is it just me, or is Mark Levin a bit of a punkish fearmongering turd? :D

That's true, but I have many Jewish friends who sound normal!
Not all of your Jewish friends grew up near Philly.
Most of the time Mark is talking about the stupidity of the left, and lately he's had plenty to talk about.
He looks like as if Trump went to the toilet for a bowel movement and Levin was born.'re confusing him with Biden.

I quit listening to talk radio when Laura Ingraham gave up her radio show, and Mike Savage got banned. The Savage Weener was a lot more entertaining than any of them, hilarious; the rest are all just trying to copy him without getting banned, i.e. weak and tame.Savage still puts out podcasts from his website, along with some good news reporting. Example:

Rep. Jamaal Bowman and his campaign were duped by the parody social-media account of the fake “Chief Rabbi of Gaza.”

The only radio I listened to regularly was Ed Wallace's Saturday morning show and Neil Sperry's gardening show; the latter focused on plants that do well in various parts of Texas. Newcomers moving here definitely need to get one of his books; it will be an immense help to you.

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Levin has hard core pro-Israel convictions about the Hamas-Israel conflict. He's also a very intelligent conservative with ideas-solutions that Democrats hate but they can't logically refute. That's what pisses these newfangled 2024 Democrats off. MAGA
His crowning achievement was the book "Liberty Amendments"

He was correct, in that the only way to bring the Federal government under control is to use a Constitutional amendment via the states, something that has never been done before. It was put their by the Founders for the very reason they were concerned about a Federal government becoming too corrupt and powerful and smashing states rights.

At no other time in US history has it been needed more with about 80% of Americans favoring such things as term limits to Congress and a national balanced budget amendment of some kind, but it will never see the light of day without this process since Congress would never limit their own power.
Must mean something to're commenting on it.

He's a marginalized gas bag who knows how to monetize anger. Plenty of those on both the left and the right.
sounds like youre jealous of something,, that or scared,,

usually if someone is irrelevant you guys ignore them,, its only when you want someone silenced that you attack them,,
sounds like youre jealous of something,, that or scared,,

usually if someone is irrelevant you guys ignore them,, its only when you want someone silenced that you attack them,,
Well, someone started a thread of Bozo the Levin... Its not like I went out of my way to mention him. PS. Buy helium futures before he goes on his next speaking tour. You’ll thank me later.
Well, someone started a thread of Bozo the Levin... Its not like I went out of my way to mention him. PS. Buy helium futures before he goes on his next speaking tour. You’ll thank me later.
you arent fooling anyone,,

we all know you guys attack anyone thats a threat and ignore those that arent,,

we also read alinsky,,

so that being said I cant wait for your next mental breakdown,,
I don't understand the level of hate.

I caught Mark Levin a while back and didn't buy into ideas he was peddling. I soon realized he wasn't for me. So I tuned him out with no ill feelings. I had similar reaction towards MSNBC.

I can't figure out how those in media are able to instantly upset folks to such a hateful extent. Are folks repeatedly subjecting themselves to those they find so disagreeable? If that is the case, it's like purposely steeping in dog crap and then complaining about your disgusting shoe.
Levin is a genius compared to the people who are running the Country but if you are afflicted with TDS everyone smarter than you who disagrees with you would be considered a punk and a turd. That's life among the ignorant.
you arent fooling anyone,,

we all know you guys attack anyone thats a threat and ignore those that arent,,

we also read alinsky,,

so that being said I cant wait for your next mental breakdown,,

Can you cite all of this “attacking” of Bozo the Levin in a thread that isn’t about him?

I’m actually surprised you guys don’t quote the ass clown more often since he is what passes for an intellectual from the right these days.

There is only one thing in which he is truly outstanding...monetizing your hate. That is it. Fortunately for baldy...there is an endless supply of hate from you guys and he’ll be happy to continue to tell you who is to blame for you being a failure. Because, as with any cult, it’s never your fault.

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