Hannity may be seeing the "writing on the wall"

Trump is a dead man walking because HRC is a better choice and because it is hard to find a group Trump hasn't insulted
Link to prove your short circuited brain fart. Outside of illegal aliens criminally entering our country and ISIS terrorists who will be entering with UNVETTED Syrian refugees, Trump hasn't insulted any group.
I guess women don't count...to you, and the handicapped don't count...to you, and former POWS don't count...to you.
You fucktard liberals have nothing....and America sees that....
Hannity has been creating the angry Republican base for decades
Now his base finally has the candidate of their dreams. Loud, rude and incapable of leading the country

In almost all walks of life, to get a better job, you usually hire the person with the most experience. In this election, those that ran have inferior resumes to one woman; HRC. She served as both Senator and Secretary of State. Her opponent in the General Election has never served a day in the Public Sector.

So if there is a CEO with a world of experience, but he’s been known to embezzle money from his past employers, do you hire him simply because he has experience?
And if there was any proof of such thievery in the case of HRC…she would be behind bars. She isn’t. We’ll see about Drumpf and Trump University.

Yes, Hillary does have much more experience than Trump, but what has her experiences been? Anything noteworthy has been a negative experience.

For the most part, that is what you can say about anyone who served in the positions she has had. Wartime Secretaries of State are able to manage the Department of State one way; those who have had presidents who have eased tensions, managed crosses, and not had large scale deployments are “condemned” to being managers.
Trump is a dead man walking because HRC is a better choice and because it is hard to find a group Trump hasn't insulted
Link to prove your short circuited brain fart. Outside of illegal aliens criminally entering our country and ISIS terrorists who will be entering with UNVETTED Syrian refugees, Trump hasn't insulted any group.
I guess women don't count...to you, and the handicapped don't count...to you, and former POWS don't count...to you.

I forgot about the ex POWs.
Try this: See that red box in the upper right hand corner at the top of the page marked ALERTS. Before you post, it's a good idea to go there and see who responded to your last idiocy and what they posted.

Very, VERY helpful, Ray.......Cleveland is very lucky to have you and we very much rely upon you for directions....such as telling us that there's that little "red box in the upper right hand corner"........I mean, its brilliance like yours that constitutes the "hallmark" of right wing intelligence......Thank you.
Very, VERY helpful, Ray.......Cleveland is very lucky to have you and we very much rely upon you for directions....such as telling us that there's that little "red box in the upper right hand corner"........I mean, its brilliance like yours that constitutes the "hallmark" of right wing intelligence......Thank you.

No problem. This is what's called compassionate conservatism. We won't go to your home and click that red box every time you need to, but we will teach you how to do it yourself so you can be more self-reliant and not depend on anybody else in the future. :banana::banana::banana:
No problem. This is what's called compassionate conservatism. We won't go to your home and click that red box every time you need to, but we will teach you how to do it yourself so you can be more self-reliant and not depend on anybody else in the future.

So, to get back on topic........Will you be throwing out your beloved "Sean Hannity is my hero" T-Shirt?
And if there was any proof of such thievery in the case of HRC…she would be behind bars. She isn’t. We’ll see about Drumpf and Trump University.

Trump University is a civil suit. There was no criminal activity.

Hillary on the other hand lied to Congress and the American people repeatedly about those emails which were proven to be lies and confirmed as much by Comey in his testimony to Congress.

The fact that Hillary isn't behind bars for the nefarious things she's done is one of the reasons we need a major overhaul in our federal government. If any other American outside the back-scratching circle of Hillary and her ilk did anything near what she did, they would be in jail forever. Hell, they seen to it that a guy who made a video spent over a year in prison just to shut him up, and his video had nothing to do with Benghazi. It was yet another lie by this administration.
So, to get back on topic........Will you be throwing out your beloved "Sean Hannity is my hero" T-Shirt?

To be honest, I don't watch his show. I don't have my satellite radio anymore, so I don't listen to him on the radio either.

I don't spend much time (especially in the summer) watching my 80" television set. My only loyalty to television is the Bill O' show, COPS, and Property Brothers on HGTV. Other than that, the internet is my choice of entertainment.
Hillary on the other hand lied to Congress and the American people repeatedly about those emails which were proven to be lies and confirmed as much by Comey in his testimony to Congress.

Well, you're "right"....Folks like Gowdy and Comey are certified "flaming liberals" who are backing Clinton, much to the chagrin of the few remaining right wing loyalists, like you Ray.......Can't wait until 2024.....
....and now it has begun.......Below is what Hannity spewed on his radio show: (poor, poor Sean.....LOL)

"If in 96 days Trump loses this election, I am pointing the finger directly at people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and John McCain and John Kasich and Ted Cruz -- if he won’t endorse – and Jeb Bush and everybody else that made promises they’re not keeping," Hannity said.

He added: "I have watched these Republicans be more harsh towards Donald Trump than they’ve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda ... . They did nothing. Nothing."

Ahhhh, he is just mad cause no one has waterboarded him yet...
It certainly couldn't be Trump's fault. Gotta love that personal responsibility from Hannity. lol

Yup, typical Comrade T surrogate....blame everyone except loud mouth Comrade T.
You obviously don't know any Muslims... I have plenty of Muslim friends and they are great people. Ive been to Turkey and it was one of the nicest most hospitable countries I have ever been to... You're just plain ignorant, there is not more to say about it
Come on stupid - tell us again what "wonderful" people muslims are. And no - this is not some rare exception. This is the norm with these animals.

What kind of piece of shit man sells his daughter?!?

Afghan girl, six, forced to marry man, 55, in exchange for a GOAT
So, conservatives want to tell Afghans what to do, also?

Sorry - all your nation-building has failed. But that Halliburton stock sure went up, didn't it?
We're $19 trillion in debt chief. The well has dried up. There is no more money. Liberals blew through it all. Time to accept reality. I know that is difficult for you.
You're a liar. You cannot show where Liberals spent $19 trillion.

I can show where Republicans spent it: 2 wars off the books, a huge tax cut for the wealthy, an unpaid-for Medicare D, Bush's own stimulus in the early 2000s.
You're a liar. You cannot show where Liberals spent $19 trillion.

I can show where Republicans spent it: 2 wars off the books, a huge tax cut for the wealthy, an unpaid-for Medicare D, Bush's own stimulus in the early 2000s.

Another liberal that doesn't read earlier posts in a thread and then comments.

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