willing to be manipulated that it makes me sick. Anyway you can be for the NSA but be against NSA's fishing expeditions. Simple as that.

Data mining is data mining. What's the difference between then and now. If, as we're told, Joe Biden is being a hypocrite, isn't the same true for those on the right who are howling about it now?
Liberals do not watch Hannity or Fox News - but start threads on how irritated they are by them. Some idiots even consider Homer Simpson affiliated with Fox News. Imbeciles...
Here is something for the left to ponder from someone who has more power or influence than Sean Hannity I wonder how good old Joe Biden feels about this topic today as opposed to how he felt about it under Bush?
The VP has been strangely silent.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2qgU8kJt-0]Biden in 2006: NSA Collection of Phone Records Violates Privacy - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC4RMp1LWTs]Crazy Old Joe Biden Laughing - 2012 VP Debate - YouTube[/ame]
There is no doubt that there is hypocrisy from both the right and left on this issue. There are the same percentages of people on both sides that are perfectly okay with this when its "their guy" doing it. (Polls support this)

What that means, in the end, is that this shit is here to stay.

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