Hannity may be seeing the "writing on the wall"

Well, you're "right"....Folks like Gowdy and Comey are certified "flaming liberals" who are backing Clinton, much to the chagrin of the few remaining right wing loyalists, like you Ray.......Can't wait until 2024.....

Who said they were flaming liberals?
You're a liar. You cannot show where Liberals spent $19 trillion.

I can show where Republicans spent it: 2 wars off the books, a huge tax cut for the wealthy, an unpaid-for Medicare D, Bush's own stimulus in the early 2000s.

Another liberal that doesn't read earlier posts in a thread and then comments.
I've read this entire thread. If you believe I've missed a post that lists Liberal spending under Obama, please direct me to it, so that I may destroy it with facts and reality.

Or are you just talking out your ass? I guess I'll find out.
Hannity didn't say they endorsed Obama. He said they've been more harsh towards Trump than they have towards Obama.
Did the Republicans yell "You lie" during Trump's acceptance speech like the GOP did during Obama's SOTU address?????
Of course not, just another Right-wing lie mindlessly parroted by the echo chamber.
Why would any actual conservative support this jerk? If you had an ounce of integrity in you Ray, you would be condemning Trump as much as you do Hitlery.

Why would I support a free criminal that put our country at risk, will change the balance of the Supreme Court for at least the remainder of my lifetime and beyond, and can easily be blackmailed by our enemies with her stupid emails?

I'm not voting for Trump, I'm voting against Hillary, and I will do anything in my power to see that she doesn't get back in that White House.
If you vote against Hillary, you are helping to put an incompetent mentally derange demigod in the white house. If you think that's better than Hillary, you're dead wrong.
Oh...eyes closed, eh? Nothing to see here, folks....priest pedophile issue all fixed now?
Keep rooting for people who oppress women and treat them worse than dogs, stupid. You may want to be a man, you may act like a man, but you're not a man, stupid. When Sharia Law gets implemented in California, they'll rape you and then stone you to death for being "promiscuous". And the rest of us will laugh at you're stupidity leading to your own misery and death. Darwin at its finest here folks... :eusa_doh:
Hannity didn't say they endorsed Obama. He said they've been more harsh towards Trump than they have towards Obama.
Did the Republicans yell "You lie" during Trump's acceptance speech like the GOP did during Obama's SOTU address?????
Of course not, just another Right-wing lie mindlessly parroted by the echo chamber.
Oohhhhhhh...."you lie!"? Oh the humanity! How did anyone survive that? Why am I not surprised that "safe space" hypersensitive libtards find "you lie" to be harsh? :lmao:
I guess women don't count...to you, and the handicapped don't count...to you, and former POWS don't count...to you.
You fucktard liberals have nothing....and America sees that....
Think about it O - over 100 years of liberalism and literally only one "idea": have government control it.

Think healthcare costs are "too high"? Demand government control it. Think firearms are "too scary"? Demand government control them. Think people can't handle financing their retirement? Demand government control it.

Over 100 years and these mental midgets can't come up with a single solution other than "demand government control it".
the internet is my choice of entertainment.
.....and we certainly hope you're enjoying the right wing meltdown........
That's hilarious coming from a party that could only find two people to run for president - one an emotionally unstable sociopath and the other an 80 year old communist. And they had to rig the election to knock out the 80 year old communist. :lmao:
Come on stupid - tell us again what "wonderful" people muslims are. And no - this is not some rare exception. This is the norm with these animals. What kind of piece of shit man sells his daughter?!?

Afghan girl, six, forced to marry man, 55, in exchange for a GOAT
So, conservatives want to tell Afghans what to do, also? Sorry - all your nation-building has failed. But that Halliburton stock sure went up, didn't it?
So liberals want to stand by and cheer on women being horrifically abused? Why am I not surprised? The Dumbocrat war on women continues...
I'll start you off: $725 billion for the stimulus (although 1/3 of it was tax cuts).
You can't increase debt by less revenue genius. :lmao:

You can only increase debt by spending. If the federal government cut all taxes to 0% and had no money coming in at all (not even a single penny) but they didn't write a single check for anything (not even payroll for government employees) - guess what their debt would be? $0.

It's fall down hilarious how liberals don't have a single clue about basic economics and basic finance.
Come on stupid....tell us again how "wonderful" these animals are:

Muslim father 'murdered his THREE daughters in honour killing'
Then why did you support leaders whose policy was nation-building in Afghanistan and Iraq?
There was no "nation-building" policy in Afghanistan. We went into Afghanistan because of 9/11 genius. You've swallowed the liberal lies for so long you actually forgot one of the biggest events in U.S. history. :lmao:

By the way - remind me which post I stated that I "supported" George W. Bush?
....and now it has begun.......Below is what Hannity spewed on his radio show: (poor, poor Sean.....LOL)

"If in 96 days Trump loses this election, I am pointing the finger directly at people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and John McCain and John Kasich and Ted Cruz -- if he won’t endorse – and Jeb Bush and everybody else that made promises they’re not keeping," Hannity said.

He added: "I have watched these Republicans be more harsh towards Donald Trump than they’ve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda ... . They did nothing. Nothing."
Yep, Hannity's right, and fuck him. He and the rest could have got behind Kasich, they did not, so fuck him and Comrade Donald, too.
Well that would be one hell of a trick considering that national debt has gone from $10 trillion to over $19 trillion.
Due to what? Give me specific Obama spending bills that add up to $9 trillion. I'll start you off: $725 billion for the stimulus (although 1/3 of it was tax cuts). Now you give me the other $8.75 trillion.
Due to ignorant liberal socialism. For instance - like all liberals - you ignorantly believe that Obama had a "stimulus package". The thing is, like everything Obama did, it failed miserably. There were three rounds of stimulus packages genius. If you paid attention to what you government was doing instead of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, you would actually know what the Omnibus spending bill was (now quick - Google it sweetie).

Or you would know about the "corporate welfare" that you condemn which Obama gladly gave to bailout Wall Street, then bail out GM, then to bail out Chrysler. How about the half a billion dollars just to Solyndra alone when they knew it would still file bankruptcy and go out of business? Obama has to make sure his green energy pals go home as multi-millionaires!

How about Obamacare? An unconstitutional government program that Obama and the Dumbocrats implemented with no way to pay for it. Here are actual examples of reckless spending by Obama annually just to throw money around to buy votes/elections:

Forest Service to Replace Windows in Visitor Center Closed in 2007 (Amboy, WA) - $554,763
Despite having no plans to reopen a shuttered visitor center at Mount St. Helens in Washington State, the U.S. Forest Service is spending more than $554,000 to replace its windows.

2. “Dance Draw” - Interactive Dance Software Development (Charlotte, NC) - $762,372
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte received more than $760,000 in stimulus funds to help develop a computerized choreography program that its creators believe could lead to a YouTube-like “Dance Tube” online application.

3. North Shore Connector to Professional Sports Stadiums, Casino (Pittsburgh, PA) - $62 million
ederal money has covered the vast majority of costs, with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) agreeing to provide $348 million—nearly the full original cost—leaving state and local governments responsible for a small fraction.30 Even with that level of assistance, the Port Authority still threatened to shut down the project due to the enormous cost overruns. With an infusion of more than $62 million in stimulus money, the project was taken off life support.

4. FEMA Stalls Two Fire Stations More Than a Year, Increases Costs (San Antonio, TX) - $7.3 million
The City of San Antonio is hoping that there aren’t any fires for at least a year in the vicinity of two planned fire stations, thanks to “help” from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

5. Abandoned Train Station Converted Into Museum (Glassboro, NJ) - $1.2 million
Taxpayers may not be happy to learn that they are paying for one broken down train station twice. The Glassboro train station was built in 1860 and closed in 1971. Unused for nearly 40 years, it now sits boarded up and riddled with graffiti.

6. Ants Talk. Taxpayers Listen (San Francisco, CA) - $1.9 million
The California Academy of Sciences is receiving nearly $2 million to send researchers to the Southwest Indian Ocean Islands and east Africa, to capture, photograph, and analyze thousands of exotic ants.

7. Stimulus Project Threatens Pastor’s House (Newark, OH) - $1.8 million
An Ohio road project received $1.8 million in stimulus funds, despite the threat it poses to the residents of over two dozen homes next to it. Pastor Greg Sheets of Newark, Ohio’s Truth Tabernacle 57 has already lost his front yard to the project, and could lose his entire home.

8. Old Abandoned Iron Furnace Gets Facelift after Money Squandered on Same Project Years Before (Fitchburg, KY) – $357,710
Once considered ahead of its time, the Fitchburg Furnace in Kentucky was abandoned after just five years in service—it then sat unused for nearly 140 more. Now it is getting a $357,710 makeover to repair stonework on the old structure and allow historians to conduct research.

9. Power Plant Construction Won’t Start for at Least Two Years (Kern County, CA) - $308 million
BP may have found itself staring down huge financial losses over the past several months, but executives can take solace knowing that a stimulus windfall will help offset them. On September 28, 2009, Hydrogen Energy California, LLC (HECA), owned largely by BP, was awarded $308 million86 in stimulus funds to “generate more environmentally friendly electricity by capturing carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.”

10. Town Replaces New Sidewalks With Newer Sidewalks That Lead to Ditch (Boynton, OK) - $89,298
People around Boynton, Oklahoma were left scratching their heads after the town was awarded nearly $90,00096 to replace a quarter-mile stretch of sidewalk that was replaced only five years ago. Another resident, Mike Lance, noted that “the best indication of the absurdity of the project is what the contractor did with a section of sidewalk at the north end of town – one that fronts no homes or businesses, and leads directly into a ditch.”

I could go on all day but I just exposed your astounding ignorance and hypocrisy so I'll stop here and just do my victory dance...

Obama has never been any real danger to the Republican Party. Trump on the other hand is a clear and present danger to the party. At a time when the party must change with the changing demographics, Trump is trying to lead the party in opposite direction. He is trying to muster together anti black, Muslim, and Hispanics with those that hate the government for any reason. If Trump is elected the ideology that has defined the party will cease to exist.

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Piss off on the changing demographics. And where is the hate for Muslims or Hispanics?
Why would you want anybody hate Muslims or Hispanics? And you wonder why people of your mindset are a dying breed??
We can only hope. Stupid AND angry is no way to go through life.

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