Hannity may be seeing the "writing on the wall"

Muslims blow up, shoot or now knife civilians every day forever.

Mexicans (and other) run criminals and drugs across USA border daily. This puts drain on our earnings and hurts USA children. What part of that are we supposed to overlook?
have you ever seen the stats....on a per day basis.....on average....who kills more...americans or terror attacks? i mean like....murderers.. like.. chicago, all that. just a thought experiment for you lemme know what ya find then, ill let you know theres like 1.2 or 1.6 billion muslims and only like 320mil americans i love math, and i love media.
Clearly you do not love common sense though.... :eusa_doh:
Kay budd
Why would any actual conservative support this jerk? If you had an ounce of integrity in you Ray, you would be condemning Trump as much as you do Hitlery.

Why would I support a free criminal that put our country at risk, will change the balance of the Supreme Court for at least the remainder of my lifetime and beyond, and can easily be blackmailed by our enemies with her stupid emails?

I'm not voting for Trump, I'm voting against Hillary, and I will do anything in my power to see that she doesn't get back in that White House.
And it's that form of insanity that has given America Barack Obama, George Bush, and Bill Clinton. There are plenty of good options between those two assholes (Trump and Clinton). Stop playing politics and vote your conscious.
Agreed... Without the block job from congress Obama would have spent much more, including on the military so the attacks on the right against Obama for a reduced military are just as bunk as the claims from the left that he reduced the deficit

No, because a good part of it was the sequester which Obama initiated. When the sequester kicked in, it automatically reduced military spending no matter what anybody did.
Which Obama initiated??? I gotta hear your explanation of this one...
Yeah. Obama and the Dumbocrats insisted that the military be part of sequestration and as usual - John Boehner and his cronies caved.
Why would you want anybody hate Muslims or Hispanics?
Why wouldn't you hate muslims? There is something seriously wrong with you if you can't see the inherent and systemic problem with those people and their religion. They preach "jihad". Millions and millions of them either engage in terrorism or support terrorism. And nearly all of them treat women worse than animals.

Your problem is you and your side would rather shake hands with the devil and pander to pure evil to get elected than stand on principle.
You obviously don't know any Muslims... I have plenty of Muslim friends and they are great people. Ive been to Turkey and it was one of the nicest most hospitable countries I have ever been to... You're just plain ignorant, there is not more to say about it
Lol. The establishment republicans bow to the fucking whore what do you mean?
Way to attract those women voters.
That's an amazing comment coming from the side calling Melania a "whore" and the side supporting Hitlery Clinton when she spent her life viciously attacking the victims of her husband's endless sexual assaults so that she could continue to ride his coattails for wealth and power. :eusa_doh:
Agreed... Without the block job from congress Obama would have spent much more, including on the military so the attacks on the right against Obama for a reduced military are just as bunk as the claims from the left that he reduced the deficit

No, because a good part of it was the sequester which Obama initiated. When the sequester kicked in, it automatically reduced military spending no matter what anybody did.
Which Obama initiated??? I gotta hear your explanation of this one...
Yeah. Obama and the Dumbocrats insisted that the military be part of sequestration and as usual - John Boehner and his cronies caved.
What a joke... Sequestration is an a cross the board cut, it could have been avoided if congress would have pulled their heads out of their asses and worked with the budget put forth by their commander in chief.
Why would you want anybody hate Muslims or Hispanics?
Why wouldn't you hate muslims? There is something seriously wrong with you if you can't see the inherent and systemic problem with those people and their religion. They preach "jihad". Millions and millions of them either engage in terrorism or support terrorism. And nearly all of them treat women worse than animals.

Your problem is you and your side would rather shake hands with the devil and pander to pure evil to get elected than stand on principle.
You obviously don't know any Muslims... I have plenty of Muslim friends and they are great people. Ive been to Turkey and it was one of the nicest most hospitable countries I have ever been to... You're just plain ignorant, there is not more to say about it
Sorry chief - you are the ignorant one. You have no clue about the muslim ideology (or you ignore the way they treat women like animals). Any religion, group of people, etc. that make women cover their face should have their fucking teeth kicked in. Any religion, group of people, etc. that make women walk behind them like dogs should have their fucking skulls caved in. They are disgusting and despicable people and so are you for pandering to them to win elections.
....and now it has begun.......Below is what Hannity spewed on his radio show: (poor, poor Sean.....LOL)

"If in 96 days Trump loses this election, I am pointing the finger directly at people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and John McCain and John Kasich and Ted Cruz -- if he won’t endorse – and Jeb Bush and everybody else that made promises they’re not keeping," Hannity said.

He added: "I have watched these Republicans be more harsh towards Donald Trump than they’ve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda ... . They did nothing. Nothing."
He's right. Cruz not so much but many establishment boys have rolled over for obama and offered him a good time.
The GOP establishment realizes that Obama and Hillary are more conservative than Trump.
Agreed... Without the block job from congress Obama would have spent much more, including on the military so the attacks on the right against Obama for a reduced military are just as bunk as the claims from the left that he reduced the deficit

No, because a good part of it was the sequester which Obama initiated. When the sequester kicked in, it automatically reduced military spending no matter what anybody did.
Which Obama initiated??? I gotta hear your explanation of this one...
Yeah. Obama and the Dumbocrats insisted that the military be part of sequestration and as usual - John Boehner and his cronies caved.
What a joke... Sequestration is an a cross the board cut, it could have been avoided if congress would have pulled their heads out of their asses and worked with the budget put forth by their commander in chief.
Oh you mean his budget that said continue to spend trillions beyond what we have? You're an idiot. Congress controls the purse strings. It is not their job to "work with the budget put forth by their commander in chief" (idiotic thing to say since he is not their "commander in chief" as they are not part of the military you tool). It is the president's job to work with them.

Shocking that you have no clue about the U.S. Constitution. Typical blind loyal lap dog to the Dumbocrat party.
Agreed... Without the block job from congress Obama would have spent much more, including on the military so the attacks on the right against Obama for a reduced military are just as bunk as the claims from the left that he reduced the deficit

No, because a good part of it was the sequester which Obama initiated. When the sequester kicked in, it automatically reduced military spending no matter what anybody did.
Which Obama initiated??? I gotta hear your explanation of this one...
Yeah. Obama and the Dumbocrats insisted that the military be part of sequestration and as usual - John Boehner and his cronies caved.
What a joke... Sequestration is an a cross the board cut, it could have been avoided if congress would have pulled their heads out of their asses and worked with the budget put forth by their commander in chief.
Oh you mean his budget that said continue to spend trillions beyond what we have? You're an idiot. Congress controls the purse strings. It is not their job to "work with the budget put forth by their commander in chief" (idiotic thing to say since he is not their "commander in chief" as they are not part of the military you tool). It is the president's job to work with them.

Shocking that you have no clue about the U.S. Constitution. Typical blind loyal lap dog to the Dumbocrat party.
No man, the president is elected by the people, his title is commander and chief... The lack of respect and collaboration that he got from the congress was embarrassing. He put a budget forth, the Reps stuck their thumbs up their asses, sequestration happened. Nice try to spin it to Obamas fault but you're just dead wrong.
I don't mean to steal the spotlight about what the "critically acclaimed" Hannity has spewed (its really precious), but regarding Obama and the deficit...... (and this is over a year old and the economy HAS improved much more since that date)

Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office
Our ruling

Obama said since taking office the country has seen "our deficits cut by two-thirds."

His claim is accurate if you use 2009, his first year in office with an historically high deficit, as a starting point.

The claim ignores a stark reality about the deficits, however. The country’s spending is not expected to continue its downward route, according to federal forecasters, for factors that include increased interest payments on the debt and the lack of substantial policy changes for the country’s biggest programs, like Social Security and Medicare.

The deficits have largely come down as a result of the improved economy for which Obama cannot assume full credit.

We rate the claim Mostly True
You obviously don't know any Muslims... I have plenty of Muslim friends and they are great people. Ive been to Turkey and it was one of the nicest most hospitable countries I have ever been to... You're just plain ignorant, there is not more to say about it
Come on stupid - tell us again what "wonderful" people muslims are. And no - this is not some rare exception. This is the norm with these animals.

What kind of piece of shit man sells his daughter?!?

Afghan girl, six, forced to marry man, 55, in exchange for a GOAT
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Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office
Obama said since taking office the country has seen "our deficits cut by two-thirds."

His claim is accurate if you use 2009, his first year in office with an historically high deficit, as a starting point.
Well that would be one hell of a trick considering that national debt has gone from $10 trillion to over $19 trillion.

What Obama has done is run up record deficits his first year and then patted himself on the back for making it slightly lower from that point. Which is kind of like murdering 73 people one year, and then proclaiming what an angel you are since you "only" murdered 28 people per year ever since. That 28 is still way more than anybody else in history - it's just lower from your own insane record. :eusa_doh:

Any other propaganda you'd like to try Nathalie? I love destroying liberal lies.
You obviously don't know any Muslims... I have plenty of Muslim friends and they are great people. Ive been to Turkey and it was one of the nicest most hospitable countries I have ever been to... You're just plain ignorant, there is not more to say about it
Come on stupid - tell us again what "wonderful" people muslims are. And no - this is not some rare exception. This is the norm with these animals.

What kind of piece of shit man sells his daughter?!?
you don't know shit man... You're a fucking puppet that believes whatever the media has spoon feed you. Get out and live and experience these things for yourself. There are sick fucks in all races and religions. For you to pick a religion over over a billion people and judge based on actions of an extreme distorted fraction is simply foolish. Wake up
You obviously don't know any Muslims... I have plenty of Muslim friends and they are great people. Ive been to Turkey and it was one of the nicest most hospitable countries I have ever been to... You're just plain ignorant, there is not more to say about it
Come on stupid - tell us again what "wonderful" people muslims are. And no - this is not some rare exception. This is the norm with these animals.

What kind of piece of shit man sells his daughter?!?
you don't know shit man... You're a fucking puppet that believes whatever the media has spoon feed you. Get out and live and experience these things for yourself. There are sick fucks in all races and religions. For you to pick a religion over over a billion people and judge based on actions of an extreme distorted fraction is simply foolish. Wake up
Come on stupid....tell us again

Afghan girl, six, forced to marry man, 55, in exchange for a GOAT
You obviously don't know any Muslims... I have plenty of Muslim friends and they are great people. Ive been to Turkey and it was one of the nicest most hospitable countries I have ever been to... You're just plain ignorant, there is not more to say about it
Come on stupid - tell us again what "wonderful" people muslims are. And no - this is not some rare exception. This is the norm with these animals.

What kind of piece of shit man sells his daughter?!?
you don't know shit man... You're a fucking puppet that believes whatever the media has spoon feed you. Get out and live and experience these things for yourself. There are sick fucks in all races and religions. For you to pick a religion over over a billion people and judge based on actions of an extreme distorted fraction is simply foolish. Wake up
It's the norm you ignorant asshat.
you don't know shit man... You're a fucking puppet that believes whatever the media has spoon feed you. Get out and live and experience these things for yourself. There are sick fucks in all races and religions. For you to pick a religion over over a billion people and judge based on actions of an extreme distorted fraction is simply foolish. Wake up
Come on stupid....tell us again how "wonderful" these animals are....

Double honor killing: Pakistani man murders his 2 sisters on eve of weddings
you don't know shit man... You're a fucking puppet that believes whatever the media has spoon feed you. Get out and live and experience these things for yourself. There are sick fucks in all races and religions. For you to pick a religion over over a billion people and judge based on actions of an extreme distorted fraction is simply foolish. Wake up
Come on stupid....tell us again how "wonderful" these animals are:

Muslim father 'murdered his THREE daughters in honour killing'
you don't know shit man... You're a fucking puppet that believes whatever the media has spoon feed you. Get out and live and experience these things for yourself. There are sick fucks in all races and religions. For you to pick a religion over over a billion people and judge based on actions of an extreme distorted fraction is simply foolish. Wake up
Here you go stupid - Pakistan is working on a bill to outlaw this because it's legal and widely accepted. But tell us again how "wonderful" these animals are...

Pakistan to pass honor killing law - CNN.com
You obviously don't know any Muslims... I have plenty of Muslim friends and they are great people. Ive been to Turkey and it was one of the nicest most hospitable countries I have ever been to... You're just plain ignorant, there is not more to say about it
Come on stupid - tell us again what "wonderful" people muslims are. And no - this is not some rare exception. This is the norm with these animals.

What kind of piece of shit man sells his daughter?!?
you don't know shit man... You're a fucking puppet that believes whatever the media has spoon feed you. Get out and live and experience these things for yourself. There are sick fucks in all races and religions. For you to pick a religion over over a billion people and judge based on actions of an extreme distorted fraction is simply foolish. Wake up
Come on stupid....tell us again

Afghan girl, six, forced to marry man, 55, in exchange for a GOAT
Wow, one case... Should I find a white Christian that got arrested for doing something fucked up to little girls then damn all Christians for his actions?

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