Hannity may be seeing the "writing on the wall"

Stay tuned as Sean's little wooden wheels start not only figuring that Trump can't win, but that many of the GOP congressional hopefuls Sean likes in close races will also get the axe in the Fall. Not because of Jeb or Ted or John; but because of TRUMP'S OWN MOUTH screwing the republican logo as a whole. We can only hope Hannity figures out this secondary harder equation by at least a week before election day.

Trump is the perfect Trojan Horse...accomplishing the destruction of the GOP quicker and better than any democrat could ever have done.
Stay tuned as Sean's little wooden wheels start not only figuring that Trump can't win, but that many of the GOP congressional hopefuls Sean likes in close races will also get the axe in the Fall. Not because of Jeb or Ted or John; but because of TRUMP'S OWN MOUTH screwing the republican logo as a whole. We can only hope Hannity figures out this secondary harder equation by at least a week before election day.
Trump is the perfect Trojan Horse...accomplishing the destruction of the GOP quicker and better than any democrat could ever have done.
The only difference is that, in this case, the Trojan Horse has people in the invaded party celebrating it.
Trump is the perfect Trojan Horse...accomplishing the destruction of the GOP quicker and better than any democrat could ever have done.
Well that was obvious. The real surprise is how obvious it was and Fox News just kept giving him that assist. I guess their ratings were worth it...

...I guess...?
The only difference is that, in this case, the Trojan Horse has people in the invaded party celebrating it.

Ahhhh, perhaps a better analogy would then be the "Samson Principle".....
"I have watched these Republicans be more harsh towards Donald Trump than they’ve ever been in standing up to Barack Obama and his radical agenda ... . They did nothing. Nothing."

Obama’s ‘agenda’ was not ‘radical.’

This is why most on the right are accurately perceived to be ridiculous, extreme, and wrong.

As for Trump losing this November, Trump himself will be alone to blame.

Yeah, she worked on it but it was Ted Kennedy who was the main driver. But his party wasn't crazy about it:

SCHIP is located at Title IV, subtitle J of H.R. 2015 [105th] Balanced Budget Act of 1997. H.R. 2015 was introduced and sponsored by Rep John Kasich [R-OH] with no cosponsors.[22] On 25 June 1997, H.R. 2015 passed House Vote Roll #241 mainly among partisan lines, 270 ayes and 162 nays, with most Democrats in the House of Representatives in opposition. On the same day, the bill passed in the Senate, with a substitute amendment, by unanimous consent. After a conference between the House and Senate, passage in both House (Roll #345: 346-85) and Senate (Roll #209: 85-15) on the conference substitute became more bipartisan.

State Children's Health Insurance Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, she worked on it but it was Ted Kennedy who was the main driver. But his party wasn't crazy about it:

SCHIP is located at Title IV, subtitle J of H.R. 2015 [105th] Balanced Budget Act of 1997. H.R. 2015 was introduced and sponsored by Rep John Kasich [R-OH] with no cosponsors.[22] On 25 June 1997, H.R. 2015 passed House Vote Roll #241 mainly among partisan lines, 270 ayes and 162 nays, with most Democrats in the House of Representatives in opposition. On the same day, the bill passed in the Senate, with a substitute amendment, by unanimous consent. After a conference between the House and Senate, passage in both House (Roll #345: 346-85) and Senate (Roll #209: 85-15) on the conference substitute became more bipartisan.

State Children's Health Insurance Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I posted the fact check link. You should read it
I've heard Liberals say we have a strong economy that is trending in the right direction but there is still much more work to do. I think that is more accurate than the Rights, "we are a sinking ship", analysis. Unemployment has gotten MUCH better over the past 7 years and food stamp recipients are trending down after peaking in 2012. The major challenge at this time is wage growth. The major complaint from the Right isn't about a major economic crash or massive unemployment/poverty, or a crushing depression, or a weak dollar... it is about "Slow Growth"

The only reason food stamps are going down is because the Republicans are slowly cutting funds to it. Then there are state Republicans such as those in Maine who put qualifications to apply or stay on the program which scared many off of it.

The unemployment isn't MUCH better, only the numbers are because if people say they are not working nor looking for work, they don't count as unemployed. And since we still have a record number of working age Americans not working (over 1/3 of our working population) then of course the numbers drop considerably.
I'll start you off: $725 billion for the stimulus (although 1/3 of it was tax cuts).
You can't increase debt by less revenue genius. :lmao:

You can only increase debt by spending. If the federal government cut all taxes to 0% and had no money coming in at all (not even a single penny) but they didn't write a single check for anything (not even payroll for government employees) - guess what their debt would be? $0.

It's fall down hilarious how liberals don't have a single clue about basic economics and basic finance.
So show me where Obama spent $8.75 trillion.

You can't - you're a fraud.
I already did you illiterate tool. Post #236. It exposed how ignorant you are about what is really happening. Now back to my victory dance....


Hey - I know...why don't you tell us again how tax cuts create "debt" :lmao:

*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
You fucking moron - all that added together doesn't even make $1 billion, never mind $1 trillion, never mind $8.75 trillion.

And as Jake pointed out, it's all from Bush's spending.

You really are a jackass.
And of course you supported Bush. All you wingnuts did. Even your username screams neo-con.
You've been caught in (another) lie. Show me the post where I stated I supported Bush.

*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
You're a wingnut. All wingnuts defended and supported Bush.

Now they call themselves teabaggers or Indeeeeependents, because of their shame.
Yep, Hannity's right, and fuck him. He and the rest could have got behind Kasich, they did not, so fuck him and Comrade Donald, too.

Absolutely. I don't know what Hannity was thinking knowing our successful record running moderates.
It's been more successful than running conservatives, that's for sure.
And that's why the House, the Senate, and the overwhelming majority of the states have been turned over to conservatives - right?


*Making Synthaholic my personal bitch since July 21, 2010
We're talking about POTUS.

Try to keep up, retard.
I've heard Liberals say we have a strong economy that is trending in the right direction but there is still much more work to do. I think that is more accurate than the Rights, "we are a sinking ship", analysis. Unemployment has gotten MUCH better over the past 7 years and food stamp recipients are trending down after peaking in 2012. The major challenge at this time is wage growth. The major complaint from the Right isn't about a major economic crash or massive unemployment/poverty, or a crushing depression, or a weak dollar... it is about "Slow Growth"

The only reason food stamps are going down is because the Republicans are slowly cutting funds to it. Then there are state Republicans such as those in Maine who put qualifications to apply or stay on the program which scared many off of it.

The unemployment isn't MUCH better, only the numbers are because if people say they are not working nor looking for work, they don't count as unemployed. And since we still have a record number of working age Americans not working (over 1/3 of our working population) then of course the numbers drop considerably.
Republicans cutting funds don't make up the driving force affecting food stamps. When people get jobs they get off food stamps, more people are now employed so less are on food stamps. It's pretty simple. Do you remember 2008? Stats aside, you know the economy and iobs are much better today as it was then.
Well that would be one hell of a trick considering that national debt has gone from $10 trillion to over $19 trillion.
Due to what? Give me specific Obama spending bills that add up to $9 trillion. I'll start you off: $725 billion for the stimulus (although 1/3 of it was tax cuts). Now you give me the other $8.75 trillion.
Due to ignorant liberal socialism. For instance - like all liberals - you ignorantly believe that Obama had a "stimulus package". The thing is, like everything Obama did, it failed miserably. There were three rounds of stimulus packages genius. If you paid attention to what you government was doing instead of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, you would actually know what the Omnibus spending bill was (now quick - Google it sweetie).

Or you would know about the "corporate welfare" that you condemn which Obama gladly gave to bailout Wall Street, then bail out GM, then to bail out Chrysler. How about the half a billion dollars just to Solyndra alone when they knew it would still file bankruptcy and go out of business? Obama has to make sure his green energy pals go home as multi-millionaires!

How about Obamacare? An unconstitutional government program that Obama and the Dumbocrats implemented with no way to pay for it. Here are actual examples of reckless spending by Obama annually just to throw money around to buy votes/elections:

Forest Service to Replace Windows in Visitor Center Closed in 2007 (Amboy, WA) - $554,763
Despite having no plans to reopen a shuttered visitor center at Mount St. Helens in Washington State, the U.S. Forest Service is spending more than $554,000 to replace its windows.

2. “Dance Draw” - Interactive Dance Software Development (Charlotte, NC) - $762,372
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte received more than $760,000 in stimulus funds to help develop a computerized choreography program that its creators believe could lead to a YouTube-like “Dance Tube” online application.

3. North Shore Connector to Professional Sports Stadiums, Casino (Pittsburgh, PA) - $62 million
ederal money has covered the vast majority of costs, with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) agreeing to provide $348 million—nearly the full original cost—leaving state and local governments responsible for a small fraction.30 Even with that level of assistance, the Port Authority still threatened to shut down the project due to the enormous cost overruns. With an infusion of more than $62 million in stimulus money, the project was taken off life support.

4. FEMA Stalls Two Fire Stations More Than a Year, Increases Costs (San Antonio, TX) - $7.3 million
The City of San Antonio is hoping that there aren’t any fires for at least a year in the vicinity of two planned fire stations, thanks to “help” from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

5. Abandoned Train Station Converted Into Museum (Glassboro, NJ) - $1.2 million
Taxpayers may not be happy to learn that they are paying for one broken down train station twice. The Glassboro train station was built in 1860 and closed in 1971. Unused for nearly 40 years, it now sits boarded up and riddled with graffiti.

6. Ants Talk. Taxpayers Listen (San Francisco, CA) - $1.9 million
The California Academy of Sciences is receiving nearly $2 million to send researchers to the Southwest Indian Ocean Islands and east Africa, to capture, photograph, and analyze thousands of exotic ants.

7. Stimulus Project Threatens Pastor’s House (Newark, OH) - $1.8 million
An Ohio road project received $1.8 million in stimulus funds, despite the threat it poses to the residents of over two dozen homes next to it. Pastor Greg Sheets of Newark, Ohio’s Truth Tabernacle 57 has already lost his front yard to the project, and could lose his entire home.

8. Old Abandoned Iron Furnace Gets Facelift after Money Squandered on Same Project Years Before (Fitchburg, KY) – $357,710
Once considered ahead of its time, the Fitchburg Furnace in Kentucky was abandoned after just five years in service—it then sat unused for nearly 140 more. Now it is getting a $357,710 makeover to repair stonework on the old structure and allow historians to conduct research.

9. Power Plant Construction Won’t Start for at Least Two Years (Kern County, CA) - $308 million
BP may have found itself staring down huge financial losses over the past several months, but executives can take solace knowing that a stimulus windfall will help offset them. On September 28, 2009, Hydrogen Energy California, LLC (HECA), owned largely by BP, was awarded $308 million86 in stimulus funds to “generate more environmentally friendly electricity by capturing carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.”

10. Town Replaces New Sidewalks With Newer Sidewalks That Lead to Ditch (Boynton, OK) - $89,298
People around Boynton, Oklahoma were left scratching their heads after the town was awarded nearly $90,00096 to replace a quarter-mile stretch of sidewalk that was replaced only five years ago. Another resident, Mike Lance, noted that “the best indication of the absurdity of the project is what the contractor did with a section of sidewalk at the north end of town – one that fronts no homes or businesses, and leads directly into a ditch.”

I could go on all day but I just exposed your astounding ignorance and hypocrisy so I'll stop here and just do my victory dance...

None of that even adds up to the cost of the stimulus, never mind the other $8.75 trillion.

Hop to it, boy! Show me all that Obama spending!
I just did! A little embarrassed that you didn't know about the Omnibus, the Wall Street bailouts, the auto bailouts, Solyndra, and the rest - are we? How does it feel to be humiliated on a public forum?

When Obama was sworn into office - the national debt stood at $10 trillion. It's now over $19 trillion. It took Obama 7 years to almost match the debt that it took all presidents in U.S. history 235 years to accumulate. Those are the facts and they are simply indisputable.
Wall street bailouts were from Bush, and they have all been paid back, with interest.


The Auto industry bailouts were also started under Bush. They have also been paid back, with interest.


Solyndra was less than $300 million.

So what else ya got, retard?
Hannity showed himself to be the sellout this election. He pushed the one man from the start that is the opposit of EVERYTHING he said he stood for. He is a lying fuck and no better then thrill up his leg Mathews.
I lost a ton of respect for Hannity after he started fellating Trump. I still believe he's an exceptional anchorman and one of the hardest working people in media - but he's not the true conservative I believed him to be.

Pardon fucking me. I listen everyday. I do not have television. I only have radio and Sean not only gave everyone equal time, he actually gave Cruz more.

He was the fairest one out there like he promised.

Don't come in here and lie about him. Don't do that.
I listened to him on the way to pick up my daughter every day. He had Cruz on, but he was a lot tougher on Cruz than Trump. Once it became clear Trump was the winner Hannity was all in. I lost a lot of respect for him this year.

I actually gained respect for Limbaugh and Beck though. Beck was the most forthright about what he felt about the race and once it became clear where it was going, he didn't back down. Limbaugh has long made it clear he absolutely won't endorse in the primaries but he also made it clear what he thought was at stake this time.
Glenn is always true to himself,as crazy as he is. I like him personally a lot, even if I do think his LDS-based political philosophy of JBS and Skousen is just nuts.
Remember when the norm for the Catholic Church was to molest little boys???
And do you hear me defending Catholic priests?!? No. Because I'm not like you.
I don't hear you attacking all Christians for the action of some priests like you are doing with the Muslims ya hypocrite
Because that "news" is over a decade old junior and the church did start taking action to correct the systemic problem. Meanwhile, muslims are not only not trying to prevent terrorism, jihad, the oppression of women, and the sexual abuse of children, they continue to actively support it.
You are completely missing the point, that's ok, simple ideas for simple minds, I guess... There are Muslim activist groups all over the world voicing outrage for the actions of Isis, you are to blind with hate to see it so instead of supporting and working with those groups you ignore them and focus on fueling the divide.
Keep telling yourself that junior. Maybe you'll even begin to believe it yourself... :lol:

Revealed: French Priest’s Final Words to Islamic State Terrorists Before They Slit His Throat
No one debates that these actions are deplorable and folks who commit them are inhuman. Are they inherent to Islam? Not so much. A lot of what you've posted are pretty typical of things that happen in poor rural isolated male dominated cultures or in poor economic situations. They've happened in Africa, Latin America and other places. Hell, it wasn't that long ago that pretty terrible crap would go down and be ignored here in the rural United States. Don't romanticize the Hatfields and McCoys or Bleeding Kansas. Or some of the crap that happened in the colonies as acceptable punishments. Or what poor white farmers throughout the South loved to do to folks after the Civil War. A lot of what happened in Europe with Islamic Youths is pretty similar to the crap that happened in slums throughout history.

Biggest problems with Islam is that there's no central authority to push reform (like the Pope who can influence even Protestant denominations), a lot of Muslims live in pretty crappy economic conditions, and the fact they haven't had their version of the Reformation.

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