Hannity may be seeing the "writing on the wall"

Hannity showed himself to be the sellout this election. He pushed the one man from the start that is the opposit of EVERYTHING he said he stood for. He is a lying fuck and no better then thrill up his leg Mathews.
I lost a ton of respect for Hannity after he started fellating Trump. I still believe he's an exceptional anchorman and one of the hardest working people in media - but he's not the true conservative I believed him to be.
^^^^^^^^^many reasons.

He is the only one to say, close useless govt, build wall, deport, tax reform simplification etc.

He is a lifetime business success. His Children are spectacular. He is the only chance now, hrc will be RINO on juice. More of same but worse. No choice now. Same ole' does not compute.
^^^^^^^^^many reasons.

He is the only one to say, close useless govt, build wall, deport, tax reform simplification etc.

He is a lifetime business success. His Children are spectacular. He is the only chance now, hrc will be RINO on juice. More of same but worse. No choice now. Same ole' does not compute.
He is a circus act
Obama has never been any real danger to the Republican Party. Trump on the other hand is a clear and present danger to the party. At a time when the party must change with the changing demographics, Trump is trying to lead the party in opposite direction. He is trying to muster together anti black, Muslim, and Hispanics with those that hate the government for any reason. If Trump is elected the ideology that has defined the party will cease to exist and the party will stand for nothing.

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Hannity showed himself to be the sellout this election. He pushed the one man from the start that is the opposit of EVERYTHING he said he stood for. He is a lying fuck and no better then thrill up his leg Mathews.
I lost a ton of respect for Hannity after he started fellating Trump. I still believe he's an exceptional anchorman and one of the hardest working people in media - but he's not the true conservative I believed him to be.

Pardon fucking me. I listen everyday. I do not have television. I only have radio and Sean not only gave everyone equal time, he actually gave Cruz more.

He was the fairest one out there like he promised.

Don't come in here and lie about him. Don't do that.
Hannity is such a big whiney baby boy. He also has no courage, whatsoever. I remember during the primaries he was steering his language to be bashing Trump without really bashing him because he wanted to leave the door open to later support him. Hilarious.
Regardless of whether Trum was your first choice or your last choice that is exactly what every Republican should have done because you can't oppose the candidate for president without also harming the Republican down ticket.
Hannity says hes a conservative not a republican

Trumps not even close to a conservative

Hannity is another republican who is embarrassed to admit it.
Obama has never been any real danger to the Republican Party. Trump on the other hand is a clear and present danger to the party. At a time when the party must change with the changing demographics, Trump is trying to lead the party in opposite direction. He is trying to muster together anti black, Muslim, and Hispanics with those that hate the government for any reason. If Trump is elected the ideology that has defined the party will cease to exist.

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Piss off on the changing demographics. And where is the hate for Muslims or Hispanics?
Hannity is such a big whiney baby boy. He also has no courage, whatsoever. I remember during the primaries he was steering his language to be bashing Trump without really bashing him because he wanted to leave the door open to later support him. Hilarious.
Regardless of whether Trum was your first choice or your last choice that is exactly what every Republican should have done because you can't oppose the candidate for president without also harming the Republican down ticket.
Hannity says hes a conservative not a republican

Trumps not even close to a conservative

Hannity is another republican who is embarrassed to admit it.

Ok now. Really fuck off. Tune in Sean or fuck off.

Hannity is rocking with Trump. Only one apart from Rush.
Obama has never been any real danger to the Republican Party. Trump on the other hand is a clear and present danger to the party. At a time when the party must change with the changing demographics, Trump is trying to lead the party in opposite direction. He is trying to muster together anti black, Muslim, and Hispanics with those that hate the government for any reason. If Trump is elected the ideology that has defined the party will cease to exist.

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Piss off on the changing demographics. And where is the hate for Muslims or Hispanics?
Why would you want anybody hate Muslims or Hispanics? And you wonder why people of your mindset are a dying breed??
Muslims blow up, shoot or now knife civilians every day forever.

Mexicans (and other) run criminals and drugs across USA border daily. This puts drain on our earnings and hurts USA children. What part of that are we supposed to overlook?
Muslims blow up, shoot or now knife civilians every day forever.

Mexicans (and other) run criminals and drugs across USA border daily. This puts drain on our earnings and hurts USA children. What part of that are we supposed to overlook?
have you ever seen the stats....

on a per day basis.....

on average....

who kills more...americans or terror attacks?

i mean like....murderers.. like.. chicago, all that.

just a thought experiment for you

lemme know what ya find

then, ill let you know theres like 1.2 or 1.6 billion muslims and only like 320mil americans

i love math, and i love media.
Muslims blow up, shoot or now knife civilians every day forever.

Mexicans (and other) run criminals and drugs across USA border daily. This puts drain on our earnings and hurts USA children. What part of that are we supposed to overlook?
Those are criminals and a small fraction of those groups. You can find those types of people in all races and religions. Anybody that characterizes an entire race or group of people based on the actions of a few are fools
World wide? muzlims kill plenty, as many as they can. It would be zero here, if not in USA. Ditto Mexican and other illegals. We got enough kooks and inner city unemployed criminals to watch out for. You should know all this? Don't waste peoples energies to educate you.
Hannity showed himself to be the sellout this election. He pushed the one man from the start that is the opposit of EVERYTHING he said he stood for. He is a lying fuck and no better then thrill up his leg Mathews.
I lost a ton of respect for Hannity after he started fellating Trump. I still believe he's an exceptional anchorman and one of the hardest working people in media - but he's not the true conservative I believed him to be.

Pardon fucking me. I listen everyday. I do not have television. I only have radio and Sean not only gave everyone equal time, he actually gave Cruz more.

He was the fairest one out there like he promised.

Don't come in here and lie about him. Don't do that.
But the point is that Hannity is supporting Trump because he's a Republican, not because he's a conservative.

There are radio hosts who have not abandoned everything they say they believe. For some, integrity still matters. Sean Hannity doesn't know the meaning of the word.
World wide? muzlims kill plenty, as many as they can. It would be zero here, if not in USA. Ditto Mexican and other illegals. We got enough kooks and inner city unemployed criminals to watch out for. You should know all this? Don't waste peoples energies to educate you.
People that use terms like "we got enough kooks" and "waste people's energies" shouldn't be talking about educating anybody
Why would any actual conservative support this jerk? If you had an ounce of integrity in you Ray, you would be condemning Trump as much as you do Hitlery.

Why would I support a free criminal that put our country at risk, will change the balance of the Supreme Court for at least the remainder of my lifetime and beyond, and can easily be blackmailed by our enemies with her stupid emails?

I'm not voting for Trump, I'm voting against Hillary, and I will do anything in my power to see that she doesn't get back in that White House.
World wide? muzlims kill plenty, as many as they can. It would be zero here, if not in USA. Ditto Mexican and other illegals. We got enough kooks and inner city unemployed criminals to watch out for. You should know all this? Don't waste peoples energies to educate you.
No no....

i want the actual numbers.

if you dont know them, then why are you feeling fit to formulate opinions about "trends" and things of that nature?

the media? lollzzzz!!!

Do you know how many HOURS youd have to watch like...an "omiscient" news source that would report every murder in the world every day?

Nobody knows anything.

facts, data, numbers math....facts, data, numbers, math.
World wide? muzlims kill plenty, as many as they can. It would be zero here, if not in USA. Ditto Mexican and other illegals. We got enough kooks and inner city unemployed criminals to watch out for. You should know all this? Don't waste peoples energies to educate you.
People that use terms like "we got enough kooks" and "waste people's energies" shouldn't be talking about educating anybody

Small screen touch type, auto fill. I do best I can. keyboard cover type. Point was made clearly. Don't spin. I don't have strength tk play games. Enuff idiots on here w/o u adding pain intentionally.

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