Hannity may be seeing the "writing on the wall"

Wow, one case... Should I find a white Christian that got arrested for doing something fucked up to little girls then damn all Christians for his actions?
But it's not "one case". It's systemic with muslims. It is the norm.
Remember when the norm for the Catholic Church was to molest little boys???
And do you hear me defending Catholic priests?!? No. Because I'm not like you.
I don't hear you attacking all Christians for the action of some priests like you are doing with the Muslims ya hypocrite
Because that "news" is over a decade old junior and the church did start taking action to correct the systemic problem. Meanwhile, muslims are not only not trying to prevent terrorism, jihad, the oppression of women, and the sexual abuse of children, they continue to actively support it.
Oh...eyes closed, eh? Nothing to see here, folks....priest pedophile issue all fixed now?
Hillary is more fiscally conservative than doucheballz, and social conservatism is evil

Murdering babies is liberal compassion? Seems all you democrats have short circuited and the head freak wants to be out president.
Murdering babies? Like Andrea Yates...killing her babies because her "god" told her to?
No....like you democrats mudering them for profit.....
Haven't murdered anyone for profit...Halliburton is run by con-servatives.
Hillary is more fiscally conservative than doucheballz, and social conservatism is evil

Murdering babies is liberal compassion? Seems all you democrats have short circuited and the head freak wants to be out president.
Murdering babies? Like Andrea Yates...killing her babies because her "god" told her to?
No....like you democrats mudering them for profit.....
Haven't murdered anyone for profit...Halliburton is run by con-servatives.
Um....Soros is not a conservative....he's a democrat Nazi..do try to keep up...
Trump is a dead man walking because HRC is a better choice and because it is hard to find a group Trump hasn't insulted
Link to prove your short circuited brain fart. Outside of illegal aliens criminally entering our country and ISIS terrorists who will be entering with UNVETTED Syrian refugees, Trump hasn't insulted any group.
the world has been ending for woebegone RW's for decades . their gloom, doom, and misery belongs to them and their tiny little mind.

They've never seen a ray of sunshine in their entire miserable life ... another reason they'll lose to Clinton in 2016.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

yup, and Reagan added the largest total to that debt ... an increase of 189%
All progressives suck
Brilliant!...Such intellectual wit!
Hillary is more fiscally conservative than doucheballz, and social conservatism is evil

Murdering babies is liberal compassion? Seems all you democrats have short circuited and the head freak wants to be out president.
Murdering babies? Like Andrea Yates...killing her babies because her "god" told her to?
No....like you democrats mudering them for profit.....
Haven't murdered anyone for profit...Halliburton is run by con-servatives.
Um....Soros is not a conservative....he's a democrat Nazi..do try to keep up...
I think these "conservatives" are so used bitching, moaning, and complaining about everything over the past 8 years they don't know how to positively promote a candidate. So when talking about Trump, they can't do anything but to criticize. Their own antics are now biting themselves and their party in the ass. Does anybody remember the last time they heard anything positive or constructive that didn't include the word Regan in it coming from a conservative commentators mouth?

The Republican party is divided in two. We have the conservative constitutional Tea Party types, and we have the establishment types.

Trump is a thorn because he is neither conservative nor establishment, so there are people from both sides that are unhappy.

I didn't vote for Trump either in the primaries, but I accept him as my candidate because the majority voted for him. It's my hope as the elections gets nearer, the others will do the same.
The republican establishment in Congress will need a republican president to sigh their Bills into Law. They had better get on board.
Trump is a dead man walking because HRC is a better choice and because it is hard to find a group Trump hasn't insulted
Link to prove your short circuited brain fart. Outside of illegal aliens criminally entering our country and ISIS terrorists who will be entering with UNVETTED Syrian refugees, Trump hasn't insulted any group.

Those with Physical Disabilities
Low Wage Earners
Trump is a dead man walking because HRC is a better choice and because it is hard to find a group Trump hasn't insulted
Link to prove your short circuited brain fart. Outside of illegal aliens criminally entering our country and ISIS terrorists who will be entering with UNVETTED Syrian refugees, Trump hasn't insulted any group.

Those with Physical Disabilities
Low Wage Earners

It is morons like this one above who give nitwits a bad name....Someday, when he graduates from junior high school, he may learn the difference between DEFICIT and DEBT.......but, not ONE of this right wingers can ever explain what GWB never put the $3.2 TRILLION that he spent on his wars, into the deficit books....and only left it for Obama to clean up the mess (in the midst of a recession to boot).......

Oh I almost forgot.....How did Bush finance the wars while cutting taxes?

You know Gnat, you liberals post all kinds of crap here on USMB, and when we post evidence that proves you wrong, you don't even bother to go back and read the responses to your lies.

Try this: See that red box in the upper right hand corner at the top of the page marked ALERTS. Before you post, it's a good idea to go there and see who responded to your last idiocy and what they posted.
you want to know how we can tell if the country is full of retards???? Two names proves. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.


In almost all walks of life, to get a better job, you usually hire the person with the most experience. In this election, those that ran have inferior resumes to one woman; HRC. She served as both Senator and Secretary of State. Her opponent in the General Election has never served a day in the Public Sector.

It you want proof of the nation being full of “retards” as you put it, look no further than those who say there is no difference in the candidates.
So you and politifact are saying that the cuts were his proposition but not his intention.... Is that kind of like Trump and his wall?

No, it's different because Trump is telling us what he would like to do, and DumBama's team put it into motion.

It was a game of Chicken that he lost, but nevertheless, it's still his baby. He made the assumption that when the time came, the Republicans would back down, but they didn't.

In almost all walks of life, to get a better job, you usually hire the person with the most experience. In this election, those that ran have inferior resumes to one woman; HRC. She served as both Senator and Secretary of State. Her opponent in the General Election has never served a day in the Public Sector.

So if there is a CEO with a world of experience, but he's been known to embezzle money from his past employers, do you hire him simply because he has experience?

Yes, Hillary does have much more experience than Trump, but what has her experiences been? Anything noteworthy has been a negative experience.
....and now it has begun.......Below is what Hannity spewed on his radio show: (poor, poor Sean.....LOL)

"If in 96 days Trump loses this election, I am pointing the finger directly at people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and John McCain and John Kasich and Ted Cruz -- if he won’t endorse – and Jeb Bush and everybody else that made promises they’re not keeping," Hannity said.

He added: "I have watched these Republicans be more harsh towards Donald Trump than they’ve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda ... . They did nothing. Nothing."
Hannity helped create the monster now he has to live with it
Trump is a dead man walking because HRC is a better choice and because it is hard to find a group Trump hasn't insulted
Link to prove your short circuited brain fart. Outside of illegal aliens criminally entering our country and ISIS terrorists who will be entering with UNVETTED Syrian refugees, Trump hasn't insulted any group.
I guess women don't count...to you, and the handicapped don't count...to you, and former POWS don't count...to you.

In almost all walks of life, to get a better job, you usually hire the person with the most experience. In this election, those that ran have inferior resumes to one woman; HRC. She served as both Senator and Secretary of State. Her opponent in the General Election has never served a day in the Public Sector.

So if there is a CEO with a world of experience, but he's been known to embezzle money from his past employers, do you hire him simply because he has experience?

Yes, Hillary does have much more experience than Trump, but what has her experiences been? Anything noteworthy has been a negative experience.
According to you....she could cure cancer and you'd say the same.

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