Hannity is for/against the NSA

I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

Did you just wake up? In case you missed it we have this thing now called the internet
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

They don't watch it of course, they only cut and paste videos like this one from left wing sources. They are almost always taken out of context or edited to say something that it doesn't. nothing new at all.
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

And why do you try this same crap every single time someone on fox looks like a hypocrite. Address his hypocrisy or get out of this thread, maybe? Be a good little righty and defend this douche.


Why don't you be a good little lefty and defend all these douches who have flip flopped?

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President

Mike Riggs|Jun. 10, 2013 5:13 pm


When the pollsters at Pew asked Democrats in January 2006 how they felt about the NSA's surveillance programs, 37 percent labeled the programs "acceptable," while 61 percent said they were unacceptable. Today, those numbers are exactly the opposite: 64 percent of Democrats now think the NSA's surveillance programs are acceptable, while only 34 percent say they're not.

Republicans polled much the same way (in reverse, obviously). Back in 2006, 75 percent of Republicans supported the NSA "scrutiniz[ing] phone calls and emails of suspected terrorists." Today, only 52 percent of Republicans say such actions are acceptable.

More at link and this link will take you directly to the Pew Poll.

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President - Hit & Run : Reason.com

What a jump in points! 37% to 64%. My what flip floppers liberals are!

Well, that's the end of this thread.:clap2:
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

Did you just wake up? In case you missed it we have this thing now called the internet
So when you watch a clip about FOX provided by say one of the left's favorite sources Media Matters your not watching FOX? Wise up.
I only have two things to say about that one Media Matters LMAO two you watch Fox and listen to talk radio everyday that's more than a bit sad.

What's wrong with Media Matters? I drive a lot so I listen to talk radio, when we come home from work we watch Fox later that evening. That's really 'sad'? I like listening to and debating opposing ideas instead of being in an 'echo chamber'. I like current events and what is going on in the world.
Whats wrong with Media Matters really? You mean outside of the fact it's one of the most biased dishonest sources out there only the farthest of the far left consider that a legitimate source of information moderate mainstream Democrats won't go anywhere near it.

WND and CNS are biased outlets as well. Do you have any examples of them Media Matters being dishonest? From what i have seen, they mostly post clips and commentary about what an individual has said.
no matter how the righties try to change the subject to "aha you watch fox" making this about the how they BELIEVE Media Matters lies (notice they never provide proof, they always side with suspicion. No facts)

The fact remains one of their own has flip flopped on this issue and seeing their past reflection and support for spying compared to their current hair on fire OMG-ness of it today is funny. They have to see that they supported all this spying based on emotion and fear. They NEVER IMAGINED that the spying would be used on them.

Its just like Obama and Romney campaings. They've told themselves the lie that Romney would win so often that Romney would win that when he didn't they were blown away. Bush told them the lie that no Americans were being spied on so often that even tho the dreaded MSM reported that wasn't true they still believed their beloved leader because who trusts the MSM right? DERP! Now they cant believe this is happening to Americans.

Repubs play checkers...they cannot see 2 moves ahead. Anyone with a brain saw this coming and KNEW it ALREADY DID HAPPEN with Repub support.
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

I am willing to bet that there are other outlets that cover hannitard and his hypocrisy. Media Matters comes to mind. I watch Foxnews and listen to neo-con talk radio everyday.

I wonder if [MENTION=36422]blackhawk[/MENTION] actually tihnks I got this off fox. Seriously, you think fox actually posted something that showed Hannity as a hypocrite.

I got this off You tube. You see, there is a thing called "search" in there. Its a new thing? Eh, just put in Hannity is a hypocrite and let the fun times begin.

Its so damn fun to watch what people put together in there. :doubt:
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And why do you try this same crap every single time someone on fox looks like a hypocrite. Address his hypocrisy or get out of this thread, maybe? Be a good little righty and defend this douche.


Why don't you be a good little lefty and defend all these douches who have flip flopped?

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President

Mike Riggs|Jun. 10, 2013 5:13 pm


When the pollsters at Pew asked Democrats in January 2006 how they felt about the NSA's surveillance programs, 37 percent labeled the programs "acceptable," while 61 percent said they were unacceptable. Today, those numbers are exactly the opposite: 64 percent of Democrats now think the NSA's surveillance programs are acceptable, while only 34 percent say they're not.

Republicans polled much the same way (in reverse, obviously). Back in 2006, 75 percent of Republicans supported the NSA "scrutiniz[ing] phone calls and emails of suspected terrorists." Today, only 52 percent of Republicans say such actions are acceptable.

More at link and this link will take you directly to the Pew Poll.

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President - Hit & Run : Reason.com

What a jump in points! 37% to 64%. My what flip floppers liberals are!

Well, that's the end of this thread.:clap2:

Pred you would think :lol:

They keep going though.....
Why do you watch FOX and then claim otherwise? You sound hypocritical.

As far as moronic threads go, you are really good.

Why is it liberals evolve in their thinking and conservatives when changing opinion are hypocritical.

Link or your a fucking liar.

God bless.

A link to what you watch? Lol! Talk about a fucking idiot.

That idiot said I watch fox then claim otherwise. First of all I never said I watched fox or said I didnt.

I get you tube clips about fox to show hypocrisy.

Fucking idiot.
What's wrong with Media Matters? I drive a lot so I listen to talk radio, when we come home from work we watch Fox later that evening. That's really 'sad'? I like listening to and debating opposing ideas instead of being in an 'echo chamber'. I like current events and what is going on in the world.
Whats wrong with Media Matters really? You mean outside of the fact it's one of the most biased dishonest sources out there only the farthest of the far left consider that a legitimate source of information moderate mainstream Democrats won't go anywhere near it.

WND and CNS are biased outlets as well. Do you have any examples of them Media Matters being dishonest? From what i have seen, they mostly post clips and commentary about what an individual has said.

Hey nice to see you again Pheonix.

It's so hard these days. I put up a good link but I'm telling you it's getting harder and harder and even more harder to find a link that can give me a spin (no big smurf) but that can give me the truth.

BBC. CBC. France 24 all left but will continue to actually report the news on the front page rather than an editorial.
Link or your a fucking liar.

God bless.

A link to what you watch? Lol! Talk about a fucking idiot.

That idiot said I watch fox then claim otherwise. First of all I never said I watched fox or said I didnt.

I get you tube clips about fox to show hypocrisy.

Fucking idiot.

Zona for true if you ever want great news, the spin is left but they still give you the real deal news go BBC, or my CBC, or France 24.

There's a second tier like the Telegraph, still left but great reporting. You see I don't mind these media outlets leaning left because they really do report the news and then one can decide from there.
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

I am willing to bet that there are other outlets that cover hannitard and his hypocrisy. Media Matters comes to mind. I watch Foxnews and listen to neo-con talk radio everyday.

I wonder if [MENTION=36422]blackhawk[/MENTION] actually tihnks I got this off fox. Seriously, you think fox actually posted something that showed Hannity as a hypocrite.

I got this off You tube. You see, there is a thing called "search" in there. Its a new thing? Eh, just put in Hannity is a hypocrite and let the fun times begin.

Its so damn fun to watch what people put together in there. :doubt:
Well that makes a lot more sense there is no better source than youtube a site where anyone can create and upload pretty much anything they want it's right up there with Wikipedia for accuracy and reliability.
So Hannity changed his position, that's bad and causes the partisan Dems, who were against the Patriot Act under Bush are now for it under Obama. Even Obama, who was all for repealing the Patriot Act, now is using it, like no other.

Polls show Dems in favor now, and Repubs against now.

Is there anyone out there that have had the same position, regardless of who was in charge?

I was against it then and now.

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