Hannity may be seeing the "writing on the wall"

Don't know if this was a win loss thing

What is shows is that it was the Republican Congress initiative to cut the food stamp role. It really had nothing to do with people getting off of food stamps on their own.

You have to remember that each party wishes to expand their voting base. The two largest ones for Democrats are victims and government dependents. They have no desire to cut that dependency. In fact they look for ways to increase dependency which is why Obama Care passed without one Republican vote. About a year ago, the White House proudly announced that they created 14 million more government dependents on that program alone. They should be proud of that, because that was their goal in the first place.
....and now it has begun.......Below is what Hannity spewed on his radio show: (poor, poor Sean.....LOL)

"If in 96 days Trump loses this election, I am pointing the finger directly at people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and John McCain and John Kasich and Ted Cruz -- if he won’t endorse – and Jeb Bush and everybody else that made promises they’re not keeping," Hannity said.

He added: "I have watched these Republicans be more harsh towards Donald Trump than they’ve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda ... . They did nothing. Nothing."

Hannity should be very worried about his own job, as he along with FOX news gave this Chimpanzee nominee unprecedented news coverage prior to the first debate all the way through, and I imagine he is seeing the writing on the wall that will look similar to the below 1964 election. FOX News ratings have fallen off a cliff, due to the Trump effect.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

No Hannity can't blame other Republicans for this. No real Republican would have ever endorsed Donald Trump. And even if they did, Republicans would not have voted for him. He is the most incompetent, unqualified, dangerous candidate this country has ever seen. For the first time in 60 years the Republican party is losing the educated white vote.
Trump Is Losing to Hillary Among One Crucial Group of White Voters
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

You Trump supporters were warned time & time again by Republicans and you ignored it all.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

Anyone that has endorsed or promoted Donald Trump is going to go down with him. That means Sean Hannity, Michael Savage. Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, and all the rest that promoted him. So now in this futile effort they're trying to point blame somewhere else, because they do in fact, now see the writing on the wall. No surprise here.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

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Don't know if this was a win loss thing

What is shows is that it was the Republican Congress initiative to cut the food stamp role. It really had nothing to do with people getting off of food stamps on their own.

You have to remember that each party wishes to expand their voting base. The two largest ones for Democrats are victims and government dependents. They have no desire to cut that dependency. In fact they look for ways to increase dependency which is why Obama Care passed without one Republican vote. About a year ago, the White House proudly announced that they created 14 million more government dependents on that program alone. They should be proud of that, because that was their goal in the first place.
You've shown that there was a budget cut for SNAP not that the cut was solely responsible for the millions that are no longer on food stamps.... Isn't it a possiblity that the drop was a combo of budget cuts and a raise in employment and a growing economy?
You've shown that there was a budget cut for SNAP not that the cut was solely responsible for the millions that are no longer on food stamps.... Isn't it a possiblity that the drop was a combo of budget cuts and a raise in employment and a growing economy?

Possible but not likely.

If government (for no reason whatsoever) decided to mail you a check for $100.00 a month, and you really didn't need that check, would you refuse it?

Of course not. Nobody would including myself. As long as government is offering it, I'm going to take it.

So it's not a matter of necessity, it's a matter of taking what you can get. Mind you, some put more effort into that than most, but it's still something free to you.

If we cut the food stamp rolls, nobody is going to starve in this country. Besides government, we have multiple charities out there willing to help those in need. And if you go to those areas where most of those government dependents are (the inner city) you will take note of all the fat people walking around.

Next time you are in a room with 15 other people, just think to yourself that at least two of those people are on food stamps. That's a little excessive. Now if we had an economy so bad where that was their only choice, that's one thing. But American companies can't find competent workers today, and there are plenty of jobs out there that Americans just won't do. In my industry alone, we have over 60,000 jobs that can't be filled. Some of them are willing to train applicants, guarantee them a job, and pay them while being trained. They can't find those people.
You've shown that there was a budget cut for SNAP not that the cut was solely responsible for the millions that are no longer on food stamps.... Isn't it a possiblity that the drop was a combo of budget cuts and a raise in employment and a growing economy?

Possible but not likely.

If government (for no reason whatsoever) decided to mail you a check for $100.00 a month, and you really didn't need that check, would you refuse it?

Of course not. Nobody would including myself. As long as government is offering it, I'm going to take it.

So it's not a matter of necessity, it's a matter of taking what you can get. Mind you, some put more effort into that than most, but it's still something free to you.

If we cut the food stamp rolls, nobody is going to starve in this country. Besides government, we have multiple charities out there willing to help those in need. And if you go to those areas where most of those government dependents are (the inner city) you will take note of all the fat people walking around.

Next time you are in a room with 15 other people, just think to yourself that at least two of those people are on food stamps. That's a little excessive. Now if we had an economy so bad where that was their only choice, that's one thing. But American companies can't find competent workers today, and there are plenty of jobs out there that Americans just won't do. In my industry alone, we have over 60,000 jobs that can't be filled. Some of them are willing to train applicants, guarantee them a job, and pay them while being trained. They can't find those people.
You really think people on food stamps are feasting?? Do you know what their median income is? Many have kids and families... Yes some abuse the system and do nothing but many are struggling and working for a better life for themselves and their families. It makes me sick that people like you think it's a simple solution to just cut their funding. So nieve
Any and all blame for Trump's failures, present and future, lays exclusively at the feet of Trump himself. He is what he is and those voters charmed by his comportment knew fool well what they were about to get, a deeply flawed human who gets into a fight in every bar he goes into.

Voter revolt? Who was waiting in the wings but a huckster buffoon who, true to form, loves a hostile takeover of any going concern. In this case, that going concern was the Republican Party.
I've heard Liberals say we have a strong economy that is trending in the right direction but there is still much more work to do. I think that is more accurate than the Rights, "we are a sinking ship", analysis. Unemployment has gotten MUCH better over the past 7 years and food stamp recipients are trending down after peaking in 2012. The major challenge at this time is wage growth. The major complaint from the Right isn't about a major economic crash or massive unemployment/poverty, or a crushing depression, or a weak dollar... it is about "Slow Growth"

The only reason food stamps are going down is because the Republicans are slowly cutting funds to it. Then there are state Republicans such as those in Maine who put qualifications to apply or stay on the program which scared many off of it.

The unemployment isn't MUCH better, only the numbers are because if people say they are not working nor looking for work, they don't count as unemployed. And since we still have a record number of working age Americans not working (over 1/3 of our working population) then of course the numbers drop considerably.
Republicans cutting funds don't make up the driving force affecting food stamps. When people get jobs they get off food stamps, more people are now employed so less are on food stamps. It's pretty simple. Do you remember 2008? Stats aside, you know the economy and iobs are much better today as it was then.

From one of your very own, Mother Fn Jones:

Republicans won the food stamp war
Because people got jobs and went back to work at decent wages. Thank you for agreeing things are much better than Bush's last two fiscal years.
Because people got jobs and went back to work at decent wages. Thank you for agreeing things are much better than Bush's last two fiscal years.

Yeah, sure, that's the ticket.

Let me tell you, if this were a Democrat Congress, our food stamp usage would have increased by 25% instead of decrease.
You really think people on food stamps are feasting?? Do you know what their median income is? Many have kids and families... Yes some abuse the system and do nothing but many are struggling and working for a better life for themselves and their families. It makes me sick that people like you think it's a simple solution to just cut their funding. So nieve

In that case I invite you to my grocery store to see what I see almost every week. Or maybe talk to some of our clients that use temporary services and ask those employees to work a couple extra hours because the company is busy. Of course they decline the offer because working more hours means cutting into their food stamp allowance. Or I'll tell you the story of tenants I had to evict a few years ago because they refused to earn more money to pay the rent because it would interfere with their food stamp allowance.
Because people got jobs and went back to work at decent wages. Thank you for agreeing things are much better than Bush's last two fiscal years.
Yeah, sure, that's the ticket. Let me tell you, if this were a Democrat Congress, our food stamp usage would have increased by 25% instead of decrease.
Yes, you are agreeing with me that the economy has recovered and people are working, thus the less need for food stamps.
You really think people on food stamps are feasting?? Do you know what their median income is? Many have kids and families... Yes some abuse the system and do nothing but many are struggling and working for a better life for themselves and their families. It makes me sick that people like you think it's a simple solution to just cut their funding. So nieve

In that case I invite you to my grocery store to see what I see almost every week. Or maybe talk to some of our clients that use temporary services and ask those employees to work a couple extra hours because the company is busy. Of course they decline the offer because working more hours means cutting into their food stamp allowance. Or I'll tell you the story of tenants I had to evict a few years ago because they refused to earn more money to pay the rent because it would interfere with their food stamp allowance.
So poor people, like rich people, game the subsidy systems for them, respectively. Ask tyroneweaver who has a farm subsidy in place to ensure the wins.
You really think people on food stamps are feasting?? Do you know what their median income is? Many have kids and families... Yes some abuse the system and do nothing but many are struggling and working for a better life for themselves and their families. It makes me sick that people like you think it's a simple solution to just cut their funding. So nieve

In that case I invite you to my grocery store to see what I see almost every week. Or maybe talk to some of our clients that use temporary services and ask those employees to work a couple extra hours because the company is busy. Of course they decline the offer because working more hours means cutting into their food stamp allowance. Or I'll tell you the story of tenants I had to evict a few years ago because they refused to earn more money to pay the rent because it would interfere with their food stamp allowance.
I'll chip in here. My parents felt trapped most of their life because Dad was legitimately on disability income due to a long term condition that grew out of control. It killed him not working.

Mom tried to work to help make ends meet but there was always the looming specter of getting to an income level where those payments would be decreased. That decrease wasn't a dollar for dollar decrease either. Breaking that threshold had serious consequences and honestly wasn't worth it considering that the jobs she was getting were hourly wage jobs that could end at any point.

It's pretty easy to find yourself trapped on the government dime. It's off topic, but it's part of the reason I've become a fan of the guaranteed minimum income proposals floating around. You eliminate ALL of the government programs that support folks (Social Security, Food Stamps, Disability, minimum wage, student loans, subsidized housing, subsidized home loans, etc) and replace it by a guaranteed income level for all Americans. Less bureaucracy in government, happier employees as you work only if you want to be above the minimum income, and employers can pay less knowing that their employees are working to supplement their income not guarantee their ability to survive. The USA and Canada flirted with it in the 70's but now we are seeing more and more jobs disappear due to automation, I'd expect it will come around again.
You really think people on food stamps are feasting?? Do you know what their median income is? Many have kids and families... Yes some abuse the system and do nothing but many are struggling and working for a better life for themselves and their families. It makes me sick that people like you think it's a simple solution to just cut their funding. So nieve

In that case I invite you to my grocery store to see what I see almost every week. Or maybe talk to some of our clients that use temporary services and ask those employees to work a couple extra hours because the company is busy. Of course they decline the offer because working more hours means cutting into their food stamp allowance. Or I'll tell you the story of tenants I had to evict a few years ago because they refused to earn more money to pay the rent because it would interfere with their food stamp allowance.
Then focus energy in closing the loopholes that allow people to game and take advantage of the system... Incentivize them to work and get off of food stamps. Cutting funding doesn't do shit to help the situation. Why not push productive ideas of reform and increase efficiency?
You really think people on food stamps are feasting?? Do you know what their median income is? Many have kids and families... Yes some abuse the system and do nothing but many are struggling and working for a better life for themselves and their families. It makes me sick that people like you think it's a simple solution to just cut their funding. So nieve

In that case I invite you to my grocery store to see what I see almost every week. Or maybe talk to some of our clients that use temporary services and ask those employees to work a couple extra hours because the company is busy. Of course they decline the offer because working more hours means cutting into their food stamp allowance. Or I'll tell you the story of tenants I had to evict a few years ago because they refused to earn more money to pay the rent because it would interfere with their food stamp allowance.
Then focus energy in closing the loopholes that allow people to game and take advantage of the system... Incentivize them to work and get off of food stamps. Cutting funding doesn't do shit to help the situation. Why not push productive ideas of reform and increase efficiency?
How much would that save and how do we close loopholes you progressives keep putting in there?
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Republicans haven't spent "less" in a long time... they just want to spend on different things and block their opponents agenda. Both parties are reckless and careless with their spending. Only way to fix it is to civilly work together, not play these little obstructionist/demonizing games.

No, the only way to get to a balanced budge is to elect a Republican President that will allow Congress to do so. Democrats get votes by buying them with our tax money, so no Democrat is going to let Republicans make the necessary cuts.

On one side the liberals try to convince us we have a great economy, on the other, we still have record amounts of people on public assistance so Americans are doing poorly. You can't have both, so one of those claims is a lie.

View attachment 84606
I've heard Liberals say we have a strong economy that is trending in the right direction but there is still much more work to do. I think that is more accurate than the Rights, "we are a sinking ship", analysis. Unemployment has gotten MUCH better over the past 7 years and food stamp recipients are trending down after peaking in 2012. The major challenge at this time is wage growth. The major complaint from the Right isn't about a major economic crash or massive unemployment/poverty, or a crushing depression, or a weak dollar... it is about "Slow Growth"

Fewer Americans receiving food stamps
Yet, lackluster economic growth in the United States remains the envy of the developed world. While politicians argue that minimum wage, corporate taxes, wasteful government spending, and exporting jobs oversea is holding the economy back, the truth is factors beyond our control are a major problem our economy faces.
The global economy is slowing down, hurting American manufacturing, which makes up about 10% of the U.S. economy. The low world oil prices may be a boon for drivers in the US but they have also been devastating to the US oil industry. 40% of the profits of the largest US companies comes from abroad which is dragging down profits of US companies. Worries over Brexit, the fate of the EU, and China is also taking it's toll.
You really think people on food stamps are feasting?? Do you know what their median income is? Many have kids and families... Yes some abuse the system and do nothing but many are struggling and working for a better life for themselves and their families. It makes me sick that people like you think it's a simple solution to just cut their funding. So nieve

In that case I invite you to my grocery store to see what I see almost every week. Or maybe talk to some of our clients that use temporary services and ask those employees to work a couple extra hours because the company is busy. Of course they decline the offer because working more hours means cutting into their food stamp allowance. Or I'll tell you the story of tenants I had to evict a few years ago because they refused to earn more money to pay the rent because it would interfere with their food stamp allowance.
Then focus energy in closing the loopholes that allow people to game and take advantage of the system... Incentivize them to work and get off of food stamps. Cutting funding doesn't do shit to help the situation. Why not push productive ideas of reform and increase efficiency?
How much would that save and how to we close loopholes you progressives keep putting in there?
See that's the problem right there... The focus of the discussion is about funding and defunding... How about efficiency and accountability? We have a system in place to help our poor not starve. To help them feed their families. Why aren't we working together to make that system as effective as possible?
Republicans haven't spent "less" in a long time... they just want to spend on different things and block their opponents agenda. Both parties are reckless and careless with their spending. Only way to fix it is to civilly work together, not play these little obstructionist/demonizing games.

No, the only way to get to a balanced budge is to elect a Republican President that will allow Congress to do so. Democrats get votes by buying them with our tax money, so no Democrat is going to let Republicans make the necessary cuts.

On one side the liberals try to convince us we have a great economy, on the other, we still have record amounts of people on public assistance so Americans are doing poorly. You can't have both, so one of those claims is a lie.

View attachment 84606
I've heard Liberals say we have a strong economy that is trending in the right direction but there is still much more work to do. I think that is more accurate than the Rights, "we are a sinking ship", analysis. Unemployment has gotten MUCH better over the past 7 years and food stamp recipients are trending down after peaking in 2012. The major challenge at this time is wage growth. The major complaint from the Right isn't about a major economic crash or massive unemployment/poverty, or a crushing depression, or a weak dollar... it is about "Slow Growth"

Fewer Americans receiving food stamps
Yet, lackluster economic growth in the United States remains the envy of the developed world. While politicians argue that minimum wage, corporate taxes, wasteful government spending, and exporting jobs oversea is holding the economy back, the truth is factors beyond our control are a major problem our economy faces.
The global economy is slowing down, hurting American manufacturing, which makes up about 10% of the U.S. economy. The low world oil prices may be a boon for drivers in the US but they have also been devastating to the US oil industry. 40% of the profits of the largest US companies comes from abroad which is dragging down profits of US companies. Worries over Brexit, the fate of the EU, and China is also taking it's toll.
Thats because most of the rest of the world is far more progressive and farther down the shit hole you people are driving us into.
You really think people on food stamps are feasting?? Do you know what their median income is? Many have kids and families... Yes some abuse the system and do nothing but many are struggling and working for a better life for themselves and their families. It makes me sick that people like you think it's a simple solution to just cut their funding. So nieve

In that case I invite you to my grocery store to see what I see almost every week. Or maybe talk to some of our clients that use temporary services and ask those employees to work a couple extra hours because the company is busy. Of course they decline the offer because working more hours means cutting into their food stamp allowance. Or I'll tell you the story of tenants I had to evict a few years ago because they refused to earn more money to pay the rent because it would interfere with their food stamp allowance.
Then focus energy in closing the loopholes that allow people to game and take advantage of the system... Incentivize them to work and get off of food stamps. Cutting funding doesn't do shit to help the situation. Why not push productive ideas of reform and increase efficiency?
How much would that save and how to we close loopholes you progressives keep putting in there?
See that's the problem right there... The focus of the discussion is about funding and defunding... How about efficiency and accountability? We have a system in place to help our poor not starve. To help them feed their families. Why aren't we working together to make that system as effective as possible?
How about we cut the program completely And cash benefits and medicaid and medicare.... Then lets cut social security so that anyone born after 85 doesn't get it. Then lets cut all federal funding to schools and parks. Then \lets cut the EPA since it is no longer doing the job it was created for. Lets cut is all so the only federal funding left is defense and salaries of those left. You know the way the country was founded.
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You really think people on food stamps are feasting?? Do you know what their median income is? Many have kids and families... Yes some abuse the system and do nothing but many are struggling and working for a better life for themselves and their families. It makes me sick that people like you think it's a simple solution to just cut their funding. So nieve

In that case I invite you to my grocery store to see what I see almost every week. Or maybe talk to some of our clients that use temporary services and ask those employees to work a couple extra hours because the company is busy. Of course they decline the offer because working more hours means cutting into their food stamp allowance. Or I'll tell you the story of tenants I had to evict a few years ago because they refused to earn more money to pay the rent because it would interfere with their food stamp allowance.
Then focus energy in closing the loopholes that allow people to game and take advantage of the system... Incentivize them to work and get off of food stamps. Cutting funding doesn't do shit to help the situation. Why not push productive ideas of reform and increase efficiency?
How much would that save and how to we close loopholes you progressives keep putting in there?
See that's the problem right there... The focus of the discussion is about funding and defunding... How about efficiency and accountability? We have a system in place to help our poor not starve. To help them feed their families. Why aren't we working together to make that system as effective as possible?
Simply stated, an awfully lot of people have given up on government and would prefer anarchy.

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