Hannity may be seeing the "writing on the wall"

Having lost two grandmothers to lung cancer, I got no problem with a tax on cigarettes... and as much anti smoking campaigns as possible. Also have no problem on efforts towards green energy, that is our future.

You can twist his efforts to fit your narrative that he wants to enslave the poor into government dependance so the dems grow their voter base, but its not honest. It is one of the weaker GOP talking points that may fuel the wignut extremists but in reality all it does is strengthen the animosity and divide.

It's not a talking point, it's a fact. I've given you several instances.

You back that point up by saying you could care less how much money liberals take from the poor provided it promotes the liberal agenda. If Democrats really cared about the poor, wouldn't they be taking initiatives to do whatever they can to help the poor whether it fits their agenda or not?

Take Commie Care for instance. Thanks to that idiocy, many of us including myself have lost our employer healthcare coverage. Now we have to purchase our own with After Tax Money. The cost to provide yourself (or family) with coverage is about the cost of a very expensive SUV payment, a mortgage on a moderate home, a vacation home in Florida.

That's a hell of a lot of money people can no longer circulate in our economy. If you have debt, you will be in it much longer. If you had inspirations for investments, forget about it; pay your monthly premiums. If you can't afford insurance, government is going to take this money from your income tax refund that many poor people depend on to catch up on bills.

The very idea that Democrats give a shit about the poor is like saying McDonald's really cares about serving nutritious meals. The evidence is right there in front of you as obvious as the computer screen you are looking at. And when people don't have money anymore thanks to liberal agendas, their answer is to increase minimum wage. That's like pissing on a three alarm house fire expecting to put it out.
Having lost two grandmothers to lung cancer, I got no problem with a tax on cigarettes... and as much anti smoking campaigns as possible. Also have no problem on efforts towards green energy, that is our future.

You can twist his efforts to fit your narrative that he wants to enslave the poor into government dependance so the dems grow their voter base, but its not honest. It is one of the weaker GOP talking points that may fuel the wignut extremists but in reality all it does is strengthen the animosity and divide.

It's not a talking point, it's a fact. I've given you several instances.

You back that point up by saying you could care less how much money liberals take from the poor provided it promotes the liberal agenda. If Democrats really cared about the poor, wouldn't they be taking initiatives to do whatever they can to help the poor whether it fits their agenda or not?

Take Commie Care for instance. Thanks to that idiocy, many of us including myself have lost our employer healthcare coverage. Now we have to purchase our own with After Tax Money. The cost to provide yourself (or family) with coverage is about the cost of a very expensive SUV payment, a mortgage on a moderate home, a vacation home in Florida.

That's a hell of a lot of money people can no longer circulate in our economy. If you have debt, you will be in it much longer. If you had inspirations for investments, forget about it; pay your monthly premiums. If you can't afford insurance, government is going to take this money from your income tax refund that many poor people depend on to catch up on bills.

The very idea that Democrats give a shit about the poor is like saying McDonald's really cares about serving nutritious meals. The evidence is right there in front of you as obvious as the computer screen you are looking at. And when people don't have money anymore thanks to liberal agendas, their answer is to increase minimum wage. That's like pissing on a three alarm house fire expecting to put it out.
So according to your logic if we made cigarettes cheaper then we would be putting money into the pockets of our poor? Well damn, sounds like you got a great plan, let's just give our cigs instead of food stamps... Poverty problem solved!

I thought you owned apartment buildings... What's this employer healthcare plan you lost? And if your employer dropped their health care coverage then they should have extra funds to give their employees raises, right?

I'm self employed, have always paid for my own healthcare, nothing changed with ACA. I know many that couldn't get insured because of pre existing conditions that are now insured so there are pros and cons
So according to your logic if we made cigarettes cheaper then we would be putting money into the pockets of our poor? Well damn, sounds like you got a great plan, let's just give our cigs instead of food stamps... Poverty problem solved!

I thought you owned apartment buildings... What's this employer healthcare plan you lost? And if your employer dropped their health care coverage then they should have extra funds to give their employees raises, right?

I'm self employed, have always paid for my own healthcare, nothing changed with ACA. I know many that couldn't get insured because of pre existing conditions that are now insured so there are pros and cons

Employers have long wanted to get out of providing that benefit. Many could not because they would risk losing employees to companies that did provide coverage.

Commie Care took that competition away. Now if you leave your company for that reason, you may take employment with another company that might do the same. It's spreading like cancer.

Yes, my employer did give us some money towards our healthcare, but by Commie law, the only way he could do that was by a wage increase. Wage increases cost the company much more money than just the increase. So my employer had to deduct what he has to pay by increases in our benefits such as workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, vacation and holiday pay, matching SS and Medicare contributions.

By the time all those costs were deducted, it ended up to be a little over $100.00 a month, and even then, that was taxed so you ended up with almost nothing.

And I never said make cigarettes cheaper, what I said is that by government taking more money from cigarette purchases takes money away from the poor. Sorry you couldn't follow that logic.
Actually, the person you right wingers should blame is Barack Hussein Obama!!

He broke the GOP by beating McCain and Romney

Proceeded to force feed socialism to America through ObamaCare!!

Brainwashed America into thinking that the sluggish growth of our economy is due to the devastation the crash had on the markets!

And all the while empowering Islamic regimes throughout the middle east by removing our troops!!

Yes, we should blame Obama!!

When he wins. Republicans lose

No this belongs squarely on the Reich wing of the Republican party, including the loss in 2012. No Republican could have won in 2008 there was way too much going on with Iraq/Afghanistan, economy etc.

But in 2012 there was a real shot at it, until the Evangelical Reich wing of the Republican party dragged the party into women's issues. Abortion, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into what is legal legitimate rape questions. Women went running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by 36 points which is what secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. Of course the 2012 platform was also about immigration, deportation, amnesty which sent Latino's running into Obama's column.
THOSE ARE THE FACTS. Mitt Romney's fate was sealed long before he ever became the nominee.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

In 2016 the Reich wing has struck again, doubling down on the mistakes they made in 2012. Their platform is more extreme & divisive than ever.

Until the Reich wing of the Republican party stops acting like a social nut case Nazi squad,--and starts focusing on real government issues, they will continue to lose national elections from here on out.

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So according to your logic if we made cigarettes cheaper then we would be putting money into the pockets of our poor? Well damn, sounds like you got a great plan, let's just give our cigs instead of food stamps... Poverty problem solved!

I thought you owned apartment buildings... What's this employer healthcare plan you lost? And if your employer dropped their health care coverage then they should have extra funds to give their employees raises, right?

I'm self employed, have always paid for my own healthcare, nothing changed with ACA. I know many that couldn't get insured because of pre existing conditions that are now insured so there are pros and cons

Employers have long wanted to get out of providing that benefit. Many could not because they would risk losing employees to companies that did provide coverage.

Commie Care took that competition away. Now if you leave your company for that reason, you may take employment with another company that might do the same. It's spreading like cancer.

Yes, my employer did give us some money towards our healthcare, but by Commie law, the only way he could do that was by a wage increase. Wage increases cost the company much more money than just the increase. So my employer had to deduct what he has to pay by increases in our benefits such as workman's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, vacation and holiday pay, matching SS and Medicare contributions.

By the time all those costs were deducted, it ended up to be a little over $100.00 a month, and even then, that was taxed so you ended up with almost nothing.

And I never said make cigarettes cheaper, what I said is that by government taking more money from cigarette purchases takes money away from the poor. Sorry you couldn't follow that logic.
I've never liked the concept of employer provided healthcare insurance... People shouldn't be scared to leave their jobs for fear of losing their insurance. I've never understood the point. A persons insurance plan should follow them no matter where they go for work.

I followed your logic with the cigs, and using that logic presented my scenario... If you say taxing cigs takes money out of poor peoples pockets then discounting cigs puts money in their pockets. Same thing.... It is not an argument i'd use again if I were you.
I've never liked the concept of employer provided healthcare insurance... People shouldn't be scared to leave their jobs for fear of losing their insurance. I've never understood the point. A persons insurance plan should follow them no matter where they go for work.

I followed your logic with the cigs, and using that logic presented my scenario... If you say taxing cigs takes money out of poor peoples pockets then discounting cigs puts money in their pockets. Same thing.... It is not an argument i'd use again if I were you.

Democrats stealing money from poor people is not an argument I should use? How so?

When government doesn't forcibly take money from somebody, that does not mean they are giving them a discount on anything. How about if they just stay away from other people's money and leave them alone?

This whole leftist concept that all money belongs to government first, and whatever they allow you to keep is a blessing from them to you is the exact opposite concept our founders had for this society. Taxation was not meant to blackmail citizens. It was not meant to get even with citizens. It was not meant to force behavior of society. That's not why our founders allowed taxation.

People shouldn't be scared about leaving their job because of healthcare? Well now people have to leave their job because their current employer got rid of their coverage. Which is better?

When hard working people live paycheck to paycheck, and then (thanks to government) get hit with a $700.00 a month (or more) expense, how are they supposed to handle that? Libs and Commies don't care. All they care about is you live the way they tell you to live. And if you can't afford their idiocy, too bad, deal with it. You are dreaming of the past when this was a free country.

The very notion that Democrats care for the poor is pure brain washing when you look at all the things they've done to attack the poor and middle-class. My life was so much better 8 years ago from today than it is today thanks to that big-eared creep.
Clearly Michael Morell is a PoS who is selling out his own country - either for favors from the Clinton's or because he's a liberal. Either way, the facts show that Hitlery Clinton is an extreme danger to U.S. national security. Her email server is one example. The fact that her emails have now lead to an Iranian nuclear - scientist who was an intelligence asset for us - being executed is yet another. She not only weakened our national security, she cost a man his life. She should be brought up on charges and locked away for life.

Cotton: Clinton discussed executed Iranian scientist on email
I've never liked the concept of employer provided healthcare insurance... People shouldn't be scared to leave their jobs for fear of losing their insurance. I've never understood the point. A persons insurance plan should follow them no matter where they go for work.

I followed your logic with the cigs, and using that logic presented my scenario... If you say taxing cigs takes money out of poor peoples pockets then discounting cigs puts money in their pockets. Same thing.... It is not an argument i'd use again if I were you.

Democrats stealing money from poor people is not an argument I should use? How so?

When government doesn't forcibly take money from somebody, that does not mean they are giving them a discount on anything. How about if they just stay away from other people's money and leave them alone?

This whole leftist concept that all money belongs to government first, and whatever they allow you to keep is a blessing from them to you is the exact opposite concept our founders had for this society. Taxation was not meant to blackmail citizens. It was not meant to get even with citizens. It was not meant to force behavior of society. That's not why our founders allowed taxation.

People shouldn't be scared about leaving their job because of healthcare? Well now people have to leave their job because their current employer got rid of their coverage. Which is better?

When hard working people live paycheck to paycheck, and then (thanks to government) get hit with a $700.00 a month (or more) expense, how are they supposed to handle that? Libs and Commies don't care. All they care about is you live the way they tell you to live. And if you can't afford their idiocy, too bad, deal with it. You are dreaming of the past when this was a free country.

The very notion that Democrats care for the poor is pure brain washing when you look at all the things they've done to attack the poor and middle-class. My life was so much better 8 years ago from today than it is today thanks to that big-eared creep.
Who, you just went off the deep end... Don't think there is a need for me to respond to a rant like that.
....and now it has begun.......Below is what Hannity spewed on his radio show: (poor, poor Sean.....LOL)

"If in 96 days Trump loses this election, I am pointing the finger directly at people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and John McCain and John Kasich and Ted Cruz -- if he won’t endorse – and Jeb Bush and everybody else that made promises they’re not keeping," Hannity said.

He added: "I have watched these Republicans be more harsh towards Donald Trump than they’ve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda ... . They did nothing. Nothing."
I agree. Trump is running against Hillary, the media and establishment Republicans who haven't done enough to stop Obama.
We've known for many decades that Hitlery Clinton is mentally, emotionally and morally unfit to be president. We can add physically unfit as well...


She's been late returning to the debate stage (Secret Service agents have indicated it is due to dizzy spells), she's prone to coughing fits during debates and press conferences, has sores on her tongue (probably thanks to Bill's serial philandering), and needs help just climbing stairs.
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We've known for many decades that Hitlery Clinton is mentally and emotionally unfit to be president. We can add physically unfit as well...

View attachment 84939

She's been late returning to the debate stage (Secret Service agents have indicated it is due to dizzy spells), she's prone to coughing fits during debates and press conferences, has sores on her tongue (probably thanks to Bill's serial philandering), and needs help just climbing stairs.
Everybody believes you
We've known for many decades that Hitlery Clinton is mentally and emotionally unfit to be president. We can add physically unfit as well...

View attachment 84939

She's been late returning to the debate stage (Secret Service agents have indicated it is due to dizzy spells), she's prone to coughing fits during debates and press conferences, has sores on her tongue (probably thanks to Bill's serial philandering), and needs help just climbing stairs.
Everybody believes you
I know they do - because I provide photographs, video, facts, data, and links around the clock. All you provide is uninformed, partisan opinion.
We've known for many decades that Hitlery Clinton is mentally and emotionally unfit to be president. We can add physically unfit as well...

View attachment 84939

She's been late returning to the debate stage (Secret Service agents have indicated it is due to dizzy spells), she's prone to coughing fits during debates and press conferences, has sores on her tongue (probably thanks to Bill's serial philandering), and needs help just climbing stairs.
Everybody believes you
I know they do - because I provide photographs, video, facts, data, and links around the clock. All you provide is uninformed, partisan opinion.
Well there's a lie... Look at my post history.
How much would that save and how to we close loopholes you progressives keep putting in there?
See that's the problem right there... The focus of the discussion is about funding and defunding... How about efficiency and accountability? We have a system in place to help our poor not starve. To help them feed their families. Why aren't we working together to make that system as effective as possible?
How about we cut the program completely And cash benefits and medicaid and medicare.... Then lets cut social security so that anyone born after 85 doesn't get it. Then lets cut all federal funding to schools and parks. Then \lets cut the EPA since it is no longer doing the job it was created for. Lets cut is all so the only federal funding left is defense and salaries of those left. You know the way the country was founded.
Ok, so your plan strips our poor and elderly from their ability to feed themselves and puts a portion of them on the street or in major debt... And how many thousands of people would your plan put out of work? Then moving forward what are we left with? how does our economy grow? How does it positively impact the lives of Americans?
Strips the poor from eating??? There are no churches and nonprofit orgs that feed the poor?????
Those organizations feed the poor they want to feed, their church members and families that they deem should be fed, often only in their own community. Although private charities provide a lot of help for the poor, it doesn't even come close to the social welfare provided to the poor by government. And when times really get tough such in 2009, charitable giving decreases. Charitable support for the poor which was only 8% in 2008 fell to 6.2% during the dept of the recession in 2009.
You of course have proof of churches only feeding those of thier church right? Show it.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
See that's the problem right there... The focus of the discussion is about funding and defunding... How about efficiency and accountability? We have a system in place to help our poor not starve. To help them feed their families. Why aren't we working together to make that system as effective as possible?
How about we cut the program completely And cash benefits and medicaid and medicare.... Then lets cut social security so that anyone born after 85 doesn't get it. Then lets cut all federal funding to schools and parks. Then \lets cut the EPA since it is no longer doing the job it was created for. Lets cut is all so the only federal funding left is defense and salaries of those left. You know the way the country was founded.
Ok, so your plan strips our poor and elderly from their ability to feed themselves and puts a portion of them on the street or in major debt... And how many thousands of people would your plan put out of work? Then moving forward what are we left with? how does our economy grow? How does it positively impact the lives of Americans?
Strips the poor from eating??? There are no churches and nonprofit orgs that feed the poor?????
Those organizations feed the poor they want to feed, their church members and families that they deem should be fed, often only in their own community. Although private charities provide a lot of help for the poor, it doesn't even come close to the social welfare provided to the poor by government. And when times really get tough such in 2009, charitable giving decreases. Charitable support for the poor which was only 8% in 2008 fell to 6.2% during the dept of the recession in 2009.
You of course have proof of churches only feeding those of thier church right? Show it.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
You keep dodging the question, your credibility is plummeting... Churches do not have the resources to feed all the hungry and homeless, no where near the resources of our welfare programs. I've asked multiple times for you to explain how your ideas grow the economy. You want to cut all welfare taking money away from close to half our citizens including the poor, disabled, and elderly, then you want to cut government programs putting tens if not hundred of thousands of people out of work... So how does the economy grow and prosper with the after effects of your policy ideas??

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