Hannity may be seeing the "writing on the wall"

Only you would say something that stupid then dance about it. Tax cuts equal less revenue equals a larger deficit equals a larger debt. It's not complicated
Only spending creates debt. As I already illustrated earlier - you can have $0 in revenue and you will not add one little penny in debt if you have $0 in spending.

Do try and keep up. I realize that liberals don't comprehend basic economics and basic finance but I did explain this already.
We have fixed spending that we cannot cut, dope.
its not a tough guy competition it is our government. The unwillingness that most republicans have shown to work with this administration has been nothing short of embarrassing. I realize there are also some asshole dems in the hall but the culture of division and pointing the finger does nobody any good.

The sequester kicked in because DumBama wanted to spend more and the Republicans wanted to spend less. Yet, it's only the Republicans fault because "they" didn't want to work with Obama--not that Obama didn't want to work with them.
Correction: Obama wanted to pay our debts and Republicans wanted to default on them.
So you want to be the world's policemen?

Sorry - we Americans are not interested. But feel free to hop on a plane to Afghanistan. Go right some wrongs.

The world police is not something we came up with. If we don't want to be the world police, others will gladly take our place. Now think for a minute who is large and powerful enough to do that job.
I say let Afghanistan be their own police.

No American life is worth losing in order to drag these people into the 20th century, never mind the 21st.
I'll start you off: $725 billion for the stimulus (although 1/3 of it was tax cuts).
You can't increase debt by less revenue genius. :lmao:

You can only increase debt by spending. If the federal government cut all taxes to 0% and had no money coming in at all (not even a single penny) but they didn't write a single check for anything (not even payroll for government employees) - guess what their debt would be? $0.

It's fall down hilarious how liberals don't have a single clue about basic economics and basic finance.
So show me where Obama spent $8.75 trillion.

You can't - you're a fraud.
I already did you illiterate tool. Post #236. It exposed how ignorant you are about what is really happening. Now back to my victory dance....


Hey - I know...why don't you tell us again how tax cuts create "debt" :lmao:

*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
You fucking moron - all that added together doesn't even make $1 billion, never mind $1 trillion, never mind $8.75 trillion.

And as Jake pointed out, it's all from Bush's spending.

You really are a jackass.
Omnibus alone surpassed $1 billion you moron. Do you read it all or do you just glance and respond? Obamacare alone is around $1 trillion. How dumb are you? Read.

Back to my victory dance after humiliating you for the third time today...


*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
Yep, Hannity's right, and fuck him. He and the rest could have got behind Kasich, they did not, so fuck him and Comrade Donald, too.

Absolutely. I don't know what Hannity was thinking knowing our successful record running moderates.
It's been more successful than running conservatives, that's for sure.
And that's why the House, the Senate, and the overwhelming majority of the states have been turned over to conservatives - right?


*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
We're talking about POTUS.

Try to keep up, retard.
President is one elected official you simpleton... The American people have overwhelmingly rejected liberalism despite your sides best voter fraud efforts.

*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
I'll start you off: $725 billion for the stimulus (although 1/3 of it was tax cuts).
You can't increase debt by less revenue genius. :lmao:

You can only increase debt by spending. If the federal government cut all taxes to 0% and had no money coming in at all (not even a single penny) but they didn't write a single check for anything (not even payroll for government employees) - guess what their debt would be? $0.

It's fall down hilarious how liberals don't have a single clue about basic economics and basic finance.
So show me where Obama spent $8.75 trillion.

You can't - you're a fraud.
I already did you illiterate tool. Post #236. It exposed how ignorant you are about what is really happening. Now back to my victory dance....


Hey - I know...why don't you tell us again how tax cuts create "debt" :lmao:

*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
You fucking moron - all that added together doesn't even make $1 billion, never mind $1 trillion, never mind $8.75 trillion.

And as Jake pointed out, it's all from Bush's spending.

You really are a jackass.
Omnibus alone surpassed $1 billion you moron. Do you read it all or do you just glance and respond? Obamacare alone is around $1 trillion. How dumb are you? Read.

Back to my victory dance after humiliating you for the third time today...


*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
Omnibus? Are you talking about the stimulus? Do you even know?
I'll start you off: $725 billion for the stimulus (although 1/3 of it was tax cuts).
You can't increase debt by less revenue genius. :lmao:

You can only increase debt by spending. If the federal government cut all taxes to 0% and had no money coming in at all (not even a single penny) but they didn't write a single check for anything (not even payroll for government employees) - guess what their debt would be? $0.

It's fall down hilarious how liberals don't have a single clue about basic economics and basic finance.
So show me where Obama spent $8.75 trillion.

You can't - you're a fraud.
I already did you illiterate tool. Post #236. It exposed how ignorant you are about what is really happening. Now back to my victory dance....


Hey - I know...why don't you tell us again how tax cuts create "debt" :lmao:

*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
You fucking moron - all that added together doesn't even make $1 billion, never mind $1 trillion, never mind $8.75 trillion.

And as Jake pointed out, it's all from Bush's spending.

You really are a jackass.
Omnibus alone surpassed $1 billion you moron. Do you read it all or do you just glance and respond? Obamacare alone is around $1 trillion. How dumb are you? Read.

Back to my victory dance after humiliating you for the third time today...


*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
Oh look who's back... The only one being humiliated today you sir... You still claiming that debt is only affected by spending? Or shall I do my dance again?
You can't increase debt by less revenue genius. :lmao:

You can only increase debt by spending. If the federal government cut all taxes to 0% and had no money coming in at all (not even a single penny) but they didn't write a single check for anything (not even payroll for government employees) - guess what their debt would be? $0.

It's fall down hilarious how liberals don't have a single clue about basic economics and basic finance.
So show me where Obama spent $8.75 trillion.

You can't - you're a fraud.
I already did you illiterate tool. Post #236. It exposed how ignorant you are about what is really happening. Now back to my victory dance....


Hey - I know...why don't you tell us again how tax cuts create "debt" :lmao:

*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
You fucking moron - all that added together doesn't even make $1 billion, never mind $1 trillion, never mind $8.75 trillion.

And as Jake pointed out, it's all from Bush's spending.

You really are a jackass.
Omnibus alone surpassed $1 billion you moron. Do you read it all or do you just glance and respond? Obamacare alone is around $1 trillion. How dumb are you? Read.

Back to my victory dance after humiliating you for the third time today...


*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
Oh look who's back... The only one being humiliated today you sir... You still claiming that debt is only affected by spending? Or shall I do my dance again?
Again junior - you can only accumulate debt by spending. If you spent $0.00 - would that add to your debt? Would it??? Well???

Boom! Knock out blow to the libtard. It's ok junior - all of us are fully aware that liberals simply can't comprehend basic economics and basic finance.
So show me where Obama spent $8.75 trillion.

You can't - you're a fraud.
I already did you illiterate tool. Post #236. It exposed how ignorant you are about what is really happening. Now back to my victory dance....


Hey - I know...why don't you tell us again how tax cuts create "debt" :lmao:

*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
You fucking moron - all that added together doesn't even make $1 billion, never mind $1 trillion, never mind $8.75 trillion.

And as Jake pointed out, it's all from Bush's spending.

You really are a jackass.
Omnibus alone surpassed $1 billion you moron. Do you read it all or do you just glance and respond? Obamacare alone is around $1 trillion. How dumb are you? Read.

Back to my victory dance after humiliating you for the third time today...


*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
Oh look who's back... The only one being humiliated today you sir... You still claiming that debt is only affected by spending? Or shall I do my dance again?
Again junior - you can only accumulate debt by spending. If you spent $0.00 - would that add to your debt? Would it??? Well???

Boom! Knock out blow to the libtard. It's ok junior - all of us are fully aware that liberals simply can't comprehend basic economics and basic finance.
God you are simple... Our economy is a little more complex than that old man.... Two factors affect our debt spending and revenue. If you can't admit that then you have no place in any kind of economic discussion. This is really basic Stuff
We have fixed spending that we cannot cut, dope.
Bwahahahahaha!!! Anything can be cut except for debt payments chief (and even those could be restructured).

They could cut Social Security. They could cut federal staff, federal salaries, etc. You continue to take stupid to unprecedented levels.

*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
God you are simple... Our economy is a little more complex than that old man.... Two factors affect our debt spending and revenue. If you can't admit that then you have no place in any kind of economic discussion. This is really basic Stuff
What does it say about you that you can't even grasp simple? :lmao:

There is only one way that debt can be accumulated - spending. If you don't spend beyond what you bring in, then it is literally impossible to accumulate debt. If you know you've cut taxes, then you cut spending to account for that. Only a libtard can't grasp this.
I already did you illiterate tool. Post #236. It exposed how ignorant you are about what is really happening. Now back to my victory dance....


Hey - I know...why don't you tell us again how tax cuts create "debt" :lmao:

*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
You fucking moron - all that added together doesn't even make $1 billion, never mind $1 trillion, never mind $8.75 trillion.

And as Jake pointed out, it's all from Bush's spending.

You really are a jackass.
Omnibus alone surpassed $1 billion you moron. Do you read it all or do you just glance and respond? Obamacare alone is around $1 trillion. How dumb are you? Read.

Back to my victory dance after humiliating you for the third time today...


*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
Oh look who's back... The only one being humiliated today you sir... You still claiming that debt is only affected by spending? Or shall I do my dance again?
Again junior - you can only accumulate debt by spending. If you spent $0.00 - would that add to your debt? Would it??? Well???

Boom! Knock out blow to the libtard. It's ok junior - all of us are fully aware that liberals simply can't comprehend basic economics and basic finance.
God you are simple... Our economy is a little more complex than that old man.... Two factors affect our debt spending and revenue. If you can't admit that then you have no place in any kind of economic discussion. This is really basic Stuff
Let's see if you get it... A little test.

Let's say the debt is 5 trillion and in one year the gov spends 1Trillion and makes 2 Trillion in revenue... What is the debt after that year?

You can do this, I got faith!!!

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