Hannity may be seeing the "writing on the wall"

You really think people on food stamps are feasting?? Do you know what their median income is? Many have kids and families... Yes some abuse the system and do nothing but many are struggling and working for a better life for themselves and their families. It makes me sick that people like you think it's a simple solution to just cut their funding. So nieve

In that case I invite you to my grocery store to see what I see almost every week. Or maybe talk to some of our clients that use temporary services and ask those employees to work a couple extra hours because the company is busy. Of course they decline the offer because working more hours means cutting into their food stamp allowance. Or I'll tell you the story of tenants I had to evict a few years ago because they refused to earn more money to pay the rent because it would interfere with their food stamp allowance.
Then focus energy in closing the loopholes that allow people to game and take advantage of the system... Incentivize them to work and get off of food stamps. Cutting funding doesn't do shit to help the situation. Why not push productive ideas of reform and increase efficiency?
How much would that save and how to we close loopholes you progressives keep putting in there?
See that's the problem right there... The focus of the discussion is about funding and defunding... How about efficiency and accountability? We have a system in place to help our poor not starve. To help them feed their families. Why aren't we working together to make that system as effective as possible?
How about we cut the program completely And cash benefits and medicaid and medicare.... Then lets cut social security so that anyone born after 85 doesn't get it. Then lets cut all federal funding to schools and parks. Then \lets cut the EPA since it is no longer doing the job it was created for. Lets cut is all so the only federal funding left is defense and salaries of those left. You know the way the country was founded.
Ok, so your plan strips our poor and elderly from their ability to feed themselves and puts a portion of them on the street or in major debt... And how many thousands of people would your plan put out of work? Then moving forward what are we left with? how does our economy grow? How does it positively impact the lives of Americans?
In that case I invite you to my grocery store to see what I see almost every week. Or maybe talk to some of our clients that use temporary services and ask those employees to work a couple extra hours because the company is busy. Of course they decline the offer because working more hours means cutting into their food stamp allowance. Or I'll tell you the story of tenants I had to evict a few years ago because they refused to earn more money to pay the rent because it would interfere with their food stamp allowance.
Then focus energy in closing the loopholes that allow people to game and take advantage of the system... Incentivize them to work and get off of food stamps. Cutting funding doesn't do shit to help the situation. Why not push productive ideas of reform and increase efficiency?
How much would that save and how to we close loopholes you progressives keep putting in there?
See that's the problem right there... The focus of the discussion is about funding and defunding... How about efficiency and accountability? We have a system in place to help our poor not starve. To help them feed their families. Why aren't we working together to make that system as effective as possible?
How about we cut the program completely And cash benefits and medicaid and medicare.... Then lets cut social security so that anyone born after 85 doesn't get it. Then lets cut all federal funding to schools and parks. Then \lets cut the EPA since it is no longer doing the job it was created for. Lets cut is all so the only federal funding left is defense and salaries of those left. You know the way the country was founded.
Ok, so your plan strips our poor and elderly from their ability to feed themselves and puts a portion of them on the street or in major debt... And how many thousands of people would your plan put out of work? Then moving forward what are we left with? how does our economy grow? How does it positively impact the lives of Americans?
Strips the poor from eating??? There are no churches and nonprofit orgs that feed the poor?????
Then focus energy in closing the loopholes that allow people to game and take advantage of the system... Incentivize them to work and get off of food stamps. Cutting funding doesn't do shit to help the situation. Why not push productive ideas of reform and increase efficiency?
How much would that save and how to we close loopholes you progressives keep putting in there?
See that's the problem right there... The focus of the discussion is about funding and defunding... How about efficiency and accountability? We have a system in place to help our poor not starve. To help them feed their families. Why aren't we working together to make that system as effective as possible?
How about we cut the program completely And cash benefits and medicaid and medicare.... Then lets cut social security so that anyone born after 85 doesn't get it. Then lets cut all federal funding to schools and parks. Then \lets cut the EPA since it is no longer doing the job it was created for. Lets cut is all so the only federal funding left is defense and salaries of those left. You know the way the country was founded.
Ok, so your plan strips our poor and elderly from their ability to feed themselves and puts a portion of them on the street or in major debt... And how many thousands of people would your plan put out of work? Then moving forward what are we left with? how does our economy grow? How does it positively impact the lives of Americans?
Strips the poor from eating??? There are no churches and nonprofit orgs that feed the poor?????
Not enough orgs with the resources to handle what SNAP is doing... And how do you think the churches and non profits are funded? Why should those citizens/ doners carry the entire burden of taking care of our poor and elderly? Most churches and orgs are already underfunded with their current obligations.

What about my other questions?
How much would that save and how to we close loopholes you progressives keep putting in there?
See that's the problem right there... The focus of the discussion is about funding and defunding... How about efficiency and accountability? We have a system in place to help our poor not starve. To help them feed their families. Why aren't we working together to make that system as effective as possible?
How about we cut the program completely And cash benefits and medicaid and medicare.... Then lets cut social security so that anyone born after 85 doesn't get it. Then lets cut all federal funding to schools and parks. Then \lets cut the EPA since it is no longer doing the job it was created for. Lets cut is all so the only federal funding left is defense and salaries of those left. You know the way the country was founded.
Ok, so your plan strips our poor and elderly from their ability to feed themselves and puts a portion of them on the street or in major debt... And how many thousands of people would your plan put out of work? Then moving forward what are we left with? how does our economy grow? How does it positively impact the lives of Americans?
Strips the poor from eating??? There are no churches and nonprofit orgs that feed the poor?????
Not enough orgs with the resources to handle what SNAP is doing... And how do you think the churches and non profits are funded? Why should those citizens/ doners carry the entire burden of taking care of our poor and elderly? Most churches and orgs that is see are underfunded with their current obligations.

What about my other questions?

You mean there is no one going hungry in the USA???? When did that happen????
It always amazes me how ignorant the left are....As if we ALWAYS had the government feeding the people....What stupidity.
I'll ask again... You just took food and livelihood money away from the poor and elderly and layed off tens of thousands of people. To what purpose what goal? How is that helping average Americans?
It always amazes me how ignorant the left are....As if we ALWAYS had the government feeding the people....What stupidity.
I'll ask again... You just took food and livelihood money away from the poor and elderly and layed off tens of thousands of people. To what purpose what goal? How is that helping average Americans?
You my retarded friend that would mean they have to get jobs AND stay as a family unit. With the government out of the pockets of business jobs will become plentiful. You see my brown shirt friend you and your progressive authoritarian masters are the problem.
Look at it this way.... The answer to unplanned pregnancy to a progressive isnt family and support it is murder and suffering.... It is never responsibility and honor it is always blame and kill.
It always amazes me how ignorant the left are....As if we ALWAYS had the government feeding the people....What stupidity.
I'll ask again... You just took food and livelihood money away from the poor and elderly and layed off tens of thousands of people. To what purpose what goal? How is that helping average Americans?
You my retarded friend that would mean they have to get jobs AND stay as a family unit. With the government out of the pockets of business jobs will become plentiful. You see my brown shirt friend you and your progressive authoritarian masters are the problem.
You are dodging my question, can't you just give a direct answer?
You just took resources away from millions of people and made them poorer and at the same time laid off tens of thousands of government employees (maybe more) what element of your plan makes jobs plentiful? Looks like you just increased demand and lessened the supply.
It always amazes me how ignorant the left are....As if we ALWAYS had the government feeding the people....What stupidity.
I'll ask again... You just took food and livelihood money away from the poor and elderly and layed off tens of thousands of people. To what purpose what goal? How is that helping average Americans?
You my retarded friend that would mean they have to get jobs AND stay as a family unit. With the government out of the pockets of business jobs will become plentiful. You see my brown shirt friend you and your progressive authoritarian masters are the problem.
You are dodging my question, can't you just give a direct answer?
You just took resources away from millions of people and made them poorer and at the same time laid off tens of thousands of government employees (maybe more) what element of your plan makes jobs plentiful? Looks like you just increased demand and lessened the supply.
I already said.... Learn to read .
It always amazes me how ignorant the left are....As if we ALWAYS had the government feeding the people....What stupidity.
I'll ask again... You just took food and livelihood money away from the poor and elderly and layed off tens of thousands of people. To what purpose what goal? How is that helping average Americans?
You my retarded friend that would mean they have to get jobs AND stay as a family unit. With the government out of the pockets of business jobs will become plentiful. You see my brown shirt friend you and your progressive authoritarian masters are the problem.
You are dodging my question, can't you just give a direct answer?
You just took resources away from millions of people and made them poorer and at the same time laid off tens of thousands of government employees (maybe more) what element of your plan makes jobs plentiful? Looks like you just increased demand and lessened the supply.
I already said.... Learn to read .
No you didn't you are being vague and not explaining yourself. I've asked the same questions three times and you've dodged giving them a straight forward answer. Keep it up and the only conclusion is you dont know what your talking about. So i'll make it even easier for you and just ask one simple question. How does cutting all entitlements create jobs and grow our economy?
Then focus energy in closing the loopholes that allow people to game and take advantage of the system... Incentivize them to work and get off of food stamps. Cutting funding doesn't do shit to help the situation. Why not push productive ideas of reform and increase efficiency?

That's actually what they did in Maine.

They put new restrictions in order to be on SNAP's. Those excluded were senior citizens, the disabled and those with children. The requirements are:

*You must have a job working at least 20 hours per week
*You must be enrolled in a vocational program
*You must volunteer at least 20 hours per month

So guess what happened? Most of the able bodied people with no kids dropped out of the program. None wanted to participate in any of these three requirements to get free food.

So the question is, how many people across the US are just like those in Maine? I would say most of them.

I do focus on closing the loopholes for those taking advantage of the game. I do focus on those abusing the system. Do you want to know how I do that? I vote Republican, and conservative Republican at that.

Democrat have no interest in getting people off the dole, that's because the more government dependents--the more likely Democrat voters. If anything, they want to see more government dependents, not less of them.
Then focus energy in closing the loopholes that allow people to game and take advantage of the system... Incentivize them to work and get off of food stamps. Cutting funding doesn't do shit to help the situation. Why not push productive ideas of reform and increase efficiency?

That's actually what they did in Maine.

They put new restrictions in order to be on SNAP's. Those excluded were senior citizens, the disabled and those with children. The requirements are:

*You must have a job working at least 20 hours per week
*You must be enrolled in a vocational program
*You must volunteer at least 20 hours per month

So guess what happened? Most of the able bodied people with no kids dropped out of the program. None wanted to participate in any of these three requirements to get free food.

So the question is, how many people across the US are just like those in Maine? I would say most of them.

I do focus on closing the loopholes for those taking advantage of the game. I do focus on those abusing the system. Do you want to know how I do that? I vote Republican, and conservative Republican at that.

Democrat have no interest in getting people off the dole, that's because the more government dependents--the more likely Democrat voters. If anything, they want to see more government dependents, not less of them.
See you do so good outlining some effective policy efforts then you shoot yourself in the foot with the petty partisan insults. Most democrats or liberals just want to help the poor, very simple.

Maine saw a 70% decrease in food stamp recipients of able bodied people which comprise about 5% of the total recipients. Its a start, and a policy that would make sense for many states to implement. I don't think it will make a significant impact but it is a step in the right direction.
It always amazes me how ignorant the left are....As if we ALWAYS had the government feeding the people....What stupidity.
I'll ask again... You just took food and livelihood money away from the poor and elderly and layed off tens of thousands of people. To what purpose what goal? How is that helping average Americans?
You my retarded friend that would mean they have to get jobs AND stay as a family unit. With the government out of the pockets of business jobs will become plentiful. You see my brown shirt friend you and your progressive authoritarian masters are the problem.
You are dodging my question, can't you just give a direct answer?
You just took resources away from millions of people and made them poorer and at the same time laid off tens of thousands of government employees (maybe more) what element of your plan makes jobs plentiful? Looks like you just increased demand and lessened the supply.
I already said.... Learn to read .
No you didn't you are being vague and not explaining yourself. I've asked the same questions three times and you've dodged giving them a straight forward answer. Keep it up and the only conclusion is you dont know what your talking about. So i'll make it even easier for you and just ask one simple question. How does cutting all entitlements create jobs and grow our economy?
You quit that easy??
Then focus energy in closing the loopholes that allow people to game and take advantage of the system... Incentivize them to work and get off of food stamps. Cutting funding doesn't do shit to help the situation. Why not push productive ideas of reform and increase efficiency?
How much would that save and how to we close loopholes you progressives keep putting in there?
See that's the problem right there... The focus of the discussion is about funding and defunding... How about efficiency and accountability? We have a system in place to help our poor not starve. To help them feed their families. Why aren't we working together to make that system as effective as possible?
How about we cut the program completely And cash benefits and medicaid and medicare.... Then lets cut social security so that anyone born after 85 doesn't get it. Then lets cut all federal funding to schools and parks. Then \lets cut the EPA since it is no longer doing the job it was created for. Lets cut is all so the only federal funding left is defense and salaries of those left. You know the way the country was founded.
Ok, so your plan strips our poor and elderly from their ability to feed themselves and puts a portion of them on the street or in major debt... And how many thousands of people would your plan put out of work? Then moving forward what are we left with? how does our economy grow? How does it positively impact the lives of Americans?
Strips the poor from eating??? There are no churches and nonprofit orgs that feed the poor?????
Those organizations feed the poor they want to feed, their church members and families that they deem should be fed, often only in their own community. Although private charities provide a lot of help for the poor, it doesn't even come close to the social welfare provided to the poor by government. And when times really get tough such in 2009, charitable giving decreases. Charitable support for the poor which was only 8% in 2008 fell to 6.2% during the dept of the recession in 2009.
Thats funny. I wonder how he is going to reconcile being taught to hate them and then seeing his idol endorse them? :badgrin:

Its like a dude telling you the girl you like stinks. Then you find out later that same guy is dating her and you fell for the bullshit :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
See you do so good outlining some effective policy efforts then you shoot yourself in the foot with the petty partisan insults. Most democrats or liberals just want to help the poor, very simple.

Maine saw a 70% decrease in food stamp recipients of able bodied people which comprise about 5% of the total recipients. Its a start, and a policy that would make sense for many states to implement. I don't think it will make a significant impact but it is a step in the right direction.

No, it's not partisanship, it's observation.

Do you really think that some politician gives a shit whether you have health insurance or not? After all, before this nonsense started, the uninsured were only about one-seventh of our population.

Of course they didn't care. Their nefarious plan was to create more government dependents which they did. In fact, many of the people currently on the program did have their own health insurance either individually or by their employers. Now they have to depend on the government.

Food stamps doubled under DumBama. Think that was an accident? Of course not. It was intentional. We didn't have people starving in the streets or begging people for food for their families. It was a way for Democrats to look compassionate while at the same time, satisfy their real goal of making more people depend on their overlord.

"Oh Ray, you have it all wrong, they did such things to help the poor." Is that so? If DumBama was so concerned about the poor, why is it one of the first things he did was place a huge sin tax on cigarettes? After all, statistically, it's the poor and middle-class that mostly use tobacco products. And what about energy? His minions forced coal powered electric companies to close down, and forced the ones still open to invest millions of dollars for green energy. Who do you think pays for that? That's right, the middle-class and the poor. Think coal miners are rich? No, these were working people that lost their jobs, just like the working people that had their own roll-your-own cigarette shops that DumBama closed down.

Look at the man behind the curtain, because he could care less about the poor other than keeping them that way.
See you do so good outlining some effective policy efforts then you shoot yourself in the foot with the petty partisan insults. Most democrats or liberals just want to help the poor, very simple.

Maine saw a 70% decrease in food stamp recipients of able bodied people which comprise about 5% of the total recipients. Its a start, and a policy that would make sense for many states to implement. I don't think it will make a significant impact but it is a step in the right direction.

No, it's not partisanship, it's observation.

Do you really think that some politician gives a shit whether you have health insurance or not? After all, before this nonsense started, the uninsured were only about one-seventh of our population.

Of course they didn't care. Their nefarious plan was to create more government dependents which they did. In fact, many of the people currently on the program did have their own health insurance either individually or by their employers. Now they have to depend on the government.

Food stamps doubled under DumBama. Think that was an accident? Of course not. It was intentional. We didn't have people starving in the streets or begging people for food for their families. It was a way for Democrats to look compassionate while at the same time, satisfy their real goal of making more people depend on their overlord.

"Oh Ray, you have it all wrong, they did such things to help the poor." Is that so? If DumBama was so concerned about the poor, why is it one of the first things he did was place a huge sin tax on cigarettes? After all, statistically, it's the poor and middle-class that mostly use tobacco products. And what about energy? His minions forced coal powered electric companies to close down, and forced the ones still open to invest millions of dollars for green energy. Who do you think pays for that? That's right, the middle-class and the poor. Think coal miners are rich? No, these were working people that lost their jobs, just like the working people that had their own roll-your-own cigarette shops that DumBama closed down.

Look at the man behind the curtain, because he could care less about the poor other than keeping them that way.
Having lost two grandmothers to lung cancer, I got no problem with a tax on cigarettes... and as much anti smoking campaigns as possible. Also have no problem on efforts towards green energy, that is our future.

You can twist his efforts to fit your narrative that he wants to enslave the poor into government dependance so the dems grow their voter base, but its not honest. It is one of the weaker GOP talking points that may fuel the wignut extremists but in reality all it does is strengthen the animosity and divide.

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