Hannity may be seeing the "writing on the wall"

Social conservatism as a whole you dipshit, not every minute aspect - on a MACRO level.
Social conservatives are the moral ones in America today. Liberal whack jobs prove that every day. You Leftists hate any opinion that is not your own twisted idea of good. We've lived through 7 years of hate with a pathetic president blaming white people for all the social ills in society. All this ObamaNation nonsense is going to be reversed quickly once republicans are in charge. Count on your criminal candidate ending up in prison thanks to Trump's Attorney General Christie. Republicans don't put up with criminals running loose or vote for them like Democrat Leftists do.
The moral ones? Socons that supported slavery and segregation and keeping workers down? Those socons?
you want to know how we can tell if the country is full of retards???? Two names proves. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.


In almost all walks of life, to get a better job, you usually hire the person with the most experience. In this election, those that ran have inferior resumes to one woman; HRC. She served as both Senator and Secretary of State. Her opponent in the General Election has never served a day in the Public Sector.

It you want proof of the nation being full of “retards” as you put it, look no further than those who say there is no difference in the candidates.
Hillary Clinton is a fucking disaster and a criminal and possibly a traitor....I dont like Trump but I will NEVER vote for Clinton.
Trump is a dead man walking because HRC is a better choice and because it is hard to find a group Trump hasn't insulted
Link to prove your short circuited brain fart. Outside of illegal aliens criminally entering our country and ISIS terrorists who will be entering with UNVETTED Syrian refugees, Trump hasn't insulted any group.
I guess women don't count...to you, and the handicapped don't count...to you, and former POWS don't count...to you.
You fucktard liberals have nothing....and America sees that....
If that was true then why did you vote for a New York Liberal?
Only you would say something that stupid then dance about it. Tax cuts equal less revenue equals a larger deficit equals a larger debt. It's not complicated
Only spending creates debt. As I already illustrated earlier - you can have $0 in revenue and you will not add one little penny in debt if you have $0 in spending.

Do try and keep up. I realize that liberals don't comprehend basic economics and basic finance but I did explain this already.
Dude, are you serious or joking around? debt is the accumulation of deficits which are made up of the difference in spending and revenue. Tax cuts affect revenue.

Nobody is claiming that spending doesn't contribute to the debt. You still want to claim that tax revenue has no affect?

And you think I'm the one that needs to keep up... Haha, you're having a bad day
That's a false narrative that the right is pushing. She has done amazing work for women children and minorities her entire life -and served our country proud as fist lady, senator and SoS

I don't know that she's done anything for women, minorities or children. What did she do good for our country as first lady besides getting Republican leadership in Congress after decades of a Democrat led Congress? What does it take to handle being first lady? Just being there in the White House? I hardly call that an accomplishment.
its not a tough guy competition it is our government. The unwillingness that most republicans have shown to work with this administration has been nothing short of embarrassing. I realize there are also some asshole dems in the hall but the culture of division and pointing the finger does nobody any good.

The sequester kicked in because DumBama wanted to spend more and the Republicans wanted to spend less. Yet, it's only the Republicans fault because "they" didn't want to work with Obama--not that Obama didn't want to work with them.
End of 2008 was a wild spending party including TARP allocaton. TARP loan packages were paid back in later years. This skews the final GWB numbers as we have pointed out numerous times. reportedly they delayed much spending until Mar 09 to really pour it on. It was a wild crazy time, spending our money.

There was a deficit in all of GWB years, by no means was anyone doing dance of joy. 88bil for AIDS in Africa, dept of homeland securuty created........on and on. Housing crash blew it all up.

But somehow BO has managed to keep spending at TARP stimulous levels throughout. A small bit less due to "sequesrer"? They are all in on it, robbing us blind and spending $1T over each year avg last 9 years. Yes, $20T by OCT 2017
Obama will leave office with a slightly lower deficit than when he entered. Bush left office in 2008 with a deficit of 641 billion. Obama will leave office with a deficit of 623 billion. Most of the huge increase in debt during Obama's term in office has come from the economic stimulus due to the recession which he inherited from Bush.
Historical Tables
So you want to be the world's policemen?

Sorry - we Americans are not interested. But feel free to hop on a plane to Afghanistan. Go right some wrongs.

The world police is not something we came up with. If we don't want to be the world police, others will gladly take our place. Now think for a minute who is large and powerful enough to do that job.
That's a false narrative that the right is pushing. She has done amazing work for women children and minorities her entire life -and served our country proud as fist lady, senator and SoS

I don't know that she's done anything for women, minorities or children. What did she do good for our country as first lady besides getting Republican leadership in Congress after decades of a Democrat led Congress? What does it take to handle being first lady? Just being there in the White House? I hardly call that an accomplishment.
Yes it's produced but it's a good recap of her career highlights:
its not a tough guy competition it is our government. The unwillingness that most republicans have shown to work with this administration has been nothing short of embarrassing. I realize there are also some asshole dems in the hall but the culture of division and pointing the finger does nobody any good.

The sequester kicked in because DumBama wanted to spend more and the Republicans wanted to spend less. Yet, it's only the Republicans fault because "they" didn't want to work with Obama--not that Obama didn't want to work with them.
Republicans haven't spent "less" in a long time... they just want to spend on different things and block their opponents agenda. Both parties are reckless and careless with their spending. Only way to fix it is to civilly work together, not play these little obstructionist/demonizing games.
Republicans haven't spent "less" in a long time... they just want to spend on different things and block their opponents agenda. Both parties are reckless and careless with their spending. Only way to fix it is to civilly work together, not play these little obstructionist/demonizing games.

No, the only way to get to a balanced budge is to elect a Republican President that will allow Congress to do so. Democrats get votes by buying them with our tax money, so no Democrat is going to let Republicans make the necessary cuts.

On one side the liberals try to convince us we have a great economy, on the other, we still have record amounts of people on public assistance so Americans are doing poorly. You can't have both, so one of those claims is a lie.

Republicans haven't spent "less" in a long time... they just want to spend on different things and block their opponents agenda. Both parties are reckless and careless with their spending. Only way to fix it is to civilly work together, not play these little obstructionist/demonizing games.

No, the only way to get to a balanced budge is to elect a Republican President that will allow Congress to do so. Democrats get votes by buying them with our tax money, so no Democrat is going to let Republicans make the necessary cuts.

On one side the liberals try to convince us we have a great economy, on the other, we still have record amounts of people on public assistance so Americans are doing poorly. You can't have both, so one of those claims is a lie.

View attachment 84606
I've heard Liberals say we have a strong economy that is trending in the right direction but there is still much more work to do. I think that is more accurate than the Rights, "we are a sinking ship", analysis. Unemployment has gotten MUCH better over the past 7 years and food stamp recipients are trending down after peaking in 2012. The major challenge at this time is wage growth. The major complaint from the Right isn't about a major economic crash or massive unemployment/poverty, or a crushing depression, or a weak dollar... it is about "Slow Growth"

Ray is being flogged across the Board, as he and Hannity see the writing on the wall. Comrade Donald deserves the beating that is coming.
That's a false narrative that the right is pushing. She has done amazing work for women children and minorities her entire life -and served our country proud as fist lady, senator and SoS

I don't know that she's done anything for women, minorities or children. What did she do good for our country as first lady besides getting Republican leadership in Congress after decades of a Democrat led Congress? What does it take to handle being first lady? Just being there in the White House? I hardly call that an accomplishment.
....and now it has begun.......Below is what Hannity spewed on his radio show: (poor, poor Sean.....LOL)

"If in 96 days Trump loses this election, I am pointing the finger directly at people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and John McCain and John Kasich and Ted Cruz -- if he won’t endorse – and Jeb Bush and everybody else that made promises they’re not keeping," Hannity said.

He added: "I have watched these Republicans be more harsh towards Donald Trump than they’ve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda ... . They did nothing. Nothing."
Poor Sean. I can just see the little wooden wheels in his tiny brain box spinning furiously as he starts to do the math of the election even in his head. Maybe it's that very low hairline that keeps getting in his eyes, keeping him from seeing that his favorite guru/candidate couldn't get elected in a month of Tuesdays.

If your party can't get their candidate elected because of HIS OWN MOUTH Sean, maybe YOU need to take a pledge to support your party, instead of your hot pants for Donald Trump.

Stay tuned as Sean's little wooden wheels start not only figuring that Trump can't win, but that many of the GOP congressional hopefuls Sean likes in close races will also get the axe in the Fall. Not because of Jeb or Ted or John; but because of TRUMP'S OWN MOUTH screwing the republican logo as a whole. We can only hope Hannity figures out this secondary harder equation by at least a week before election day.
That's a false narrative that the right is pushing. She has done amazing work for women children and minorities her entire life -and served our country proud as fist lady, senator and SoS

I don't know that she's done anything for women, minorities or children. What did she do good for our country as first lady besides getting Republican leadership in Congress after decades of a Democrat led Congress? What does it take to handle being first lady? Just being there in the White House? I hardly call that an accomplishment.
I'll add this before they give an uneducated rebuttal:
Giving Hillary Credit for SCHIP
Obama will leave office with a slightly lower deficit than when he entered. Bush left office in 2008 with a deficit of 641 billion. Obama will leave office with a deficit of 623 billion. Most of the huge increase in debt during Obama's term in office has come from the economic stimulus due to the recession which he inherited from Bush.
Historical Tables
Bush left office wit a deficit of 1.4 trillion his last fiscal year.

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