Hannity keeps repeating all the time: Obama is only president in history to not reach 3% GDP growth

Obama gave us the most anemic recovery from a severe recession in American history. GDP hovered around 1% his entire reign. Donald Trump took over and the engine of American growth started to roar. When you replace a pro-regulation, pro-nanny state anti-American with Donald Trump, this is what you get. WINNING!!
Trump vowed to be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created," but according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the number of jobs created during his first term was the lowest since 2011.

Obama gave us the most anemic recovery from a severe recession in American history. GDP hovered around 1% his entire reign. Donald Trump took over and the engine of American growth started to roar. When you replace a pro-regulation, pro-nanny state anti-American with Donald Trump, this is what you get. WINNING!!

So by roar you mean slightly higher growth than the year before? Yippee.
Obama gave us the most anemic recovery from a severe recession in American history. GDP hovered around 1% his entire reign. Donald Trump took over and the engine of American growth started to roar. When you replace a pro-regulation, pro-nanny state anti-American with Donald Trump, this is what you get. WINNING!!
Why that demigod Trump just went and got rid of every regulation and pro-nanny program, not...
It's expected that job growth isn't going to be as strong as it was after the recession officially ended. Anyone who's taken economics knows that after a fall there's always a big bounce back. It is special how long job growth has lasted though, but it won't reach the peak it did after the recession ended any time soon. . The thing that we should focus on is the fact that the big job growth hasn't coincided with wage growth and productivity gains.

The biggest job growth we've had since the 90's was when Clinton was president. Every president that inherited a recession did better at creating jobs, but Clinton's time was special because he ended his term with a surplus. Every other recession has ended with spending. I think a big factor in Clinton's surplus was his welfare reform, which was cut drastically forcing people to work. Welfare increased drastically during Obama's terms. The number of Americans below the poverty line grew 3.5 percent during Obama as well.

What Hannity means is that Obama is the only president in history to never preside over a single year with 3% GDP growth. 2.4% in 2014, 2.6% in 2015, then slowed to 1.6% in 2016. Trump has already presided over 3.2% growth his first year....

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