Hannity may be seeing the "writing on the wall"

It's pretty obvious, these Reps that won't back Trump are basically saying that they think Clinton will do a better job at Prez than Trump. Not to say they support her agenda, but they support it more than Trumps agenda. There is also an element of protecting their record for future elections...
The establishment republicans bow to the fucking whore what do you mean?
All career politician no matter the side of the isle they are on, are spineless POS...
I'm sure that's true for some, others probably genuinely have a different point of view as you or a different attitude about collaborative work.

If everybody was an obstructionist an already bad situation would be even worse
Washington has been one party rule for quite some time now... The progressive party.
It's true that the will of the people is progressive and has been for a while. Where the conservatives have failed, in my point of view, is in communicating how conservative policies can promote progressive views of human rights, strengthening our middle class, and most importantly taking care of our elderly, poor, disabled, and vets.

Their attacking rhedoric against their liberal opponents has given them a hateful identity which I dont think is true for most conservatives but it is an unfortunate consequence which is in need of fixing.
As long as the progressives rule Washington the devide will only widen shown clearly by Barrys presidency. No president brought out distrust more than Barry. Hildabeast just as Barry, will gain zero trust and support from the other "side", the last couple of presidential elections conservatives did not show up to the polls on Election Day... They had no candidate to vote for so why show up?
Who knows trump might be different he set records in the primary's...
I just know it's insanity to keep on trying career politicians, it has never worked before and much like socialism it will not "work this time"
Hannity is such a big whiney baby boy. He also has no courage, whatsoever. I remember during the primaries he was steering his language to be bashing Trump without really bashing him because he wanted to leave the door open to later support him. Hilarious.
Regardless of whether Trum was your first choice or your last choice that is exactly what every Republican should have done because you can't oppose the candidate for president without also harming the Republican down ticket.
Hannity says hes a conservative not a republican

Trumps not even close to a conservative
Hannity is no conservative.
Of course he's not... He's a Catholic
Hannity is such a big whiney baby boy. He also has no courage, whatsoever. I remember during the primaries he was steering his language to be bashing Trump without really bashing him because he wanted to leave the door open to later support him. Hilarious.
Regardless of whether Trum was your first choice or your last choice that is exactly what every Republican should have done because you can't oppose the candidate for president without also harming the Republican down ticket.
Hannity says hes a conservative not a republican

Trumps not even close to a conservative
Hannity is no conservative.
Im saying what he calls himself, and reality is Hannity has no spine thus has no views. Like Trump.
The MAIN problem with the GOP is that the party does NOT seem to learn from its mistakes....

In 2008, the party performed an "autopsy" on why the lost.......and they came up with Palin

In 2012, they did yet another bit of soul-searching, and they came up with the Tea party AND the fact that they turned off virtually ALL minority voters.

This year, another review will simply find that theTrojan Horse is a dimwit named Trump and that EVERY minority group (except the KKK) thinks they're nuts.

Give people like myself a sane republican (like Kasich), and perhaps I can abandon my loyalty to the DNC....but until then, bitch all you want about Clinton, but get ready to call her madam President.


No Republican had a chance at winning in 2008 because of the housing crash. That's besides the fact everybody was all giddy about a possible black President........well, half-black.

In 2012, we didn't run the Tea Party, we ran the exact opposite; a non-conservative RINO. Mitt Romney was like Kasich only worse.

I voted for Kasich in the primaries only because he's our governor, and he did a pretty good job for our state considering. But Kasich is low-energy, a bad and boring debater, and he wouldn't have a chance at winning an election. You can't win anything if you're going to sit there and talk about everything you did instead of everything you would like to do in the future. Kasich needed better advisors, and he didn't get them in the primaries.
Hannity showed himself to be the sellout this election. He pushed the one man from the start that is the opposit of EVERYTHING he said he stood for. He is a lying fuck and no better then thrill up his leg Mathews.

You lying son of a bitch. He gave Cruz more time than anyone.

Fuck you big time. More time than anyone. You can clock the hours cocksucker.
Hannity is such a big whiney baby boy. He also has no courage, whatsoever. I remember during the primaries he was steering his language to be bashing Trump without really bashing him because he wanted to leave the door open to later support him. Hilarious.
Regardless of whether Trum was your first choice or your last choice that is exactly what every Republican should have done because you can't oppose the candidate for president without also harming the Republican down ticket.
Hannity says hes a conservative not a republican

Trumps not even close to a conservative
Hannity is no conservative.
Im saying what he calls himself, and reality is Hannity has no spine thus has no views. Like Trump.

well said.
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It's pretty obvious, these Reps that won't back Trump are basically saying that they think Clinton will do a better job at Prez than Trump. Not to say they support her agenda, but they support it more than Trumps agenda. There is also an element of protecting their record for future elections...
The establishment republicans bow to the fucking whore what do you mean?
All career politician no matter the side of the isle they are on, are spineless POS...
I'm sure that's true for some, others probably genuinely have a different point of view as you or a different attitude about collaborative work.

If everybody was an obstructionist an already bad situation would be even worse
Washington has been one party rule for quite some time now... The progressive party.
It's true that the will of the people is progressive and has been for a while. Where the conservatives have failed, in my point of view, is in communicating how conservative policies can promote progressive views of human rights, strengthening our middle class, and most importantly taking care of our elderly, poor, disabled, and vets.

Their attacking rhedoric against their liberal opponents has given them a hateful identity which I dont think is true for most conservatives but it is an unfortunate consequence which is in need of fixing.
As long as the progressives rule Washington the devide will only widen shown clearly by Barrys presidency. No president brought out distrust more than Barry. Hildabeast just as Barry, will gain zero trust and support from the other "side", the last couple of presidential elections conservatives did not show up to the polls on Election Day... They had no candidate to vote for so why show up?
Who knows trump might be different he set records in the primary's...
I just know it's insanity to keep on trying career politicians, it has never worked before and much like socialism it will not "work this time"
Trump is no conservative and I think you are wrong if you think the will of the majority of Americans is conservative. Unless "conservative" redefines itself to accept some progressive values, mainly on social policy, they are going to remain a minority group
Hannity showed himself to be the sellout this election. He pushed the one man from the start that is the opposit of EVERYTHING he said he stood for. He is a lying fuck and no better then thrill up his leg Mathews.

You lying son of a bitch. He gave Cruz more time than anyone.

Fuck you big time. More time than anyone. You can clock the hours cocksucker.
Hannity discarded every conservative sales pitch he's made in his entire radio career in order to endorse accused rapist Donald Trump. Sad!
Take a look at $270bil ytd on that debt clock (fed pensions). We pay our SSI and we pay "theirs". I realize some is military and they earned it. At about 1/3 of SSI ytd, are there 20mil Fed on monthly retirement?

I have searched a while......I will need a PC. Something seems way way off? Maybe they get a huge payout? I doubt Soldiers get much more than SSI?

Oh well, vote for hillary, nothing to see here. I musta had "short-circuit".
The MAIN problem with the GOP is that the party does NOT seem to learn from its mistakes....

In 2008, the party performed an "autopsy" on why the lost.......and they came up with Palin

In 2012, they did yet another bit of soul-searching, and they came up with the Tea party AND the fact that they turned off virtually ALL minority voters.

This year, another review will simply find that theTrojan Horse is a dimwit named Trump and that EVERY minority group (except the KKK) thinks they're nuts.

Give people like myself a sane republican (like Kasich), and perhaps I can abandon my loyalty to the DNC....but until then, bitch all you want about Clinton, but get ready to call her madam President.


No Republican had a chance at winning in 2008 because of the housing crash. That's besides the fact everybody was all giddy about a possible black President........well, half-black.

In 2012, we didn't run the Tea Party, we ran the exact opposite; a non-conservative RINO. Mitt Romney was like Kasich only worse.

I voted for Kasich in the primaries only because he's our governor, and he did a pretty good job for our state considering. But Kasich is low-energy, a bad and boring debater, and he wouldn't have a chance at winning an election. You can't win anything if you're going to sit there and talk about everything you did instead of everything you would like to do in the future. Kasich needed better advisors, and he didn't get them in the primaries.
I liked Kasich as well. Think he was trying to give himself credibility by talking about his record in the sea of opponents in the primary, he started to shift gears towards the end. I think he would have done very well in THIS general election with all of Hillarys unfavorables... He has the ability to pull the vote from many independents and moderate dems that don't like Hillary
Yes, a pittance compared to the current President that ran us ten trillion more in debt.

You right wingers keep clinging to that bullshit line and someday....perhaps when the other half of your brain kicks in.......you too would realize that GWB's UNPAID for war that was never in the books, finally showed up as the bill after a night of drunken stupors......then add that UNPAID for Medicare Dis=Advantage, and you have your screwed up debt under Obama figured out.

Perhaps some other right winger who is a bit brighter can figure out the difference AND the correlation between deficit and debt,,,,,,and perhaps you could see that Obama actually reduced the deficit that contributes to the debt.I'm not expecting you right wingers to EVER like Obama....you're too busy licking your wounds......but facts are facts whether they fit your ideology or not. ..
If Trump doesn't get as least the number of electoral votes Romney got then I'll say us moderate Republicans did better against an incumbent President than your idiot did against a weaker opponent and will pin snatching defeat from the jaws of victory squarely on Trump and his Trumpsters.
Hannity is correct. There is no solidarity among Republicans with Trump.
And why should there be "solidarity among Republicans with Trump"?!? The guy is a life-long liberal who donated obscene amounts of money to Dumbocrats like Harry Reid and none other than Hitlery Clinton herself. Hell, he went on national television and stated "I think Hillary Clinton would make a great president". Not to mention that the guy is just an asshole.

Why would any actual conservative support this jerk? If you had an ounce of integrity in you Ray, you would be condemning Trump as much as you do Hitlery.
Y'all do realize we are talking about DONALD TRUMP for president, right???

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