Hannity may be seeing the "writing on the wall"

LMAO!!! Hey chief.....deficit is the annual gap between what was brought in and what was spent. The national debt is the cumulative tab on all of those annual deficits.

God do you take stupid to unprecedented levels. It's very clear why you vote Dumbocra

Ah, you looked the definitions up....Good for you and thank the grown up for showing you how,,,,

Now, to round out your mini-education COMPREHEND the difference between deficit and debt.....LOL

(BTW, moron.....this thread is about your fallen "hero" Hannity, not about Obama......)
Blew through it all? There has been nothing for the past hundred years. We operate via a game of numbers now, ones and zeros, supply and demand. Welcome to the balancing act
If you're $19 trillion in debt - nothing is "balanced". The act bombed. The scale is so far to the left, the damn thing tipped over.

It's ok brother - I get. You're a liberal. Economics and finance are beyond your comprehension.
How ever have we been able to function and even, dare I say prosper, over the past 100+ years given the fact we've been in debt and running deficits??
Well that would be one hell of a trick considering that national debt has gone from $10 trillion to over $19 trillion.
but, not ONE of this right wingers can ever explain what GWB never put the $3.2 TRILLION that he spent on his wars, into the deficit books...
Bwahahahahaha! Is that how it works in your broken mind cupcake? There is a "deficit book" that the president writes in and can choose whether or not to add their debt to it? :lmao:

Holy Jesus...you're like a precious, precocious little child. It's so cute I almost can't stand. No wait...I actually can't stand it.

First of all - all debt is factored in for each president annually. A president cannot be responsible for a debt 20 years from now. Any and all bonds that were sold to fund a president's agenda take into account what was sold, the interest on it, etc.

Second - as far as the wars go - Barack Obama has full power to bring our troops home any time he wants. Not only has he not done that - he has actually expanded military actions across the entire Middle East (Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, etc.).

You really are one of the more astoundingly ignorant posters on USMB.
LMAO!!! Hey chief.....deficit is the annual gap between what was brought in and what was spent. The national debt is the cumulative tab on all of those annual deficits.

God do you take stupid to unprecedented levels. It's very clear why you vote Dumbocra

Ah, you looked the definitions up....Good for you and thank the grown up for showing you how,,,,

Now, to round out your mini-education COMPREHEND the difference between deficit and debt.....LOL

(BTW, moron.....this thread is about your fallen "hero" Hannity, not about Obama......)
Bwahahaha! I had to explain it to you and now you want to pretend like you knew what you were talking about when clearly you didn't?!? :lmao:

No wonder you want to get back to Hannity... (psst...stupid...you can't get debt unless you have deficit). :bang3:
....and now it has begun.......Below is what Hannity spewed on his radio show: (poor, poor Sean.....LOL)

"If in 96 days Trump loses this election, I am pointing the finger directly at people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and John McCain and John Kasich and Ted Cruz -- if he won’t endorse – and Jeb Bush and everybody else that made promises they’re not keeping," Hannity said.

He added: "I have watched these Republicans be more harsh towards Donald Trump than they’ve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda ... . They did nothing. Nothing."

Liar! Not a single republican stood up and endorsed Obama.
He added: "I have watched these Republicans be more harsh towards Donald Trump than they’ve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda ... . They did nothing. Nothing."

Liar! Not a single republican stood up and endorsed Obama.
Reading comprehension asshat. Reading comprehension. Hannity didn't say they endorsed Obama. He said they've been more harsh towards Trump than they have towards Obama. God you liberals are so illiterate. I finally understand why you people vote Dumbocrat. You'd never survive on your own. :bang3:
He added: "I have watched these Republicans be more harsh towards Donald Trump than they’ve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda ... . They did nothing. Nothing."

Liar! Not a single republican stood up and endorsed Obama.
Reading comprehension asshat. Reading comprehension. Hannity didn't say they endorsed Obama. He said they've been more harsh towards Trump than they have towards Obama. God you liberals are so illiterate. I finally understand why you people vote Dumbocrat. You'd never survive on your own. :bang3:

I've never voted for a democrat in my entire life. "Dumbo". My post was a joke but you are so obtuse you can't see the forest for the trees. Why would any republican have stood up for Obama? DUH!
He added: "I have watched these Republicans be more harsh towards Donald Trump than they’ve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda ... . They did nothing. Nothing."

Liar! Not a single republican stood up and endorsed Obama.
Reading comprehension asshat. Reading comprehension. Hannity didn't say they endorsed Obama. He said they've been more harsh towards Trump than they have towards Obama. God you liberals are so illiterate. I finally understand why you people vote Dumbocrat. You'd never survive on your own. :bang3:

I've never voted for a democrat in my entire life. "Dumbo". My post was a joke but you are so obtuse you can't see the forest for the trees. Why would any republican have stood up for Obama? DUH!
Now this exchange is classic... Perhaps p@triot should take his own advice
Now this exchange is classic... Perhaps p@triot should take his own advice

P@attsyo is just another low-intelligence right winger who likes to come on here for his daily share of abuse,,,masochists sort of like the abuse. LOL
Agreed... Without the block job from congress Obama would have spent much more, including on the military so the attacks on the right against Obama for a reduced military are just as bunk as the claims from the left that he reduced the deficit

No, because a good part of it was the sequester which Obama initiated. When the sequester kicked in, it automatically reduced military spending no matter what anybody did.
"Obama initiated"? Lolol. "Green Eggs & Ham"
You obviously don't know any Muslims... I have plenty of Muslim friends and they are great people. Ive been to Turkey and it was one of the nicest most hospitable countries I have ever been to... You're just plain ignorant, there is not more to say about it
Come on stupid - tell us again what "wonderful" people muslims are. And no - this is not some rare exception. This is the norm with these animals.

What kind of piece of shit man sells his daughter?!?

Afghan girl, six, forced to marry man, 55, in exchange for a GOAT
Broadbrushing an entire group is fun and easy, isn't it?
You obviously don't know any Muslims... I have plenty of Muslim friends and they are great people. Ive been to Turkey and it was one of the nicest most hospitable countries I have ever been to... You're just plain ignorant, there is not more to say about it
Come on stupid - tell us again what "wonderful" people muslims are. And no - this is not some rare exception. This is the norm with these animals.

What kind of piece of shit man sells his daughter?!?
you don't know shit man... You're a fucking puppet that believes whatever the media has spoon feed you. Get out and live and experience these things for yourself. There are sick fucks in all races and religions. For you to pick a religion over over a billion people and judge based on actions of an extreme distorted fraction is simply foolish. Wake up
Come on stupid....tell us again

Afghan girl, six, forced to marry man, 55, in exchange for a GOAT
Wow, one case... Should I find a white Christian that got arrested for doing something fucked up to little girls then damn all Christians for his actions?
Pick a Catholic priest...any Catholic priest....
Hillary is more fiscally conservative than doucheballz, and social conservatism is evil

Murdering babies is liberal compassion? Seems all you democrats have short circuited and the head freak wants to be out president.
Murdering babies? Like Andrea Yates...killing her babies because her "god" told her to?
You obviously don't know any Muslims... I have plenty of Muslim friends and they are great people. Ive been to Turkey and it was one of the nicest most hospitable countries I have ever been to... You're just plain ignorant, there is not more to say about it
Come on stupid - tell us again what "wonderful" people muslims are. And no - this is not some rare exception. This is the norm with these animals.

What kind of piece of shit man sells his daughter?!?
you don't know shit man... You're a fucking puppet that believes whatever the media has spoon feed you. Get out and live and experience these things for yourself. There are sick fucks in all races and religions. For you to pick a religion over over a billion people and judge based on actions of an extreme distorted fraction is simply foolish. Wake up
Come on stupid....tell us again

Afghan girl, six, forced to marry man, 55, in exchange for a GOAT
Wow, one case... Should I find a white Christian that got arrested for doing something fucked up to little girls then damn all Christians for his actions?
But it's not "one case". It's systemic with muslims. It is the norm.
Do you know what "the norm" means?
you don't know shit man... You're a fucking puppet that believes whatever the media has spoon feed you. Get out and live and experience these things for yourself. There are sick fucks in all races and religions. For you to pick a religion over over a billion people and judge based on actions of an extreme distorted fraction is simply foolish. Wake up
Come on stupid....tell us again

Afghan girl, six, forced to marry man, 55, in exchange for a GOAT
Wow, one case... Should I find a white Christian that got arrested for doing something fucked up to little girls then damn all Christians for his actions?
But it's not "one case". It's systemic with muslims. It is the norm.
Remember when the norm for the Catholic Church was to molest little boys???
And do you hear me defending Catholic priests?!? No. Because I'm not like you.
You haven't been speaking out against them either....hmmmmmm
Hillary is more fiscally conservative than doucheballz, and social conservatism is evil

Murdering babies is liberal compassion? Seems all you democrats have short circuited and the head freak wants to be out president.
Murdering babies? Like Andrea Yates...killing her babies because her "god" told her to?
No....like you democrats mudering them for profit.....

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