
Found one for Lanyce...
Hey I am real busy here at work I will get some hotties on shortly ! :banana:
Oh MAN Rick Springfield !! He was definatly a hottie !! :D
Sandy73 said:
Here is my all time favorite hottie !!

SERIOUSLY!!! We need a drooling smilie!!!!!! Oh MYYYYY Jon Bon Jovi was object of my lust throughout my entire puberty! Something about him cutting his hair short pissed me off tho... made himself look like John Couger Mellancamp and, well, that just doenst do it for me. So nice to see that flowing hair again. Him AND:

Or this one ! He was a GAWD to me when I was a teenager but hey :hitit:
lilcountriegal said:
LMFAO Sandy!! That was the exact poster I had hanging on my bedroom wall well into my teens!!!!!

*sigh*. Memories.

I had the 2 I posted also ! I think I may have them both stached in my moms attic !

Here is a grunge hottie Anthony Kiedes from Red Hot Chili Peppers
Hey Lil & Hanny check out this "mysterious" hottie !
DKSuddeth said:

since you girls like 80's long haired guys, heres one.

:hitit: :hitit: Oh yeah Kip Winger DAYAMM he was FINE... Good choice DK !
I'll actually give Kudos to Sandy on that one too.... I wouldnt have recognized him as quick as she did... I would have had to ask who it was LOL.

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