Hannity may be seeing the "writing on the wall"

End of 2008 was a wild spending party including TARP allocaton. TARP loan packages were paid back in later years. This skews the final GWB numbers as we have pointed out numerous times. reportedly they delayed much spending until Mar 09 to really pour it on. It was a wild crazy time, spending our money.

There was a deficit in all of GWB years, by no means was anyone doing dance of joy. 88bil for AIDS in Africa, dept of homeland securuty created........on and on. Housing crash blew it all up.

But somehow BO has managed to keep spending at TARP stimulous levels throughout. A small bit less due to "sequesrer"? They are all in on it, robbing us blind and spending $1T over each year avg last 9 years. Yes, $20T by OCT 2017
Hillary is more fiscally conservative than doucheballz, and social conservatism is evil

Murdering babies is liberal compassion? Seems all you democrats have short circuited and the head freak wants to be out president.
Did you ask me my views on abortion?

Go away.
He wasn't referring to abortion.
The short-circuited brain fart said "social conservatism is evil". SocCon issues is with abortion. If he thinks it is evil, then he believes in murdering babies. An undeniable Truth.
Hillary is more fiscally conservative than doucheballz, and social conservatism is evil

Murdering babies is liberal compassion? Seems all you democrats have short circuited and the head freak wants to be out president.
Did you ask me my views on abortion?

Go away.
He wasn't referring to abortion.
The short-circuited brain fart said "social conservatism is evil". SocCon issues is with abortion, if you think it is evil, then he believes in murdering babies. An undeniable Truth.
Social conservatism as a whole you dipshit, not every minute aspect - on a MACRO level.

Can you hold 2 thoughts in your brain at the same time, even? I wonder...
That's hilarious coming from a party that could only find two people to run for president - one an emotionally unstable sociopath and the other an 80 year old communist. And they had to rig the election to knock out the 80 year old communist.

ooooh, you're neglecting O'Malley and Webb...tsk. tsk......But some good news.......

Look at what your party 17 candidates have given us .....LOL
Trump is a dead man walking because HRC is a better choice and because it is hard to find a group Trump hasn't insulted
Link to prove your short circuited brain fart. Outside of illegal aliens criminally entering our country and ISIS terrorists who will be entering with UNVETTED Syrian refugees, Trump hasn't insulted any group.

Those with Physical Disabilities
Low Wage Earners
You throw up straw man arguments and proclaim victory. It doesn't work that way. I'm afraid you've failed at proving anything, not that I would waste time expecting I'd get honesty from you.
That's hilarious coming from a party that could only find two people to run for president - one an emotionally unstable sociopath and the other an 80 year old communist. And they had to rig the election to knock out the 80 year old communist.


Hannity didn't say they endorsed Obama. He said they've been more harsh towards Trump than they have towards Obama.
Did the Republicans yell "You lie" during Trump's acceptance speech like the GOP did during Obama's SOTU address?????
Of course not, just another Right-wing lie mindlessly parroted by the echo chamber.
Oohhhhhhh...."you lie!"? Oh the humanity! How did anyone survive that? Why am I not surprised that "safe space" hypersensitive libtards find "you lie" to be harsh? :lmao:
You lie!
Social conservatism as a whole you dipshit, not every minute aspect - on a MACRO level.
Social conservatives are the moral ones in America today. Liberal whack jobs prove that every day. You Leftists hate any opinion that is not your own twisted idea of good. We've lived through 7 years of hate with a pathetic president blaming white people for all the social ills in society. All this ObamaNation nonsense is going to be reversed quickly once republicans are in charge. Count on your criminal candidate ending up in prison thanks to Trump's Attorney General Christie. Republicans don't put up with criminals running loose or vote for them like Democrat Leftists do.
If you vote against Hillary, you are helping to put an incompetent mentally derange demigod in the white house. If you think that's better than Hillary, you're dead wrong.

Let me tell you, if Ronald McDonald were running against Hillary, I'd vote for the clown any day of the week.
Hannity has been creating the angry Republican base for decades
Now his base finally has the candidate of their dreams. Loud, rude and incapable of leading the country
You call what Obama the dumbass leading the Country? "Lead from behind" is his motto. Thanks to him, the world has ISIS to contend with.
Social conservatism as a whole you dipshit, not every minute aspect - on a MACRO level.
Social conservatives are the moral ones in America today. Liberal whack jobs prove that every day. You Leftists hate any opinion that is not your own twisted idea of good. We've lived through 7 years of hate with a pathetic president blaming white people for all the social ills in society. All this ObamaNation nonsense is going to be reversed quickly once republicans are in charge. Count on your criminal candidate ending up in prison thanks to Trump's Attorney General Christie. Republicans don't put up with criminals running loose or vote for them like Democrat Leftists do.
You dont know my views on: anything.

The way you seethe such anger and hostility and preach all judgey judgey and shit only suggest to me you're not an ideal human to have any conversation with. Youre too angry, closed, irrational and confused.

Buzz like a bumble bee off into obscurity, like your views, apparently.
I've read this entire thread. If you believe I've missed a post that lists Liberal spending under Obama, please direct me to it, so that I may destroy it with facts and reality.

Or are you just talking out your ass? I guess I'll find out.

Yes you will, right now. And it's not about the spending, it's about this liberal BS that the war and Medicare part D were never paid for:

From evil Right-wing Politifact:

Our ruling

A Facebook posts says, "Bush ‘borrowed’ $1.37 trillion of Social Security surplus revenue to pay for his tax cuts for the rich and his war in Iraq and never paid it back."

By law, the Social Security surplus is converted into bonds, and the cash is used by the Treasury to pay for government expenses. If we agree that this is "borrowing," every president since 1935 has done it, to fund all sorts of things. Even if Bush "borrowed" from the surplus, the amount is more like $708 billion, and the borrowing wasn’t earmarked for a special purposes.

As for not "paying back," the bonds won’t need to be repaid until 2020.

Overall, the claim is misleading and confuses many points. So we rate it Mostly False.

If you vote against Hillary, you are helping to put an incompetent mentally derange demigod in the white house. If you think that's better than Hillary, you're dead wrong.

Let me tell you, if Ronald McDonald were running against Hillary, I'd vote for the clown any day of the week.
The only clown you have is Trump
You're a liar. You cannot show where Liberals spent $19 trillion.

I can show where Republicans spent it: 2 wars off the books, a huge tax cut for the wealthy, an unpaid-for Medicare D, Bush's own stimulus in the early 2000s.

Another liberal that doesn't read earlier posts in a thread and then comments.
I've read this entire thread. If you believe I've missed a post that lists Liberal spending under Obama, please direct me to it, so that I may destroy it with facts and reality.

Or are you just talking out your ass? I guess I'll find out.
Obama was given no more spending limits and he has never had a balanced budget yet. That Debt Clock doesn't lie.
Hannity has been creating the angry Republican base for decades
Now his base finally has the candidate of their dreams. Loud, rude and incapable of leading the country
You call what Obama the dumbass leading the Country? "Lead from behind" is his motto. Thanks to him, the world has ISIS to contend with.

Leading from behind results in not deploying our troops to do the fighting and allowing our allies to take a more active role. It is about time the U.S. Has someone else to be the worlds policeman
ooooh, you're neglecting O'Malley and Webb...tsk. tsk......But some good news.......

Look at what your party 17 candidates have given us .....LOL[/QUOTE]

A lifetime successful businessman mostly "outsider" whoknows how to make and save a buck. He knows what silly crap business has to put up with. No drink smoke or drug. No felonies? That is what popped out of 18 person woodchipper, intact. The Donald!

Don't worry, it will only seem like 4 years. TrumPence to ye, my son!
Come on stupid - tell us again what "wonderful" people muslims are. And no - this is not some rare exception. This is the norm with these animals. What kind of piece of shit man sells his daughter?!?

Afghan girl, six, forced to marry man, 55, in exchange for a GOAT
So, conservatives want to tell Afghans what to do, also? Sorry - all your nation-building has failed. But that Halliburton stock sure went up, didn't it?
So liberals want to stand by and cheer on women being horrifically abused? Why am I not surprised? The Dumbocrat war on women continues...
So you want to be the world's policemen?

Sorry - we Americans are not interested. But feel free to hop on a plane to Afghanistan. Go right some wrongs.
I'll start you off: $725 billion for the stimulus (although 1/3 of it was tax cuts).
You can't increase debt by less revenue genius. :lmao:

You can only increase debt by spending. If the federal government cut all taxes to 0% and had no money coming in at all (not even a single penny) but they didn't write a single check for anything (not even payroll for government employees) - guess what their debt would be? $0.

It's fall down hilarious how liberals don't have a single clue about basic economics and basic finance.
So show me where Obama spent $8.75 trillion.

You can't - you're a fraud.
Come on stupid....tell us again how "wonderful" these animals are:

Muslim father 'murdered his THREE daughters in honour killing'
Then why did you support leaders whose policy was nation-building in Afghanistan and Iraq?
There was no "nation-building" policy in Afghanistan. We went into Afghanistan because of 9/11 genius. You've swallowed the liberal lies for so long you actually forgot one of the biggest events in U.S. history. :lmao:

By the way - remind me which post I stated that I "supported" George W. Bush?
Of course there was nation-building in Afghanistan. Along with huge payoffs to tribal leaders.

And of course you supported Bush. All you wingnuts did. Even your username screams neo-con.

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