Hannity is for/against the NSA

Here is something for the left to ponder from someone who has more power or influence than Sean Hannity I wonder how good old Joe Biden feels about this topic today as opposed to how he felt about it under Bush?
The VP has been strangely silent.
Biden in 2006: NSA Collection of Phone Records Violates Privacy - YouTube

If he comes out for it now, then it makes him a hypocrite.

now back to Hannity being a shamless hypocrite. Comment on that please.

Thanks and god bless. I LOVE Fox and their dumb sheeple fans.
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

And why do you try this same crap every single time someone on fox looks like a hypocrite. Address his hypocrisy or get out of this thread, maybe? Be a good little righty and defend this douche.

Why do you watch FOX and then claim otherwise? You sound hypocritical.

As far as moronic threads go, you are really good.

Why is it liberals evolve in their thinking and conservatives when changing opinion are hypocritical.

Link or your a fucking liar.

God bless.
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

And why do you try this same crap every single time someone on fox looks like a hypocrite. Address his hypocrisy or get out of this thread, maybe? Be a good little righty and defend this douche.

Why do you watch FOX and then claim otherwise? You sound hypocritical.

As far as moronic threads go, you are really good.

Why is it liberals evolve in their thinking and conservatives when changing opinion are hypocritical.
The idea Hannity of all people are changing their opinion just goes to show how fucking retarded you are for even attempting this as a legit argument.
Hanntiy is a partisan 100%. Hannity is in this for one thing. Money.

I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

I am willing to bet that there are other outlets that cover hannitard and his hypocrisy. Media Matters comes to mind. I watch Foxnews and listen to neo-con talk radio everyday.

Yeah...he laughed all the way to a victory in the debate and a victory in November. :D

Most Soetoro low-information voters couldn't tell you who Joe Biden is if their lives depended on it as has been proved many times by man-on-the-street interviews. Most couldn't find Libya on a map or canada for that matter. Most only know who Sarah Palin is from SNL skits....but couldn't tell you what office she held or why she was hounded out of that office by Rats nuisance-suits which cost she and Todd almost half a million dollars. Most that might recognize Biden have no idea how loud-mouthed and vulgar he is around women. Despite a long career at the public trough, Biden has no money....his assets are mostly valued at what he made last year as VP.....the guy is senile....claimed during the 2008 campaign that he ate every day at a restaurant in Dover that's been closed almost 20 years. He was chosen to make a sniper shaky when putting the cross-hairs on Soetoro....imagine him as POTUS! The Pentagon would order his arrest and declare martial law until Boner could be sworn in.
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I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

I am willing to bet that there are other outlets that cover hannitard and his hypocrisy. Media Matters comes to mind. I watch Foxnews and listen to neo-con talk radio everyday.

I only have two things to say about that one Media Matters LMAO two you watch Fox and listen to talk radio everyday that's more than a bit sad.
yeah its hannity, if you expect the truth out of that man, then you are a moron and should be ignored anyways.

Hannity is a shill. He long ago sold his soul for the almighty buck. So, if you're in Hannity's presence when he starts talking about being a principled conservative, that's when you should check to make sure that you are still in possession of your wallet.
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

I am willing to bet that there are other outlets that cover hannitard and his hypocrisy. Media Matters comes to mind. I watch Foxnews and listen to neo-con talk radio everyday.

I only have two things to say about that one Media Matters LMAO two you watch Fox and listen to talk radio everyday that's more than a bit sad.

What's wrong with Media Matters? I drive a lot so I listen to talk radio, when we come home from work we watch Fox later that evening. That's really 'sad'? I like listening to and debating opposing ideas instead of being in an 'echo chamber'. I like current events and what is going on in the world.
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

And why do you try this same crap every single time someone on fox looks like a hypocrite. Address his hypocrisy or get out of this thread, maybe? Be a good little righty and defend this douche.


Why don't you be a good little lefty and defend all these douches who have flip flopped?

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President

Mike Riggs|Jun. 10, 2013 5:13 pm


When the pollsters at Pew asked Democrats in January 2006 how they felt about the NSA's surveillance programs, 37 percent labeled the programs "acceptable," while 61 percent said they were unacceptable. Today, those numbers are exactly the opposite: 64 percent of Democrats now think the NSA's surveillance programs are acceptable, while only 34 percent say they're not.

Republicans polled much the same way (in reverse, obviously). Back in 2006, 75 percent of Republicans supported the NSA "scrutiniz[ing] phone calls and emails of suspected terrorists." Today, only 52 percent of Republicans say such actions are acceptable.

More at link and this link will take you directly to the Pew Poll.

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President - Hit & Run : Reason.com

What a jump in points! 37% to 64%. My what flip floppers liberals are!

How amazing you don't scoff at the GOP flip flopping in the same article. Not.
This man makes me sick. Enjoy his flip flop. Again.

Hannity Then and Now on NSA Surveillance - YouTube

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Just as I said, the NSA's spying on Americans was in all the papers in 2006. And here we have Hannity going on and on about it back then, supporting it.

So the sudden outrage these past couple weeks on the part of the faux Right in light of these facts is most amusing. Their belated cries of Constitutional violations are utterly transparent.

Once again, we see the faux Right is not the slightest bit interested in the truth or the Constitution. They are only interested in trying to make the other guy look bad as often as possible, even if they look like flaming idiots in the process of trying to do so.

It is so terribly sad and pathetic what my Republican party has become, and what these assholes have done to the conservative cause.
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I am willing to bet that there are other outlets that cover hannitard and his hypocrisy. Media Matters comes to mind. I watch Foxnews and listen to neo-con talk radio everyday.

I only have two things to say about that one Media Matters LMAO two you watch Fox and listen to talk radio everyday that's more than a bit sad.

What's wrong with Media Matters? I drive a lot so I listen to talk radio, when we come home from work we watch Fox later that evening. That's really 'sad'? I like listening to and debating opposing ideas instead of being in an 'echo chamber'. I like current events and what is going on in the world.

Whats wrong with Media Matters really? You mean outside of the fact it's one of the most biased dishonest sources out there only the farthest of the far left consider that a legitimate source of information moderate mainstream Democrats won't go anywhere near it.
Here is something for the left to ponder from someone who has more power or influence than Sean Hannity I wonder how good old Joe Biden feels about this topic today as opposed to how he felt about it under Bush?
The VP has been strangely silent.
Biden in 2006: NSA Collection of Phone Records Violates Privacy - YouTube

If he comes out for it now, then it makes him a hypocrite.

now back to Hannity being a shamless hypocrite. Comment on that please.

Thanks and god bless. I LOVE Fox and their dumb sheeple fans.

He is part of a administration that has continued and expanded the very policy he condemned he has not spoken out against the policy in public or on the record one time since being sworn in as VP he has been supporting the program through his very silence. You sir are the classic far left hypocrite the it's only wrong when the other side does it now go put your blinders back on and get back to worshiping at your Obama shrine.
And why do you try this same crap every single time someone on fox looks like a hypocrite. Address his hypocrisy or get out of this thread, maybe? Be a good little righty and defend this douche.


Why don't you be a good little lefty and defend all these douches who have flip flopped?

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President

Mike Riggs|Jun. 10, 2013 5:13 pm


When the pollsters at Pew asked Democrats in January 2006 how they felt about the NSA's surveillance programs, 37 percent labeled the programs "acceptable," while 61 percent said they were unacceptable. Today, those numbers are exactly the opposite: 64 percent of Democrats now think the NSA's surveillance programs are acceptable, while only 34 percent say they're not.

Republicans polled much the same way (in reverse, obviously). Back in 2006, 75 percent of Republicans supported the NSA "scrutiniz[ing] phone calls and emails of suspected terrorists." Today, only 52 percent of Republicans say such actions are acceptable.

More at link and this link will take you directly to the Pew Poll.

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President - Hit & Run : Reason.com

What a jump in points! 37% to 64%. My what flip floppers liberals are!

How amazing you don't scoff at the GOP flip flopping in the same article. Not.

I have.

You must have missed all my posts on it. I am consistent in my bipartisan smackdown AND praises on this issue.

I don't pretend to be something I'm not.
This man makes me sick. Enjoy his flip flop. Again.

Hannity Then and Now on NSA Surveillance - YouTube

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Just as I said, the NSA's spying on Americans was in all the papers in 2006. And here we have Hannity going on and on about it back then, supporting it.

So the sudden outrage these past couple weeks on the part of the faux Right in light of these facts is most amusing. Their belated cries of Constitutional violations are utterly transparent.

Once again, we see the faux Right is not the slightest bit interested in the truth or the Constitution. They are only interested in trying to make the other guy look bad as often as possible, even if they look like flaming idiots in the process of trying to do so.

It is so terribly sad and pathetic what my Republican party has become, and what these assholes have done to the conservative cause.

I have Al Franken and most Democrats rolling over for Obama on this issue.

Don't freaking tell me about flip flops.
And why do you try this same crap every single time someone on fox looks like a hypocrite. Address his hypocrisy or get out of this thread, maybe? Be a good little righty and defend this douche.


Why don't you be a good little lefty and defend all these douches who have flip flopped?

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President

Mike Riggs|Jun. 10, 2013 5:13 pm


When the pollsters at Pew asked Democrats in January 2006 how they felt about the NSA's surveillance programs, 37 percent labeled the programs "acceptable," while 61 percent said they were unacceptable. Today, those numbers are exactly the opposite: 64 percent of Democrats now think the NSA's surveillance programs are acceptable, while only 34 percent say they're not.

Republicans polled much the same way (in reverse, obviously). Back in 2006, 75 percent of Republicans supported the NSA "scrutiniz[ing] phone calls and emails of suspected terrorists." Today, only 52 percent of Republicans say such actions are acceptable.

More at link and this link will take you directly to the Pew Poll.

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President - Hit & Run : Reason.com

What a jump in points! 37% to 64%. My what flip floppers liberals are!

How amazing you don't scoff at the GOP flip flopping in the same article. Not.

Seems that we have a lot of unprincipled liberals and conservatives. I was against it now and then.
And why do you try this same crap every single time someone on fox looks like a hypocrite. Address his hypocrisy or get out of this thread, maybe? Be a good little righty and defend this douche.

Why do you watch FOX and then claim otherwise? You sound hypocritical.

As far as moronic threads go, you are really good.

Why is it liberals evolve in their thinking and conservatives when changing opinion are hypocritical.

Link or your a fucking liar.

God bless.

A link to what you watch? Lol! Talk about a fucking idiot.

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